The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 209: Xiaolian, Maocai County

There are now several military governors in Xunzhen Prefecture, such as Chen Duan, the former official in Guangling, Huo Heng, the former official in Jizhou, such as Jian Yong, but the names of these three people are titled "Overseer". For the number, but none of them are related to military affairs. Chen Duan is mainly responsible for the civil servants of Hu Cao and Wei Cao in the various counties and states. Yong's assistant to Cheng Jia on his mission to Youzhou this time must not have a state title, so he also has to be "supervisor", but he is actually engaged in diplomacy.

These three "state governors" do not live up to their names, but Xun Zhen's "state governors" who are currently assigned to Gao Tanglong's office are in line with their names.

The reason why Chen Qun recommended Yang Cong and Gao Tanglong is to want them to help Xun Zhen and completely cut off the connection between Taishan soldiers and Taishan County. Able to differentiate the generals of Mount Tai from the inside.

Since it was Chen Qun's intention, Xun Zhen couldn't keep both of them in the prefecture. He had to choose at least one person to be sent to Langya to be Xun Cheng's second assistant and to supervise the soldiers of Mount Tai. Although the generals of Mount Tai are now bowing their heads, there must be those who are unconvinced in their hearts. In addition to the current political reform, there are many Yanhao in Langya, and there may be people who collude with Taishan soldiers to cause chaos. The situation in this county can be said to be one of the five counties in Xuzhou. The most vigilant one. In this way, before Xun Zhen appoints these two people again, of course, he has to look at the difference between the courage and courage of the two people, and choose the one who is suitable for use. They went to the barracks to test their courage.

After a trial, it proved that Xun Zhen's first impression of the two of them was correct.

Therefore, Xun Zhen used Yang Cong to persuade him to study, and chose Gao Tanglong to go to Langya to supervise the army.

Yang Cong and Gao Tanglong were each dismissed by Xun Zhen because of their talents, and both of them were satisfied with their respective positions.

Xun Zhen said to Yang Cong: "Since the Yellow Turban, the soldiers have been fighting for years, and the people have become uneasy, and the customs have gradually weakened. In today's Xuzhou, there is a rough settlement, and a hundred wastes are waiting to be revived. Among all industries, weathering is the first. Xuanyu's clear name is enough to encourage students all over the world. I encourage you to engage in learning in the state of the king. Hope you can travel to the counties and counties, inspect the order, and encourage the younger ones. If there are any broken academic officials, you can tell me, I will arrange the counties and counties. Repair."

Yang Cong's family has been well-dressed for generations. His great-grandfather served as Sili school captain, his grandfather served as Taichang, and his father was the prefect of Xuanyu. He was also worshipped as Taichang, but he died of illness before he took office. Yangquan successively married Cai Yong and Kong Rong, the daughters of two great Confucian scholars. They had a prominent family voice and profound studies. He would not be despised if he toured the county schools in the state. In fact, he could be used to take overall responsibility for the "literary department" of each county, that is, the education director of each county, but Xun Zhen had another candidate for this position, so he did not have the right to do so.

Sheep Cong promises.

Xunzhen said to Gaotanglong again: "Langya borders Mount Tai, and sometimes Taishan enters the country desperately. Jun's family is a famous family in Taishan, and he is respected by the people of the county. Except for Junzhou's military supervision, he is entrusted by the supervision of Taishan. Jijun has high expectations. , I hope Langya will be at peace here."

Not to mention, only from the generation of Gaotangsheng to Gaotanglong, the Gaotang clan has been proliferating in Mount Tai for nearly four hundred years. Gaotanglong reluctantly agreed.

Chen Qun then introduced Yang Cong and Gao Tanglong about the situation in the county and Langya, respectively, so that they could quickly enter their roles and talk about it, it was already twilight.

Xun Zhen ordered a meal.

After the meal was over, the state officials had prepared dormitories for Yang and Gaotang, and they both resigned and rested in the dormitories.

