The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 18: Registrar refuses to surrender

Yang Cong led dozens of cavalry and guards, and went out of the camp to the west to meet the sheep's secret soldiers.

In the afternoon of the next day, Yuanjian Road was dusty and dusty. Looking at it from a distance, I saw that a troop was marching. When I got closer, I saw the banner of Mount Tai Yingshao in front of this troop. I knew that it was the Yang Secret Superintendent who came to reinforce the army, and Yang Cong was stationed there. Beside the horse road, the officials sent over to report.

Not long after, the military official returned and said to Yang Mi: "'Although we are brothers, each has a master now, and it is not appropriate to meet each other in the face of an enemy in the battlefield'. This is the original words of the sheep master's book." But Yang Mi refused. Meet with Yang Cong.

Yang Cong volunteered to come, how could he come back when he didn't see him? Assuming that Yangmi would not hurt him, he led the foot riders to line up in the road, with a posture of not giving way to Yangmi if he didn't see him. Yang Mi heard a report from the front, saying that Yang Cong was blocking the road. After all, it was from his brother. He couldn't kill, it was not easy to use force, and he had no choice but to drive his horse out and meet Yang Cong on the road. .

Yang Cong dismounted from the horse and saluted, and said, "Cong has seen my brother."

Yang Mi rode on the horse, did not get off, frowned and said: "Shu Gui, didn't I tell your subordinate to tell you? Although you and I are brothers, now each is its own master, and we are fighting on the battlefield, how can it be? Meeting in private? Why didn't you listen, but blocked my way instead?"

Yang Cong said: "Because my brother and I are brothers, that's why Cong dared to block the way. Cong has a word, and I want to tell my brother Xian."

"I know what you're going to say. Yingfu Jun treats me with great kindness, how can I betray him? You don't need to say more."

"Cong has always known the loyalty of the wise brother. However, Cong has also heard that, 'Those who understand current affairs are heroes, and those who make changes are heroes.' Today, General Zhendong is the royal family of the heart, and he intends to mediate the infighting between Yuan Benchu ​​and Gongsun Bogui. , to raise troops with Xuzhou to knock down the pass, to kill Li Jue and other thieves, and welcome the emperor to return to Luoyang. Therefore, please use the way of Mount Tai to reach Pingyuan and Ganling, and the prefect should receive the country's kindness without thinking in return. , was willing to be the primary minions and blocked the east-west direction of the town. Because the town had to invite righteous divisions to attack, this great righteousness is also in Xuzhou, and Taishan is really justified. Brother Xian is loyal to the prefect of Ying, how can it be set up in the Han family? Cong I am deeply worried that those who know the world will say that the wise brother is 'helping Jie to abuse'!"

Yang Mi patiently listened to him, laughed, and said, "Shu Gui! You and my brother, don't bully me with these big words. Why did the east of Zhen Xing soldiers come to commit the crime, what is his desire, just like Qing Yan,' Those who know the world', no one is clear! Where is it really for the Han family?"

Yang Cong was not embarrassed when Yang Mi "simply revealed" Xun Zhen's true meaning.

He took a few steps forward, got off Yangmi's horse, pulled Yangmi's reins, lowered his voice, and said to him, "Brother Xian! You and I can know what Zhendong wants. But there is one thing, Cong. But he knows, and the wise brother should also know!"

"What did you say, why?"

"With the territory of Mount Tai, can it be against the power of Xuzhou and a state? With the power of Ying Taishou, can it be against the heroic gods of Zhendong?"

Yang Mihua used Yang Cong Shicai's words, and replied: "This is not something you and I can discuss as subjects."

"Brother wise! Mount Tai will not be protected. The lord of Yingfu is educated and refined, but he is not a wise lord in troubled times. Why should my brother be submissive to him? With my brother's high talent and my family's reputation, my brother can follow Zhendong as he wishes, why? Can't you succeed?"

Yang Secret saw Yang Cong revealing his true feelings, so he also told the truth, got off the horse, stroked Yang Cong's arm, and said to him earnestly: "'People can do something, and then they can do something'. Shu Gui, Zhi Qing With my fathers, my family has been eight generations and two thousand stones, so it is because of you and my fathers and grandfathers that you and I have been upright and upright, and now Yingfu Jun has been generous to me, how can I have trouble with him? When is the time to abandon it? Once I abandon it, the people of the world will criticize me for having no descendants. If so, the reputation of the eighth generation of my Yang clan will be tainted! I don’t know that Mount Tai will be difficult to survive. The only day is the county courtier, so I have to do my best as a minister for one day."

