The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 213: Jian Lu talks about Sun from Cheng Ji

After Cheng Jia and Jian Yong left Tan County, they first went to Guangling to reconcile with Lu Guang, and then traveled westward to Henan. Apex Novel is the fastest update

Qiao County, the prefecture of Yuzhou, is in Peiguo, not far from Xuzhou, but Sun Jian is not in Qiao, but in Runan's prefecture, Pingyu.

Therefore, Cheng Jia and the three went westward after leaving the Xuzhou border, passed Peiguo, entered Runan, traveled more than 600 li, arrived at Pingyu City, and entered the mansion to meet Sun Jian.

Sun Jian heard that Xun Zhen's messenger had arrived, and summoned him to meet him in the hall. He was very happy to see that it was Cheng Jia.

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian fought together against Dong, and they were stationed in Yingchuan. The civil and military officials under their respective tents had seen each other. Therefore, Sun Jian and Cheng Jia knew each other very well. Although Cheng Jia was short and ugly, he was full of arrogance and spleen towards Sun Jian.

Sun Jian smiled and said, "Why did Jun Chang come here?"

"As ordered by my master, I have come to greet the general."

"What do I have to say? How are you, Zhenzhi?"

"Thanks to the general's help, my master, Yan Ran, got Xu. In order to thank the general, my master specially ordered some special products of Xu Fang to give to the general." Cheng Jia motioned to Lu Guang and Jian Yong to call them servants. Bring the Xuzhou specialties and other gifts that Xun Zhen prepared for Sun Jian to the hall.

Sun Jian smiled and said, "It's just that Sun He and Han Dang have changed their bases, and they have never had one soldier or one soldier to help Zhenzhi kill Cao Cao. What's it worth?"

"That said, although the tiger is lying down, the dog is startled."

Sun Jian laughed loudly, pointed at Cheng Jia, and Gu said to the left and right of the hall: "This is the commander of the Sharp Tongue under the tent of Marquis Xun." He smiled and said to Lu Guang and Jian Yong, "It's been a long time since I saw Erjun, hurry up. Please take a seat with Junchang."

Cheng Jia saw that many civil and military officers under Sun Jian's tent were sitting in the hall, and he knew that before he and the others came, Sun Jian must be discussing important military and political matters with them. Said that Marquis Sun and Gongsun formed an alliance." So he thanked him and said, "The general and the monarchs must have important business discussions, but Jia et al can't be an ignorant person, and will come again tomorrow to pay respects to General Ming."

Sun Jian jokingly said: "Qing is so considerate, if you still don't know your interests, then there is really no one who knows your interests. I am indeed discussing military affairs with them. Well, Qing waits a long way. Come here, the road is hard, you can rest today, take a good rest, and wait until tomorrow, I will hold a banquet and drink with you."

Cheng Jia agreed to the promise, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he summoned the servants to bring up another box, took it, and presented it to Sun Jian, saying, "This is what my master gave to the two generals."

"Oh? What's in the box?"

"One volume of "Grandson" contains annotations made by my master; the other volume of "Spring and Autumn" contains written notes by Wen Ruo. My master ordered that "Grandson" should be given to the eldest son of the general, and "Spring and Autumn" to the general. second son."

Sun Jian liked it very much, so he hurriedly asked someone to bring the box over, opened it with his own hands, took out the two sets of books, and said, "Zhen is extremely fine in warfare, if Wen Ruo is famous in this state, and Er Wenzi can get these two books, it is for me. It's a family heirloom!" He ordered Sun Ce and Sun Quan to take it.

When Xun Zhen was in Changsha in the past, Sun Ce and Sun Quan worshipped him, so this time, when he sent Cheng Jia to see Sun Jian, he not only prepared gifts for Sun Jian, but also for Sun Ce and Sun Quan, because Sun Ce and Sun Quan could be regarded as Xun Zhen. Zhen's disciple, so Sun Jian said "give".

Cheng Jia bid farewell to the hall, and the officials in the mansion took him, Lu Guang, Jian Yong, etc. to the guest house, where they settled down and rested.

After the government officials left, Cheng Jia did not rest with Lu Guang and Jian Yong, but went out of the guest house to find Kong De.

