The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 174 The Sacred Dojo

Primordial world.

At this time, on Xuanhua Mountain, the Five Elements Avenue was fluctuating constantly, and a momentum permeated Xuanhua Mountain, which was not blocked by the formation.

It enveloped the entire Xuanhua Mountain.

Countless creatures trembled in fear. This breath was nothing to be honest. Compared with the momentum that shook the primitive world and pressured endless time and space.

It was much weaker than the momentum that pressed down the nine stars in the sky.

But for the creatures of Xuanhua Mountain, this breath was extremely powerful.

They were pressed by the unspeakable momentum on their bodies and souls, and their own mana was extremely difficult and obscure.

They all looked at the top of the mountain with great awe.

The forbidden area in the legend, as long as the creatures on Xuanhua Mountain knew, there was a forbidden area here, on the top of the mountain.

No creature was allowed to step into it. There were creatures in Xuanhua Mountain who went to the top of the mountain, but could not enter it.

Blocked by the supreme formation, he insisted on not leaving, and then a powerful existence appeared in front of him.

The aura he emitted made him tremble, it was so powerful that he could not imagine it.

"There is a sacred place above, and we cannot offend it."

The creature went down the mountaintop and did not dare to think of offending it again, fearing that the sacred would bring down the wrath of heaven.

Such a legend was circulated on Xuanhua Mountain. A creature in the form of a green sheep, with a long goat beard, looked at the top of the mountain with great awe.

He used to just think of it as a legend. In his mind, the sacred place must have a halo of light filling the sky and earth.

Majesty enveloped the universe.

"This breath is extremely powerful. I once saw an immortal golden immortal from afar. The power emitted by the immortal golden immortal is nothing compared to the power I feel in front of me."

Compared with the realm more powerful than the immortal golden immortal, Qingyang dared not imagine it. For him, the immortal golden immortal is extremely powerful and irresistible.

His sigh, Kong Xuan would not know.

At this time, Kong Xuan closed his eyes tightly, and he emitted a strong pressure. Kong Xuan became the peak of the golden immortal a long time ago, and only today did he break through the Taiyi golden immortal.

The Five Elements Avenue resonated with him, and five different kinds of light flowed, gold, green, black, red and yellow, and the blazing fairy light danced.

Then it fell between heaven and earth.

The Five Elements Avenue can be regarded as five kinds of avenues, each of which can make the practitioner extremely powerful. Kong Xuan, who practiced five kinds of avenues at the same time, was even more extraordinary.

Kong Xuan became more powerful, sitting cross-legged there, and there was an unspeakable aura emanating, shocking the heaven and earth.

Let the creatures on Xuanhua Mountain tremble.

The body contains layers of overlapping spaces, which is an extraordinary change. The mana contained in the body.

There is a thousand times increase.

Compared with the time of the Golden Immortal, it is incomparable. The Taiyi Golden Immortal is like a tiny world, and the Taiyi Golden Immortal's Yuanshen is the master of it.

Run everything.

There is a mysterious and incomparable flow of Taoism, showing green, and between the slight fluctuations, it exudes boundless vitality, and the vitality spreads into the body.

This is the five qi of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

This boundless vitality is the wood energy. When all five energies are refined and completed, it means that it is only one step away from the Golden Immortal.

The Golden Immortal is like a substantial Dao fruit, sublimated and transformed into the Taiyi Dao fruit. The fluctuations of the Five Elements Avenue are extremely blazing, like the ups and downs of the ocean.

Just wait for one day, the Dao fruit will bloom, transcending the long river of time and fate.

Become an existence that steps on the long river of time.

There are five-colored clouds of celebration floating above Kong Xuan's Tianling, and a small fairy bell floats in it. Fine lines appear on the fairy bell, and occasionally there will be a hazy light flowing.

It seems inconspicuous.

But it is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Five-Colored Fairy Bell. Next to the fairy bell, there are also medium-grade innate spiritual treasures, the Mountain and Sea Mirror, and the medium-grade innate spiritual treasure Lightning Hammer.

Three innate spiritual treasures.

"Now that I have become a Taiyi Golden Immortal, if I don't cultivate it, my senior brother will become a Taiyi Golden Immortal. Although he is my senior brother, he just entered the door earlier. I can't let my senior brother surpass me." Kong Xuan thought to himself, and then stood up.

The door of the palace was tightly closed. This is a palace refined by Tianzun, with great power. If Kong Xuan did not have the control authority, it would be difficult for him to open the door of the palace with his own strength.

When the door was opened.

A familiar figure stood there, exuding the breath of the Avenue of Life and Death. At this time, Qingyou's realm was the peak of the Golden Immortal, and there was still a distance from the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But not too far away.

Qingyou, standing quietly outside the door, saw that Kong Xuan exuded a more powerful aura around him, which was incomparable to the peak of the Golden Immortal. The Golden Immortal and the Taiyi Golden Immortal were two realms.

Taiyi Golden Immortal is much more powerful than the Golden Immortal.

Taiyi Golden Immortal can use the essence of the sun and the turbidity of the earth to create a small world, and the small world created is not very big.

But being able to create a square world is an extremely powerful achievement, which is a line between the Golden Immortal and the Golden Immortal.

Qingyou said with a smile: "I also want to achieve Taiyi Golden Immortal before you, so that I, my senior brother, can live up to the name."

Kong Xuan stepped out, with extraordinary demeanor and said leisurely: "Although you are a congenital sacred, my talent is no worse than that of a congenital sacred. It is not easy for you to surpass me."

Qingyou said: "Although it is not an easy thing, there is still hope."

Kong Xuan smiled dumbly.

He cares more about the realm of cultivation. The most important realm of cultivation in the prehistoric world, if there is an extremely high realm.

It must be easier to survive in the prehistoric world. Although he is a disciple of the Creation Heavenly Venerable, this is only the achievement of the master.

It is not his Kong Xuan's achievement.

Kong Xuan said seriously: "I'll wait for you."

At this time, a voice sounded in the ears of Qingyou and Kong Xuan.

"Come to Xuanyuan Dao Palace..."

This voice is very familiar.

The two of them did not hesitate and went to Xuanyuan Dao Palace. Walking through the slightly moist grass, they quickly arrived at Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Kong Xuan deliberately slowed down, one level of realm, one level of heaven, otherwise he could reach Xuanyuan Dao Palace faster.

A quiet and eternal breath lingered in Xuanyuan Dao Palace, as if even if the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the sun was destroyed and the stars fell, it could not shake this place in the slightest.

It is an eternal place, a supreme holy place.

Kong Xuan and Qingyou quietly felt a breath, extremely mysterious. Everything in Xuanyuan Dao Palace was very familiar to them, and nothing here had changed.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged on the cloud bed, exuding an extremely mysterious breath.

The finite and seemingly infinite Qingyun appeared above the sky, hanging down thousands of rays of light, seemingly radiant, but falling to the ground.

But it made a sound similar to water drops.


Qingyou Kong Xuan heard such a sound, and his mind was extremely quiet, without too many distracting thoughts. Even though he had just broken through the realm, Kong Xuan, who was very happy, became calm.

‘Don’t be happy with things, don’t be sad with yourself…’

There will only be one update today and tomorrow. I have been working overtime every day these days and have no manuscripts saved. I can only squeeze out some time to write. When I have time, I will make up for it. Sorry.

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