The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 208: Overseer must try first


Although Xun Zhen attached great importance to the purchase of the salt mill, he was the chief of a state and could not only focus on this matter. There were many other matters that were also very important and needed to be dealt with by him.

In the next few days, the policies he and Xun Yu agreed upon were promulgated one by one and started to be implemented. Then Zhang Hong, Zhang Zhao and others asked to see each other one after another. Zhang Hong came to ask for instructions on the specific handling requirements of Xunzhen Min Village. Zhang Zhao and others Most of them came to discuss the salt issue with Xun Zhen.

In order to show respect for Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong and others about the policies agreed upon by Xun Zhen and Xun Yu, before the official dissemination of the narration, Xun Yu and them passed their anger and consulted their opinions, and expressed their respect for Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong and others. They have no objection to the administration of agriculture, water conservancy, etc., and they are all called virtuous administration.

The only thing Zhang Hong was good about was the matter of salt. Although he did not express his support, he did not oppose it. Zhang Zhao initially disapproved.

Before Mi Fang went to the prefecture, Zhang Zhao and some other opponents begged to see Xun Zhen and rebuked them in person. Xun Zhen explained to them patiently at first. They still didn't change their original intentions, and Xun Zhen didn't explain anymore. When they remonstrated, they just laughed without saying a word.

In the five counties, Le Jin and Handan Rong would not object, Xue Li had a grudge, and would not object to Yan Hao's rioting. The interests of these salt families are definitely worthwhile. Some of Wang Lang’s clansmen are engaged in the salt industry, and he asked him to persuade Xunzhen, but he also supported Juyan. He publicly stated that he would fully support Mi Fang in going to Guangling to collect salt, and Chen Deng also went to Fuzhong to express his attitude publicly.

As Zhang Zhao changed his position, Wang Lang and Chen Deng expressed their opinions one after another, but Zhang Hong did not object. Among the Xuzhou scholars who could be called "leaders" were just a few of them.

On this day, Taiyang Cong and Gaotanglong, who were recommended by Chen Qun, should come.

After receiving the report from the doorman, Xun Zhen went out to greet him.

Yang Cong and Gao Tanglong are not much different in age. Gao Tanglong is one year older than Yang Cong. This year, Yang Cong is twenty-seven and Yang Cong is twenty-six. After both of them are famous families, they are Confucian in the world. All students, in their early years, studied sutras in Luoyang Taixue.

Xun Zhen saw the two at the gate of the mansion, and saw that both of them were wearing Confucian clothes, with square collars and Bo sleeves, crowns of Zhangfu, and swords. The beard of Cong is slightly less, the beard is tall and long, and the beard is rooted.

Seeing Xun Zhen coming out to greet him, the two of them saluted, opened their mouths at the same time, and both said, "I see Uncle Zhou."

Listening to these two voices, Yang Cong's tone was weak, while Gao Tanglong's voice was loud.

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "The appearance is born from the heart, and the voice is like the person. Lord Yang or literati, Lord Gaotang seems to be brave."

He smiled and said to Gao Tanglong: "The Poetry says, 'The person is beautiful and elegant'. You are righteous." Then he smiled and said to Yang Cong, "Seeing you, you know what it means to be a 'a gentleman with a bandit' '." He smiled again and said to the two of them, "I've been waiting for Erjun for a long time, and I'm looking forward to seeing you."

How should the two of them be employed? Although Xun Zhen had only just met them, he had already made up his mind, but he still had to give it a try.

She invited Yang and Gaotang into the mansion and took their seats in the hall. Xunzhen asked someone to call Chen Qun and talk to them first.

Not long after the conversation, Chen Qun came, Xun Zhen pointed at Chen Qun with a smile, and Gu said to the two, "If it weren't for Chang Wen, I wouldn't be able to meet the two sages today!"

Only then did Yang Cong and Gao Tanglong know that it was Chen Qun who recommended them.

They didn't know Chen Qun, and Chen Qun didn't know them either.

The reason why Chen Qun recommended them was because he believed that in order to eradicate the connection between Taishan soldiers and Taishan County, it was necessary to use people from Taishan County to "rule Taishan people with people from Taishan". , I chose these two among the many scholars who might be able to adapt to the development of Mount Tai, and recommended them to Xun Zhen.

Gao Tanglong said: "Mr. Jiu Mu Wenfan has a good reputation, he is a foolish boy, he did not dare to be promoted to Ye, unfortunately he died in a tunnel, and his regrets are hard to express. Now that I see Chen Jun, I can know his demeanor from a distance."

Chen Qun said: "When the ancestors were alive, I tasted and said to the group: 'Fortunately, Gaotang was born, the "Li" was passed through the Qin fire, and the book was passed down. Today, the scholars who know the ritual are all the merits of life'. Beautiful! "Records of the Grand Historian", meritorious work for a long time. I am fortunate to see you today, and I have been thirsty for a long time."

"Gaotangsheng" is Gaotangbo, the ancestor of Gaotanglong, "sheng", meaning Confucian scholar.

At this time, none of the four people sitting in the hall was a cold man. The Xun family and the Chen family had the right surname of Yingchuan. The families of Gao Tanglong and Yang Cong belonged to the crown family of Mount Tai.

Xun Zhen didn't have much interest in this kind of "mutual respect", but it was an indispensable procedure when scholars met for the first time, so she was patient and listened to Chen Qun and Gao Tang with a smile. Long spoke, and soon after, Yang Cong also joined in. After listening to the three of them talking for a while, it was almost "respecting each other", so he interrupted and asked with a smile: "The two gentlemen are far away, can you work hard?"

Yang Cong and Gao Tanglong both said, "I'm not tired."

"Before Erjun came, I was going to patrol the camp outside the city. If Erjun is not tired, would you like to walk with me?"

