The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 177: Intelligent Life in the Creation World

Qingyou said: "Master asked us to guide the intelligent group. Now we don't know where this intelligent group is and how to guide it."

Kong Xuan smiled and said: "Although Master didn't say anything specifically, it is definitely not too far away from us. It should be nearby."

After Kong Xuan finished speaking, vast spiritual thoughts spread across the world. Compared to the prehistoric world, divine thoughts could cover a wider area. He saw a tall sacred tree.

It's too eye-catching.

It is too extraordinary in the world of creation. When they saw it for the first time, their names appeared in their souls, and they naturally knew what it was called.

"The Tree of Life."

The Tree of Life is a low-grade innate spiritual root. In the eyes of the two of them, it is not too precious, but it is the only one in the world of creation.

Their attention was not on the Tree of Life, but they saw a race not far away from the Tree of Life, which was very similar to the human race.

But there are differences with humans.

There is a crystal between the eyebrows of this tribe. The crystal color of each tribe member is different. Apart from the crystal, there is no other difference.

Kong declared: "They are them. They are very similar to the human race. It's just that how to guide them makes me very embarrassed."

Qingyou thought for a while and said: "We only have to take one step and see one step. If we are Daluo Jinxian, this will not be difficult. We can watch the long river of time and destiny. At that time, our knowledge will definitely guide a civilization."

Kong Xuan agreed: "This is exactly the truth, but since Master asked us to come, even if there are difficulties and obstacles ahead, do we have to retreat? Is it difficult to practice?"

Qingyou smiled and said: "Cultivation is the most difficult thing in the world. You only do one thing for countless years, and you have to persist for unimaginable years."

Kong Xuan said seriously: "Even if this matter is extremely difficult, I can't live up to Master's expectations. I don't want to go back with failure."

"You must know that we are the disciples of the Heavenly Lord of Creation. Without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the Heavenly Lord became the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal."

"What's wrong with achieving such a great achievement and guiding a civilization? Since Master believes that we can do it, we just need to keep going."

Qingyou said: "Let's go get in touch with this life group."

Now that they were sure that the life group was over there, they headed towards the place where they saw their spiritual thoughts. With their level, they quickly arrived not far from the tree of life.

This place is some distance away from the Tree of Life. If you are too close to the Tree of Life, the sunlight will be blocked by the Tree of Life.

Being in the shadow all year round, this group of people with a crystal between their eyebrows does not live under the tree of life, but is somewhat far away from the tree of life.

But not too far away.

A man from the Yuan tribe was walking by the river and salivated when he saw the fish swimming in the river. However, the fish inside were difficult to catch. He could only catch them when he was extremely lucky.

The Yuan tribe is the ethnic group bred by the world of creation.

He stared closely at the fish swimming in the river, and without any hesitation for a moment, he jumped into the water.


The water splashed in all directions, causing the fish in the river to flee in all directions. The man from the Source Clan got up from the water with an ugly face. This time he returned without success.

Feeling my stomach, I haven't eaten for two days. The person from the Yuan clan has a crystal between his eyebrows. It's not just a crystal, it has special functions.

It can activate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and nourish the body.

But after all, I have never practiced before, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that can be induced has a limit, and at most it will reduce the food needed by the body.

But even if it is reduced, it cannot be eliminated. After all, it is not an otherworldly immortal. It can directly rely on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth instead of food.

Even so, the Yuan tribe is more resistant to hunger than the human race. It doesn't matter if they are hungry for a few days. The fish here have just been disturbed by him and have already scattered.

Becoming more alert and harder to catch.

This person from the Source Clan went to another river.

It was just normal fishing, but the scene in front of him surprised him. He saw two inexplicable beings.

He was certain that they were not from the Yuan Clan, and the aura exuding from them was not like that of the Yuan Clan.

There is no crystal between the eyebrows, but apart from the Yuan clan, there is no existence similar to the Yuan clan in the world of creation.

Qingyou quietly approached. This person from the Nameyuan Clan was the closest to them. Qingyou planned to contact this Nameyuan Clan first, starting with him.

This person from the Yuan clan was named ‘Mi’. ‘Mi’ asked: “Who are you?”

Kong Xuanqingyou listened to this strange language. Beings at their level could understand a living being's thoughts from their mental fluctuations, so they knew clearly what 'Mi' was talking about.

Qingyou seemed to be speaking, but at the same time there were subtle fluctuations, letting 'Mi' know what Qingyou was talking about.

"I am a cultivator and I am here to help you, the Source Clan."

'Mi' was very puzzled. He had never known what cultivation was, even though they were born with access to spiritual energy.

It's just contact, it's instinct, there isn't much skill involved, 'Mi' asked curiously, "What is a cultivator..."

Kong Xuan laughed and said: "Look..."

'Mi' looked in the direction pointed by Kong Xuan and saw a scene that he would never forget.

So shocking.

The river that he was extremely familiar with suddenly changed its direction. It no longer flowed naturally along the sky and the earth, but instead flowed into the sky.

It has become a river of emptiness, not using the ravines of the earth as its channel, but the sky as its channel.

The river meanders in the air, and the sun shines on the river.

The sparkling waves...

It makes the whole body seem to be in a water world, the dragon palace under the sea, not in the human world.

"Hua La La..."

In this dreamy scene, 'Mi' looked dazed and shocked, unable to imagine what he had encountered.

'Mi' could clearly see the fish swimming in the water, and the crystal scales sparkled in the sun. He swallowed his saliva and thought of the wonderful taste of the fish.

This fish made him salivate.

It only attracted him for a short moment, and then he remembered that this was a river flying in the air, which made him extremely puzzled.

He couldn't understand the reason behind it. He had never seen a river flying in the sky. Since he was born, the rivers he saw were all flowing on the earth.

In his mind.

The river will always flow on the earth. If someone from another source tribe told him that the river would fly in the sky, he would definitely think that this person was abnormal.

The river was transformed under Kong Xuan's control, and turned into a peacock, which was extremely real.

Except that it was made of water, it was not much different from a real peacock. The look in the peacock's eyes made Mi believe that this was real life.

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