The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 111 The Seventh Turn of the Nine Turns Mysterious Art

Endless void.

Let the world of creation be sublimated into the world of Zhongqian, and Chen Yuan stood in the endless void.

I feel that my nine-turn mysterious skill has reached the peak of the sixth turn. Breaking through this turn requires the assistance of the energy of chaos. I don’t know how Zu Wu and the others broke through.

His Nine-turn Mysterious Technique broke through to the seventh stage, and he needed to go into chaos. In the past, he had a repulsive mentality towards going into chaos, even though the best innate spiritual treasure separated the energy of chaos.

It doesn't mean you can use it for your own use.

This is a problem at two levels. Since breaking through the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique requires the energy of chaos, Chen Yuan has now become a quasi-sage.

Even if he fails, saving his own life is not a difficult problem for Chen Yuan.

In chaos.

Chaos has no sky and no earth, no left or right. At this time, the aura in the heart has no response, and the Zixiao Palace is not opened at this time.

The aura has no guiding function.

This made Chen Yuan breathe a sigh of relief, so that he would not miss the day of the sermon, if the inspiration came to him at this time.

It will make Chen Yuan not know when the Zixiao Palace will be opened, and Chen Yuan would rather not break through the seventh level of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique for the time being than miss the third sermon in the Zixiao Palace.

The Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique is much more powerful.

For Chen Yuan, there will not be any huge changes. The existence that can be defeated is still the existence that can be defeated and the existence that cannot be defeated.

Still not enough to win.

The Nine Sky Blue Sky Tower hangs down streams of blue light, like a blue sky that tightly protects Chen Yuan, who is about to complete the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique.

This turn is equivalent to a quasi-sage.

According to the records of the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique, to complete this turn, every particle of the physical body must be opened up, compared to the 480 million spaces of the sixth turn.

I don’t know how many times more complicated it is.

It must be many times more powerful. When the countless spaces around it work together, it will be such a huge force that it can crush everything.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged.

Trying to introduce a trace of chaotic energy into the light curtain guarded by Jiutian Qingkong Tower, Chen Yuan touched this trace of chaotic energy with his fingers.

There is an extremely terrifying chaotic power acting on the fingers.

Something seems to be blurry.

This feeling is recorded in the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong, which requires using the power of chaos to open up all the particle spaces within oneself.

This move is extremely dangerous.

If it is not successful at once, the opened space will be closed again, and the energy of chaos needs to be re-introduced to penetrate the body.

Chen Yuan's character is relatively stable. Now he has some confidence that even if he fails, he can still keep himself safe, so he came to break through the seventh stage of the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique in Chaos.

Although Chen Yuan has many thoughts in his mind, when he truly makes up his mind, he will move forward firmly.

The Nine Sky Blue Sky Tower protects the whole body.

The green light was put away, and without the protection of the Jiutian Blue Sky Tower, the vast energy of chaos surged up.

Submerged Chen Yuan's figure.

The energy of chaos can turn everything in the world into chaos. It is essentially a force of disorder, if it is a powerful enough force of order.

It can withstand the power of disorder, and the power of order is the power of the great road.

The prehistoric world can exist in chaos because there are countless avenues that circulate the heaven and earth. If there are no avenues among them.

The next moment it will turn into chaos again.

The power of order in Chen Yuan's body cannot allow him to survive forever in chaos, but it will not disappear quickly and can exist for a period of time.

This period of time.

This is the opportunity for Chen Yuan to refine the seventh turn. The boundless energy of chaos will turn Chen Yuan into disorder.

Spreading into all the time and space in Chen Yuan's body, Chen Yuan at this time was nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet long, one foot shy of ten thousand feet.

Wan Zhang is the level of the seventh level.

Perhaps there are extremely vast creatures in the prehistoric world, but they are incomparable to the legal bodies formed by the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique.

Some bodies are incredibly vast.

But what's the use if it's just made of sand? The Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique can also display a more powerful body, but it doesn't mean it's taller.

The more powerful the legal body is.

At this time, Chen Yuan's body of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety feet can perfectly demonstrate Chen Yuan's power.

Chen Yuan felt the loss of order, as if he was beginning to lose his restraints, and was about to return to chaos, just like the world.

"That's it."

I felt that all levels and spaces around me were enveloped by the energy of chaos. Without panic or hesitation, I started to use the seventh-turn mental method.

The extremely mysterious technique circulates throughout the body, and mysterious runes are formed, falling into every particle, stabilizing the space.

This process must continue until the entire space is formed with runes. The danger of becoming the seventh turn is here. If you cannot achieve the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique before the body loses the power of order.

There will be a danger of returning to chaos.

Chen Yuan absolutely believed that the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique he obtained from the Jade Certificate of Creation was different from that of the Wu Clan.

Maybe there are the same places.

Chen Yuan is convinced of this. He has seen the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique on the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but it is different from his own.

It gave him some different feelings. Unlike the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique that he practiced, the Wu clan did not have a soul, which may have caused changes in the practice.

At this time, Chen Yuan followed the seventh round of the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong and used the characteristics of the Chaos Qi. Only the Chaos Demon God could imagine it. Pangu used the Chaos Qi to his advantage.

Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun was a little surprised. He felt that Chen Yuan had come to the outer world. No one would come to listen to the teachings at this time. Waiting in the chaos required extremely powerful mana.

It was very difficult to transform the chaotic energy into mana, and Chen Yuan couldn't do it at this time.

He just used the characteristics of the chaotic energy to open up all the micro-particles of his own space to enter the seventh turn.

To refine the chaotic energy, it was necessary to reach the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Mysterious Art, and then the chaotic energy could be refined.

Hongjun observed for a while and found that he was practicing the Nine Turns Mysterious Art. He looked at it once and didn't look at it again.

Chen Yuan looked solemn.

He used all his mind to open the space, and the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus sat quietly and opened. The powerful Creation Green Light repaired the damage to Chen Yuan's body.

It allowed him to hold on for a longer time. Time passed slowly, and the aura on his body gradually weakened, as if it would disappear at any time.

I don't know how long it took, but one day Chen Yuan finally opened his eyes and felt that his condition was better than ever before.

He didn't get up.

Since the seventh turn has been completed, it means that the chaotic energy can be refined. It is not so stable when it just enters the seventh turn.

Energy needs to be transformed into the endless space around the body to stabilize the space.

If you return to the prehistoric world, you can absorb the innate spiritual energy. At this time, you can try to absorb the chaotic energy.

See how it works.

The chaotic energy is much more advanced than the innate spiritual energy, and even more advanced than the void energy. Chen Yuan refined the chaotic energy repeatedly.

It looks like a wisp.

But the energy contained is extremely vast, like a small world. Chen Yuan praised it.

"It is worthy of being the chaotic energy. There is such a powerful energy contained in it. There are very few people who can use it. Even if I become a quasi-saint, I can't use it. Only the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Profound Art can use it."

Refining the chaotic energy to replenish the consumption of mana in the body, and to transform it into the space formed by the Nine Turns Profound Art, the heavy space around the body requires extremely huge energy.

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