The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 206: Ten thousand gold is not as heavy as 1 article

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Mi Fang went to the prefecture to meet Xun Zhen, not only presented her own salt factory, but also brought several large boxes of gifts to present before the banquet.

When Xun Zhen saw Mi Fang coming to the manor to take up the post, and presented the salt mill of the Mi family, he was overjoyed and said to himself, "The Mizi Zhongguo is a man who knows the affairs of the times."

He immediately got up, personally helped Mi Fang in the Fubai Hall, smiled and said to him: "Today, there is a shortage of resources in the state, so we have to implement the government of salt and salt. The martial arts are not necessarily all field battles. Today, the salt in the three counties can be called a salt field, and it will be a long time for things to happen. You are also worry-free."

Mi Fang said, "Don't you dare to be loyal and wise for Duke Ming and serve the salt field!"

Xun Zhen ordered Chen Yi to draft a document of extermination.

Chen Yibi walked the dragon and the snake, formed it in an instant, and presented it to Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen read it and saw that he wrote: "Guan Zhongzi set up the advantages of light and heavy fish and salt to support the poor, and the wealth and talents were all happy. After the military disaster, the people of the state were poor and disadvantaged, and it was not unreasonable to emulate the ancient wise and good governance! Mi Fangzhi Profound talent, long-term commitment, and heavy responsibilities, I will be granted the commander of Chief Salt." After reading it, he felt a deep agreement, but he owed a little, and said to Chen Yi, "Add one more sentence: 'If you do it cheaply, don't ask again.'"

Chen Yi promised and added this sentence after the document.

Wencheng was removed, and the seal of the prefect of the state was stamped. Xunzhen asked people to take it to the shogunate and sent it to the prefectures.

The eradication can be completed at this time, but Mi Fang will have to wait for two more days to take office. First, the clothes and sashes are not ready yet, and secondly, the Coastal Boiled Salt Home may resist with force, so Mi Fang has to give it to Mi Fang. Send some soldiers.

Clothes and ribbons are made by themselves.

Xun Zhen thought about the assignment of sergeants, because all the salt workshops in the prefecture were located in the coastal areas, the most suitable one would be to transfer one from the garrison in the three counties of Langya, Donghai and Guangling to assist Mi Fang in handling this matter. The garrison needs to shake the Taishan soldiers, and the Guangling garrison is in defense of the Danyang attack, but they can't move, so they can only be transferred from the East China Sea, and it is decided to transfer Yao Ban's department to Mi Fang's command.

Yao Ban was Yao Sheng's younger brother. In the first year of Chuping, Xun Zhen attacked Dong Zhuo, and the soldiers were damaged. Yao Sheng sent people back to Wu County to recruit warriors. He won 500 people and was led by Yao Shu to Yingchuan. He was the Sima of the other ministries. Although Yao Ban did not make great contributions in this attack on Xu, he also made some contributions. His younger brother was honored as a brother.

Xun Zhen decided to use Yao Ban instead of others for two reasons.

Yao Pun is from Wu County, and there are many salt workshops in Wu County. He is familiar with the salt industry, one of them.

Mi Fang's family is located in Qu County, Donghai County, and Guangling County is only separated from Wu County and Donghai County. The Yao clan in Wu County and Donghai Mi clan, Mi Fang and Yao Fan both know each other's clan names. Acquaintance, but it should not take too long to work together. This second.

Xun Zhen said to Mi Fang: "I have a person under my account, a son of the Yao family in Wu Jun, named by name, similar in age to Jun, upright, and can act together." She asked, "I intend to make this person as Jun Zuozhu, Jun Ke Would you like to?"

"Only Ming Gong's intention is to obey."

"Okay, then I'll pass an order to him and ask him to bring troops to Tan, and listen to your dispatch."

The Mi family offered the Yanfang, and they were willing to be the forerunners of Xun Zhen's horse and attack the Yanfang in this state. Xin Ai, who was stationed in Tanxian County, had a banquet together. At the banquet, everyone paid respect to Mi Fang, but they were as lazy as Xin Ai. Knowing the importance of salt, they also left the banquet to serve Mi Fang a cup. liquor.

It was night, Mi Fang was very drunk and stayed in the mansion.

The next day, he woke up and felt a splitting headache, but his mood was completely different from when he first arrived at the state capital.

Last night, everyone who attended the banquet was Xunzhen's confidant, and there was no outsider. If there was an outsider, there was one, and that was his Mi Fang, but since he was able to attend last night's event, it meant that Xunzhen was in Xunzhen. In his mind, he is no longer an outsider.

Mi Fang greatly admired his elder brother, and said to himself: "The Lord is a hero, and there are all the countrymen on the left and right. Just as my brother said, it is not limited to one state. Now from my brother's words, although it is dedicated to the salt workshop in the family, or It will offend the Yanhao in the prefecture, but it is nothing compared to the power of Dongguo Xianyang and the prestige of Li Tong if you can follow the achievements in the future!"

Although she had a headache and her stomach turned over, Mi Fang didn't lie down on the couch much. After getting up, she washed briefly and asked the little slave who was waiting outside to lead the way. She went to the front courtyard and waited for Xun Zhen to come over, so that she could meet again. Xie Huan him as the "enjoyment" of Du Wei Siyan.

Yesterday, Mi Fang presented Xun Zhen with a few boxes of gifts. Xun Zhen was not very interested in these external objects. She didn't watch them at the time. She drank alcohol last night, and she didn't even think to watch them. At that time, when I saw a few slaves laboring to carry a few boxes in, they looked familiar and thought for a while, remembering that it was presented by Mi Fang yesterday, and then I remembered this matter.

Xun Zhen stopped fencing, summoned the servants and asked, "Where are you going to carry the box?"

"Report to the parents, this is the gift that Mi Jun gave to the parents yesterday. The mansion in the front yard brought it to the back Zhuge Jun asked the servants to bring it to the parents and mistresses, and then decide whether to store it. Or use it."

Xun Zhen said in her heart, "Ziyu understands me!"

"Bring it to the parents and mistresses to look at, and then decide whether to store it or use it for other purposes." Zhuge Jin was asking Xun Zhen for instructions on whether to store these things, lock them in the warehouse, or give them to his vassals to win people's hearts.

Now that he understood Zhuge Jin's intention, Xun Zhen ordered the servants to open the boxes.

The slaves opened the box and carefully took out the various playthings and utensils in it.

Xun Zhen inspected them one by one.

Other than that, I suddenly saw a jade beauty, more than three feet long, with willow eyebrows and cherry lips, bright eyes Gu Bo, sleeves folded and waist, graceful and flawless.

Forgiving Xun Zhenzhi's bad things, he was delighted to see them. He held them in his hand and stroked/played for a while. His heart moved, but he thought of a person, so he said to his servants: "Jade is precious, Derby gentleman. , my brother is also a man." Ling said, "Take this jade beauty to Ziyu, and ask him to send someone to my brother Xuande."

The rest of the things, Xun Zhen also ordered to give them to Zhuge Jin according to the different types, and sent them to each of his good subjects. There was a short knife with a slap in the scabbard and a beautiful blade in the sheath. It was given to Zhou Tai, and He took a bronze mirror and ordered Zhuge Jin to present it to his stepmother.

In a short time, most of the treasures in several large boxes were given away, and only three or five pieces were left, and they were ordered to take them to Chen Zhi.

When these slaves saw that Xun Zhen actually took the ten thousand gold as a penny, they were all stunned.

But it was Yan Que who knew Hong Hu Zhi, and Er Cao Yan Xiao Xun Zhen embraced him.

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