The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 214: 1 o'clock phoenix gathering

Cheng Jia and the others returned to Tan and did not return, so the scholars from Yingchuan arrived first. Apex Novel is the fastest update

Because of Xun Zhen's previous explanation, the prefectural envoy who was sent to Yingchuan to recruit all the scholars immediately sent someone to the prefecture to report the news after entering the territory of Tan County. Yingchuan people went out of the city to greet them.

Compared with the scene when Lu Su, Zhuge Jin, Zhou Tai and others came, or came alone, at most two people came together, the scholars summoned from Yingchuan Pi can be described as "groups".

Xun Zhen looked at it from a distance on the road outside the city, and saw the rushing procession for several miles, among the spring breeze and green trees, the car covers were connected, there was a state cavalry guide road in front, and the armored soldiers in the back, the dust was flying, and the situation was beautiful. He rejoiced in his heart and smiled at Xi Zhicai, Xun Yan, Xun Yu, Xun You, Chen Qun, Xin Ai, etc. who followed him and said: "Since Zhangzhou, there has been a shortage of hard-working people, and now all the sages in the village are here, and Xu Tu is not enough. Governance!"

The people who followed Xun Zhen to greet them were all from Yingchuan, so Xun Zhen said in his heart that "the often bitter scholars are not enough" and "Xu soil is not enough to govern." Reuse, it is still not as easy as the hometown scholars.

Xun You smiled and said: "The king is like Zhou Wen, and the tyrant is like Qi Huan. They all wait for sages to become famous. Now that all the sages in the village are here, the name of Duke Ming can be fulfilled!"

However, Xun You and others also felt the same way with Xun Zhen when it came to employing people.

Not long after, the convoy of Yingchuan scholars approached.

Seeing Xun Zhen waiting here, the state cavalry that was leading in front hurriedly stopped and passed on.

The state envoy and the scholars in the convoy got off the bus one after another and came forward to meet Xun Zhen and others.

Xun Zhen looked and saw that there were more than 20 scholars who came here, some of them were wearing robes and belts, and their steps were strict, some were wrapped in black clothes, holding their swords proudly, and some had wide sleeves and folded scarves, and they were famous and romantic. . The more Xun Zhen looked at it, the more joyful he became. The joy came out of his heart and showed on the outside. He smiled and greeted him quickly. , this is the end!"

Xi Zhicai waited behind to keep up.

Xun Zhen took a closer look as he walked, and saw that the most advanced person among the many scholars was in his forties, with a high Confucian robe and a majestic appearance. Xun Yue, the son of Xun Jian, the great dragon of the Eight Dragons. Apex Novel is the fastest update

In the Xun clan, the generation of Xun Zhen and Xun Yu, if it is about male talent and martial arts, naturally Xun Zhen, if it is about practical talent, it can be called Xun Yu, and if it is about ingenuity and ingenuity, it should be Xun You, and it can be said that Studying, however, was Xun Yue's number one.

After Xun Shuang passed away, Xun Yue was now the face of the Xun clan in terms of economics and scholarship.

A few years ago, Xun Zhen returned to Guangling after begging Dong, and Xun Yu and the others followed each other, but Xun Yue did not want to travel far away from home because of her quiet personality and fondness for writing, so instead of going to Guangling with Xun Zhen, she stayed in Yingchuan.

This time, Xun Zhen sent people to Yingchuan to recruit Shi, and in order to invite Xun Yue, he specially wrote a letter to him and asked the messenger to present it to him.

Xun Zhen wrote in the letter: "The wars at sea and the land of the four battles in Yingchuan cannot be good alone. Now Xuzhou has been settled. Brother Tathagata, the younger brother should rule the quiet room for the elder brother, gather the Confucian scholars in the state, and collect the classics for the elder brother to discuss at night. , written by Shen Xin. Duke Zheng is in Nancheng, if you want to see him, you can come in a day."

Because of this letter from Xun Zhen, Xun Yue came to Xuzhou together with several children of the clan and other scholars from Yingchuan.

Among the many scholars who came to Xu this time, Xun Yue was older, had a great reputation, and was also Xun Zhen's clan brother, so all the scholars consciously fell behind him and let him walk in the front.

Xun Zhen was delighted to take care of Xun Yan, Xun Yu, and Xun You, and said, "Elder brother is here! Sir, please come and greet him soon."