Kong De was originally a servant of Kong Dian. Seeing that the alliance between Xun Zhen and Sun Jian was strong, he thought that Kong Dian would not be able to keep Yuzhou, so he secretly sent money to Xun Zhen and Sun Jian. Later, Xun Zhen went to Xuzhou. Sun Jian won Yuzhou, although like Xun Zhen, Sun Jian didn't like this villain who betrayed his old master, but after all, he had some credit. The most important thing is that this person is a scholar in Yuzhou. In the case of support, he still provided him to work in the government, but he never reused it.

Although Cheng Jia came to Yuzhou this time, he was quite sure that he could persuade Sun Jian and Xun Zhen to form an alliance with Gongsun Zan, but he still had to do his homework, so instead of resting in the guest house, he went to find Kongde, what he did. The reason is that he hopes to learn some of the current situation in Yuzhou from Kong De, so that he can not only make himself more confident to persuade Sun Jian, but also send someone back to Xuzhou to report what he has learned to Xun Zhen. Apex Novel is the fastest update

Kong De lived in the official residence of the county government, and Cheng Jia found him without much effort.

When Kong De saw Cheng Jia, he was surprised and happy, and hurriedly let him into the house. With Cheng Jia's eloquence, after the small talk, Kong De's words were drawn out in a few words, and in a short time he knew all the major military and political events in Yuzhou in the near future.

At dusk, Cheng Jia left with satisfaction and returned to the guest house.

The county government arranged dormitories for Cheng Jia and others, one for two of the servants, or one for three or four. Cheng Jia did not go to the house arranged for him, but strode to the door of Lu Guang's dormitory, called him out, and then knocked on the door of Jian Yong's dormitory together. This journey to Yuzhou has hardly stopped. Most of the time, I slept in the carriage. Jian Yong was really exhausted. When Cheng Jia knocked on the door, he was falling asleep, and when he heard the sound, he got up reluctantly, with his head open. Huaidi opened the door.

Jian Yong has always been oblivious to appearance, and Cheng Jia and Lu Guang didn't mind looking at his appearance.

After letting Cheng and Lu enter the room, Jian Yong yawned and asked, "What's the matter? But is the house ready? I won't eat it, you can eat it."

"What to eat! Now there is an opportunity to make great achievements in front of you!"

Lu Guang and Jian Yong were inexplicable, not knowing what Cheng Jia was saying, and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

Cheng Jia asked Lu Guang to stand at the door, observe if anyone was passing by, and instructed him to say, "If anyone passes by, let me know." In case someone overhears what he is about to say.

After the arrangement was made, he stood in the room with his waist on his back, and then he said to Lu Guang and Jian Yong with a high face: "While the two of you are sleeping soundly, I went to see Kong De. Apex novels are updated the fastest."

Lu Guang asked, "Who is Kongde?"

"What memory do you have! You have also seen the work in the former Kong Yu's mansion."

Cheng Jia was hired by Xun Zhen because of Handan Rong's recommendation, and Lu Guang was Handan Rong's wife and brother.

Lu Guang thought for a while, remembered this person, and said, "Did you go to see him just now?"

"That's right! The two of you know that Gongsun Zan is in the military and Jijie, and he is about to attack Yuan Benchu!"

Jian Yong and Lu Guang looked at each other.

Lu Guang said, "Gongsun Zan is going to attack Ji? Did Kong De tell you? Then you and I didn't come to Yuzhou for nothing?"

The three of them came to Yuzhou because they wanted to say that Sun Jian would form an alliance with Gongsun Zan, and hoped that they could use this to incite Gongsun Zan to attack Ji in the south, so that Yuan Shao could not take Yuzhou, but they never thought or told Sun Jian that Gongsun Zan had already arrived. Jizhou, and since Gongsun Zan had gone south, it was obvious that this covenant no longer needed to be made with him. In this sense, the three of them were indeed a waste.

Cheng Jia said, "How could it be a waste of time? It is because of this that the three of you and I have the opportunity to make contributions!"

"What chance?"

"I also learned from Kong De that Marquis Sun intends to attack the two kingdoms of Chen and Liang! When the three of us saw Marquis Sun today, there were many civil and military officials in Marquis Sun's army. It's discussing with them about attacking Chen and Liang!"