After only Chen Qun was left in the hall, Xun Zhen smiled and said to him: "Changwen, because of the minister's actions, there are two more talents in the state."

Chen Qun said: "Speaking of adding materials, Qun Zheng has a shallow opinion and wants to report to Duke Ming."

"Speak up."

Chen Qun said: "The Duke of Ming practiced the government of salt and salt, and there were quite a few state officials who came to advise them. Although they were loyal and trustworthy, they were not aware of changes, and those who were conservative should not discuss matters. "

"Qing's words are very true. I haven't been in charge of the state for a long time, and it is true that the discussions in the state should not be taken lightly. What is your strategy to solve this problem?"

"Tao Gongzhuzhou, who uses the township party personally, acts of filial piety and integrity are mostly bribery, and Xu Fangshi has long held grudges. Today, the military and political affairs in the state have been settled, and the governors of the four counties have already assumed office. Why not order the counties and states to be filial and honest? It can not only expel scholars, but also transfer the state assembly."

Xun Zhen immediately stroked her forehead and said, "Feiqing reminded me, I almost forgot about this!" After thinking for a while, she smiled, "But it was precisely because I didn't care about calling the county and the state to be filial and honest before, it just happened to be used in Now is the time."

In the first month of this year, Xun Zhen sent troops to attack Tao Qian, and within ten months, he occupied Xiapi and Donghai, and entered the prefecture to govern. Therefore, this year's filial piety and integrity have not been launched in all counties and states. In previous years, when the counties and states promoted filial piety and integrity, because Tao Qian trusted Cao Hong and other human rights in the half-state, many counties bribed them to be honored with filial piety and integrity, just like the song that was widely circulated in the early emperor The ballad sings: "Celebrate talents, don't know books, consider filial piety and honesty, and let your father live away from home." In recent years, almost none of the filial piety and honest people in Xuzhou's counties and countries are truly filial and honest.

Xuzhou scholars have long been dissatisfied with this.

It should be noted that although the way for scholars to go into office is not only to be honored with filial piety and integrity, but "achieving filial piety and integrity" and "removing county and county" are two different concepts. Officials, and those who "repel the county and county" are not necessarily able to obtain filial piety and integrity. The county is honored with filial piety, and the state is honored with prosperous talents. This is the right way for a countryman to become an official. If he can go through county elections and state elections, it will be a great reputation.

In the past few years when Tao Qian was in charge of the prefecture, bribery was rampant in the inspection of Xiaolian, which would naturally attract the resentment of Xuzhou Shilin, but Tao Qian's maladministration could just be used by Xun Zhen, as Chen Qunzhi proposed, At this time, it can just quell the state assembly caused by the introduction of salt.

Xun Zhen immediately made a decision and said, "Now I will pass on the orders to all the prefectures and countries, and order them to be filial and honest!"

Chen Qun said: "Since the military chaos, the population of the county people has decreased a lot. The group secretly thought that the county could be made to be filial and honest this year according to the population of previous years."

According to the regulations, the county has a population of 200,000, and one person can be named Xiaolian every year. Today, there are five counties and states in Xuzhou, with a population of more than 400,000, and a population of more than 300,000. According to this population, compared with previous years, it can be The number of filial and incorruptible places will be less than in previous years. Since it is to quell the criticisms of the literati in the prefecture, the county can still be ordered to use the old number of filial piety and incorruptibility this year, and Boonde.

Xun Zhen nodded in agreement, and said, "Let's communicate according to Qing's will." He called the outside officials and ordered Chen Yi to be called.

Although Chen Yi was not in the hall, he was in charge of the speeches, and he was not far away, so he was always waiting for Xun Zhen's call in the wing on the right side of the hall. After receiving the order from the official, he came from the wing room, and after hearing the purpose of Xun Zhen calling him here, he laid out the paper and grinded it, and wrote the letter.