Yang Cong and Gaotanglong would not say anything.

Immediately, Xun Zhen took them and Chen Qun out of the hall, and first ordered the outside officials to call Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, and planned to take them to the army together, and then ordered the horses to be prepared, and then called Gaotang specially. Long and the two prepare the car. Yang Cong said nothing, but Gao Tanglong said, "I would like to ride a horse." Xun Zhen followed her wishes and ordered an extra horse. After a while, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin arrived.

The six people left the house, either riding or riding, under the retinue of dozens of knights and hundreds of infantry, they quickly left the city.

A few miles, to an infantry battalion.

Xun Zhen asked Zhou Tai to go and open the camp door, and without waiting for the generals to come out to greet him, he brought everyone into the camp. When he got to the camp, he did not go to the main tent, but went straight to the training ground. It was almost noon. There are no officers. There were war drums standing by the side of the field. Xun Zhen called Jiang Qin over to beat the drums. The drums rumbled, and before the third sounded, the officers and soldiers who were eating in the army tent had all left their jobs, and rushed to the place in a hurry.

The battalion will also arrive at this time.

This battalion general is none other than Ren Du.

Like Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin and others, Ren Du was also an old man from Xun Zhen's Xixiang.

In the past, Xun Zhen often used his main money. Although he had little knowledge of scriptures, he was loyal and never greedy for ink. Because of Xun Zhen's trust, later, with the increase in the number of episodes, the money consumption also followed. More and more, Ren Du has little literacy, and is not good at math, so he can't keep up. Because Xun Zhen transferred him to lead the army, he could not compare with Xu Zhong, nor was he as brave as Liu and Deng. He was also ordinary in commanding and training soldiers, and he had never made any outstanding contributions. He was an old man from Xixiang. Although Xun Zhen is still a trustworthy person, for example, when he was assigned to various camps this time, he left him in Tan County, and he was rewarded continuously, but because of his lack of credit, he was not right in the military position. He was too eminently promoted, and now he is the Sima of the other divisions, and has led two songs and four hundred soldiers.

Xun Zhen saw Ren Du coming, and said angrily: "You are the camp master, I am in the camp and you don't know, if I am the enemy, you are dead now! Now that you are here, you are not wearing armor and holding a dagger. Do you meet the enemy?" asked him, "According to the military law during the war, what is the crime?"

Ren Du threw away the sword in his hand, bowed down to the ground, and replied, "The camp is captured by the enemy, and the body is beheaded. The parents and the wife are guilty of the same."

Hundreds of soldiers who rushed to the training ground one after another were terrified, afraid to speak, and they all bowed down to the ground.

Xun Zhen and Zhou Tai said, "You can take your sword and put it in front of you."

Zhou Tai immediately drew his sword in his hand, strode to Ren Du, and turned to look at Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen didn't order immediately, but glanced at Yang Cong and Gao Tanglong. Seeing that Yang Cong couldn't bear to look at him, Gao Tanglong's expression did not change, so he settled on how to use these two people, turned his eyes back, and looked again. Xiang Ren Du said, "Nianqing has always been diligent and loyal. This time, he will be spared. If there is another time, he will definitely kill him!" Ling Zhou Tai, "You can cut off his hair and replace him with his head."

Zhou Tai agreed, bent down, grabbed a pinch of Ren Du's hair, cut it with his sword, and took it back to Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen asked Zhou Tai to bring his sword, cut a length of his clothes, wrapped the strand of hair, stepped forward and handed it over to Ren Du, saying, "This minister's hair is my clothes. You and I have known each other for ten years. It's been more than a Qing Zhi's diligence and loyalty, I have always believed in my heart, I have wrapped my hair in my clothes, and I really think that I am with him.

Ren Du's eyes were red, he raised his hands, took the jacket, and kowtowed, "Junhou is deeply kind, I can't repay it!"

Xun Zhen lifted him up, pointed to the ink stains on his sleeve, and asked, "Why is the ink stained on the clothes?"

Ren Du choked up and said, "Du knows a lot of writing, and he often makes up his studies in his spare time. When the drums sounded, he was studying characters in the tent. Because he didn't know why the drums sounded, he didn't have time to put on his armor, so he hurried over with his sword."

"Those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are enlightened. You have self-knowledge, and you work hard to learn. As long as you persevere, you will surely achieve success." Xun Zhen said this, and suddenly thought of something that he has always wanted to do, but has not been able to do so far. I pondered for a while about the unfinished business, and said in my heart, "There is no suitable candidate, and now is not the time." He said to Ren Du, "If you have a desire to learn, I will choose a Confucian scholar to come to your camp tomorrow to teach you. business."

Thanks Ren Du.

Xun Zhen smiled at Gu Yangcong and Gao Tanglong, and said, "It's past noon, and it will be late to return to the city. Would you like to taste the military food?"

Seeing that Xun Zhen didn't kill Ren Du, Yang Cong was obviously relieved.

From killing Ren Du first, to cutting clothes and wrapping hair as gifts, to sending Confucian scholars to Ren Du to teach him his career, Xun Zhen's actions fell into the eyes of Gao Tanglong, and he was impressed.

Both Yang and Gaotang said, "Since they are patrolling the camp from the Duke of Ming, they should be able to eat in the army."

After entertaining Yang Cong and Gao Tanglong for lunch in Ren Duying, Xun Zhen took them back to the city with Chen Qun, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and others.

Re-enter the hall when you arrive at the mansion.

Xun Zhenxiao said to the two of them: "After the two monarchs were famous for their clan, they did not regard my virtue as being shallow, but should be established. I am extremely happy. For the time being, I would like to use the state to persuade me to learn to work with Qu Yangjun, and ask Gaotang Jun to temporarily lead the supervisors. How do you two feel?"



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