The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 270: Choose Wenwu to go south

Although Jiujiang has three disadvantages, it is still a county in Yangzhou. It is also within the scope of Xun Zhen's instructions on that day, "It is best to have a county in the three prefectures of Yanqing and Yang." Once you have it, you can't give it up.

Taking advantage of the topic that Xun You and Xi Zhicai suggested that Xun Chen should take office at a later time, Xun Zhen thought about it for a while, and said to Xun Chen: "What Gongda and Zhicai said is very true. There are thieves in Jiujiang, and Chen Yuanti invaded the county power. , and there are state soldiers stationed in the county, and when my brother takes office, he must not be without soldiers and armor." He asked Xun You and Xi Zhicai, "I would like to transfer Liu Deng and the Wenping Department to Jiujiang from my brother, how about it?"

Xun You said: "Champion is brave, but Wanfu is inappropriate, and he is a person from Nanyang. Nanyang is not too far from Jiujiang. It belongs to the southern region and knows the customs. With the two of them entering Jiujiang, it is easy to suppress thieves, and it is enough to compete with Chen Yuanti."

Liu Deng is now the champion captain, and Wenpin is the captain of Zhechong.

Xun Zhen asked Xun Chen, "Brother, what do you think?"

Xun Chen replied: "Dong Zhi drove thousands of miles from Chen and Zhao Bie back and forth, and his bravery is commendable. Chen dared to ask the general to order him to come from my county."

Dong Zhi guarded Xun Chen for two months, and Xun Chen was very satisfied with this person, so he asked Xun Zhen to give him to him as well.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "What's wrong with this?" Because Dong Zhi thought of Wei Weng, he pondered for a while, and said, "Wei Weng has become more courageous, and he can also go to the county from his brother."

Wei Weng was Wei Guang's eldest son. When Xun Zhen fled to Sun Jian's place in the early years, Wei Guang ordered him to protect his followers. Although he did not make great achievements, he worked hard. Later, Xun Zhen was pardoned and raised troops to fight against Dong. Sima, Xun Zhen had the intention to uproot him, so Dong Zhi thought of him, this time Xun Chen went to Jiujiang, maybe there will be a war, and if there is a war, there will be a chance to make merit, so I decided to transfer him to Xun Chen.

Liu Deng and Wen hired soldiers totaling 4,000, Dong Zhiyuan's 500 troupes, and Hu Cong Xunchen's way back and forth over 100 damages, so he made up for it, plus Wei Weng's 500 troupes, a total of five soldiers and horses Qian, is a considerable force, and it is enough to use it to enter Jiujiang, whether it is to suppress thieves or fight against Chen Wen.

Xi Zhicai said: "Liu Ziyang, a native of Fuling, the queen of the king of Fuling, is resourceful and resourceful, Jiang Ziyi, a native of Jiujiang, a talented debater, well-known Jiang and Huai, the general may wish to transfer these two to Youruo, Thought it was a conspiracy."

Liu Ye was a native of Chengde, and Chengde belonged to the state of Fuling.

Jiang Gan is currently a guest of the shogunate, Cao Ye, who is being sent to us by us. He is well-mannered and eloquent.

Xun Zhencai appointed Liu Ye as the Governor of Zhou, and asked him and Lu Su to prepare for the establishment of a boat. But since Jiujiang County is now obtained, then of course, the importance of Jiujiang should be given. Naturally, it would make Xun Chen much calmer.

Xun Zhen nodded, agreeing with Xi Zhicai's proposal, and said, "Just follow Qing's words." Xiao said to Xun You, "Gongda, aunt Qing supervises the state's labor and cao, who is overqualified and underutilized, so that he can also enter Jiujiang, how about it?"

Xun You's sister-in-law is Xin Tao, Xin Tao and Xin Ai are brothers of the same birth, and he does not have Xin A's military talent. After following Xun Yue to Tan County this year, Xun Zhen appointed him to serve as the state governor, who was in charge of the counties in the state. Gong Cao Shi, he did not like this position, and complained in private, thinking that Xin Ai was his brother and Xun You was his aunt and cousin, both of whom were distinguished under Xun Zhen’s account, and he should have been given a better appointment.

Xun Zhen heard his complaints, and for the sake of Xun You and Xin Ai, she did not reprimand him. This time Xun Chen went to Jiujiang to take office. As for the civil servants and advisors, not only local people like Liu Ye and Jiang Gan, but also someone close to Sasuke, Xun Zhen thought of Xin Tao.

Xun You also knew Xin Tao's complaints, and he was more aware of Xin Tao's abilities.

He said: "Tao is not enough to be assigned important responsibilities, at most he can be a secretary."

Xun Zhen laughed and said, "Tao, Yulang has the same birth brother, and Aunt Qing is also only a secretary? I have tried his abilities, and he is not as good as Qing and Yulang, nor is he a mediocre person. Sima Ke joins the army. "

Xun Zhen is patient with young people, Xin Tao is young and easy to be impetuous, so give him the title of military Sima and let him exercise in Jiujiang with Xun Chen. Still unwilling to be steadfast, then grant an idle job.