"..., what does this have to do with my meritorious service?"

"The two of you have also been from the Lord for a long time, don't you still know the will of the Lord?"

The more Lu Guang and Jian Yong listened, the more confused they became, not knowing what Cheng Jia wanted to say.

Jian Yong said: "The Lord's ambition is to bring peace to the world, and we all know this, but what does this have to do with Sun Hou's attack on Chen and Liang?"

"Although Marquis Sun is in charge of Yuzhou, but the people of Yu do not obey Marquis Sun, only because of Yingchuan's superiority, and because of Pei State's prime minister Yuan Zhong's innocence, Marquis Sun was able to control these two counties, Yu Ruchen and Liang. , Runan and Lu four places, Lu has the Yellow Turban, Runan connects with Eryuan, Chen and Liang border Chenliu, and secretly communicate with Zhang Miao, therefore, Sun Hou will personally sit in Runan and intend to attack Chen and Liang. Apex Novel is the fastest update"

"What about this?"

"If Sun Hou wanted to attack Chen and Liang but did not move his troops, he was in Yuan Benchu ​​because he was afraid that Zhou Ang would go south, so he kept leading him and did not send it. Now that Gongsun Zan is approaching Ji, Zhou Ang will not be able to go south any more. And I decided to attack Chen and Liang, but I will save them, but I still have the thoughts of the barbarians, why? Yuzhou is adjacent to Yuan Shu in the south, and the Yellow Turbans of Lu Kingdom in the north!"

"Your words are very true."

"Since that's the case, why don't you and I take this opportunity to move Sun Hou with words, so that the Lord can use troops to enter Lu?"

"Do you want to take this opportunity to use the pretext of helping Marquis Sun to destroy the Yellow Turbans in Lu, so that the Lord can enter Lu?"

"Of course!"

"...However, the friendship between the Lord and the Marquis Sun is inseparable, that is, he persuaded the Marquis Sun to allow the Lord to enter the State of Lu, but after destroying the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu, it is impossible for the Lord to take Lu as his own. Yes, Kong Zi spent his troops in vain and gained nothing, how can this be the three of you and I who have made contributions to the Lord?"

"The State of Lu cannot be obtained, but the three counties of Rencheng, Dongping and Jibei in the west of the State of Lu are available!"

Only then did Lu Guang and Jian Yong suddenly realize what Cheng Jia meant.

The two looked at each other and said nothing.

Cheng Jia raised his head, looked at the two of them, and said, "My intention, Erjun already knows, would Erjun be willing to do this work with me?"

Jian Yong's sleepiness had long since disappeared, and he said hesitantly, "Is there any intention of entering Yan, the Lord, you and I don't know, what Shicaijun said is just guessing, if you guess wrong, I waited to move the Marquis Sun, but the Lord really didn't enter Yan's heart, isn't this self-defeating, not only did not take credit, but the Lord blamed?"

Cheng Jia angrily said: "Although the Lord has never told us that he is interested in Qingyan, but with the heroic talents of the Lord, he must have the idea of ​​winning Qingyan! If it is true that I guessed wrong, and if I am to blame, Jia will bear the responsibility alone. This! The opportunity is here, and it is fleeting! How can you worry about gain or loss? You two make a quick decision!"

Although Lu Guang is very arrogant and arrogant because of his self-reliance and famous teacher, he is Lu Zhi’s disciple after all. If the discussion can be accomplished, the meritorious deeds are small, so that the Lord can open up the territory and expand the soil and do great things! Junchang, I would like to share this matter with you, if it is a responsibility, I will share with you!"

Jian Yong made up his mind and said, "You and I are on the mission together, how can we not share good and bad? Jun Chang, tell me, how should I convince Marquis Sun?"

Cheng Jia was overjoyed and said, "Okay! You and I are all together, and this matter will definitely be accomplished. As for how to convince Marquis Sun, I will use Jun Shicai's words, but I can say to Marquis Sun: I know Marquis Sun intends to attack Chen and Liang, yes. We would like to invite the Lord to invade the State of Lu for Sun Hou, relieve the worries of the northern state for Sun Hou, and repay Sun Hou for helping the Lord to take Xu."

At the moment, the three agreed.

