The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 110 Middle Thousand Worlds

Chen Yuan went into the endless void, crossed the boundless world barrier, and arrived in the endless void.

Unlike the last time he came to the realm of endless void, Chen Yuan is now in the mid-stage of Quasi-Saint.

In the endless void.

There is no rush to create the world. To sublimate the Small Thousand World into the Middle Thousand World, according to Chen Yuan's calculation, boundless energy is needed. If you rely on the Small Thousand World itself.

It takes an extremely long time.

It takes a long time to fully absorb it. Chen Yuan came here this time to help create the world.

The Jiutian Blue Sky Tower suddenly became extremely huge, a vortex formed at the bottom of the tower, and infinite void energy was absorbed.

Enter the middle world inside.

Chen Yuan did not stay in one place, but kept moving in the endless void, absorbing energy everywhere he passed.

It's all empty.

The giant beast in the void cannot adapt to it and can only go to places with energy. It can absorb energy countless times faster than Xiaoqian World itself.

The Small Thousand World is inconvenient to move and can only float quietly, needing to wait for energy to flow from elsewhere.

There is Zhongqian World in Jiutian Qingkong Tower. There is an extremely vast area in Zhongqian World, and the energy that can be absorbed is extremely huge. After a long period of time.

Chen Yuan made some calculations.

With enough energy, the boundless and huge Jiutian Qingkong Tower began to shrink in size and was put away by Chen Yuan.

Then the space was shattered and headed towards the world of creation.

It didn't take long for Chen Yuan to see the world of creation. Stepping into it, there were avenues surrounding him, as if the supreme being had arrived.

Chen Yuan took one step.

Arriving above the stars of creation, looking down at the universe, this world belongs to him, and he can reach out and point his finger.

There is an infinite and mysterious roulette of creation ahead, appearing in front of Chen Yuan, with countless avenues being performed.

Chen Yuan clearly felt that there were Five Elements Avenue, Yin Yang Avenue, Creation Avenue, and many other avenues above.

"If one day, the Three Thousand Avenues are performed on it, it may become the treasure of chaos. Even for you, I will develop this world. It will be the treasure of chaos."

The Chaos Treasure is infinitely stronger than the Innate Treasure. The original Sky-Opening Ax was transformed into three Innate Treasures, which are part of the inheritance of Heavenly Dao.

It is a lie to not be interested in getting a Chaos Treasure based on things that are clearly recorded.

In the world of creation.

An extremely tall pagoda appeared, and the void energy in the tower slowly flowed out. The huge energy was also mixed with several giant void beasts.

This was when Jiutian Qingkong Tower was absorbing the energy of the void.

Chen Yuan saw a giant dragon-shaped void beast flying between heaven and earth. The endless void was its stage. In their eyes, the world was small.

It's an extremely small place.

Then it broke through the membrane of heaven and earth and headed towards the endless void. Chen Yuan didn't pay attention to them. Such things were very common, and occasionally there were giant beasts of the void.

Not crushed by the whirlpool outside.

They will enter the world to see, some will stay for a while, and then they will leave and come to the outside world.

Chen Yuan will see such things when he observes the world.

The wheel of creation runs the world, dissolving the endless energy pouring out of the Nine Sky Blue Sky Tower into everything between heaven and earth.

There is energy that turns into the sky and the earth, and even the stars of creation under Chen Yuan's feet are slowly expanding. Chen Yuan observes this scene, and all kinds of heaven and earth avenues are in the heaven and earth.

Have your own place.

Sea water is generated at the edge of the world, land is generated at the edge of the continent, and void energy is transformed into aura in the world, making the aura in the world of creation even stronger.

Thicker aura will make the creatures in this world more powerful and more likely to give birth to wisdom.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Among the stars, only three can be called stars. At this time, more than 300 stars were being born. Chen Yuan, who saw this scene, knew that it was the projection of the stars in the sky of the prehistoric world.

In this world.

Without the birth of intelligent beings, they would not know that the world has undergone such huge changes, and they would not know that this is a world created by Chen Yuan.


Chen Yuan felt subtle fluctuations occurring in the Life Dao Tree. Such fluctuations were extremely subtle.

for such fluctuations.

Chen Yuan knew very well that it was the fluctuation of the birth of spiritual wisdom, and its significance was very extraordinary. There was no intelligent life in Chen Yuan's world, but wisdom was born at this time.

Maybe this one starts.

In the future, more wisdom will be born, and there will be countless intelligent creatures living in this world of creation.

In this sublimation of heaven and earth, wisdom was born from the tree of life.

The Tree of Life is the highest life form in this world, and blessings from the underworld have come to it.

It was Chen Yuan who was happy for its birth. The vitality of this world began with it.

Low-grade innate spiritual roots are the highest existence in this world.

Hazy thoughts radiate. Even though the wisdom is born from innate spiritual roots, after all, the time of birth is too short for this side of the world.

No understanding.

Knowing that the other party needs a long time to grow before he can grow up to the point where he can practice.

Seen from the endless void, the world of creation is inflating like a balloon. It is actually the energy collected by the Jiutian Blue Sky Tower.

It is really too huge.

Chen Yuan knows where the limit of this world is, and it does not exceed the limit of this world.

Chen Yuan assists the growth of the world of creation, and the boundless mana and soul are mobilized. The process of sublimating to the world of middle thousand is not smooth.

Sometimes the place will suddenly break away from the constraints, and there will be surging wind, water and fire. Chen Yuan is responsible for handling such emergencies.

He also mobilized his own avenue of creation to constrain the world of creation, making the avenue of creation in the world of creation more perfect.

It took a full thousand years.

In the end, this world became the world of middle thousand, and endless auspicious air filled the sky and earth, and golden flowers fell.

Since this world has become the world of middle thousand, there is nothing for Chen Yuan to do. He turned around and left this world, looking at the world of creation outside the world.

At this time, in Chen Yuan's eyes, the world of creation has become extremely vast, as large as trillions of miles, and the wheel of creation in it has become a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

According to Chen Yuan's calculations, after the Creation World becomes the Great Thousand World, the Creation Wheel can become an innate treasure.

Not to mention the Chaos Treasure in the future, even if it is an innate treasure, it is worth Chen Yuan's efforts to sublimate this world into the Great Thousand World.

Innate treasures are extremely powerful treasures in the current prehistoric world, and there are not many in the prehistoric world.

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