The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 138: The Lord of Heaven Preaching

Black Tiger was even more shocked when he saw Di Jun and Tai Yi.

In his opinion, Emperor Jun Taiyi, who was extremely powerful and the great master of supernatural powers who established the heaven, was actually sitting down below in an extremely honest manner.

There is no sense at all that the feeling of supremacy in front of him is due to the realm of Black Tiger. The beings who come here can feel supreme in front of him.

But in the existence of a higher realm, of course, they will be extremely honest. In front of Hongjun, he was also extremely honest, and no one said anything excessive.

The scene in Zixiao Palace seems to be reproduced here, and the existence in Zixiao Palace was originally there.

The lowest level is only the Daluo Jinxian realm, and the existence that comes here is only the lowest level is the Daluo Jinxian state.

Chen Yuan sat on the high platform, heard Lao Tzu's question, and replied: "The realm of saints can exist or not exist. To be more precise, it is a kind of heaven and earth karma. If you can achieve Hunyuan with the help of Hongmeng Ziqi, , To become a saint, in order to repay the cause and effect of heaven, if one does not use the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he will be a free existence."

Yuan Shi asked with some confusion; "Tianzun, which of the two has the higher achievement?"

Chen Yuan replied: "Which achievement is higher, they are all similar. They are all in the prehistoric realm. It is extremely difficult to achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. With the help of Hongmeng Ziqi, it can be achieved more quickly, but this is not impossible. The price, becoming a saint is the price.”

This time, I understood clearly that it is extremely difficult to achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. With the help of Hongmeng Ziqi, you can achieve this level more quickly.

Chen Yuan didn't make it very clear. To become the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, you need to refine it into the Hunyuan state. Only by cultivating Hunyuan can you become the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Tongtian stood up, bowed slightly, and asked: "I don't know how Tianzun achieved enlightenment. He killed three corpses."

Chen Yuan smiled slightly and said: "It is a secret method that is inconvenient to tell others. This secret method can only be used once. Now it is no longer possible. If you want to become the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, you only need to kill three corpses, and the road to enlightenment will be paved." "

Hearing that it was a secret method, he was a little disappointed not to tell Tongtian. But when he heard Tianzun talk about the method of killing three corpses, the man with great supernatural powers was suddenly full of confidence.

In their hearts, they didn't think that the third corpse could not be killed. Since the saints knew it, they would become Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Chen Yuan smiled. It was extremely difficult to kill the third corpse. It was not like the first two corpses. Although it was not too easy, it could still be done. Even if the third corpse was stuck for hundreds of millions of years, it would be normal.

Maybe in the future someone will become enlightened by killing three corpses, but definitely not many.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged, extremely solemn.

The manifested chaotic color Qingyun seems to be only an acre in size, but it seems to be a chaotic world. A lotus rises and falls uncertainly, a red wooden staff emits fiery red light, like a sun in the chaotic world, and a cyan Taoist tower. Emitting a hazy green light.

Chen Yuan looked around Zhou Za and said solemnly: "I want to become the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo. I should follow the example of Taoist Hongjun and preach once."

Seeing that Tianzun was about to give a lecture on the Great Dao, they all gathered their minds, used mystical methods, adjusted to the best state, and prepared to listen to the lecture.

Chen Yuan spoke again: "I practice the Dao of Creation, so I will teach you about the Dao of Creation."

Those with great supernatural powers all have their own avenues, but stones from other mountains can attack jade. If there are monks who practice the avenue of creation here, they will be extremely desperate. One avenue can only make a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Chen Yuan collected the energy of chaos and made a futon.

The person with great supernatural powers naturally sits on the futon.

Chen Yuan started to talk about the Dao, and the mysterious and mysterious maxims of the Dao were spat out from the air, floating in the sky, exuding a misty brilliance.

There is a mysterious power contained in it.

The extremely profound Great Way of Creation was taught by Chen Yuan. Chen Yuan is not afraid of others understanding the Great Way of Creation. He is an enlightened person.

As long as the monks who are determined to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian know something, they will not practice the Great Way of Creation. There are not so many great ways for enlightened people in the ancient world, so which one is not good to practice.

If you insist on cultivating the great path of an enlightened person, you are not asking for trouble.

The people who listened to the sermon confirmed their own Dao with the Dao of Creation, and the incomparable and mysterious Qi of Creation spread.

It can be turned into magic power, improve physical strength, and has various magical effects, making all those with great supernatural powers marvel at the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

During this kind of sermon, Chen Yuan felt that he became more and more empty, and his Taoism also improved.

This time lasted for thousands of years.

Chen Yuan stopped his sermon and said, "The sermon is over."

At this time, a Taoist stood up. It was Zhen Yuanzi. He and Chen Yuan had a discussion. Zhen Yuanzi looked at Chen Yuan, bowed and said respectfully: "These are thirty ginseng fruits. I wish you the best." The Heavenly Lord became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so that those of us who don’t have the great magical power of Hongmeng Purple Qi can understand that the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can prove it.”

Zhen Yuanzi opened the door...

Chen Yuan ordered: "Qingyou Kongxuan."

The two of them understand each other.

Qingyou and Kong Xuan came over and took Zhen Yuanzi's ginseng fruit. For example, Lao Tzu, the head of the Three Pure Ones, took out the golden elixir that can become Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Yuanshi Tianzun took out a treasure that he had refined. It was a small seal that was extremely crystal clear, with flowing rays of light. Tongtian took out nine small swords that could be used to set up a formation.

Styx took out the blood crystal.

Fuxi and Nuwa also took out some treasures. Taiyi looked extremely quiet. In his sea of ​​consciousness, if other beings heard it, they would be shocked.

Chen Yuan's will was in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he said, "Now you are at the peak of the quasi-saint, and you are only one step away from becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Taiyi was a little worried, and said depressedly, "My Lord, it is a bit difficult to cultivate to the Hunyuan state. I am ready to achieve the Tao with force and directly open up a world in the chaos."

Chen Yuan calculated and said seriously, "It is extremely difficult to open up a world in the chaos. It is difficult to succeed. Success will lead to the Hunyuan state. It cannot rely on the assistance of others. It is very difficult."

Taiyi put forward his own conjecture and said, "In fact, I have found a way to prove the Tao. I don't know if it will work. No, the Sun Star is the supreme star. If I refine the Sun, even if I can't prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I can make great progress in my strength. "

Chen Yuan thought about it and said: "Don't go to the chaos to prove the Dao with force without absolute certainty. You don't know what will happen. What's more, it is difficult to open up a world with the peak of Quasi-Sage"

Taiyi agreed: "To open up a world in the chaos, it is naturally not easy to succeed. There is an extremely huge gap between the peak of Quasi-Sage and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Maybe the world is opened up, but the creator of the world will change the world. "

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