The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 271: Accepted 9 Jiang Jian's good strategy

Liu Ye, Jiang Gan, and Zhou Tai were summoned to arrive one after another. Xun Chen, Xun Zhen and others inquired about the situation in Jiujiang in detail, and Liu Ye and others told the truth.

Xun Zhen said: "The imperial court gave me the seal of the General of Zhendong, and I worship my brother as the prefect of Jiujiang. I would like to ask you to follow my brother's county. Can you please?"

The three of Liu Ye bowed down and said, "Chen Jing is doing his best, and dare to ask to serve the general."

Xun Zhen's civil official position was "Xuzhou Mu", and he could not control Jiujiang, so he did not mention the civilian official position, but the military officer position. serve the general."

After sitting and talking for a long time, Xun Chen was a little tired. Xun Zhen asked him to go back to his residence in the phoenix tree to rest. He also told Zhou Tai and others to go back to prepare for Jiujiang. In the name of Xun Qi, Liu Ye, and others, he sent the letter of arraignment.

After they were all ordered to leave, Xun Zhen wrote a transfer order for Liu Deng and Xu Rong.

Liu Deng is currently stationed in the East China Sea, under the direct command of Xun Zhen; Wen Ping is currently stationed in Guangling, under the jurisdiction of Xu Rong.

After writing the transfer order, General Zhendong's seal was at hand. After the seal was sealed, Xun Zhen sent it out immediately.

Xun Zhen thought to himself, "First, we sent more than 4,000 soldiers to Yanzhou, and then 5,000 soldiers were sent to Jiujiang. There were only more than 20,000 infantry and cavalry left in the prefecture, which was not enough." The idea of ​​recruiting and expanding the army came into being.

At present, the main factor restricting Xun Zhen's expansion of the army is not armament. Xun Zhen fought in the north and south, and in the past, he captured a lot. After conquering Xuzhou, he also obtained Tao Qian's treasury, such as horse armor, fine armor, etc. Although there are not many, but leather armor, There is no shortage of spears and knives. The reason why he only has more than 30,000 cavalry until now is because the daily food consumption for raising soldiers is too great. To expand the army in the land, on the contrary, most of the captive Taoqian tribes were released as people, or converted into farmland.

At present, for the more than 4,000 tribes in Yanzhou, the supply of grain and fodder is half of Dongping and Rencheng. Of course, Rencheng is not willing to provide military resources to Chen Bao's department, but Chen Bao's department can control it. Rencheng can’t manage the collection by himself; the 5,000 soldiers who will follow Xun Chen to Jiujiang will also be responsible for their daily consumption. Although Jiujiang is small, it can be seen from the density of counties under its jurisdiction. However, it was not poor. It was a wealthy county, and the soldiers of Yanzhou and Jiujiang could be raised on the spot, which meant that Xun Zhen could recruit and expand the army once without increasing the collection of existing rations.

Liu Dai personally attacked the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, and the war was about to start. Xun Zhen expected that even if Liu Dai would not be defeated, he would definitely win quickly. The Yellow Turbans in Qingyan were known as one million, and they swept Qingyan for several years. Many, the labor force is sufficient, it is a huge "treasure house", Xun Zhen must wait for the opportunity to get a piece of the pie, and if you want to make a profit, you must have the support of combat power. From this objective requirement, Xun Zhen is also true. It's time to expand the army. As for how much to expand the army, Xun Zhen decided to count it in 10,000 people.

Of course, 10,000 people are an approximate number, more or less is fine.

With this in mind, Xun Zhen packed up the seals, pen and paper on the case, raised her head, and planned to call the doorman to come in and take the seals to Xuankang, who was also in charge of the prints, but saw that Liu Ye was still there. Didn't leave in the hall.

"Ziyang, didn't you go down just now?"

"After Ye left the hall, I remembered that there was an important matter that I hadn't reported to the general, so I turned back. Seeing the general's military is very thoughtful, so I didn't dare to disturb it."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "When did you come back to the hall? I didn't hear you." She nodded and said, "Yes, I was just thinking about something. ... You said there is something you haven't told me? What's the matter? also?"

Liu Ye had been standing respectfully and respectfully in the hall far away from Xun Zhen just now, but he took a few steps forward and was about to speak when Xun Zhen motioned to him: "It's hot, don't stand and talk, sit down. Come down, sit down." He waved his hand and told him to come and sit nearby.

Liu Ye agreed and took a seat.

After sitting down, he straightened his body, looked at Xun Zhen, and said, "General, the prefects have asked about Jiujiang, Fuling, and Governor Chen. In Ye's humble opinion, can you take Jiujiang for your own use? Jiujiang and Fuling are not in Chenyangzhou, but in Lujiang and Wu."

"In Lujiang and Wu?"

"Lujiang and Wu are both adjacent to Jiujiang. Since Lujiang borders Jiujiang, the prefect of Lu Jining, whose family is the state crown surname, has children from his family who go to office, more than Wu, and they are all over the Yang region. Therefore, Lu Jicai, the prefect of Jiujiang, and Lu Zhao, the current chief of Huiji, All his clansmen. If he can be an alliance with him, even though Chen Yuanti shepherds Yangzhou, what's the matter?"

"Yao Shuqian hired a daughter with the surname of Wu Da for my children. The only answer is Quan and Shen. It is the best policy to make an alliance with General Lu.

