The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 150 Taiyin Xihe

Beyond the sky, within the palace of Wa.

Within it, the Hongmeng Avenue flows, and golden lotuses rise.

Thousands of years passed, and Nuwa stopped her sermon and said, "That's the end of this sermon."

Hearing this, the person with great supernatural powers first bowed to Nuwa. Naturally, he accepted Nuwa's favor when he heard about the Great Sage's Way. The Great Way of Hongmeng benefited the person with great supernatural powers a lot.

Have a deeper understanding of one's own path.

Since Nuwa wanted to chase away the guests, she would not stay here to offend the saints, so they all left Hongmengtian and returned to the wild world.

Nuwa sat cross-legged and saw that Emperor Jun stayed behind.

Doubts arose.

She doesn't attach much importance to the power of heaven, but she will not give up her position as emperor. The luck contained in it allows her to practice faster.

Nuwa waited for Emperor Jun's words.

Di Jun deeply understood that saints are invincible and that all saints are ants, which is not a lie.

He could see that Nuwa was surrounded by incomparable mysterious power. With his late-stage quasi-sage realm, he felt that Nuwa seemed to be the tangible embodiment of Hongmeng Avenue and a side of Hongmeng Avenue.

The creatures under the saints are still in the category of creatures. Although they can open up the world, saints are part of a certain avenue, so they have supreme power. No matter how powerful the creatures under the saints are.

Nor will he be a match for the saint.

Emperor Jun felt that he was in danger. It was not Nuwa, but a saint who would be born in the future. For such a powerful saint, he was the Emperor of Heaven, but the Emperor of Heaven was not as powerful as the saint. This was an extremely dangerous thing.

Di Jun felt uneasy.

Di Jun took a few steps forward. Although he was worried, he still said calmly: "Your Majesty, I have something to ask of you."

Nuwa's mind was racing with thoughts, she glanced at Di Jun and asked, "I don't know what's going on."

Emperor Jun was in high spirits, his face glowing red, and he said with a smile: "A few days ago, Bai Ze suggested to me that there is an emperor in heaven, and there should be a queen in heaven. After thinking about it, what Bai Ze said makes sense, and I I am interested in Taiyin Xingxi and the goddess, and I also ask Empress Nuwa to help me act as a matchmaker."

Nuwa heard this.

I was extremely surprised. The innate holiness is made of some kind of original energy, which has always been pure. Last time I made fun of Di Jun, not thinking that Di Jun would marry the Taiyin Goddess, but I didn't expect it.

Emperor Jun really wants to establish a queen.

Nuwa said calmly: "I can go through this matter. Xihe and I have met several times. I will only tell you separately. She agrees or disagrees, but I can't guarantee it."

When Emperor Jun heard this, he said happily: "This is natural, then I'll trouble you."

Then Di Jun turned around and left, but Nuwa did not stay.

It was the first time for Nuwa to be a matchmaker. The reason why she did not refuse was that the Emperor and Queen could make a heavenly marriage, and Nuwa had a red hydrangea.

Based on this, the heavenly marriage among the three marriages between heaven, earth and man can be established.

The power of the red hydrangea will become more powerful every time a marriage is completed, but the conditions required are extremely stringent and cannot be found just by randomly finding some living beings.

It requires a creature with a special identity, enough to set an example for all spirits, in order to be successful.

Recognized by Heaven.

Di Jun is the Emperor of Heaven, and the one he wants to marry is Taiyin Xing Xihe, so his status is naturally enough.

Nuwa was not in a hurry to go to the Taiyin Star. At this time, Xihe had just left from the Hongmeng Sky. For the saint, the Taiyin Star was very close, but for Xihe, it would take some time.

Naturally, Nuwa would not go to Taiyin Star to wait for Xihe.

Thousands of years passed by.

Lunar star.

Nuwa arrived and stepped on the vast Taiyin Star. At this moment, Nuwa did not show her momentum. This was not the first time for Nuwa to come to the Taiyin Star.

