The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 167 Chen Yuan vs. Laozi

Chen Yuan felt that he was being pulled by fate, which seemed to be the fate of an innate spiritual treasure. Chen Yuan could be very indifferent to the innate spiritual treasure, but it was always good to have one more. Even if he could not use it, it would always be useful in the future. When you arrive, you can still give gifts or give them to your disciples.

Looking for fate, not only Chen Yuan was alone, but also a being arrived at the same time as Chen Yuan. The two looked at each other. Behind the old man, there was a young man holding a green ox. Chen Yuan thought to himself: "What if that young man is in the small school?" Some are even more fairy-like.”

I took a step forward, bowed slightly, and said with a smile: "I am destined to meet the Heavenly Lord of Creation here. This is my disciple Xuandu."

Chen Yuan stepped forward, bowed, and said with a smile: "I was just having nothing to do, and I happened to sense a ray of fate that I would meet a fellow Taoist."

Xuandu was a little dizzy. The Taoist in front of him turned out to be the Heavenly Lord of Creation. When he created the human race, this Heavenly Lord put in a lot of effort and even passed down the techniques. Although he could not practice the techniques passed down by the Heavenly Lord of Creation. Law, but it is undeniable that the Tianzun in front of him has great kindness to the human race. He said respectfully: "Disciple Xuandu has met Tianzun."

Chen Yuan looked at Xuandu, and was deeply impressed by the famous Master of Xuandu in later generations. As an ordinary human being, he became the successor of Lao Tzu, and said: "I have some affinity with the human race. At the beginning, Nuwa asked me about the matter of sanctification, and I happened to know a little bit about it. Later, the human race was born. The human race adheres to the Pangu Taoism and has extraordinary potential. Since you and I have met, I will give you three drops of the three-light divine water. For Human cultivators have greater benefits."

After saying that, three drops of divine water emitting three colors of light flew out from Chen Yuan's hand. Chen Yuan didn't ask for anything from Xuandu, but he just liked this somewhat kind-hearted human race boy. At this stage, he no longer wanted anything. Most things can be refined with the energy of chaos, but there are also things that cannot be refined. This is a problem with Chen Yuan's realm, not that the energy of chaos is not good.

I helped Xuandu take it and said: "This three-light divine water is so mysterious that I cannot thank the Creator God enough."

Xuandu said quickly: "Thank you Tianzun."

At this time, Chen Yuan returned to the topic and said sternly: "This time I sensed a ray of fate and came here. If I hadn't guessed wrong, there must be a treasure hidden inside. I met fellow Taoist here. This time The ownership of this treasure is also stated.”

At this time, neither of them knew what was inside. They both came here looking for a ray of fate. Although Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian and Saint could see the past, present and future, the more powerful the spiritual treasure was, the harder it was to know what it was. , not to mention the treasures that are not born in the world and are covered by heaven's secrets. It is difficult to know what is inside.

I smiled and said, "Let's take a look first and then decide."

Chen Yuan agreed: "That's fine."

In front of the two of them is a majestic and majestic cliff. Chen Yuan clenched his right fist and waved his hand casually, but an irresistible power rushed past, running around, erasing the cliff. At this time, it became a plane.

Xuandu was silent. The Tianzun in front of him was so gentle, but a casual wave of his hand was so powerful. He could change the world without using any force.

The cliff disappeared, and what appeared in front of the three people was a seal. It was golden in color and filled with pure light. A large area was filled with this light. In this light, Xuandu felt comfortable for a while, as if he was The Yin quality in his body is slowly disappearing, and his cultivation has improved in this short period of time, making Xuandu enjoy this moment very much.

But he was soon overshadowed by me. Perhaps in my opinion, it is better to let Xuandu practice slowly. Otherwise, with my method, it would be extremely simple to quickly improve Xuandu's realm. Once a grain of golden elixir is taken down, the realm will leap forward in the blink of an eye. However, after a long period of practice, it is not only the realm that has been improved, but also the state of mind and other aspects.

Although he misses this state, Xuandu believes in his master even more.

When I saw this treasure, I said: "The Kongtong Seal is a top-notch innate spiritual treasure and a human treasure."

Chen Yuan observed it carefully and said, "This is a human treasure. I don't know how to separate it."

I looked at the Kongtong Seal carefully and said seriously: "If it is just an ordinary treasure, you don't need it, but this treasure is too important. I will give fellow Taoist a top-quality innate spiritual treasure, this Kongtong Seal." It’s all mine, what’s up?”

