The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 180 The Origin of the True Scripture

When ‘Mi’ walked into the Chiyuan tribe.

Looking at everything familiar, he could name most of the people from the Source Clan here.

'Mi' is not yet an adult. He is just a child in the Chiyuan tribe. He is a bit naughty and ran out alone, just to find a kind of fish.

A fish he once ate... found to be extremely delicious.

Perhaps children born in the wilderness are naturally very brave, and Mi is not afraid of the outside world at all.

The ferocious birds have nothing to fear from the ferocious beasts that live among them.

'Mi' said: "This is the Chiyuan tribe. I was born and raised here. I hope that I will still be here when I die. Does the envoy have parents?"

Qingyou looked at everything here and felt a little uncomfortable. Although he was at the peak of Golden Immortal, he had not seen too many creatures.

Kong Xuan was not much better than him. He only knew how to practice hard.

Qingyou said: "I was conceived by heaven and earth, raised by nature, and have no father or mother, unlike you who were born from parents."

'Mi''s brain turned and he said: "The ancestor god of heaven and earth opened up the world. You were born and raised by the earth. So you are the descendant of the ancestor god."

Kong Xuan smiled and said: "It is not this world, but another world. If you become a cultivator and pass through countless realms, you may be able to see that world."

Mi's head was buzzing and he couldn't figure it out, and he was about to speak.

At this time, a huge voice sounded, coming straight towards here, and 'Mi' suddenly trembled all over.

Cold sweat poured down his face, and he instinctively wanted to run, but it was too late.

"You still know that when you come back, you are not yet an adult, yet you dare to run outside without wanting to die."

A strong man walked over, wearing gray clothes. His appearance not only made him nervous.

The other people from the Yuan tribe were in awe of him, and seemed to have an unusual status among the Chiyuan tribe.

'Mi' had an idea and flashed, hiding behind Kong Xuan and Qing You.

The strong man was about to catch Mi, but suddenly he was stunned. Kong Xuan and Qingyou were really unusual.

Just now, his attention was all on Mi, and he didn't notice Kong Xuan and Qing You beside Mi.

At this time, 'Mi' was standing behind Kong Xuan and Qingyou, and he noticed the two of them. He saw that the clothes on Kong Xuan and Qingyou were extremely exquisite.

The sun, moon and stars loomed.

It was like seeing the real sun and moon. There was no Source Crystal between the eyebrows, which was impossible to see among the Source Clan.

Source Crystal is the symbol of the people of the Source Clan and can give them many benefits, making it easier for them to survive in the world of creation.

Although they have not practiced, everyone in the Source Clan knows about the Source Crystal between their eyebrows.

It is something extremely important to oneself, a blessing from the ancestors, a symbol of status, and it contains shocking power.

The big man thought that the clothes on the two of them were considered to be the most brilliant silkworm masters in the Yansang tribe.

It is impossible to make clothes of this quality. The clothes he wears are already top quality from the Yansang tribe.

But compared to Kong Xuan and Qing You.

Perhaps it is impossible to compare, one is the stars shining brightly in the sky and the earth, and the other is the soil on the ground, how can they be compared.

'Mi' saw his father calm down and walked out quickly.

It was impossible for him to hide behind the divine messenger all his life. It was impossible. The best way was to reveal the divine messenger's identity.

My father will definitely wipe out his mistakes.

'Mi' made his own little calculation and said, "This is the leader of the Chiyuan tribe, the most courageous person in the tribe, Mi Zhen."

'Mi' paused, introduced Qingyou Kongxuan, and said: "These two envoys of the ancestor gods have boundless power and are here to spread the glory of civilization, although I don't know what civilization is."

Mizhen was stunned, really stunned.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be the divine envoy mentioned by the prophet. The divine envoy of the ancestor god actually came to the Chiyuan tribe. He had no doubts about the prophet's words.

But the problem is that when the prophet said this, it was six hundred years ago.

The people of the Yuan clan have a life span of three hundred years. During such a long time, only the immortal prophet is still there.

If I really think about it, maybe the divine envoy will come, but it will undoubtedly be in the extremely distant future. What a majestic existence the ancestral god is, hundreds of years will be in the eyes of the ancestral god.

Nothing at all.

Mizhen was extremely shocked. He thought that even if he died of old age, he would never see the divine messenger.

Now that I saw the divine envoy with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it. It was like a myth appearing in front of me. I was extremely shocked and said: "The glory of the ancestor gods shines on the heaven and earth. I actually saw the divine envoy. I don't know what civilization is between these two divine envoys." "

Qingyou's powerful soul moved quickly, and his thoughts were like sparks. He said: "Civilization can help you get rid of ignorance and better survive in the world of creation. Junior brother, please tell me."

"You are Fengzu's son. You have the inherited memories left by her. You know some of what the Feng Clan was like in the past. The Feng Clan is a civilized race, and you know more."

Kong Xuan was speechless.

He has never even met his mother, how could he know anything, but Qingyou is his senior brother, and he doesn't want to embarrass Qingyou.

I could only rack my brains to think that Taiyi Jinxian's soul was completely operating, like light and electricity. After thinking for a while, he said: "Civilization has extremely powerful power. We will pass down the cultivation methods so that you can learn from them." Clan can gain extremely powerful power through practice.”

In Kong Xuan's eyes, civilization is a powerful force that can freely deal with the world and nature and will not follow the tide.

Mizhen didn't expect it.

The two God Messengers actually wanted to pass down the method for them to gain power. He was the patriarch of the Chiyuan tribe and knew more.

The first generation of God Messengers... also passed down some cultivation techniques, but his ancestors could not practice them. He asked in confusion: "The first generation of God Messengers passed down the cultivation techniques, but we can't practice them. I asked the prophet, it's because the race of the God Messengers is different from our Yuan Clan, and our Yuan Clan can't practice them."

The reason why Kong Xuan said... that he wanted to pass down the cultivation techniques to them was not random, although he didn't know what the first generation of God Messengers did.

But he believed that the techniques he passed down could be practiced by the Yuan Clan.

Let the Yuan Clan really embark on the path of cultivation.

This is a technique different from the immortal way. It is a technique that focuses more on bloodline, and requires one's ancestors to have noble bloodline.

There is an extremely powerful power in the bloodline, so it can be practiced.

This technique was passed down by his master, the Creation Heavenly Venerable, when he was quickly thinking about what civilization is.

A method called "Origin Sutra" flowed into his soul, and Kong Xuan knew what kind of method it was.

This "Origin Sutra" can awaken the power in the blood of the Yuan clan.

There is an extremely powerful power in their blood.

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