The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 149: The Cultivation of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian

In Xuanyuan Palace.

Chen Yuan felt his own state before becoming Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

I have had all kinds of conjectures. At this time, I calmed down and sorted myself out.

Thinking about the future path of practice, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not the end of practice. Seeing how vast the world opened up by the ancestor god Pangu is, Chen Yuan became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at this time.

But it cannot open up such a vast world. Even if the world is opened, it can still exist in chaos.

Chaos is nothing.

Perhaps in the depths of chaos, there is a world created by powerful beings, where all living beings survive.

For Chen Yuan, the prehistoric world at this time was still a treasure land for cultivation. It was not like the chaos where there was nothing. Although there was a great avenue, it was extremely vague.

Unlike in the prehistoric world, the road is clear, and it can be achieved in a shorter time in the prehistoric world.

Achieve a higher realm.

Chen Yuan naturally would not have the idea of ​​​​creating chaos. At most, he would open up a vast world in chaos in the future.

Figure out your own path...

Becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is consistent with the Great Way of Creation. The consistent Great Way of Creation is not the entire Great Way of Creation.

Just part of it.

The Avenue of Creation spreads all over the prehistoric world, including the boundless starry sky, endless void, the sky beyond the sky, and the Netherworld. At this time, the Netherworld is not very conspicuous in the prehistoric world.

Such a vast place.

The Avenue of Creation is everywhere. What Chen Yuan is connecting with now is the Avenue of Creation in the ancient continent. If one day all the Avenues of Creation are connected, it will be a brand new world.

Feeling his own state, he is at the peak of the second heaven of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Chen Yuan had just made a breakthrough and became the pinnacle of the second heaven of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian had twelve heavens. The cultivation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was consistent with more great ways of creation.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has an immortal body. Even if he encounters a more powerful existence, he will only be sealed.

This gave Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian the capital to come back.

If you want to achieve the twelfth level of Hunyuan faster, you need the help of the luck of heaven and earth. Luck is the original power of the universe in the prehistoric world and will increase the speed of cultivation.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is still effective.

Chen Yuan couldn't help but look at the universe. Without the assistance of luck, the speed of cultivation would be slow. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was equivalent to a vast space of time.

It is very difficult for such a vast Hunyuan body to make progress. All things in the universe are meaningless to the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, which itself can create everything in the world.

Whatever you want can be created using the energy of chaos.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's ability to create all things has its limits, and some extremely powerful things cannot be created.

In an ordinary world, the luck you have will not be so powerful. The effect of luck in the ancient world is huge. The stronger the world, the stronger the luck will be.

Some of the destiny of the human race merged into Chen Yuan's destiny. He participated in the creation process of the human race, although he actually created the human race's Nuwa.

But he provided Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and Three Lights Divine Water.

He also passed down the basic cultivation methods among the human race, making them grateful to him. With the cultivation methods, they can gain more powerful power.

Thirty percent of the human race's luck merged into Chen Yuan's luck. At this time, the human race's luck was not so majestic and vast because of the race formed by Pangu Taoism.

Seem special.

Even if they are special, their luck is many times worse than that of the two Lich clans, but the human race has great potential.

Chen Yuan continued to align with the Avenue of Creation, and aligned with more Avenues of Creation. The mystery contained in that part of the Avenue of Creation made Chen Yuan understand it, until one day.

It is all consistent with the great path of creation in the prehistoric world.

During this process, Chen Yuan could feel that there was Nuwa's aura in Hongmeng Avenue, which was obviously connecting to more Hongmeng Avenue.

I understand in my heart.

The biggest difference between a saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is that the saint's Hunyuan state is replaced by Hongmeng purple energy. He can use the power of heaven, and the saint has a closer relationship with heaven.

The way of heaven has a stronger binding force on saints.

The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is different. It is just consistent with the Great Way of Creation and is freer than a saint. However, since it exists in the prehistoric world, it will be bound by the way of heaven to some extent.

Chen Yuan had various speculations about what the Way of Heaven was.

It's not as clear as it is now. In Chen Yuan's opinion, it should be a method left by the ancestor god Pangu to maintain the prehistoric world. Although the way of heaven is extremely powerful.

But also subject to certain rules, Hongmeng Ziqi emerged. Saints replaced the way of heaven to safeguard the ancient world, and saints had an extraordinary status.

Saints must promote the general trend of Heaven's way, but they must not defy the general trend of Heaven's way.

This is the answer Chen Yuan got from becoming the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian and having a deeper understanding of the prehistoric world.

The human race has become the protagonist of the world.

It is the general trend of heaven that Chen Yuan is happy to see. For Chen Yuan, the human race is different after all.

Chen Yuan said: "Taiyi wants to escape from the catastrophe, to attain the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, or to obtain the same power."

If he didn't get such power in the end, even if Chen Yuan was willing to help.

It is not an easy task. It seems to Chen Yuan that other saints are about to be born. He can resist one saint, but there will be more than one saint.

Among the sun stars.

At this time, while refining the sun's origin divine bead, the boundless and mysterious Sun Avenue was introduced into Taiyi's soul, allowing Taiyi's lineage to continue to grow.

Taiyi has lost all sense of the outside world. He holds the Chaos Bell in his arms, and the golden mana around him emanates and flows towards the Sun Origin Divine Pearl.

Consume boundless mana.

In the Sun Star, there is boundless Sun True Fire. Taiyi transforms the Sun True Fire into mana. In the process of refining the incomparable Sun True Fire and transforming it into mana.

An incomparably huge vortex is formed.

In the vortex.

The incomparably tiny Sun Origin Divine Pearl does not move. No matter how powerful the power outside is, it will not make it shake at all. If it were not for Taiyi as a coordinate, Chen Yuan would not be able to find such a place.

Feeling that Taiyi's Taoism is gradually increasing.

Turning his eyes to look at the Sun Origin Divine Pearl, in the eyes of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, that Sun Origin Divine Pearl is boundlessly mysterious and not very clear.

If Taiyi is not the Sun Star Spirit, don't even think about refining the Sun Origin Divine Pearl. Maybe it is in the Taiyin Star.

There is a Taiyin Star Origin Divine Pearl.

It takes Taiyi a very long time to wake up. The next time Taiyi appears, he will definitely be reborn.

Go to the next level.

Chen Yuan couldn't figure out whether he could achieve the Hunyuan state or the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He could only know when Taiyi woke up.

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