Chen Yuan smiled. The value of the Kongtong Seal is not comparable to that of a top-quality innate spiritual treasure. It can naturally suppress the luck of the human race. Having the Kongtong Seal can have a greater say in the future. He smiled and said: "The human race I have some credit for the creation, this treasure should belong to me, how about I give fellow Taoist a top-quality innate spiritual treasure.”

Xuandu felt that the atmosphere had become a little inexplicable, and he felt that the space had become more solid, making him feel that he was under tremendous pressure. This was just a slight change in the mentality of the two of them, but Xuandu couldn't bear it. This is what I will do. Xuandu protects him, otherwise he would have been crushed to pieces.

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "In the prehistoric world, strength is the most respected thing. How about the ownership of the treasure that will determine victory in a battle."

I said with a smile: "The aftermath of our battle will inevitably destroy the boundless earth. It is better to go to the chaos outside the sky."

In one step, the two of them arrived in the outer sky, where the energy of chaos permeated the air, which was the origin of all things and the end of heaven and earth. The energy of chaos, which was originally extremely powerful, became extremely docile in front of the two of them. The saint and the Great Hunyuan Luo Jinxian can refine the energy of chaos into mana, so there is no need to worry about lack of mana in the chaos.

Chen Yuan's whole body bloomed with boundless brilliance, and the seventeenth grade green lotus of good fortune appeared under his feet. The boundless green light filled the air, and the brilliance overlapped and covered the time and space where he was, like an incomparably majestic sacred standing at the origin of the creation of the world.

The exquisite black and yellow pagoda of heaven and earth is above my head, and the black and yellow energy is hanging down to protect the whole body. The Tai Chi diagram is filled with powerful yin and yang energy. When the attack goes in, nothing will happen to the innate treasure, but the creatures inside must be dead and cannot die anymore.

Chen Yuan danced the God-killing Spear. He had always wanted to know how powerful the saint was. The Kongtong Seal was second, and Chen Yuan wanted to have an estimate of his own power.

At this time, Chen Yuan's realm is at the third level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. I am one level lower than Chen Yuan's realm, and the treasures in my hands are almost the same.

The power of the God-killing Spear burst out.

The heavy power filled the air, and the chaotic air was cut open wherever it passed, separating the clear and turbid, as if to open up a vast world.

At this time, Chen Yuan was not interested in opening up the world, and I felt a powerful power filling the air.

The power of destruction is vast.

The God-killing Spear is a pure offensive treasure, its attack power is extremely powerful, and it is not inferior to Pangu Banner.

"This Wu clan is really ignorant. This is obviously an innate treasure, and they gave it away as a top-quality innate spiritual treasure."

The moment he was attacked by the God-killing Spear, I understood what kind of treasure it was. He had also seen this treasure when he was in Xuanhua Mountain.

He was given to the God of Creation by the Witch Clan, but he didn't care at the time. A top-quality innate spiritual treasure was useful to him, but not much.

Bu Cheng thought that this was an innate treasure, and thought in his mind: "Perhaps the Wu clan doesn't know that this is an innate treasure, otherwise why would they give it away? Even if it is not used, it can be seen."

I was extremely speechless.

The exquisite black and yellow pagoda of heaven and earth has unparalleled defense, but in the face of a more powerful force, I also feel shaken, which makes me feel uncomfortable with this creation god who has attained enlightenment before him.

Don't dare to be underestimated in any way.

The Heavenly Lord of Creation not only has a profound realm, but also possesses not one but two innate treasures, both of which are extremely powerful innate treasures.

The Tai Chi diagram in my hand turned into a golden bridge. The golden bridge flowed with the energy of yin and yang, as if the heaven and earth were at the beginning.

Yuan Shi felt violent fluctuations in the sky, as if extremely majestic beings were fighting each other. With his Dharma Eyes illuminated, he saw Laozi and Xuanyuan Tianzun attacking each other, but this battle left Yuan Shi speechless.

Both sides have extremely powerful defensive treasures.

Jin'ao Island Biyou Palace.

Tongtian sat cross-legged on the bed of clouds, and the mottos of the Great Dao spewed out from his mouth, floating in the Biyou Palace. For a time, flowers fell from the sky and golden lotuses surged from the ground.

All kinds of visions permeate the air.

The creatures below were so intoxicated that suddenly the sound of the sermon stopped, making them extremely uncomfortable. They all looked at Tongtian who was sitting on the cloud bed.

Tongtian was at the first level of Hunyuan at this time, and he saw that Chen Yuan was extremely powerful in the chaos, even more powerful than me.

