The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 166 Future Body Borrowing Shape

Tongtian said: "It's just a step ahead. With your talent, you can definitely achieve the same as the Heavenly Venerable of Creation, and become a Golden Immortal of the Great Luo, transcending the heaven and earth and not being in the five elements."

Tongtian said something beautiful that he himself didn't believe. The Heavenly Venerable of Creation had once made it clear that his way of achieving the Tao would not be repeated.

As for beheading the three corpses.

Tongtian was not optimistic. The difficulty of beheading the third corpse was extremely difficult. Nowadays, there are many guests in the Purple Sky Palace who beheaded two corpses, but there is no one who beheaded three corpses.

What's more, the Taoist in front of him didn't behead the three corpses at all. It was just cultivation itself. It was extremely difficult to achieve the Tao.

But the Taoist in the world is the peak of the quasi-saint after all. Although it is not as powerful as the saint, it can be said to be the most powerful existence under the saint.

The Taoist of the World smiled upon hearing this and said, "Let the matter of attaining the Tao take its course. I wonder what the saint has come for."

Tongtian looked around and said with a smile, "I came to the sea this time to find a beautiful place that can be used as my Jiejiao Dao field, but the sea is vast, and it will take some time to find a good place."

This is because Tongtian's requirements are too high. The saint's magical power can easily find ordinary places.

But it is a very good place.

Generally, there are people with great magical powers. This time is not like the beginning of the world. There are many people with great magical powers in the world who have experienced Hongjun's preaching.

With Tongtian's personality, he naturally can't do anything to rob, but it is too difficult to find a good place.

This makes Tongtian very embarrassed.

"It is not so easy for a saint to find a good place. A saint has the ability to refine chaos into all things."

"You can also change the nature of heaven and earth. Why bother to find a good place? That is what creatures without great power to change heaven and earth do. It is better to create a treasure land by yourself." The Taoist of the World said with a smile.

Tongtian suddenly became enlightened after hearing this.

He understood that what the Taoist said was true. He could open up a world in the chaos and create a piece of top-quality treasure land in the prehistoric world. It was not difficult.

Then Tongtian thanked him.

He looked for a suitable place in the sea. Not long after, he found a golden turtle in the sea, which had the blood of the Chaos Demon God.

Its body was extremely large.

But it had no spiritual intelligence, just floating on the sea in a daze. This made Tongtian's eyes light up. If a Taoist temple was built on it.

It would definitely be different.

With a plan in mind, he used his huge body and the power of a saint to reverse the constant and hold up a vast island.

The island was located on the golden turtle.

It also gathered the innate spiritual energy from all directions, countless spiritual medicines and spiritual trees, and suddenly became a fairyland, and a palace was built in it.

Tongtian was extremely satisfied and led his disciples in.


Chaos Pearl.

There is a miraculous giant egg in this bead. Even in the chaos, it is not damaged at all. You must know that the energy of chaos is the power of disorder. If you don’t have a strong enough power of order.

It will only be assimilated by the energy of chaos and will be no different from the energy of chaos.

In the giant egg.

The golden light is diffused, full of the power of the origin of heaven and earth. Chen Yuan looked at the demon god. At this time, there was no Pangu axe light flowing between the eyebrows of the fetus of the chaotic demon god.

But the cut wound is still there.

But it is recovering at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye. A blurry figure appeared beside Chen Yuan. He was not very happy and seemed to be dissatisfied with the fetus of the chaotic demon god.

Chen Yuan was a little surprised. In his opinion, this borrowed body was so powerful, why didn't the future body like it? He asked: "This demon god body is so powerful, why don't you like it? This can make your footing the strongest among the three bodies. This is the Chaos Demon God."

The future body was a little unhappy and said: "Although the Chaos Demon God is extremely noble, this prehistoric world does not welcome the Chaos Demon God. If you succeed in borrowing a body, it will not be easy to appear in the prehistoric world."

Chen Yuan didn't care and said: "Even if you can't appear in the prehistoric world, you can exist in the Chaos Pearl."

"The Chaos Pearl can conceal the secrets of heaven. Even the way of heaven will not know what happened inside. In the future, think of some ways to solve the problem of rejection in the prehistoric world."

The future body heard what the original body said.

No longer hesitated. Even if there were some restrictions in the prehistoric world, the Chaos Demon God was a scum in front of Pangu.

It's not that they are really scum.

It can only be said that Pangu is too powerful. The saints are also scum in front of Pangu. Can you say that the saints are weak.

The future body with a hazy body.

Blooming with brilliance, he went towards the body of the Chaos Demon God. He did not dare to delay too long, as the Chaos Demon God was an extremely high-level life.

Who knows what kind of changes will happen inside? Only when the borrowing of the body is successful can he breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan has become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at this time, and has enough power to ensure that the future body will be successful in borrowing the body.

In the brilliant brilliance.

The future body sank into the eyebrows of the Chaos Demon God's fetus, looking for an unknown passage, and arrived in the sea of ​​consciousness of the Chaos Demon God.

There are floating fragments everywhere, and they are gathering again. It seems that the vitality of the Chaos Demon God has not been cut off.

The future body is not surprised at all.

When he came in, he thought about what kind of situation he would encounter. The mysterious method of borrowing the body was performed, and the fragments that were originally gathering together.

Now it is coming towards the future body.

In the fragments, the future body is changing and transforming, and an unspeakable change is quietly occurring.

The future body has become a primordial spirit.

When all the fragments of the Chaos Demon God's time disappeared, the future body opened its eyes, and the borrowing of the form was successful.

But at this time, he only has the realm of Earthly Immortal. It will take some time for his realm to improve dramatically.

In the blink of an eye, the future body entered the cultivation process, and under a mysterious power, the cultivation level improved rapidly.

Chen Yuan produced the Chaos Bead.

A multi-dimensional society is in the Chaos Pearl. At this time, Chen Yuan's realm has improved and he has cultivated into the third level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

The mind observes the great road of creation.

The inexplicable Great Avenue of Creation spreads all over the heaven and earth and fills the universe. Previously, Chen Yuan only coincided with the Great Avenue of Creation on the mainland.

At this time, it is one-third of the way along the Great Avenue of Creation that stretches across the sea.

My own strength has been greatly improved. The reason why it is so easy to become the third level of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

When Chen Yuan and Chen Yuan broke through to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, they were not far from the third level of heaven, and then they became the third level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in a short period of time.

Became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Chen Yuan has not fully explored the prehistoric world, and has no purpose. He is just walking around in the prehistoric world.

Sometimes when I encounter something of interest, I stop and watch it quietly. As I walk, I unknowingly reach a mountain very close to the human race.

This is because Chen Yuan wants to see the human race up close. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has no distance limit.

You can go wherever you want.

Perhaps one moment he was in Xuanhua Mountain, and the next moment he was in the starry sky, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was so free.

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