The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 146: Nuwa Creates the World

A loud sound of Taoism resounded through the chaos.

Under the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, the boundless chaotic air was cut apart, and the chaotic air that was originally one and the same was divided into clear and turbid air.

Countless groups of clear and turbid air rose and fell in the chaos, covering an extremely vast area.

They all marveled at the saint's magical powers.

He could open up the world in the chaos. After this incident, it was confirmed that the saint should not be offended.

A picture appeared in Nuwa's hand.

There were boundless beautiful scenery, the heaven and earth contained, and the five-color light filled the world.

It left Nuwa's palm and became extremely vast, separating the clear and turbid, turning the innate clear air into the boundless sky, and the innate turbid air into the boundless earth. When the heaven and earth were stable, Nuwa took back the map of mountains, rivers, and states.

The saint opened up the world without the sun, moon, and stars. This world is Nuwa's small world, and there will be no projection of the sun, moon, and stars.

Nuwa created a new world.

Go to the chaos to collect boundless chaotic energy and refine the Zhoutian stars. She has seen the Zhoutian star formation and has a deep understanding of this formation.

Refined 365 Zhoutian stars.

Hanging in the boundless sky, Nuwa felt that the world was much more stable. She knew that the real use of the Zhoutian stars was to stabilize the prehistoric world. As for the Zhoutian star formation that relied on the Zhoutian stars.

It was just a display of part of the power of the Zhoutian stars.

The stars that Nuwa refined were more than the number of Zhoutian, there were hundreds of millions, with the Zhoutian stars being the largest, and the other stars were just embellishments.

Nuwa threw out a palace.

There was an innate divine text writing the three words "Wuhuang Palace". It was a palace refined with chaotic energy. The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian had the ability to refine things in the void.

As long as there was chaotic energy, treasures could be refined.

The Wahuang Palace was thrown by Nuwa to the largest mountain range. Looking at the world she had opened up, she nodded slightly, and her soul merged with the world.

Running the world, the universe, originally exposed to the chaos, has a world fetal membrane composed of the Great Meng Dao, which means that this world can exist in the chaos.

Seeing a world of great powers being created from nothing in front of him.

Let the great supernatural power person admire the achievements of the saints. Although a world can be opened up in the endless void, it is completely inferior to opening up the world in the chaos. Pangu Zushen also opened up the prehistoric world in the chaos.

Although the world of great powers cannot be compared with Pangu's world, at least they are all opened up in the chaos.

Nuwa looked at the world in front of her and said, "This world will be called Hongmengtian in the future."

Nuwa turned to look at the great supernatural power person and said, "My fellow Taoists, I will start to talk about the Great Meng Dao in this Wahuang Palace. Please come in if you are willing to listen."

Nuwa separated the fetal membrane of heaven and earth and went to the Wahuang Palace. The great supernatural power person felt the newly opened world of great powers and found that the Great Meng Dao ran the world.

Arrived in the Wahuang Palace.

Nuwa sat at the head, and Di Jun came forward to congratulate her. Nuwa was a little surprised to find that Taiyi did not come. She searched the world with her eyes, but did not see Taiyi.

She only knew that Taiyi returned to the Sun Star, but could not see Taiyi.

It was a little strange.

Nuwa then preached the Great Dao of Hongmeng, and the mysterious Great Dao of Hongmeng came out of Nuwa's mouth.


The human race has evolved for thousands of years.

There have been great changes.

The number of human race has increased greatly, not just the original 129,600 human races, but millions of human races have been born.

But the human race born later is very different from the first batch of human races created by Nuwa. The human race created by the saint Nuwa has the realm of earth immortals.

Born with the primordial spirit, even if you don't eat or drink, you can survive in the prehistoric world.

But the human race born later has no primordial spirit.

The realm refreshed the lower limit of the prehistoric world, and some did not have a trace of realm at all, the primordial spirit disappeared, and was replaced by the soul.

This makes it easy for the human race to die. A little danger can cost their lives. Some human races rely on the cultivation method left by Chen Yuan.

Became a true earthly immortal, with all the power of earthly immortals.

This is the first human race created by Nuwa, and is somewhat similar to Chen Yuan. This person accidentally saw a strange thing. A ball of sky fire fell from the sky, turning an area into a sea of ​​fire, and some creatures were trapped in it.

The last human race smelled a fragrance.

After tasting it, he found that it was more delicious than raw food. With an idea in his mind, he found an ordinary animal and put it on the flame. The food he got in the end tasted the same as before.

He couldn't help but want to save the flame, but the flame would disappear. Although he was an earthly immortal, he didn't learn any spells, didn't understand the principles of spells, and couldn't produce flames.

He was troubled for a long time.

One day he saw a strange scene. There was a little bird rubbing the tree with its sharp beak, and finally produced flames. This made him very strange. After the little bird left.

He tried to copy the scene just now, which was not difficult for him.

The earthly immortal has a strong power. He found a piece of wood, but it didn't light up in the end. He tried many ways and finally rubbed a dry piece of wood against another dry piece of wood.

Finally, it lit up.

There was boundless merit descending. At this time, most of the great supernatural powers were in the outer heaven, listening to the Hongmeng Avenue.

In addition, there was Nuwa's ban here, and the secrets of heaven were obscure. Not many great supernatural powers were alarmed. After seeing that it was the merit descending from the sky under Mount Buzhou, they withdrew their sight. There was Nuwa's power remaining there. Nuwa is now a saint.

She is an existence that cannot be offended.

This human race, under the merits, has a higher realm and a higher level of Taoism. He said with a heartfelt blessing: "I will be Suiren from now on."

Suiren's magic power permeated the world, and the human race felt boundless pressure.

The human race was terrified, not knowing what had happened, because there was a Nuwa forbidden law in the valley, and ordinary beings could not enter at all, but quasi-saints could enter.

This Nuwa forbidden law was to prevent some weak creatures, but it did not stop quasi-saints.

Quasi-saints knew that this was a race created by Nuwa, and some weak creatures did not know it. Those who did not know were not afraid, and the more they knew, the more they were in awe.

The pressure lasted for a while and finally disappeared.

Suiren opened his tightly closed eyes and looked at the world in front of him. He felt that he did not recognize it. The world he had seen before was very different from the world he saw now.

The higher the realm, the closer the world you see is to its essence.

At this time, Suiren's realm was the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, and the effect of merit was extremely powerful. It was difficult for other races to have such a huge merit.

The races that possessed the Pangu Dao Body had a special status in the prehistoric world. Otherwise, if they could become Daluo Jinxian by lighting a flame, then Daluo Jinxian would be too cheap.

If it were an ordinary race, Chen Yuan could help them at will, but not the human race. The human race needed to survive the catastrophe on their own.

Go through all the difficulties.

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