The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 183 The Spirit of Creation

Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed, the aura of the Creation Lord was inexplicable and obscure.

His divine eyes observed the heavens and could see all living beings and spirits.

At this time, his eyes fell on the world of creation and saw that ‘Mi’ broke the gap between the spirit and the air, allowing the blue aura of creation to nourish the spirit. The source clan was transformed by his blood.

They could not practice ordinary cultivation methods. There was a blue aura of creation floating in the body of the source clan.

The mana cultivated by other cultivation methods could not be compared with this blue aura of creation and would be swallowed by the aura of creation. The world where the source clan lived was the world of creation.

Let the aura of creation in their bodies resonate with the world of creation and get help from heaven and earth.

It was even more magical.

But the technique ‘Origin True Scripture’ taught by Chen Yuan could allow the people of the source clan to sense the incomparable aura of creation in their bodies, and this aura of creation could make them practice at an extremely fast speed.

As the saying goes, a good wind needs to be borrowed to send me to the blue sky.

This aura of good fortune is the wind, which can greatly reduce the cultivation speed of the Yuan clan.

Chen Yuan looked at the world of good fortune with deep eyes.

Three days passed in the world of good fortune.

Chiyuan tribe, in the boundless sky.


A brilliant divine eagle was flying in the sky, passing through the clouds. The divine eagle was extremely majestic, and its eyes were extremely sharp.

It seemed to be staring at its prey closely, wanting to have a good meal.

This divine eagle was not an ordinary creature. It exuded a powerful aura, making all beasts crawl, as if the king was traveling.

Mi Zhen was in the Chiyuan tribe, looking at the divine eagle above the nine heavens with a changed expression, as if thinking of something bad, and feeling uneasy in his heart.

On the top of the mountain.

Kong Xuan looked calmly at the Chiyuan tribe from a distance, and saw the eagle showing off its might. An eagle was not in his eyes. He was a congenital peacock, the son of the Phoenix Ancestor, and cultivated into a Taiyi Jinxian.

Although this divine eagle is a rare and unique head in the world of creation.

But it is not comparable to Kong Xuan. One is the stars in the sky, shining brightly, and the other is just the gravel on the ground, dull and dull.

Kong Xuan's eyes are deep. There is a source tribe member on the back of the divine eagle. This source tribe member does not have a particularly strong aura.

He has only practiced the art of breathing, and can be compared with Mi Zhen's bravery, but this is not in Kong Xuan's eyes.

What surprised Kong Xuan was that the source tribe could actually ride on such a fierce creature. The divine eagle that can fly above the nine heavens is not an easy existence.

Now it actually lets this source tribe member ride on its back, carrying him to soar into the sky.

This should not happen. If this source tribe member is extremely powerful and can subdue such a fierce creature, it is natural.

Qingyou said to Kong Xuan: "This must be a more powerful existence. Only by subduing this divine eagle in the sky can this person from the Source Clan who has no cultivation ride on it without being attacked by this divine eagle."

Kong Xuan nodded and said: "Only this can make sense."

The divine eagle in the sky circled and flew, with an imposing manner. There were thousands of people from the Source Clan in the Chiyuan Tribe below.

They all came out, with fear in their eyes. In the eyes of ordinary people from the Source Clan, this divine eagle in the sky is extremely powerful, and one attack can definitely take their lives.

In this wild world, life is fragile, and one careless move will lead to death.

The divine eagle circled for a while, then swooped down, and the sound of wind whistling could be clearly heard.

The speed of this divine eagle was too fast, and it brushed against the air, causing a huge whistling sound, as exciting as wind and thunder, which made the people of the Source Clan of the Chiyuan Tribe very afraid.

The divine eagle landed on the ground, and the light in its eagle eyes was extremely sharp. Being stared at by it made people feel like being on edge, extremely terrified.

A figure walked down from above, wearing red clothes, looking around with a proud look, and said: "The prophet has left, there will be no power to protect you, and the glory of the demon god will cover the world."

Mi Zhen's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect it to come so quickly. The prophet disappeared for just three days, and someone came.

Mi Zhen said loudly: "You Shangming tribe are the lackeys of the demon god. This world was opened up by the ancestor god, not the demon god's world. You will perish. You have forgotten the glory in your blood."

Qishan sneered and said: "Although this world was opened up by the ancestor god, the ancestor god has long gone. The prophet only got some power left by the ancestor god, so he will be immortal."

"Now that the prophet has left, this world will be the demon god's world in the future. Even if there are so-called messengers of God coming, it is just a delusion and a futile struggle."

Mi Zhen asked: "How do you know that the prophet has left? Only a few people know about this. In the Chiyuan tribe, I only told a few people. You can't know it?"

Qishan sneered: "How is it impossible? We are naturally very concerned about the prophet in your tribe. He is extremely powerful and mysterious. Mi Xian will show up. In the future, you will be the patriarch of the Chiyuan tribe and lead the tribe to submit to the 'Tiandu tribe'."

A figure appeared from not far away. The figure was very burly. Mi Zhen couldn't believe that his brother was actually a collaborator with the enemy.

If it was someone else, he would be more accepting, but it was his own brother, which made it hard for him to accept.

Mi Zhen was shocked and said with difficulty: "Why? Isn't it good to be in the Chiyuan tribe?"

Mi Xian sneered and said: "They will give me a drop of the devil's blood. I can agree or not. This will make me stronger. I will no longer just practice the art of breathing."

There were unspeakable emotions in Mizhen's heart, and her chest felt tight. Mizhen couldn't accept it, and said with difficulty: "Just for a drop of the blood of the demon god, you will pollute our noble bloodline. We have the bloodline of the ancestor god, and that is our pride. Don't you regret how you can mix such noble blood? "

Mi Xian looked indifferent, with no respect for the ancestor god in his eyes, and said coldly: "Since the bloodline of the ancestor god cannot give me incomparable power."

"What's the big deal in mixing it up? The demon god's bloodline is obviously more powerful. It's not that the ancestor god's bloodline can compare. The ancestor god's bloodline is incomparably ordinary and too weak..."

The more Mizhen talked, the sadder he felt, and said: "Since you have mixed your own blood with the blood of the devil, you must have gained more power. You have been so honest these years, you can definitely be the leader of the clan."

Mi Xian's expression turned ugly and he said: "There is no prophet here yet. He is the prophet of the Source Clan, not the prophet of the devil. Under his eyes, I became the leader of the clan, and I'm afraid I won't see the sun the next day. "

"These years of lurking secretly have allowed you to be the leader of the clan for so many years. I originally thought I would have to lurk all my life, so what's the use of gaining this powerful power? I can't be the leader of the clan. Now that the prophet has left, my dream will come true. ”

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