The next day, Cheng Jia took the lead, Lu Guang and Jian Yong followed, and went to see Sun Jian again.

Seeing Sun Jian face to face, Cheng Jia said to him: "Jia et al. are envoys to come to Yu today. It is to honor the command of the Lord, and to greet the general's daily life. There is nothing else to do. I will bid farewell to the general tomorrow and return to Xu. It was only yesterday. But I heard that the general seems to have the intention of attacking Chen and Liang?"

Sun Jian did not hide it from him, and said, "I was discussing this matter with my vassals when you were waiting yesterday."

"Chen, Liang and Chen Liu are linked together, and Zhang Miao is also a member of Yuan Benchu's party. If they do not die, they will indeed become an internal trouble in Yuzhou sooner or later. I dare to ask the general, when are you going to send troops?"

Sun Jian said hesitantly, "The date for the dispatch of troops has not yet been set."

"Jia dared to say: the generals who have not yet set a date to send troops must be because of the four worries."

"You can tell me, what are my four worries?"

"Liang and Chen are bordered, and the north and south echo each other. When attacking Chen, Liang saves, and when Liang is attacked, Chen saves. One of the generals is worried."

Sun Jian smiled and said, "What about Eryou?"

"Liang Guo is nothing. Chen Guo is quite talented, Chen Wang is good at crossbow and can fight, and Chen Xiangluo Jun is respected by the people. The second worry of this general is also."

Sun Jian smiled and said, "What are the three worries?"

"When the general sends troops, Chen Liu may come to the rescue."

Sun Jian smiled slightly and asked, "What are the four worries?"

"Runan is sneaking through two Yuan, Yuan Shu Lang is watching in southern Henan; Yellow Turban is in Lu in northern Henan."

Sun Jian put away his smile and sighed, "The second worry you mentioned before is not a worry, and the third worry is a little troublesome, but it's not a worry, but the fourth worry you is actually true. I am worried."

The three counties of Chen State, Liang State, and Chenliu were united together, and Sun Jian didn't care. Only Runan secretly communicated with the Yuan clan, and Lu State also invaded the territory with the Yellow Turbans. These two foreign invasions from the north and the south were what Sun Jian was worried about.

"Jia has two strategies, which can solve the general's fourth worry."

"Oh? He Ce, please speak quickly."

"Yuan Gonggong and Liu Jingsheng are fighting for Jing, the general can send one envoy, see Liu Jingsheng, and form an alliance with him. In this way, you can control Yuan Gonggong. This is also a strategy. After Jia returns to Xuzhou, he is willing to invite my master to send troops to attack Lu for the general. The national yellow turban, for the general to relieve the worries of northern Henan, these two strategies are also."

Sun Jian was overjoyed, but hesitated again, and said: "Your Excellency, these two strategies are solid, not to lie to you, I have already sent someone to see Liu Jingsheng, and even though he has not returned, I expect that the alliance will be achieved. But, Zhenzhi Fang settled in Xuzhou, I heard that Pengcheng and Taishan have not yet fully surrendered, can you help me destroy the Yellow Turbans of Lu Kingdom?"

"Jiasu heard that: My master and the general are life-and-death. When the general helped my master to attack Xu, did everyone in Yuzhou already obey the general? General Ming can ignore his internal worries and help my master and my family. Of course the Lord will do the same.”

"Qing Yan is very true. Zhenzhi and I are dear friends, but I said the wrong thing. When Zhenzhi enters Lu, it will be the day when I attack Chen and Liang!"

After a few words, Cheng Jia talked about moving Sun Jian to give Xun Zhen an excuse to send troops to Lu.

Without further ado, Cheng Jia and others said goodbye to Sun Jian on the same day and left the city to return to Henan.

They left Pingyu City, and before they could go far, they met Handan Ji and his party.

But it was Handan Ji from Tan County. Although it took two hundred miles day and night to reach Pingyu in just four days, it was still one step behind.

When they met twice, Cheng Jia heard the intention of his visit and heard that Xunzhen's handwriting was sent, so he was about to come over. After reading it, he showed it to Jian Yong and Lu Guang, and asked with a smile, "How is it?"

Both Lu Guang and Jian Yong were convinced.

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