Xun Yan, Xun Yu, and Xun You hurriedly quickened their pace, and together with Xun Zhen, stepped forward to greet Xun Yue.

Xun Yue stood still, returned the salute to Xun Zhen, Xun Yan, and Xun Yu respectively, lifted Xun You up, looked peaceful, and said in a harmonious voice, "I haven't seen my third brother for several years! Gongda, you are a little thin."

Xun You was a junior, and he was very respectful and said respectfully: "You Zizhong usually left his hometown from his father. Although he may return during the period, he has been in the army and horses, but he has not heard the teachings of his father for a long time. Thinking that in the future, I can often listen to De Yin, I am overjoyed."

Xun Yue's father was the head of the Eight Dragons, and he himself was the oldest in Xun Zhen's generation, so Xun You called him "eldest father" and Xun Zhen called him "eldest brother". Apex Novel is the fastest update

When Xun Yue was very young, his father Xun Jian died. His family was poor and had no books, but he was diligent and eager to learn. He borrowed books from his clan to read. At the age of twelve, he was able to speak "Spring and Autumn". Later, when he became an adult, because he saw the power of eunuchs in the court, he lived in seclusion and refused to go into office. Many people in the county and county did not know his talent, and only Xun Yu respected him in particular.

Now, Xun Yu and Xun Yue meet again after a long absence, and have a lot of things to say to him, but they also know that this is not the time to talk.

In addition to Xun Yue, there were also several members of the Xun clan. Among them, the most respected by Xun Zhen was Xun Min, and the one that Xun Zhen liked the most was Xun Qi.

Xun Min was the same generation as Xun Zhen, and like Xun Yue, he grew up in the business and was also a famous Confucian in the Xun clan.

Xun Zhen said to Xun Min: "Brother and eldest brother are here now, and the state Chinese religion has the master!"

Xun Qi was the son of Xun Qu. Xun Qu treated Xun Zhen as his brother, but when Xun Zhen was little, he was only a distant branch of the Xun clan. In one state, although he wanted to repay the kindness of Xun Qu, Xun Qu had already died of illness, and he wanted to repay his kindness but could not. Therefore, this time, when we went to Yingchuan to welcome scholars, Xun Zhen told the messenger a total of two people. It is necessary to invite, one is Xun Yue, and the other is Xun Qi.

When Xun Qi came, Xun Zhen was very happy.

After a few words with Xun Tong and Xun Qi, Xun Zhen turned his attention to other scholars.

He smiled and said to a few of them, "I still remember when I first met you, you were young and handsome, especially Zhao Jun, a young boy with a dagger, and his horse's teeth have not yet fallen. It's too old! Zhao Jun has also been crowned for a few years, and he has become a horse in my county."

These people all laughed and said: "After being with the general for many years, the general's name is very famous in China, and we are still unknown."

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "You are so unknown, why should I leave thousands of miles away and invite you to come to Xu? Today, Xu is rough and complicated, and the government affairs are complicated. When Jiaxi leaves, Yingtian is still in the old capital, and the Han Dynasty will be reunited!"

These people are: Li Xuan, Du Xi, Fan Qin, Xin Tao, Zhao Yan. Apex Novel is the fastest update

When Xun Zhen was the postal supervisor in the northern part of Yingchuan, thanks to the power of Li Xuan, he was only named in the County Zhongshilin. Therefore, Xi Zhicai strongly recommended Li Xuan when it was proposed to invite Yingchuan scholars. Li Xuan's father, Li Zan, who was minister in Dongping earlier, has now returned to his hometown. Li Xuan did not want to "travel far away", but Li Zan heard that Xun Zhen came to revive him, but he ordered him to come.

When Du Xi, Fan Qin, Zhao Yan and Xun Zhen met, Xun Zhen was still the husband of Zhiqiang in Xixiang. In that year, the prefect of Yin Xiu Xingchun, Du Xi and others all followed, so they stayed with Xun Zhen in Xixiang. See you in town. At that time, Chen Qun was also one of the young men who followed Yin Xiuxing County.

Xin Tao is Xun You's sister-in-law and Xin Ai's younger brother.

Xun Zhen asked Xun You, Chen Qun, and Xin Ai to come and talk to these scholars.

