The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 184 Ancient Tradition

Mizhen blushed and said angrily: "Have you ever considered the Chiyuan tribe like this? It will lead the Chiyuan tribe into an abyss and there will be no future."

Qishan said coldly: "Stop talking. According to the rules of the Yuan clan, the stronger person is the clan leader and can better lead the clan to survive."

After Qishan finished speaking, he looked around Zhou Za and saw the people of the Chiyuan tribe around him. Although he had the help of the divine eagle, he felt a little uneasy when facing so many people.

If the Chiyuan tribe can survive in the wilderness, they must have the skills, and they will not rely solely on the prophet. He said, "Let's open the arena."

As soon as these words came out, countless Taoist eyes looked at Mizhen, making him extremely stressed.

Although the Yuan clan has begun to have the glory of civilization, after the last spread of the divine envoys, the civilization of the Yuan clan has progressed, there are still inherent customs that have been passed down, and the tradition of determining the clan leader by strength has not changed.

There are strange beasts running rampant in the world of creation. These strange beasts have extremely powerful power in this kind of world.

Only stronger power can give people a sense of security.

It is naturally not easy to obtain safety. More powerful creatures can gather more people from the Source Clan around them. Over time, there is such a tradition.

'Mi' is extremely worried and anxious. The 'Origin Sutra' is naturally extremely powerful, but it takes a period of practice to gain more powerful power. There is no way to reach heaven in one step.

'Mi' practices the 'Origin Sutra' and understands that Mi's true power has increased, but not much. Perhaps his spiritual sense will be more acute and nourished by the energy of creation.

But to say that there are earth-shaking changes is impossible.

Mizhen looked around and said: "The strong person is the leader of the clan. Of course I have no objection. If I lose, you can't do anything to my son. This is the rule of the tribe."

Mi Xian said with an extremely gentle look: "That's natural. He is my relative, and I am still his uncle. Naturally, I will not do anything to him."

If you didn't know what he was doing now, you would have thought that he was a good uncle and was very kind to his nephew.

Mizhen looked at 'Mi' kindly, and sighed in his heart, knowing that he was in danger, and he did not expect the divine messenger to come to save him.

The Divine Envoy is not who he is, and he has also passed down the practice method. He has been extremely kind to the Yuan Clan and has never owed the Yuan Clan anything.

The only thing he couldn't worry about was his only child. He said to Mizhen: "Originally, today is the day when you come of age. I was going to celebrate it for you. I never thought that today my brothers would turn against each other and make me cry."

There were tears flashing in Mi's eyes. No matter how great the danger was ahead, he would not waver in any way. But facing his father, the string in his heart could no longer be stretched, and the tears could no longer stop. Constantly flowing out.

'Mi' said in tears: "Father, he has fused the blood of the devil. You can't defeat him. How about we just leave the Chiyuan tribe."

In the "Mi" thought, there was the "Original Sutra", and you should cultivate to an extremely advanced state first, and then talk about other things later.

Mizhen's eyes were red, but he forced himself to say calmly: "Good boy, you don't have to be sad. You are my child. You are so brave. My father is usually too cruel to you."

'Mi' cried: "I know my father is worried about me. I also want to become as powerful a creature as my father, so I want to go to the outside world to train myself. I can't embarrass my father."

Mi Zhen walked into Mi's side and whispered in Mi's ear: "I had a premonition that there would be a crisis when the prophet left, so I didn't tell the people of the Chiyuan tribe that those two were divine envoys. They just knew The prophet disappears if I die."

"Just take out the jade medal from my body and make full use of it. The power of the devil is threatening our Yuan clan. You have to end this crisis. No matter how many grievances you suffer, you must give the Yuan clan a glorious future. , I want to see the Yuan clan in the future flying into the sky and into the stars.”

'Mi' felt extremely uncomfortable, as if she had already seen her father's end, and murmured: "Father..."

Mizhen suddenly said loudly: "You have become an adult today. According to the custom of our Yuan clan, you should have your own name. You will be called 'Miluo' from now on. I hope you can fulfill your father's wish. The ancestor gods are looking after you. You must strong."

'Mi' seemed to be crying and laughing, not knowing whether he was happy or sad, and said: "I will be Milo from now on. Today I am an adult."

Qishan said without any annoyance: "Let's start quickly."

Milo stared at Qishan angrily, remembering Qishan's appearance in his heart, and would not forget it for a moment, Qishan's heart skipped a beat.

I felt a chill spreading throughout my body, and I felt that the eyes of the young man who had just grown up in front of me were a little scary.

Thousands of thoughts went through my mind, and I had a plan in mind.

Mizhen pulled Milo away, looked around, and said, "Let's get started."

As soon as it came out, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn. People from the Chiyuan tribe came out and sang ancient songs, praising the ancestors and gods. The songs were full of expectations for a better tomorrow.

On top of the mountain.

Kong Xuan looked at the scene in front of him and said, "Senior brother, aren't you going?"

Qingyou lowered his gaze. He was not sitting cross-legged on the grass at this time. He sighed: "What are you going to do? He is a member of the Source Clan and possesses the master's blood. He will help whomever he will not..."

Kong Xuan is more clear about love and hate, and Qingyou is more consistent with Tao. Perhaps it has something to do with their birth. The innate holiness is conceived by some kind of innate original energy.

Whether the innate origin energy is light or dark, it has the same characteristics.


The innate sacredness transformed by the extremely pure innate origin energy will not give rise to too many distracting thoughts, and can treat all things in the world more equally, not to mention Qingyou...

Qingyou has experienced so many life and death, and has become more indifferent.

Kong Xuan thought to himself: "My senior brother, in addition to having different feelings for his own master, is indifferent to outsiders."

Kong Xuan glanced at his senior brother, and then turned his gaze to the place where the ballad came from, listening to this different ballad, watching a duel, a duel whose outcome was already doomed.

Kong Xuan said as he read: "Brother, I wanted to teach the "Origin Sutra" to all the people in the Chiyuan tribe. Why did you stop me?"

Qing You looked deep and said: "I understand one thing. If we teach it all, it will only cause chaos. It is better to make a certain source tribe strong and establish order for him. Then he will naturally spread the "Origin Sutra."

Kong Xuan nodded secretly and agreed. The Phoenix tribe in the past established order because his mother was extremely powerful. He understood the reason.

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