Yang Cong persuaded Yang Mi to surrender for the sake of the Yang clan, but Yang Mi refused to surrender, also for the Yang clan.

Yang Cong heard Yang Mi's heartfelt words, and suddenly realized the reason why Yang Mi insisted on not surrendering. He bowed down and bowed, and said with admiration, "Brother Xian has farsightedness, and Cong is inferior." He stood up and straightened his crown. , Shaking the dust stained on his clothes, Su Rong said to Yang Mi, "In this case, Cong will not stop Brother Xian from helping Gai and return to General Xun since he returned to the camp."

"What are you going to say to General Xun?"

"'Although we are brothers, each has a master now, this is my brother's original words'. I will report back to General Xun with these words."

Yang Mi nodded in relief.

Yang Cong said goodbye, returned to the side of the mount, turned on his horse, and took his guard back to the camp outside Gaixian City, to the De camp, and he replied to Xun Cheng with "now each has a master". When Xun Cheng heard this, he sighed quite a bit, and said to Guo Jia, Gao Tanglong, etc., "Bo Shen, a loyal and righteous person!"

Yang Cong reported to Xun Cheng that Yang Mi would be able to reach Gai County in at most one day.

Xun Cheng summoned Chen Wu, Sun Guan, and Wu Dun to the meeting, and gave Chen Wu a military order: "Yang Boshen will lead the reinforcements from Mount Tai, and Colonel Chen can lead his troops to sneak out of the camp. "

Chen Wu received the order.

Xun Cheng asked Sun Guan and Wu Dun, "Is there any Huishu in the city?"

Sun Guan and Wu Dun acted according to their plan, and secretly shot arrow books to the city the night before, lying to Zang Ba and Chang Xi to rebel. The order ordered them to withdraw the camp and return to Langya within three days. The two of them were worried that when they returned to Langya, Xun Cheng would kill both of them, so please surrender to Shao, willing to respond to Wei Wen and attack Xun Cheng together.

The arrow book shot the night before, yesterday and today, if you still can't receive the answer book from the city today, then this plan is a failure.

Sun Guan shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Xun Cheng pondered for a while, and then asked Wang Rong to come.

Not long after, Wang Rong arrived.

Wang Rong is in his prime, and he is thirty-seven years old this year. His usual words, deeds, and actions are similar to that of his elder brother Wang Kuang.

Xun Cheng had a very friendly attitude towards him. He went out to greet him in person, without asking him to salute him. He entered the tent hand in hand, sat at the table together, and laughed for a while. old acquaintance?"

"When Rong was young, he met Wei Xiaowei."

"Can you be sure to persuade him to surrender?"

Wang Rong's face was embarrassed, and he said: "I'm not sure. I don't hide the general. If Rong is sure of persuading him to surrender, why should he wait for the general to ask? He has taken the initiative to share his worries for the general. He was an inflexible person. In his early years, he served as an official in the county, and the head of the county was framed by his enemies. He was severely tortured, but he still refused to utter a word that was unfavorable to the head. Therefore, the head was released without charge. And he is also famous. It is inferred from this that even if Rongqin enters the city to recruit surrender, he will not follow."

Xun Cheng praised: "Another loyal and righteous man!"

Since Wang Rong couldn't surrender, that's all. But that night, Xun Cheng had almost given up on taking Gaixian, but for the sake of acting as a complete set, he still ordered Buqu to reorganize the army, pretending that he would withdraw from the camp the next day. Guan and Wu Dun hurried to report: "There is a return book in the city!" Xun Cheng was overjoyed when he presented Wei Wen's return book.

Wei Wen finally believed what Sun Guan and Wu Dun had said. In his reply, he agreed with Sun Guan and Wu Dun that when Xun Cheng withdrew his troops, he would lead his troops out of the city to pursue them, and asked Sun Guan and Wu Dun to be there at that time. Rebellion Response.