Afterwards, he said to two of the remaining scholars: "When I sent envoys to the county, I was afraid that the two lords would not come. Now that the two of you have come, the state will be determined and the thieves will be courageous."

The two saluted and said with a smile: "The postal supervisor is summoned, and the reputation of the tiger is so good, dare you not?"

Xun Zhen laughed.

The two men, one in their fifties and the other in their forties, were Guo Jun and Du You. They were divided into Cao Ye and the thief Cao Ye, the county midfielder when Xun Zhen was the postal supervisor in northern Yingchuan.

Xun Zhen looked at the rest of the scholars and asked them, "Is Duke Zhang in the future?"

"Zhang Gong" was Zhang Zhong, a man with five senses in Yingchuan County. Although this man had no military and political talents, he was honest and upright, and was highly respected by Xun Zhen.

Guo Jun replied: "Zhang Gong is old and does not want to travel far, so the future is too."

Xun Zhen felt regretful, chatted with Guo Jun and Du You for a while, then turned to look at the remaining scholars, most of whom were from Yingchuan, and some of the Xun clan's children who had met separately.

But there was one person that Xun Zhen didn't know, so she asked, "Dare to ask the honorable name of your step?"

Du Xi introduced Xun Zhen on the sidelines, and said: "The friend of this attack is also a native of Peiguo Xiangxian County, surnamed Liu Jifu, who is a little more advanced and far better than Xi. The update of the top novel is the fastest way to Xuzhou, Passing through Xiangxian County, he made his own decision and invited Liu Jun to come with him."

Xun Zhen had never heard of Liu Fu's name, but since she could befriend Du Xi, she must have real talents, and she greeted him warmly.

In addition to these scholars, there were also the families of Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Xun You and others, including the sons of Xun Yu and Xun You.

Xun Yu's son Xun Yun is five years old this year, and Xun You's son Xun Ji is older, sixteen this year.

Xun Zhen ordered someone to bring Xun Yun and Xun Ji over. Seeing Xun Yun's teeth, white lips and red lips, innocent and cute, Xun Ji's eyebrows and eyes were beautiful and graceful, he smiled and said to Xun Yu: "When A Yun comes, Ji Xia and A Zuo have I'm a playmate." He said to Xun You again, "Qingzi has a fatherly style."

Most of the scholars from Yingchuan that Xun Zhen sent an envoy to invite should come, but none of them did.

For example, when Hu Zhao was discussing Dong, this man went to Jizhou to fight for Yuan Shao, but he refused, and returned to Yingchuan. Including the Yingyin Liu family and other people who wanted to be separated, did not come.

Everyone has their own aspirations, and it is impossible for everyone who wants to be called to be called, and there is no need to force it.

Having seen all the scholars, Xun Zhen invited them into the city.

Back in the mansion, Xun Zhen instructed the officials to invite Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong and other famous people from the state to sit together and exchange names. The classics are discussed, and the discussion is very enjoyable.

That night, Xun Zhen held a banquet to wash away the dust for the scholars.

The next day, let the monks rest for a day.

On the third day, Xun Zhen passed on to the middle of the state, and even wrote down a book.

Pi Xun Yue worked for the state. Those who "do things" do not serve them in the usual way, and they are named after them, but they are meant to be respected and respected.

Guo Jun, Du You, Du Xi, Xun Qi, Zhao Yan, Liu Fu, and Xin Tao were assigned to serve as state governors, and they were divided into the commanders of the commanderies and states, namely, the Jue Cao, Thief Cao, Tian Cao, Shijue, Cang Cao, Wei Cao, and Gong Cao. thing.

Li Xuan was appointed to be engaged in the study of state codes, and he was in charge of the county schools in various counties and states, and the state was appointed to teach Yang Cong as a supplement.

Pi Xun Min was engaged in the work of the state scholar, and he was appointed to the weathering of Dunhou Xuzhou.

Fan Qin was good at rhetoric, and was turned into a state literature, responsible for promoting Xuzhou's literary name, and assisting Chen Yi to handle the rhetoric of the state and the shogunate.

One of the Xun family's children who came with Xun Yue and others who was good at arithmetic, named Xun Xi, was the young man of the shogunate, and he was in charge of Xun Zhen's private wealth.

