The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 147 Three-Nothing Daluo Jinxian

In front of Suiren's family.

There is a flame rising and falling, which is the holy fire of humanity. It is the fire used by hundreds of millions of people in the future and carries the hope of the human race.

Illuminating the unknown road ahead, breaking through the fog, dispelling the darkness, immeasurable merit.

Daluo Jinxian was extremely powerful in the prehistoric world.

Feeling the power contained in himself, Suiren was extremely shocked. He had never thought that lighting a fire would produce such a powerful force.

He was just an ordinary Earth Immortal just now.

There are introductions to the techniques of the Heavenly Lord of Creation. The realms are: Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Golden Immortal, Taiyi, Daluo, Quasi-Sage, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In the blink of an eye, we have reached the late stage of Daluo Jinxian. Suiren relied on his merits to become Daluo Jinxian, not on the hard work of countless Yuanhui.

Although the power is real, the Taoist heart and many aspects are extremely lacking.

His true spirit was brought back to the soul by his merits. How he entered the river of time and destiny is unknown.

There is so much to learn.

Even Taiyi Golden Immortal may not be able to defeat him. He is the most powerful Daluo Golden Immortal in the prehistoric world.

The Suiren clan headed towards the gathering place of the human race and felt the changes in themselves on the way back.

There is a figure ahead.

Suiren came over and found that he was actually the God of Creation who participated in the creation of the human race. He said respectfully: "Tianzun."

Chen Yuan looked at a ball of flame in his hand.

It may not seem powerful, but with the development of the human race, its power will no longer be weaker than the best innate spiritual treasure in the future. It looks like a ball of flame.

It is a humane holy weapon to a certain extent. The Chen Yuan here at this time is not his true body, but a divine thought, saying: "You found the flame, opened up civilization, and no longer drank hair and blood."

There is something different about the Suiren family in Chen Yuan's mind.

It was Nuwa who imitated him, because she was imitated by Chen Yuan. The Suiren family has different wisdom. Chen Yuan is the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo who is in harmony with the Great Way of Creation.

To imitate him is to imitate the great way of creation.

It also made the Suiren family more intelligent, ignited the flame and became the Da Luo Jinxian. He became a Da Luo Jinxian full of moisture, which made Chen Yuan a little bit unable to stand it.

Suiren heard Tianzun's praise and said happily: "I just saw the food that had been burned by fire, and it was fragrant. I took it back to the tribe and found that the tribe loved it."

"I just want to find a way to generate flames. Most of the tribesmen do not have the realm of earthly immortals and need to eat. Many of the tribesmen who were created by the empress also suffered many casualties."

Was killed by wild beasts.

Any creature in the prehistoric world cannot be viewed according to common sense. Because of its innate aura, everything in this environment has the possibility of being psychic.

In the innate aura, there will be extraordinary power. Even if the spiritual intelligence is not activated, it will not prevent the beast from having powerful power.

Perhaps the ancestor of this beast has the blood of dragons, or the blood of Qilin. All kinds of extremely powerful bloodlines will make the beast even more powerful.

Powerful beyond imagination.

Chen Yuan said: "I think you became the Great Luo Jinxian, but you only achieved it with boundless merit. In the past, there were also merits that fell."

"But the creatures that have gained merit are all powerful beings. They have deep foundations and can withstand the power of increasing merit."

"But you are different. You have no foundation, no realm, and three Wu Daluo Jinxian level skills. You have no understanding of such a powerful power. You are a Three Wus Daluo Jinxian."

Hearing Tianzun's words, a flash of light flashed in his heart. He was an extremely smart person, and he even became the Great Luo Jinxian.

Although he has not mastered other skills, his soul is vast and his thinking speed is no worse than that of the real Daluo Jinxian.

It's just that I lack a lot of knowledge. Fu Zhixin knelt on his knees and said: "Tianzun, I only had the realm of earth immortals before, and I can only barely pass among the earth immortals."

"Under the influence of merit, I became a Daluo Jinxian. Now I meet Tianzun coming to this world, and I hope to receive Tianzun's teachings."

Chen Yuan was wearing the Riyue Mountain River robe, with a solemn look on his face, and said seriously: "It is you and me who are destined. After I became enlightened, countless people with great supernatural powers came to congratulate me. Among them was Nuwa, who asked me for advice on how to become a saint."

"I gave her guidance. At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, Nuwa realized the opportunity to become a saint, and created the human race in the form of Pangu, the first human race to be created."

"It was Nuwa who imitated my face and created you, but I have become a Taoist, the only one in the world, but you and I are somewhat similar. This is the fate between you and me. From now on, you will be my third disciple."

Suiren heard these secrets and the process of how the Holy Mother created them. If Tianzun hadn't told him, he wouldn't have understood. Then he performed the apprenticeship ceremony and said respectfully: "Disciple pays homage to the master and wishes the master immortality. "

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "If you say that others are immortal, it is meant to be a compliment, but I am the real immortal god."

"You go back first and tell the tribe what you discovered and teach them how to use fire. Then you come here to find me."

Hearing this, Suiren was extremely shocked when Tianzun said that he was immortal. He had seen many lives and deaths.

I thought that all beings in this world would experience life and death. I never imagined that there really was an immortal deity who could become my master, even though I was extremely shocked.

But the master asked him to go back first and tell his tribe how to use the flame.

Suiren didn't hesitate and said, "Master, I will go first."

The Suiren clan has extraordinary prestige among the human race. He was the first human race to be created, and he was also the strongest among the human race.

A woman came over and said with lingering fear: "Just now there was an endless pressure filling the world. I don't know how powerful it is. If it comes to our human race, it will be dangerous."

Suiren looked at this woman who was born later than him and comforted her: "Don't worry, I released the endless pressure. This valley is very safe. There are laws covering the world. As long as we don't go out, there won't be much danger."

The woman didn't quite understand, especially because she knew Suiren's strength. He was stronger than her, but also limited. She was shocked and said: "How did you become so powerful in the blink of an eye?"

Suiren saw the tribesmen playing and fighting, and his voice filled the sky. He said loudly: "I found the use of fire and found a way to make fire."

At first, the human race was very unfamiliar with fire.

But under Suiren's guidance, they became familiar with it and gradually liked it. They found that eating food that had been burned by fire could make the body healthier.

Some uncomfortable conditions of the body are decreasing.

Human beings like to use fire and have great respect for Suiren, who discovered fire.

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