Some silence.

Mount Sumeru.

Jie Yin observed the sky outside the sky and praised: "I thought that the God of Creation only achieved enlightenment earlier than us, and he had no power of heaven to rely on."

"The power at our level must not be too strong. I never thought it would be so strong."

Zhunti agreed: "It is worthy of being able to prove the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Even if I induce the power of heaven to join me, I will only be stronger than the first level of heaven, but still weaker than the creation heaven."

Heaven beyond heaven.

Suddenly the aura on my body became more powerful, and I was in the same realm as Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan discovered that a great force had been drawn in, and thought to himself: "This is the power of heaven. It is really mysterious. A saint can have even more powerful power."

The power to activate the way of heaven is not unlimited, and the power of the way of heaven that a saint can withstand is limited.

While typing, the saint, who had been watching with great interest, lost interest.

Chen Yuan's voice was loud and serious: "There is not much difference in power between the two of us, so why not let the Kongtong Seal recognize its master? Whoever it chooses will be its master."

As soon as this statement came out.

I stopped, the two looked at each other, and in a blink of an eye they were back in front of Kongtong Seal, where Chen Yuan was not there just now.

"Let's talk about a fight. The prehistoric world is a world that values ​​strength after all. If you can win, the better."

This is what I think, if you can win... why should you rely on fate?

Xuandu is bored, and the Kongtong Seal is shrouded in Hunyuan level mana. This is to ensure that the treasure will not be taken away by other saints.


Two figures appeared in front of Xuandu, taking back the mana that shrouded the Kongtong Seal. In the blink of an eye, the Kongtong Seal became extremely active, and the golden light it emitted became even more blazing.

Lao Tzu is the leader of the Human Religion.

One is the Heavenly Lord of Creation and the teacher of the Suiren family, who passed down the original cultivation method.

Kongtongyin was a little hesitant, as if he was wandering. Both of them were powerful men with firm wills and clear minds. Since they decided to follow fate.

will comply.

They won't make any small moves in secret. Their immortal nature gives them the confidence to fail. They just stand there quietly, waiting for Kongtong Yin to make a decision.

Other saints were watching this scene. Although the Kongtong Seal was precious, since it did not appear there at the beginning.

It was just not destined.

Of course, if Laozi and Chen Yuan were not there, it would be different. Both of them were extremely powerful.

There was no need to offend two people at the same time because of a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

The hesitant Kongtong Seal finally made up its mind and no longer hesitated. The blazing golden light began to fade, becoming more ancient, but the power it contained remained unchanged.

It flew into Chen Yuan's hands.

Laozi sighed with some regret, and said: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, you have obtained the Kongtong Seal, the most precious treasure of humanity."

Chen Yuan held the Kongtong Seal, feeling surprised but not surprised, and said with a smile: "This is both a treasure and a responsibility. Fellow Taoist, don't you want to find a Taoist temple? I think this place is very suitable. It is a top-notch fairy mountain in the prehistoric world."

Laozi smiled and said: "Since you haven't got the Kongtong Seal, it's not bad to have a fairy mountain. It happens to be very close to the human race."

"After all, I am the leader of the human race. I can't live in a very remote place where the human race can't find the leader of the human race."

Chen Yuan bowed and said: "Then I'll leave."

Laozi said: "No need to see you off..."

Chen Yuan moved to Xuanhua Mountain.

Since he got the Kongtong Seal this time, he planned to refine it first. At Chen Yuan's current speed, it only takes a few hundred years to refine the innate divine ban in it.

It is more than twice as fast as before.

The fairy mountain containing the Kongtong Seal was named Shouyang Mountain by Laozi, and a Taoist temple was established on it.

Time flies, and time flies.

It seems that in the blink of an eye, I don’t know how many years have passed, but on the Liguang Island overseas, there is a sacred tree standing tall.

It is filled with fiery red light.

When there is no darkness on Liguang Island, it is always in light. This sacred tree also has a great origin. It is the innate spiritual root Fusang tree on the sun star.

It was formed by Emperor Jun cutting off a branch.

The tree body exudes the flame of the sun, and the ten golden crows living on it are very comfortable, which is of great benefit to them.

There is a reason why Emperor Jun put the little golden crow on the Fusang tree, which can improve their cultivation speed.

It can help them cultivate to a higher level faster.

This day.

Ten little golden crows were bored and pecked at each other's feathers. As the pecks moved, the pecked little golden crows made comfortable sounds.

The atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

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