The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 173 The Power of Humanity

Emperor Jun thought of Taiyi and asked, "My Lady, do you know how Taiyi is doing now? I am a little worried."

Nuwa's eyes reflected the three thousand worlds. Although she didn't know where Taiyi went, she left a message and said:

"Taiyi is on the Sun Star. I don't know exactly where he is. Although the saints can see everything clearly, there are limits. The Sun Star is the left eye of Pangu. You can see clearly inside the Sun Star."

Emperor Jun said, "Taiyi is stronger than me. Maybe he found some opportunity in the Sun Star that can make him stronger. I hope he found an opportunity to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Taiyi seemed to be shrouded in fog. If other creatures were to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Nuwa would say he was crazy.

The ignorant are fearless.

But if it was Donghuang Taiyi, he was accompanied by the innate treasure Chaos Bell, which was rare among the innate saints. She, Nuwa, was accompanied by the innate treasure of merit and virtue, the Hongmeng Tianchi.

It is extremely rare to have a top-grade innate spiritual treasure as a companion. In the prehistoric world, innate treasures are extremely rare.

There are very few of them, and each one has the power to shake the heavens.

A little use can destroy the heavens and the earth. In the hands of a saint, the innate treasure can exert an extremely huge power.

It is completely incomparable to creatures below the saint.

Nuwa believes that Taiyi may have achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Di Jun bid farewell to Nuwa.

Although Nuwa did not tell Di Jun who was behind the scenes, Di Jun's wisdom was extremely profound, and the River Map and Luoshu could deduce everything.

He had his own guess about who was behind the scenes, but buried this guess in his heart. Even if he knew Di Jun, he could not do anything.

Compared with the saint, his current power is not at the same level, even if there is the Zhoutian Star Array.

Perhaps the power of the Zhoutian Star Array is extremely powerful, but it is only a large array after all, and the power can reach the saint level.

But it is just power.

The mystery contained in it cannot be compared with that of a saint. Di Jun deeply understands this. Di Jun will wait until he has enough strength to verify his guess.

Perhaps there will never be that day, but the future is uncertain.

Xuanyuan Dao Palace

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged on the cloud bed, and a chaotic cloud appeared above the sky. The mysterious aura formed a necklace, a treasure lotus, and a golden lamp. Water drops fell from the edge of the cloud.

It fell into the Dao Palace and disappeared in an instant.

The invisible avenue of creation flows and resonates here. Chen Yuan's figure is not particularly tall, but he seems to be the source of the avenue of creation. Every move he makes is accompanied by boundless power of creation.

Unspeakable majesty.

In front of Chen Yuan, there is a fairy seal across the sky. It seems small, but it exudes an extremely powerful aura.

It can suppress the nine stars.

A mysterious and powerful aura was lingering. This power was extremely powerful, making the power of the Immortal Seal transcendental and powerful, compared with the general top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

Even more powerful.

Chen Yuan was refining the Kongtong Seal. The Kongtong Seal was very useful. Many major events of the human race in the future would be inseparable from the Kongtong Seal. The reason why the Kongtong Seal was so powerful.

Because a mysterious power was lingering, the stronger the human race became, the stronger it would be. Even if it could be compared with the innate treasures in the future, it would not be an empty talk.

"Why not call you the power of humanity."

Chen Yuan observed the lingering power above. Humanity is the way of all living beings. As long as all living beings are in humanity, but the human race occupies a very important part in humanity.

Only then can such a treasure be born to suppress the luck.

The Kongtong Seal is not so easy to get. If Chen Yuan's realm was not higher than Laozi's, Laozi's power of heaven would naturally have no fate with the Kongtong Seal.

Even if there is an opportunity, it still requires a strong enough power to grasp it.

The future body borrowed the form and obtained some of the remaining memories of the Chaos Demon God, and had a deeper understanding of the Chaos Demon God.

The Chaos Demon God was born in the chaos. The chaos where the prehistoric world is located originally gave birth to a full three thousand demon gods.

