The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 176 The Savage World of Creation

Chen Yuan withdrew his gaze, looked at Kong Xuan and Qing You, and said, "Master, I have something for you two to do this time."

Kong Xuan said: "Whatever Master orders, I will definitely do it."

Qing You said: "Master, please give me your instructions."

"In the endless void, I once opened up a world for my teacher." Chen Yuan saw Qingyou and Kong Xuan, looked at the small world in Kong Xuan's hand, and said with a smile: "That is a thousand worlds in one, extremely vast. The Little World in Kong Xuan’s Hands is just a work of practice.”

"It is different from the Zhongqian World in the endless void. That world is extremely vast and contains prosperous vitality. Life is bred in it and all spirits survive."

Kong Xuan also knew about the endless void, which was an extremely grand world without much matter. He said: "The endless void contains too many worlds, but many of them contain no vitality. Master creates a world of life. , is the Creator.”

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "It's none of your business at first. How are the lives in the world? They have their own destiny. I don't want to interfere too much."

"In the world I created, there is a tree of life, which breeds the life race. At this time, they are extremely ignorant, so you go and teach them."

Kong Xuan and Qing You are a little big-headed.

They didn't know much about how to teach a living group, but they had to do what their master told them to do.

I can only agree.

Qingyou remembered something and said: "Master, the endless void is outside the prehistoric world. Only by breaking through the barriers of the prehistoric world can we go to the endless void. With our current strength, it is undoubtedly impossible to do so."

Kong Xuan continued: "Even if we can go to the endless void, finding a world in the endless void is not something we can do."

"The spatial scale of the endless void is wider than the prehistoric starry sky. If you want to find the world of creation in it."

"It's just like looking for a specific stone in the boundless sea. It's just as difficult. We can still go to the four seas, but we really can't go to the endless void."

Chen Yuan said: "You don't have to worry about this. A path will be opened for the two of you. Otherwise, it would be a foolish dream for you to go to the world of creation."

There is no doubt between the two of them. With Master's ability, it is not difficult to send them to the world of creation.

Chen Yuan thought.

Mysterious changes took place, the Great Way of Creation circulated the heaven and earth, and had infinite power. A gate of light was formed in front of the two of them.

Brilliant fairy light overflowed from the light gate and fell into the Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Through the light door, you can see an extremely wild world with lush trees and life thriving in it. You can see such a scene.

Kong Xuan and Qingyou understood that behind them was the world of creation. The world of creation was extremely far away from the Xuanyuan Dao Palace. Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian was the freest life in the prehistoric world.

It can turn infinite distance into a short distance. For them, it may be a place that they cannot reach in their lifetime, but in the eyes of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is only a step away.

The gap is so huge, an unimaginable gap.

Kong Xuan thought to himself: "No wonder all spirits want to achieve a higher state, not only powerful power, but also a freer life. Power is used to protect themselves and to calmly deal with threats."

Kong Xuan changed his mind.

Chen Yuan thought to himself and said: "You can go to the world of creation by stepping through this portal that spans an infinite distance.

With your current state in that world, you are an invincible existence and will not be in any danger. You should think carefully about how to teach a civilization, which will affect the future of the Yuan clan. "

After hearing these words, Kong Xuan and Qing You felt pressure in their hearts, but they could keep their peace of mind and looked at each other with a smile. For a long time, Tianzun did not tell them to do anything.

Now when they are asked to do something, they will naturally not slack off and head towards the light gate. There are ripples like water waves on the light gate.

By blocking the world of creation from the Xuanyuan Dao Palace, you can see the world of creation, but nothing can enter the Xuanyuan Dao Palace from the world of creation.

Kong Xuan took the first step and walked into the light door. Qingyou followed Kong Xuan's steps.

The world before their eyes changed.

Appearing in an extremely wild world, looking up to the sky, I saw extremely few stars hanging in the extremely distant starry sky.

There are countless stars in the starry sky of the prehistoric world, but the stars in this world are extremely rare.

Just a few.

Hanging sparsely in the sky, the sun stars in this world emit brilliance. The two of them felt the sun stars in this world carefully.

The radiance emanating from it is the same as the radiance of the sun in the prehistoric world. It seems to be the same star, but the power contained in the radiance of the sun is much weaker.

Qingyou observes the world.

Feel the difference from the prehistoric world. The prehistoric world is more powerful than the vast world and has an unimaginable size.

The power possessed by cultivators in the prehistoric continent will be suppressed. To be more precise, everything in the prehistoric world will be stronger.

Solid, it is extremely difficult to shake such a vast world.

The world of creation is not like this.

The size of the world of creation is far from comparable to that of the prehistoric world, and it is necessary to influence and shake such a world.

I don’t know how many times simpler it is. It seems that the strength of the cultivator has improved, but the strength of the cultivator does not increase or decrease.

It's just a different world.


Kong Xuan stepped on the dry branches and felt everything in the world of creation, drawing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body. Compared with the innate spiritual energy of the primitive world, the spiritual energy of the world of creation is far inferior.

The innate spiritual energy is extremely mysterious, and it refines the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into its own magic power.

Kong Xuan felt it for a while and said, "The spiritual energy in this world of creation cannot be compared with that in the prehistoric world. I have refined the same amount of innate spiritual energy."

"The mana transformed is more than ten thousand times. It seems that in this world, it is better not to use the mana indiscriminately. Excessive consumption will take longer to recover."

Qing You carefully felt the world and said, "The avenues in this world are extremely rare. The avenue of life and death that I comprehend in this world is extremely vague, unlike the clear and lofty avenues in the prehistoric world."

Kong Xuan followed and said, "In my perception, the avenue of the five elements covering the world is still clear. We have the best innate spiritual treasures."

"You can comprehend the avenues contained in the best innate spiritual treasures. You will not be unable to make progress or make slower progress just because you are in this world."

Qing You agreed, "That's true. If you don't have an innate spiritual treasure that matches you, you will definitely stagnate in this world."

"It's hard to make any progress. This is why Master asked us to come here and not worry that we can't make progress in the world of creation."

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