At this time, there was a temple located on the Taiyin Star. Nuwa saw an extremely strange phenomenon. There was a sacred tree that seemed to be real and illusory. She had seen this sacred tree before, but she didn't see anything wrong.

At this time, when he became a Hunyuan Saint, he felt something was wrong.

Looking at the past, I saw the sacred tree growing out of nothing, but when I looked at the more ancient past, it was shrouded in mist. Nuwa was very familiar with the power contained in the mist.

Some relatively private things, if you don't want other people with great supernatural powers to know about them, will be shrouded in fog, but with the magical powers of a saint, you can completely see the scene inside.

But this mysterious mist is different.

The power contained in the mist was extremely powerful. Nuwa did not continue to observe. She knew who left the mist.

There is a palace located under the laurel tree, which is beautiful. There is a goddess in front. When she saw Nuwa's arrival, she came over to welcome her. She had met Nuwa several times. Although there were many female fairies in the ancient world.

But there are only a few who are truly powerful. Xihe is one, Wangshu is one, and the Queen Mother of the West is one.

Xihe welcomed Nuwa into Guanghan Palace, served tea, and wondered: "Why did Nuwa come here in such a free time? This is because I found a high-grade innate spiritual root in the wilderness, with crystal petals on it. The cold spring soaked in it can calm the mind and calm the mind."

Nuwa took a sip and felt refreshed. She praised: "Good tea, it makes my mind more peaceful." She put down the cup and said: "Coming here this time is a happy event for you. I also asked you if you agree. agree."

Xihe was a little confused and asked, "I don't know what's going on."

Xi He and Chang Xi lived in the Taiyin Star all year round and rarely visited the ancient world, but they didn't know where happiness came from.

Nuwa glanced at the puzzled Xi He, with a hint of smile in her expression, and explained: "Emperor Jun said that he wanted to marry you and make you the Queen of Heaven. I was entrusted by him to propose marriage."

Di Junxihe is no stranger.

As the innate sanctity conceived by the Taiyin Star, he was naturally more concerned about the innate sanctity conceived by the Sun Star. Sometimes Di Jun would come to the Taiyin Star, but Xihe did not expect that Di Jun would have such an idea.

Her expression changed endlessly.

He also invited Nuwa to be a matchmaker, which made her feel the sincerity in it. If the previous Nuwa came, it would be nothing.

But at this time, Nuwa's identity was different. She became a saint and had an extraordinary status in the ancient world. The thoughts in her heart turned over and over again, and she said: "I am an innate saint. I never thought that Emperor Jun would propose marriage. It’s hard to decide the time.”

Nuwa said calmly: "Actually, there is another reason why Emperor Jun came to propose marriage. The Zhoutian Star Formation is inferior to the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation."

"Among them, the people in the main formation of the Taiyin Star are not the innate saints born from the Taiyin Star. This is a flaw that makes the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation inferior to that of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation."

Xihe's expression changed.

Anyone with great supernatural powers has known about the great formation of stars in heaven. Xihe knows more about it than other great supernatural powers.

She is a lunar star spirit and can feel the changes in the power of the lunar star.

When the Zhoutian Star Array was being formed, the boundless power of the Lunar Star was aroused. She could clearly feel this process. Not only could she feel it, but she could also stop it.

Let the power of the Taiyin Star not be mobilized by the Zhoutian Star Array.

Xihe can definitely do it. She is a hidden danger to the heaven. If the next time the Zhoutian star formation is arranged, she has the power to stop the lunar star.

Although it won't fail to be arranged, the power will definitely be greatly reduced. The next time it collides with the Witch Clan, it will be extremely dangerous.

Xihe looked into the starry sky.

Seeing the sun star that was brighter than usual, her expression was a little complicated. She understood that Di Jun would not let her go if the saint did not agree to the marriage proposal this time.

Next time, maybe he will convince others with force and sigh: "I agree, I don't hate Di Jun after all."

But I can’t say I like it.

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