Lu Jining is Lu Kang, a native of Wu County. Today, when his son ascended the throne, he was sent Xiaolian and strategists to pay tribute to the court. The Lu Ji mentioned by Liu Ye is Lu Jun, the son of Lu Kang and the father of Lu Xun, who was the captain of Jiujiang and has passed away. Lu Zhao is a son of the Lu family in Wu County, and now he is an official in Kuaiji and is the county chief.

"In this way, the general can make an alliance with Wu County."

Xun Zhen pondered for a while and said, "If Sheng Xiaozhang is concerned, you can try it."

The reason why Mrs. Shen of Wu Jun accepted Xun Zhen's appointment of a daughter was due to Sheng Xian's strength. Sheng Xian's son-in-law Shen Zhi belongs to the Shen family, which means that the Shen family is Sheng Xian's external relative, so he can influence the Shen family's decision. From his persuading Shen Shi to accept Xun Zhen's appointment, it can be seen that he is at least optimistic about Xun Zhen's ability, so if Xun Zhen sends someone to make an alliance with him, he will definitely not object.

Among the six counties in Yangzhou, Wu County is the best in terms of culture, economy, or the number of household registrations. If you can get Wu County's help, it can indeed increase an important bargaining chip against Chen Wen.

Xun Zhen sighed and said, "Early on Dong, and when I was in Guangling, in order to recruit elite soldiers, I tried to send people to Danyang to recruit disciples. Chen Yuanti helped a lot, and now my brother will be in charge of Jiujiang, for my brother's plan. It is also for the sake of Wuzhou, but I have to fight for power with Chen Yuanti, and maybe even fall out and start a war because of this, this is not what I want, but I have to do it."

Liu Ye said: "The governor of the county, Chen Yuanti, the governor of the county, is in the office of the governor. He should not have invaded the power of Jiujiang County. What was wrong was him, not the general. If he is willing to return the power, everything is fine. If he refuses, the Han family has its own system, but they cannot be allowed to violate it."

Xun Zhen glanced at Liu Ye and thought, "Liu Ziyang is really a talkative person."

The governor of the governorship, this is the system of the Taiping period. In today's wars, the governors have all been given the right to lead troops. With soldiers, there is ambition. Look at the governors of the various states in the country. Which one is Ken Lao? Honestly, only responsible for stabs? Compared with Tao Qian's previous actions in Xuzhou, Chen Wen only started to invade the prefecture when Jiujiang was temporarily without the owner. This was a very gentle approach.

He helped Xun Zhen, Xun Zhen now seems to have formed an alliance with Wu Jun and fought for power with him. Xun Zhen should have felt ashamed, but when Liu Ye said this, it turned out to be Chen Wen's fault. Xun Zhen actually It is "righteousness and awe-inspiring".

Xun Zhen picked up the short beard under her chin and said, "What you said is also reasonable."

He thought again in his heart: "It's a pity that Danyang Zhou Ang is friends with Meng De, not me, otherwise, we can try to form an alliance with him." He also thought to himself, "Since Wen Ruo got married, he has few foreign relatives. In the past, when he discussed the Jiujiang affair, he never mentioned Kuaiji, and if he didn't say it, of course I couldn't force him, but it should be okay to send an envoy to see Tang Mao?"

Xun Yu's foreign relative was the Tang family in Yan County, Yingchuan, and his wife Tang was the daughter of Tang Heng, one of the "five princes" during Emperor Huan's time. Due to misfortune, he had to agree to Tang Heng's marriage proposal. It was set for him when he was a child, and when he grew up, he married the Tang family. Although the husband and wife respected each other like a guest, they did not want to be mistaken because of their cleanliness. He thought that he was attached to the power of the Tang family, so apart from the immediate family members of the Tang family, he had little contact with other members of the Tang family.

Tang Mao, the current prefect of Kuaiji, came from the Tang family in Yan County.

His daughter Tang is the concubine of King The year before last, after King Hongnong was poisoned by Li Ru, Tang returned home, Tang Mao wanted him to remarry, but Tang refused to die, Tang Mao Nothing but nothing. In Xun Zhen's view, this is not something that can be encouraged, but Tang Mao forced Tang to remarry, and Tang refused to die in the specific case of "King Hongnong was poisoned", but there is In terms of political meaning, the Tang family may be keeping the festival for King Hongnong, while Tang Mao is obviously afraid of Dong Zhuo's situation and has no loyalty to the Han family.

You know, King Hongnong was once the emperor of the Han family no matter what, Dong Zhuo first abolished him, and then asked Li Ru to poison him to death. Show loyalty, he will not ask Tang to remarry 100%. But he did, and his "disloyalty" is evident.

With such a character, it's no wonder that Xun Yu disdainfully made friends with him. When discussing matters, he did not mention Kuaiji.

Xun Zhen considered for a moment, and finally gave up her plan to send an envoy to see Tang Mao.

He thought: "If I send an envoy to see Tang Mao, if I don't say anything, I won't be happy. Besides, Tang Mao is so virtuous, it is expected that he will not be a scholar in Kuaiji. I really don't need an alliance with it."

These thoughts flashed through Xun Zhen's heart like lightning, and he said to Liu Ye, "Sheng Xiaozhang is famous in the world, who do you think I should choose as an envoy to ally with him?"

"Ziyi is unparalleled in eloquence, unique in Jianghuai, and familiar with Wu Shi, so he can make him."

Jiang Gan is from Jiujiang, and he is familiar with the scholars in Wu County. It is appropriate to use him as an ambassador.

Xun Zhen let it go and said, "Okay, I'll call Ziyi to go."

Liu Ye said: "Ye still has a plan, dedicated to General Ming."

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