It symbolizes the three thousand great ways.

Some demon gods were killed by Pangu before they were born. The Chaos Demon God that the future body borrowed the form.

It was a Chaos Demon God who had not been born, which made the process of borrowing the form of the future body extremely fast.

There were not many obstacles.

The future body was extremely frustrated. After borrowing the form successfully, he got this answer that made him unhappy. He said: "The great way law that this Chaos Demon God has itself was destroyed by Pangu's power, so that the Great Way Law is no longer contained in the body of the demon god."

"It's just a body of a Chaos Demon God. Without the Great Way Law, it is not a real Chaos Demon God."

After hearing the words of the future body, Chen Yuan was very surprised. He didn't expect that only the form would be left.


The future incarnation can choose to cultivate a new avenue, not the original avenue of the demon god.

There is a difference. If the Chaos Demon God still retains the original avenue, the future incarnation will cultivate the original avenue.

The speed of cultivation will be faster, and there is no need to go to the prehistoric world. You can cultivate to a very high level in the Chaos Pearl.

But now it is not possible.

Without the avenue that you have, if you want to go to the prehistoric world and comprehend the avenue contained in it, it would undoubtedly be very simple if it were not for the Chaos Demon God.

The Chaos Demon God was rejected by the prehistoric world.

If you want to enter the prehistoric world, even Chen Yuan, who is now a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, feels a headache.

It can be clearly seen that the prehistoric world rejects the Chaos Demon God. If the future body enters the prehistoric world like this.

There will inevitably be an incomparable burst of power, which the future body cannot bear.

Chen Yuan thought about it and said: "The only way now is to turn you into a creature in the prehistoric world, so that you will not be rejected by the prehistoric world and can appear freely in the prehistoric world."

"The destruction of the great way of the Chaos Demon God itself is a good thing to some extent, allowing you to get rid of the most deep-rooted connection with chaos."

The future body heard the words of the original body.

After sorting out the cause and effect, the future body was thankful. He originally thought it was difficult to go to the prehistoric world and could only stay in the Chaos Pearl. He asked, "If you want to truly integrate into the prehistoric world, you must enter the reincarnation cycle, completely possess the mark of the prehistoric world, and become a creature in the prehistoric world."

Chen Yuan agreed, "That's right. You don't need to practice for the time being. It's best to maintain the realm of the celestial being. In this way, it will be easier to succeed without understanding the true meaning of the Tao."

The future body had no objection and said, "Reincarnation has not appeared yet. It will take some time. It seems that I still need to wait for a while."

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "For beings like us, the thing we lack the least is time. If you follow the original path, you can only stay in the Chaos Pearl."

The future body thought for a while and said, "But in this way, it will be difficult for me to help you in a short time. Fortunately, the past body found a way to prove the Tao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. As long as you succeed in proving the Tao, you will no longer be alone."

Chen Yuan smiled.

He was on guard against saints. Saints must follow the trend of Heaven's Way. He was a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so sometimes it was inevitable that he would have conflicts with saints.

If it was just one saint.

Even if it was the most powerful Laozi among them, Chen Yuan was not afraid at all, but there were six saints, plus Hongjun, the spokesperson of Heaven's Way, there were seven.

It would undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on Chen Yuan. Chen Yuan had an extremely magical past body, present body, and future body.

These three bodies could prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which would definitely give Chen Yuan an extremely huge help.

Only the world Taoist found the way to prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and Taiyi was not sure whether he could prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But Chen Yuan could be sure that Taiyi was becoming more powerful now, as for whether he could prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Only time could witness everything.

Chen Yuan said calmly: "After all, I am a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, with an immortal nature. I can still wait for this time, so you don't have to worry about me."

The future body saw this and said nothing more.

At this moment, the realm of the future body is only a celestial immortal. Although it is the body of the Chaos Demon God, the celestial immortal cannot be compared with it, but it is still a celestial immortal among the powerful ones.

What can the future body do?

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