The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 188: The Green Lotus of Creation Bears Lotus Seeds

A witch not far away.

This is to test the magic weapon refined by this wolf demon. It can really have a restraining effect on the witch clan, if you dare to deceive him.

The wolf demon will only end up turning into powder, and even Bai Ze will be angered, but there will not be any big punishment. Bai Ze's power belongs to himself, which undoubtedly gives him the capital to make mistakes.

As long as he does not make mistakes that Di Jun will not forgive, there will not be too many problems.

The wolf demon is naturally different. It is just a wolf demon in the realm of heaven. It is dispensable in the demon clan. No one cares about the life and death of the little wolf demon.

Di Jun held the mace and swung it violently. A burst of power that suffocated the wolf demon burst out. The wolf demon never thought that the mace he refined had such a powerful power.

The witch clan released by Di Jun was not afraid at all even when facing Di Jun, the master of the heaven. He had no fear of death. In the eyes of the witch clan

Death is returning to the embrace of Pangu, so naturally they will not have any rejection or fear...

At this time, the little witch looked at the attack with contempt. When did the extremely powerful Emperor Jun become so weak?

The little witch thought that this attack could not even break his skin. The power of this mace attack was directly borne by the little witch, which made the little witch unexpected.

The little witch clearly felt that his body became fragmented, not as he imagined.

The little witch was confused.

Di Jun looked at the mace in his hand with great satisfaction. Although the power contained in the mace was not worth mentioning, it undoubtedly opened a door for Di Jun.

Seeing a new world, there is hope for the true body of the ancestor witch of the witch clan to be broken, but it is just hope.

The little witch is different from the ancestor witch. The power of the ancestor witch is many times stronger than that of the little witch.

The two are completely incomparable.

Di Jun said quietly: "If this method can harm the ancestor witch, there is a problem. The human race is not an ordinary race, although its strength is not worth mentioning."

"But it is a race created by Nuwa. Nuwa is now the most powerful existence in the heaven. If we act rashly, it is not a good idea."

Bai Ze's eyes flashed, and he understood Di Jun's concerns. Although the witch race is powerful, the saints are more powerful.

If he gets upset with Nuwa because of this matter, is it worth it? Before coming, Bai Ze thought of Di Jun's concerns and said: "Your Majesty, this is why I dare not make a decision, involving Nuwa..."

At this moment, a figure appeared, with a gentle and beautiful voice, wearing a phoenix crown and a bridal robe, and the momentum was extremely powerful. It was not someone else but Xihe Niangniang.

The Queen of Heaven was extremely powerful. Xihe said loudly, "Di Jun, do you still want revenge? How can you accomplish anything if you are hesitant now?"

Di Jun's eyes were bloodshot, and he said, "Of course I want revenge, but this matter cannot be bypassed by Nuwa. In addition to Nuwa, it also involves the Creation Heavenly Venerable. The human race is insignificant, but it is not so easy to move the human race."

Xihe stared at Di Jun and said, "Then you do nothing. There is such a good way. There will still be a part of the human race left. They can still live well. What's wrong with contributing a little strength to us?"

Di Jun's mind turned thousands of times, and finally made up his mind, saying, "In this case, I will refine a supreme sword, cut the true body of the ancestor witch with the supreme edge, let the heavenly court be the only one in the world, and avenge my son..."

Xihe's eyes moved, and her biggest thought now was to kill Houyi of the witch clan.

It's just that the strength of the witch clan is extremely powerful. Even if the nine Yuanhui set by the Taoist Ancestor passes, if there is no particularly powerful trump card

It is not so easy to deal with the Wu clan. Maybe they will be defeated by the Wu clan. Xihe is on the Taiyin star.

Xihe learned about this matter from the secret of heaven by coincidence, and hurriedly broke the space to come.

Want to make this happen.

Xihe didn't care whether she would offend Nuwa. She was stuck in a dead end at this time.

All she thought about was how to take revenge. She couldn't see the true face of heaven and earth, and she never thought about the power of Nuwa Saint and the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Bai Ze said: "Your Majesty, don't you go to the sky to tell Nuwa?"

Di Jun looked deep and said: "What do you mean? With the supernatural power of the saint, he already knows it now. Mobilize the powerful monsters to act..."

Di Jun acted vigorously. Since he had made a decision, he would move forward without hesitation because of Nuwa.

At Di Jun's order, the heavenly court, which had been silent for a long time, moved. Countless magnificent auras rose in the vast heaven, which seemed to be able to create the world.

This is not a lie. There are many worlds in the endless void that were opened up by powerful demons, and they are still floating in the endless void.

Countless great masters observed the world and found that countless blazing auras permeated the world, gushing out from the Buzhou Mountain and falling into the prehistoric world.

At this time, the long river of time and fate was turbulent, containing boundless murderous intent, as if all souls were stained with blood, and something destined to be recorded in history was about to happen.


Xuanhua Mountain.

Qingyou and Kong Xuan had already returned. They had not stayed in the world of creation for long. The prehistoric world was a holy place for cultivation, which was much better than the world of creation.

In addition, the world of creation was not yet a world of great powers, and the gap was even greater than that of the prehistoric world.

At this time, the two were here in Qinghua Tianchi. Sometimes Qingyou would not enter his palace to practice.

He would sit cross-legged and practice here in Qinghua Tianchi. A long time ago, Qingyou practiced directly in the world.

The vitality exuded by Qinghua Tianchi is still very strong, and the three-light divine water at the bottom of the pool is still exuding vitality, seemingly never ending.

The Qinghua Tianchi is no longer what it is now. There are green lotuses slowly blooming, layer upon layer, covering the Tianchi. The quiet atmosphere permeates the sky, making the cultivators more peaceful, quiet, and flawless...

Qingyou looked at the lotus in front of him and said: "Junior brother, if you don't know, you won't think that there are top-grade innate spiritual treasures in Tianchi. Some people with great supernatural powers who don't have top-grade innate spiritual treasures will be jealous."

Kong Xuan laughed and said: "It's not just those with great supernatural powers who are jealous, Xiao Qingyu often comes to Qinghua Tianchi and never forgets the top-notch innate spiritual treasure lotus inside!"

Qingyou said with a smile: "There is only one lotus seed produced by the Seventeenth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus, but its grade has reached the level of the best innate spiritual treasure, which is extremely precious. Master said that the Seventeenth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus will not breed any more lotus seeds in the future. "

Kong Xuan looked at Tianchi and said: "It's a pity that the lotus in Tianchi has not grown yet. It needs a period of time to be nurtured before it can become a truly top-quality innate spiritual treasure. If it is taken off now, its power will be greatly reduced."

Qingyou said: "That is a waste of natural resources."

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