The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 19: Surrounded by unforgiveness

Sun Tzu said: "So the upper armies attack the plot, the second is to attack the Jiaotong, the second is to attack the soldiers, and the lower is to attack the city." Attacking the city is the last resort, why? The enemy has a city to rely on. Once the city is strong and food is sufficient, the defenders are wise and brave, the soldiers and the people are united, and if there are reinforcements from outside, it often delays time. For a long time, it may even be unable to go down for several months. As for winning by strategy, Depending on the opportunity, it may be possible to succeed according to the situation, but this is not always the case. Many times, it is necessary to wait for the army in the city to run out of food and food before the side besieging the city can overcome it, which consumes both food and soldiers. Celebrities also have a headache. Not to mention, if the logistics cannot keep up, the city may be besieged for several months, and in the end, there will be no success.

Therefore, Guo Jia suggested that "those who are surrounded and then surrender will not be forgiven". His suggestion is purely an offensive strategy. The purpose is to deter the defenders in the enemy city, so as to achieve the purpose of "coming down without a fight". He suggested that Xun Cheng kill all the officers in Wei and Wen's army more than a thousand stones, as well as the chief officers and county magistrates of Gai County.

"Benevolence" has two aspects.

Only the military officials above a thousand stone, the chief officials in the city, the county magistrates and other "ministers", do not kill the rest, such as officers of lower rank, civilian officials, such as ordinary soldiers. This is one of the "benevolence".

The so-called "small benevolence is the thief of big benevolence", killing more than a thousand stone military officials and "Ming Qing" among civilian officials is to prompt the enemy city below to surrender, to avoid siege, and thus reduce the casualties of the enemy's soldiers and the people in the city. , it can be said that the heads of very few people are exchanged for the survival of more people. This is the second of "benevolence".

Xun Cheng has been in the battlefield for a long time, and is used to seeing bloodshed and casualties. He is usually a corporal of virtuous people. He can be called a Confucian general. The following battles should indeed be helpful and beneficial to our own army to conquer the whole county of Mount Tai. Therefore, although I admire Wei Wen, I can only put away my love for talent, look at him regretfully, and say: "Your Majesty. After my death, I shall send officials to the place, and order to take care of your family, so that your family will not be implicated by you."

Wei Wen was shocked and shouted: "Kill me alone! Kill me alone!"

Following Xun Cheng's signal, the soldiers dragged him down. Soon, his cry disappeared, and soon, a military official held his head and offered it. Xun Cheng ordered: "Wei's officers are more than a thousand stone officers, and those who are above the ministers of Gaixian, county and temple will be executed. Report this to the shogunate, and report this to the general. Then pass it on to the counties of Mount Tai, and tell it: Gaixian city is broken, Weiwei Wen et al. conferred the head, and anyone who hinders our army will be surrendered without pardon."

The military officers present all responded to the order.

They wrote military newspapers and errands by themselves, and sent them to the prefecture and Taishan counties respectively.

Tan County, the state capital.

Xun Zhen received this military report from Xun Cheng, and called Xun You, Xi Zhicai, and Xun Yu to discuss it.

Xun You and others thought that Guo Jia's proposal was very good.

Xun You said: "The turmoil in the sea, the county and the state are established separately, the one that the general Ming will attack is far from a county in Mount Tai, and this proposal of filial piety can attack the enemy's heart and spread the world. If you can make the enemy hear about it If the wind please surrender, you will not only cherish the soldiers, but also save the people's strength, and sincerely use the power to produce the benevolent."

Xi Zhicai said: "This discussion of honoring filial piety is still not enough."

Xun Zhen asked, "Where is the shortage?"

"Rather than slaughtering more than a thousand stones and Ming Qing, how can you slaughter the prisoners!"

Xi Zhicai wanted to kill all the soldiers guarding the city.

Xun Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "God has the virtue of good life, and killing too much will harm the harmony of the heavens."

Xi Zhicai disagreed and said: "If you want to do it, you must do it thoroughly. Only kill more than a thousand stones and the minister of life. If you encounter someone who would rather die than surrender, what will happen? If you kill all the prisoners, you will be able to keep your will, and The hearts of the guards will be in chaos, and there may be people who kill their chiefs in order to survive."

Xi Zhicai was right, Xun Yu was silent.

Xun Zhen thought about it and thought, "I have always acted with benevolence and righteousness, but now I act according to Zhicai, will it make the world look at me as violent?" After thinking about it, he thought again, "The soldier is a dangerous and dangerous thing. In the meantime, the place where the corpse is erected, the enemy and the enemy confront each other, and everyone drives the soldiers to die. It is not possible to talk about benevolence and righteousness. Only violence can make the enemy cowardly. Therefore, Han Gao killed several people. And 20,000 Dendrobium is given to the grain. This is precisely because only by making the enemy cowardly, can one make one's own army powerful, and power can only be used to show the strength of the army and the people. Gongda's words are very true. Excessive, also means fighting to stop war." He made a decision at the moment, saying, "This is a very good idea for filial piety, and what Zhicai said is also true. I think: It can be set as our army's siege method in the future. , why do you think it is like this?"

Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others all said, "The general is wise, if this is the law, we will surely make our army prevail in the world."

Therefore, Xun Zhen ordered Xun Cheng and Zang Ba to use Xi Zhicai to supplement and improve their strategies as the method of attacking the city. This method must also be implemented in siege County and Gaixian County.

Xun Cheng sent Sun Guan and Wang Chengcheng to receive and pacify the city. After the prisoners were taken in and settled, he sent Wu Dun to lead a group of troops to assist Chen Wu. Chen Wu and Wu Dun joined forces to defeat Yang Mi. Yang secret brought more than 1,000 soldiers and horses to rescue Gai County, with less than half of the casualties. Chen Wu and Wu Dun captured more than 300 people. He got the news that Gai County had been conquered. Return to Feng Gao.

A day off in the county.

The next day, Xun Cheng left some soldiers and horses to defend the city, supplemented by some of Wang Rong's works, and then took the main force to the northwest along the Yishui River, marching to the junction of Laiwu and Mouxian, and divided Chen Wu to lead his troops north to sack Laiwu. , citing Wu Dun, Sun Guan, and Wang Rong directly to Mou County.

When Wang Kuang was seeking Dong, he recruited hundreds of archers in Mount Tai. After the defeat in Hanoi, he returned to Mount Tai and recruited thousands of elite soldiers in a short period of time. This shows the influence of the Wang family in Mount Tai. He has Wang Kuang's style, good chivalrous spirit, and has many connections with light chivalrous men and even bandits in Taishan County. After Wang Kuang's death, as the most famous person in the Wang family, he inherited Wang Kuang. The resources left over, so it is not difficult for him to recruit some light warriors and bandits as part of the trilogy. In addition, the Wang family is a strong force in Mount Tai, and there are many family soldiers and disciples in the family. Plus, Wang Rong didn't come alone, but Xun Cheng, who brought more than a thousand spirits to cast. Of these more than a thousand people, more than a hundred were left in Gai County by Xun Cheng, and the rest were all in the army from him.

Xun Cheng sent Chen Wu to raid Laiwu, only to intimidate the defenders in Laiwu City, so that they would not dare to go to Mu County. Originally, he had no intention of attacking Laiwu, but he did not expect Guo Jia's strategy to have an immediate effect. , Chen Wu had just led his troops to the outside of Laiwu County, but before they could attack, the military officials and soldiers in the county were afraid of the prestige of Xun's soldiers, and feared that "the latter will not be forgiven".

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