In addition to this number of people, the remaining scholars were divided into different talents. Xun Zhen was appointed as the subordinate of the state government and the shogunate.

In addition, Xun Ji, the son of Xun You, was appointed as a shogun.

Zhang Zhao's son, Zhang Chengqian, recommended his friend Yan Fan from his hometown, and Xun Zhen also became a shogunate at this time.

After eliminating the people, it didn't take long for Lu Su to return from Huainan with Liu Ye.

Xun Zhen tried Liu Ye's ability a little, and he liked his military strategy.

In addition to bringing Liu Ye back, Lu Su also brought another person named Jiang Gan, from Jiujiang, and Liu Ye was half a fellow, so he was recommended by Liu Ye to go to Tan.

Xun Zhen has long admired the name of this person, but after trying his talent, he was quite pleasantly surprised. This person has excellent eloquence. Right." Xun Zhen then used it as a guest of the shogunate, Cao Ye, so that the master could come and go with the guests.

Not long after, Cheng Bing Ying, recommended by Sun Gan, arrived, and Xun Zhen tried his talents. So far, there have been three Confucian scholars in Xuzhou Prefecture, including Sun Gan, Xun Min and Cheng Bing.

This Confucianism does not seem to be involved in military strategy or government affairs, but it is only a scholarly task, and it does not seem to be of much use, but it must be noted that all military and political talents have managed the Confucian industry when they were young. Since Dong Zhongshu of the Han Dynasty, although the Han family applied Qin methods to the outside world, they had been advocating Confucianism for a long time. Emperor Guangwu even less educated about Confucianism. The prerequisite is "Ming Jing practice", and the first one is "Ming Jing". Therefore, people with profound Confucianism are highly respected by people, whether in Shilin or among the people. The prefectures and counties were ruined, and the tyrannical and powerful broke their families, but only the Confucian scholars who were famous in the prefectures were shunned and respected. From this, it can be seen how well-known the Confucian scholars in Demao were in the local area.

If the military and government are compared to the inside, then the name of Confucianism is the appearance. Only inside and no outside, or only outside but without inside, will not work. , only "gentle, then gentleman".

This is also one of the reasons why Xun Zhen must invite Xun Yue.

Another reason for inviting Xun Yue to can also be said to be the main reason, which is: there are many Confucian scholars, and there must be leaders, and because Confucian scholars have a high reputation in Shilin and the people, so in order to make If he can better manage himself, the scholar leader should preferably be a member of the Xun clan.

In the Xun clan, the virtues and studies are all beautiful, and Xun Yue is qualified to become the leader of the Confucianism. Therefore, Xun Zhen wrote a letter to Xun Yue, and explained to the state envoy that he must be invited. Xun After Yue arrived, he did not bother with state affairs, but worshipped "doing things". He also managed the quiet room for him, gathered Confucian scholars in the state, and collected classics for writings. Xun Zhen wanted to use Xun Yue to take charge of Shilin. A pain.

Not long after, Hua Xin received a letter from Chen Qun, who came from Nanyang, and there were two other scholars.

A Han Ji, a native of Duyang, Nanyang, and after Han Xin, with a family background of 2,000 stone, Liu Biao and Yuan Shu both refused to give up. For fear that they might be persecuted by these two, they were planning to flee elsewhere. The messenger arrived in Nanyang, which borders Yingchuan. He had heard of Xun's virtuous name, and Xunzhen's name had moved across the country, and he had heard it for a long time, so he and Hua Xin came to Xuzhou.

A Mao Jie, a native of Chenliu Pingqiu, at least a county official, known as a Qing official, went to Nanyang to avoid chaos. Chuan also borders, and like Han Ji, he also knew the reputation of Xun and Xun Zhen long ago, so this time he also came to Tan County from Huaxin.

Xun Zhen and Hua Xin were old acquaintances, and they immediately set him up as a teacher and friend in the state. "Teacher friend" is also a teacher and a friend, and it also means respect.

After trying the talents of Han Ji and Mao Jie respectively, Han Ji had the skill of Lu Ban, Xun Zhen appointed him as the state governor, and made him the commander of the prefecture and the state. Liu Ye was general, and he became the shogunate to discuss Cao Ye, and enlisted in the military and political affairs.

There are many sages, each with their own strengths, and for a time, the cultural and political talents in the state have been greatly enriched.

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