Xun Zhen looked at it and saw that he wrote: "The Master said: filial piety to one's relatives, so loyalty can be transferred to the monarch. In the sea, the late, the supreme being covered in dust, this is the autumn when the loyal ministers and righteous people together hold the king's affairs. Since the six years of Zhongping, most of the actions of the county and the state are not their own, and the actions of the present should be based on virtuous people, and if there is fraud, they will be punished according to law."

Xun Zhen looked at it, and said, "The last sentence is a little complicated, but it can be simplified and changed to: If it is not someone else, it will be a prisoner of the county prison."

Chen Yi complied with the promise and changed it with a pen. After changing it, Xun Zhen didn't look at it again, let Chen Qun look at it again, and asked, "How?"

Chen Qun pondered and said: "The governor of the county, two thousand stones are too harsh.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Not being harsh is not enough to get talent, nor is it enough to pacify the state."

"Anyone who doesn't belong, is a prisoner in the county prison", these eight characters are mainly for the sergeants of the state.

It is to tell them that: Tao Qian used to use villains and bribery was a common practice in the past. From now on, Xun Zhen is in charge, and this situation will never happen again. different times.

As for whether there will be a county governor who "puts someone else on the table", Xunzhen is not worried. Le Jin, Handan Rong, Wang Lang, and Chen Deng are not corrupt officials, and it is impossible for them to accept bribes or engage in favoritism in such matters.

Chen Qun said: "Ming Gong's desire to seek the true and virtuous can be seen in this arraignment. When this arraignment is passed on to the various counties, the scholars of the county and the country will be very virtuous."

Xun Zhen smiled and instructed Chen Yi, saying, "Take this order to Wen Ruo and ask him to pass it on at another date."

Chen Yi took the order and came out of the court.

From the county and the state to judging filial piety and integrity, Xun Zhen extended it, thinking of the two things of judging Maocai and inspecting honest officials.

Jumao is the power and responsibility of the governor of the state, and the inspector is the power and responsibility of the general who leads the Xun Zhen is now in charge of Xuzhou, and has the name of a general. Therefore, this year, he can cite one Maocai and two inspectors.

The inspection of Maocai began in the time of Emperor Wu of the former Han Dynasty. The famous sentence "If you have extraordinary merits, you must treat extraordinary people" comes from the edict of Emperor Wu's commanding the county to judge Maocai. Maocai, like Xiaolian, can be elected to both officials and people. Due to the small number of posts, the prefects' appointments, plus the generals of Sangong, Guanglu, Sili and generals who are more than Sangong, total no more than 20 people each year. In terms of status, he is higher than Xiaolian, and many people who have been named as Maocai were first selected by the county as Xiaolian, and then by the state.

Cha Lian officials, also known as Cha Lian, as the name suggests, there is a limit to "officers", that is, only officials can be inspected. During Emperor Huan, he made new rules for candidates, requiring that they must be "rank full of one hundred stones". Only those who are over ten years old and have special talents and deeds can be investigated. "Above ten years old" means that he has been an official for more than ten years. Xun Zhen had given the places of Chalian in the previous two years to the old people in Jizhou and Yingchuan respectively, and he planned to give the places this year to the officials of Xuzhou.

It’s not bad for Chalian officials. This rank is similar to Xiaolian. After being investigated, he started his career as an official, and he was either a Langguan or a three-hundred stone official with a similar rank and salary to Langguan. Maocai Not the same.

Maocai is higher than Xiaolian, and he is also higher than Cha Lianzi, who has a similar status as Xiaolian. Those who are promoted as Maocai are awarded 600 shi at the lowest level, and 1,000 shi when they are high. ——From the difference in the appointment of officials, it can be seen that there is a difference in rank, and the difference in rank corresponds to the prestige of the elected person in the state and county.

Therefore, Xun Zhen had to carefully consider the selection of Maocai, so that the selected person would not only meet the prestige of the state, but also be used by himself.

He said to Chen Qun, "Since it is said that the county and the state honor filial piety and integrity, and Maocai of the state should also be honored, who do you think can be honored?"

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