The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 139: The Innate Treasure God-killing Spear

outside world.

Taiyi and Dijun presented a treasure, the essence of the stars, which can be used for refining weapons.

Finally, the twelve ancestral witches appeared. Seeing these twelve powerful ancestral witches, many great supernatural power users had fear on their faces. In the last lich war, if Hongjun hadn't appeared at the end, they would have had a great chance. Seize victory.

Hou Tu was walking in front. He had some strange feelings about this enlightened Heavenly Lord. He was born in the witch clan and had no chance to achieve this supreme fruition. In Pangu's inheritance, there is no description of this state.

There is no record of this level of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong.

It seems that being a quasi-sage is their limit, and they may be able to rely on the Twelve Heavenly Gods to dominate the ancient world.

From Hou Tu's perspective, the Heavenly Lord of Creation does not seem to be tall or stalwart.

But this is just an illusion.

There was an illusion that the other party was weak. She realized that the other party was like a tangible manifestation of the great path of creation, and his true form was beyond imagination.

A slight movement is a powerful force, extremely majestic.

Hou Tu could feel countless eyes on her, with greed and desire. The Hongmeng Purple Qi had unparalleled attraction and could achieve the state of a saint.

Hou Tu seemed unaware.

Hou Tu bowed, Hou Tu was extremely beautiful, although her Dharma body was not so beautiful, and said: "At first I asked Taoist Hongjun if there was any hope of becoming a saint in our witch clan. It is still the same question now. I hope Tianzun can answer it. I."

Chen Yuan glanced at Hou Tu slightly.

Hou Tu felt as if the other party saw through her, and even saw the Hongmeng Purple Qi in her body. It would be like if other creatures looked at her like this.

She would get angry, but she felt that Tianzun's eyes were so calm and gentle.

She quietly waited for Tianzun's next words.

"To become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it doesn't take strength. I don't dare to say nonsense, but you have the best hope. They also have hope, but it is extremely slim."

Hearing Tianzun say that his hope for enlightenment was the strongest, Hou Tu felt happy in his heart, but did not show it. He said: "This is a gift from our witch clan, please accept it."

A divine spear appeared in Chen Yuan's field of vision. Boundless murderous intent filled the world. It was a supreme killing weapon.

Chen Yuan has never seen this treasure in person.

But he is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the past, present and future are changing in the palm of his hand. He once observed the long river of time and destiny, and saw Luo Hu holding a treasure in his past life.

There is boundless divine power.

It is more powerful than ordinary top-grade innate spiritual treasures, but at this time, it is clear that it has reached the level of innate treasures.

After taking over this treasure, boundless mana flowed into it.

The magic power of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal level instantly refined an innate divine ban, which reminded him of the difficult time he had spent refining the Jiutian Qingkong Tower.

After refining an innate divine ban, I obtained the information about this treasure.

I know what happened. The God-killing Spear is a treasure made from part of the Chaos Green Lotus. It has boundless killing power. Later, it was hit by the aftermath of Luo Hu's self-destruction and ended up somewhere.

There is boundless power of destruction there.

Absorbing the power of the origin of destruction, it evolved into an innate treasure. The Wu clan did not know that this was an innate treasure. Perhaps Zhu Jiuyin had the ability to observe the long river of time and destiny.

But according to his observation, this is a top-quality innate spiritual treasure, so he is willing to take it out. Otherwise, even if an innate treasure is placed there, it will not be taken out.

Even the Witch Clan knows how precious the innate treasure is.

Chen Yuan looked at the Wu Clan with a much softer look. Chen Yuan did not rub salt into the Wu Clan's body, nor did he say that this was an innate treasure.

Let the Wu clan think that they have given away a top-quality innate spiritual treasure.

Maybe they will know in the future, but even if they know, it will be of no use. How can they still get it back from Chen Yuan, even if they have the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

I also gave gifts and listened to Tianzun’s sermon.

Leaving here one after another, there will be a lot of pressure to be with a being with a higher realm.

All those with great supernatural powers have left, and Wangshu has also left here. Only Nuwa has not left, and she seems to have a question to ask for advice.

Chen Yuan walked down the high platform and came to Nuwa. He said with a smile: "I wonder if there is anything else, Madam."

When Nuwa saw Chen Yuan, the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the center of her eyebrows was beating. This was the reason why she did not leave.

She has no friendship with Chen Yuan, so she shouldn't stay here, but Hongmeng Purple Qi is too important for becoming a saint.

Now she has beheaded the second corpse, but has no idea about the third corpse. As far as she knows, she has beheaded the third corpse.

No one with great supernatural powers has ever succeeded, only Hongjun has.

As for the extremely powerful Taiyi, she did not take the path of killing three corpses at all, but she also knew that it was extremely difficult to kill the third corpse, and the Hongmeng purple energy was beating at the moment.

It seemed to be telling her that Tianzun had his own chance of becoming a saint.

Naturally, Nuwa would not leave like this. She bowed and asked, "Tianzun, I am not leaving here because the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the sea of ​​consciousness between my eyebrows is beating. Maybe Tianzun has the opportunity for me to become a saint."

Chen Yuan smiled and asked, "Why should I help you?"

Nuwa was asked. In terms of realm, the other party was Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, who was not sure how much higher than her. She thought about it and said, "I have a few top-quality innate spiritual treasures, why don't I give them a top-quality innate spiritual treasure as a gift." "

If Chen Yuan was before he became enlightened, he would be extremely excited about the best innate spiritual treasure.

It was different after becoming a Taoist. The best innate spiritual treasures could not increase Chen Yuan's strength. Only the innate treasures were useful. He said leisurely: "I don't need the best innate spiritual treasures. You owe me a cause and effect. You should have a spiritual bead on your body. I want that spiritual bead."

Nuwa was not too surprised that Chen Yuan did not want the best innate spiritual treasures.

Each realm has a different world. The top-grade innate spiritual treasures when he was a Daluo Jinxian did not have much use when he became a quasi-saint. For Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the best innate spiritual treasures were almost the same.

Nuwa did not understand why he wanted a spiritual bead.

Since Tianzun needed it, that spiritual bead was not an innate spiritual treasure, but just a mysterious bead. A shining bead appeared in her hand. Chen Yuan took it and put it away.

Nuwa sensed a ruler in her sea of ​​consciousness.

The boundless and mysterious meaning was pervasive, which contained the extremely powerful Hongmeng Avenue. This was the Hongmeng Avenue that Nuwa practiced.

This ruler is the Hongmeng Heaven-Measurement Ruler, which contains the Hongmeng Great Dao. Because of the Hongmeng Heaven-Measurement Ruler, she embarked on the path of the Hongmeng Great Dao.

Hongmeng Heaven-Measurement Ruler Nuwa is Nuwa's companion spiritual treasure.

The moment she had spiritual intelligence, this ruler was in her sea of ​​consciousness, and she has never used it in these years.

The innate merit treasure can be compared with the innate treasure. She has never been at the highest level, and she is worried that a powerful existence will know and have evil intentions.

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