Xun Chengxiao said to Guo Jia: "Wei Wen is a little cunning, this must be because he saw that our army was really packing up the baggage from a high place in the city, and he had the intention of retreating. That's why he believed the words of Sun and Wu Erjun."

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Even if he is a little cunning, he has already entered the general's office."

The next day, in order to make Wei Wen more convinced and not to change his fortune temporarily, Xun Cheng ordered his ministries to burn down the fortress to show that there was no longer any intention of besieging the city. After marching for more than ten li, the scouts came to report, and Wei Wen led the troops in pursuit. Xun Cheng immediately ordered all the ministries to stop, and turned to the formation to meet the attack. When Wei Wen's army arrived, he saw that Xun Cheng's army was in order, and he suddenly became suspicious, but it was too late.

Xun Cheng arranged for Sun Guan's troops to ambush in advance, and they all started at this time. Wei Wen's army was attacked by Xun Cheng and Wu Dun in front, and Sun Guan's troops in the back. They were attacked by the enemy at the front and back, and were attacked from both sides. Before half an hour of battle, they were defeated and collapsed. Wei Wen was captured, and the remnants went north. Xun Cheng did not chase down the fleeing Gaixian soldiers, but hurried forward and returned to the city of Gaixian. At this time, there were not many guards in the city of Gai County, and the main general Wei Wen was not there. There was great chaos in the city, and some soldiers rebelled.

Xun Cheng did not enter the city, but sent Sun Guan to lead his headquarters into the city to accept the surrender. Wang Rong also followed Sun Guan into the city to help appease the army and the people.

Gaixian Fangke here, and Chen Wu over there came a military report: I have met the Taishan reinforcements under the supervision of the sheep secret, and the two are fighting.

Xun Chengxiao said to Yang Cong: "Shugui, it is fortunate that the reinforcements from Mount Tai, which your brother sent, came a step late. Otherwise, whether this county town can be easily conquered by our army is still unclear." Official, "Bring Wei Xiaowei here!"

Wei Wen was bound tightly and brought by more than ten soldiers.

After defeating Wei Wen's troops, Xun Cheng was busy taking Gai County, and he never had time to see Wei Wen. When he saw it, he looked at him, and saw Wei Wen's long beard and sturdy body. He was delighted, he was released from the bondage, he smiled and said, "I have heard the name of the captain for a long time, I saw him today, and there is no illusory person under his name!" He added, "I heard that the captain and Zichang are old friends, and Zichang just went to the city. Here, when he comes out, the captain of the school can talk to Zichang about the old friendship." The attitude was very attentive and kind, but it was because he heard Wang Rong's words that he respected Wei Wen's loyalty, and he wanted to recruit.

Before Wei Wen could answer, one person turned out from behind Xun Cheng and said, "Jia has an opinion, I will serve you with the general!"

The person who spoke was Guo Jia.

Xun Cheng wondered, "Why did Feng Xiao speak at this time and interrupt my conversation with Wei Wen?"

His intention to recruit Wei Wen, everyone can see that Guo Jia's proposal at this time is indeed a bit out of time, but after listening to what Guo Jia's proposal is, UU read Xun Cheng That is to understand why he interrupted his conversation with Wei Wen.

Xun Cheng asked, "What is Zhonglang's high opinion?"

Guo Jia said: "The technique of defeating the enemy is the most powerful. The small town of Gaixian is still defending itself for a few days, waiting to be attacked by Fenggao, dare to ask the general, how long can it be taken down?"

Xun Cheng said: "This..., it's hard to say."

Guo Jia said: "If Jia's proposal is adopted, if the general Ming adopts it, he will probably go down without a fight."

Xun Cheng was overjoyed and asked, "What is it?"

"General Ming can kill Wei and Wen, and those who are in the ranks of the guards with a rank of more than 1000 stone, as well as the chief officials of Gai County, the county magistrates, etc., spread the word to the counties of Mount Tai, and clearly told Yu Zhi that 'those who encircle and then surrender will not be forgiven', so that If you are terrified of his heart, even though the enemy city is strong, it will not be difficult to capture!"

Wei Wen's expression changed, and he said angrily: "Wen is the main general, it's okay to kill me alone! How innocent are the officers in the army!"

Guo Jia glanced at him, ignored him, turned back to look at Xun Cheng, and waited quietly for his answer.

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