The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 181 The Ancient Prophet

This 'Original Sutra' technique does not have much effect on ordinary ethnic groups.

Even if some ancestors have passed cultivation, some have extraordinary power.

But compared with Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is no good.

The bloodline of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is extremely powerful, and creatures with this bloodline can achieve powerful achievements.

This is why Kong Xuan is full of confidence.

The Yuan clan that created the world was transformed by the blood of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and contained extremely powerful potential, but this potential was hidden too deeply.

It is difficult for the people of the Source Clan to really guide them out, but there are also results. A breathing technique can make the people of the Source Clan more powerful.

But it is not as good as a cultivator, who breaks through every realm.

The strength will be greatly improved. This breathing technique can only increase the strength of the body, but there is a limit.

After reaching a certain level, it is difficult to improve. Mizhen can become the leader of the Chiyuan tribe, and he has achieved certain results by practicing this breathing technique.

Even if you practice the art of breathing and breathing to an extremely advanced level, you will not be able to obtain supernatural power.

Mastering the natural power between heaven and earth only requires powerful brute force, which is still within the realm of magic, not the right way.

Kong Xuan said with a smile: "This is not an ordinary skill. Its name is the 'Original Scripture'. It is a method passed down by the ancestor gods, which can make you gods."

'Mi' asked curiously: "What is God."

Kong Xuan replied: "God has extremely powerful power, and the blood of the Yuan clan has extremely powerful power."

"With this kind of powerful power in your hands, you will definitely gain extremely powerful power. I don't know what skills he passed down when he was the first generation of gods, so I can't make a judgment."

'Mi' looks yearning, and has longing for 'gods'. If he can practice, wouldn't he be able to lead the river to the sky.

Isn't it easy to catch fish in the river?

'Mi' felt a half-smiling gaze looking at him, as if he had seen through him. It was one of the divine envoys, and he seemed to understand what he was thinking.

With Qingyou's ability, it is not difficult to understand what an ordinary creature is thinking in his mind. 'Mi' is thinking.

The spiritual fluctuations emitted are like torches in the darkness, clearly exposing one's thoughts to Qingyou's eyes.

It is difficult to observe. The higher the level of cultivation, the more Hunyuan is one. It is extremely difficult to peek.

Only beings like ‘Mi’ who have no realm can easily see clearly.

'Mi' asked: "If God has such great power, how can he cultivate it?"

Kong Xuan replied: "As long as you make up your mind and concentrate on cultivation, no matter how difficult it is, you will naturally achieve success one day. If you are not strong-willed and undisciplined, you will naturally be far away."

'Mi' asked expectantly: "I wonder when this method can be passed down so that we can gain extremely powerful power."

Mizhen took a step forward and said: "Don't worry, although you two are divine envoys, you still need to consult the prophet for such important matters. Only when the prophet says that you are divine envoys can I be sure."

Qingyou smiled and said: "It just so happens that we also want to see what a prophet who can communicate with the ancestor gods looks like. Please lead the way."

Mizhen raised his broad palm and pointed at a place.

It was not the center of the tribe. There was a simple house on the edge of the tribe. Qingyou sensed it carefully but did not find any different aura.

He looked at Kong Xuan and realized that Kong Xuan didn't notice anything different.

At this time, Mizhen had already gone to the place where the prophet was, and Qingyou and Kong Xuan quickly followed.

Although with their strength, they could reach it in one step, they still followed Mizhen and walked over slowly.

The houses are somewhat crude.

"Dong dong..."

Mizhen knocked on the mottled wooden door, which had traces of time. After a long time, Mizhen seemed a little nervous.

The existence inside is extraordinary, a prophet of the Source Clan, with too much glory.


The wooden door was opened.

A figure appeared inside. There was a source crystal between his eyebrows, emitting a cyan light. The clothes on his body were simple, and it was impossible to tell that he was a prophet of the source tribe.

Although it was not the first time for Mizhen to see the prophet, he was extremely nervous every time and said: "Prophet, this is the messenger of God, let you make sure."

The prophet's eyes were misty, and he seemed to be able to see the extremely distant future. He saw a lot, and said: "They are the envoys of the ancestor god. This time the ancestor god will pass down the practice method. With the practice method, the Yuan clan will have a more brilliant future. But there is a huge crisis hidden in front of us. If we are not careful, the Yuan clan may disappear. "

Mizhen's heart skipped a beat, her mind turned, and she couldn't help but think of something, and said, "Could it be that the demon is not dead yet and wants to reappear?"

The prophet's eyes were dim and he said: "I can't say too much. Everything depends on you. It's time for me to leave. The messenger of the ancestor god has arrived. It's up to you to take the next step."

The prophet paused, looked at Qingyou and Kong Xuan, and said, "I'm leaving."

Qingyou and Kong Xuan watched the prophet's figure continue to disappear and disappear.

It didn't seem to exist. One of them was a Golden Immortal, and the other was a Taiyi Golden Immortal. Neither of them noticed how the prophet disappeared.

The prophet disappeared very naturally, as if he did not exist here.

Qingyou and Kong Xuan communicated with their spiritual thoughts, but Mizhen couldn't hear them and asked, "Have you seen clearly what the prophet looks like?"

Kong Xuan suddenly came back to his senses and said, "I didn't see it clearly. It seems that there is an unknown force blocking it."

Qing You asked doubtfully, "Could the prophet be the master?"

Kong Xuan thought about it and said, "It is possible, but not necessarily. It could also be the uncle."

Mi Zhen was stunned when he saw this scene. The prophet left. As long as the prophet was in the Chiyuan tribe, he would be the mainstay of the Chiyuan tribe. When the prophet left, Mi Zhen could imagine what would happen in the future.

After a while

Mi Zhen came back to his senses, looked at the two divine messengers, and said: "Divine messengers, the prophet is the prophet of the Yuan clan, not the prophet of my Chiyuan tribe. He can live in our Chiyuan tribe for 700 years."

"I don't know how many disasters the Chiyuan tribe has been spared. The prophet is gone, and the Chiyuan tribe will not be so peaceful in the future."

Kong Xuan said: "According to my observation, your Yuan clan only has a lifespan of 300 years. The prophet has lived in your Yuan clan for 700 years. If he is an ordinary person from the Yuan clan, it is impossible to live so long."

Mi Zhen said: "The prophet is immortal and can communicate with the ancestor god. Under the glory of the ancestor god, he can live forever."

"Sometimes the prophet will disappear for a long time. If the Yuan clan is in a huge crisis, the prophet will appear to guide us in the direction of progress."

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