Seeing that Xun Zhen made up his mind, Xun You did not say more.

Xun Zhen said to Xun Chen: "Brother now takes office in Jiujiang, three counties are the most important, one is Liyang, the other is Shouchun, and the third is Zhongli. Liyang and Shouchun are not easy to take, Zhongli should be held first. Boqi has a father. Feng, I also want to transfer him from his brother to Jiujiang and then to the county, so that he can serve as the chief of Zhongli."

Liyang faces the Yangtze River and is an important ferry crossing from Jiujiang to Wu County from the east. It is also a strategic location to prevent Wu County from entering Jiujiang from the west. Shouchun is adjacent to Huai River in the west and Shaopi in the south. It is the southern gate of Jiujiang. Then there is danger to the south of Jiujiang. If there is no place here, the southern side of Jiujiang is the opening of the gate. The strategic positions of these two places are very important, but one is now the state government, occupied by Chen Wen, and the other is the Fuling country, which is now For Xun Chen, the capital of the Fuling Kingdom was not easy to obtain.

Zhongli is located in the most northeastern part of Jiujiang, bordering Xiapi in the east, Pei in Yuzhou in the north, and on the south bank of the Huai River. Attacking Jiujiang, then the important task of defense here will be changed to the task of linking with Xiapi. As long as this county is not lost, it can ensure that many Jiujiang-administered counties in the west and southwest of this county can contact Xiapi and Guangling at any time. Keep in touch.

"Bo Qi" is Xun Qi, the son of Xun Qu.

After he arrived at the prefecture, Xun Zhen appointed him to serve as the state governor, making him the commander of the county and the city. This was an expensive job. Obviously, Xun Zhen was repaying the kindness of his father, Xun Qi, and Xun Qi could stay in office. As long as he is free to greed for ink, as long as it is not excessive, Xun Zhen will not punish him, but Xun Qi is honest and self-disciplined. Although he is only twenty years old, he is very stable.

Xun Chen and others all knew the relationship between Xun Qu and Xun Zhen, and knew that Xun Zhen was practicing Xun Qi, so they wanted to reuse him.

Xun Chen said in his heart, "If Xin Tao had the knowledge of Bo Qi, he wouldn't have to give him the title of Sima." He replied, "No."

Xun Zhen decided to give Han Ji the concurrent commander of Xin Tao's current state laborer Cao, and Xun Zhen decided to assign it to Gao Tanglong as a temporary commander. Han Ji is currently in charge of the county and state generals as squatting and water cadres, and the engineering cadres are related to it; Gaotanglong was entrusted by Xunzhen to supervise the soldiers of Mount Tai. Today, the soldiers of Mount Tai have been reorganized and transferred out, and there is no serious problem, so there is no need for Gaotanglong. If you stay in Langya again, you can tell him to go back to the mansion.

There are Liu Deng, Wen Pin, Dong Zhi, Wei Weng in the military, and Liu Ye, Jiang Qian, Xun Qi, and Xin Tao in the literature. The key channel to connect with Xuzhou is in the hands of the children of this clan. Xun Zhen's personnel arrangements take into account all aspects. Just like when he was preparing to build a boat master, things are done by people, and everything is people-oriented. It's done.

Jiujiang is a foreign county in the end, although there is no danger of Yuan Shu coming to invade, but whether it is to suppress thieves or compete with Chen Wen for the prefecture, there will be dangers, in order to ensure the safety of Xun Chen, Xun Zhen finally said: "You Ping He is simple and brave, and can guard and protect his brother." Zhou Tai was moved to be the Sima of the army, and he gave more than 100 fine armors, and let also enter the county from Xun Chen.

After arranging the personnel affairs to follow Xun Chen to Jiujiang, Xun Zhen ordered Jiang Gan, Zhou Tai, Liu Ye, three natives from Jiujiang or Fuling in the neighboring county, to come and ask them the truth about Jiujiang and Fuling. Said: "The Jiujiang matter can be roughly settled, how should Chen Guo deal with it?" A decision was made, "Zhang Gongzi Buke entrusts his confidant with secret affairs, I will first ask him to talk about Zhao Gong's tone."

Zhang Zhao and Zhao Yu have a very good relationship. At that time, Zhang Zhao was imprisoned by Tao Qian because he refused to respond to Tao Qian's scrutiny. The tone of voice is the most appropriate. If Zhao Yu is willing to give up his position as Minister of Chen Guo, the problem will be solved easily, what if he is not willing?

Xun Zhen had only one solution, and that was to write a letter to Sun Jian, telling the court that Zhao Yu was appointed prime minister of the state of Chen without concealment, and suggested that he keep Luo Jun after the attack on the state of Chen, or house arrest or give a false name Even if Luo Jun is still the prime minister of Chen Guo, there will be excuses to make Zhao Yu unable to serve. Xun Zhen respected Luo Jun's virtue. In his previous letter to Sun Jian, he mentioned it several times, suggesting that Sun Jian must not kill Chen after breaking the state. It is best to return it as a gift. Can change the advice to Sun Jian.

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