The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 205: Letter to Pengcheng to see Si Yan

Those who can do the business of cooking salt are all powerful families in the county, and the Mi family is the best among them.

Like iron smelting, cooking salt is also an industry that requires a lot of labor. Anyone who cooks a sea home will have many children. Unlike iron smelting, cooking salt has a certain risk factor. There are many pirates along the coast, and everyone knows that cooking. Salt is rich, so in order to prevent pirates from attacking, the Salt House must have its own armed forces. When Xun Zhen went to Houqiu earlier, the thousands of children Mi Zhu brought to help out were all ready to go to the battlefield with a little practice, and among them there were many brave warriors.

Langya, Donghai, Guangling, the three counties combined, the imperial court has set up salt officials in four counties, but in fact, there are not only these four counties, but also other counties. Although their mutiny can be pacified, it is also a troublesome thing. It is not that the trouble is that they need to send troops to suppress it, but that the trouble is that it will give Xun Zhen a "competition with the people for profit" for the scholars and powerful surnames in Xuzhou. Of course, this "people" does not refer to ordinary Qianshou, but to these powerful and powerful surnames. Once this impression is given to them, it will not be conducive to the stability of Xuzhou.

Xun Zhen knew this.

In the competition for population, Xun Zhen has already given way. Ren Hao has thousands of children and even thousands of people, but he will not give up, but in the salt industry, he does not intend to make any more concessions. Once you let it go, you can't help it, how can you let it go again? If you let it go, will there be three more concessions? Let it continue, all the benefits of the state are taken by the tyrants, what will he use to enrich the state and strengthen the army? Anyway, sooner or later, a group of local nobles in Xuzhou will be eradicated, so if there are really ignorant people, he doesn't mind taking a few heads to sacrifice flags first. He is not worried about fighting for profit and sharing hatred with the enemy. For now, he only intends to collect salt for the state, and he is not ready to move the rest. When this trend passes, as long as those scholars and tyrants see him, there is no follow-up. action, then they will naturally feel at ease.

Xun Zhen said calmly, "If there is really a disorder in the sea, the state treasury can be filled a little."

The meaning of these words is very clear. If there are sea cooks who make trouble, then they will be killed. If there is no family, the salt industry is all very rich, and the state treasury can be filled a little bit because of this. .

Xun Yu also knew that nowadays the war is raging, the number of households has been greatly reduced, and the income of the prefectures and counties has also been greatly reduced. Therefore, he didn't say more, just said: "If you want to do this, you need to think carefully, and then do it. Don't do it suddenly."

"I'll write a letter to Mi Zizhong first, what do you think?"

"What's in the letter?"

"I'll ask him, if Mi Fang is in charge of salt matters, see if he agrees."

Xun Yu slapped the table in amazement, and said, "This is a wonderful strategy, Junhou!"

The Mi family is the richest man in Xuzhou and the leader of the salt cooking industry. Xun Zhen wrote to ask Mi Zhu if he would agree to let Mi Fang take the post of salt secretary. No opinion?

If Mi Zhu had an opinion, he would definitely not agree with Mi Fang's salt. If he had no opinion, Mi Fang was appointed as the salt. With his family's position in the cooking salt industry in this state, he could not only play a leading role, but also make the salt in the salt. The implementation of government can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Xun Zhen said, "If you have no objection, I will write to him now."

Xun Yu said, "Please write, Junhou."

Xun Zhen put out a pen and paper, quickly wrote the letter, and handed it to Xun Yu to see, and said, "Can you read it like this?"

Xun Yu took the paper and looked at it carefully, and saw the writing on it: "The poor in the country cannot strengthen the army, do not strengthen the army, and have no ability to diligently serve the king. In this state, the lack of resources needs to be filled with salt. It remains. The third generation of the Jun family cooks the sea. I have heard that Jun’s younger brother has only practiced it. He leaves Qiji and does not ride. Yokono, Champion, Xian Deng, and Pengcheng are one each, and the remaining one will be given to you, and the beautiful gentleman will serve as a child."

The "grandson" in the letter refers to "Xunzi". In order to avoid the taboo of Liu Xun, the former Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, because the ancient pronunciation of "Xun" and "Sun" is the same, Xunzi is called the grandson. Xun Zhen made five Hundred Refinement Ring Swords last year. Guan Yu, Liu Deng, Pan Zhang, and Gan Ning all made great achievements in the battle of Xu. The remaining handle is now given to Mi Zhu.

Xun Yu finished reading it, and said, "The letter from Junhou is very good, there is no need to revise it, just give it to Mi Cheng as it is."

Xun Zhen ordered the officials outside the hall to come in, sealed the letter, sent people to Pengcheng immediately, and handed it over to Mi Zhu in person.

Xun Yu asked, "If Mi Cheng refuses to accept his younger brother as Secretary of Salt, what is your intention?"

"Then we can only let General Xu hold this post concurrently."

General Xu, Xu Rong also. Xu Rong, the general who led the army, held this position concurrently, and the meaning was self-evident.

Xun Yu was silent and said to himself, "Although there will be many obstacles to change Yanzhou Ju, if Mi Cheng refused to take the post of my younger brother, I still have to persuade the prince and the prince, it is best not to be a general." He asked again, "If so Mi Cheng would like his younger brother to take the post, how would the lord and lord intend to reward him?"

"Give tens of thousands of dollars, is that enough?"

If Mi Zhu agrees, it means that he will be the first person to donate his family's salt mill, which is a huge economic loss.

Xun Yu said: "If Mi Cheng offers children to guests first, if he offers salt mills later, even though you have already expressed his honor to Pengcheng Cheng and give him tens of thousands of dollars, Yu intends to save him, but the praise is still insufficient."

"How does Qingyi square foot?"

"Mi Cheng has a younger sister, why don't you welcome her?"

Of course, Xun Zhen knew that Mi Zhu had a younger sister, but he had never thought of marrying Mi Zhu's younger sister into the house before, when he heard Xun Yu's words, he thought to himself, "It's me who's 'seeing thousands of miles', and there is no trace of it. , I only thought of marrying with Wu Junyou's surname, and I forgot that Mi Zizhong has a younger sister who has not yet been married." After weighing it for a while, he thought to himself, "If Mi Zizhong is willing to be the forerunner of my horse, I will accept it in Yanzhou. My sister, firstly, to reward him for his loyalty, and secondly, with his wholehearted help to me, I can quickly take Xuzhou into my hands.”

Thinking of this, Xun Zhen smiled and said, "I just asked Uncle Qian to return to my hometown, to choose a wife for the unmarried children of my clan in the army, but I didn't realize that he hasn't left yet, and the minister wants me to take a wife."

Xun Yu said: "If the prince is willing, even though he accepts a young wife, he can get a loyal minister."

"Okay, I'll wait for Mi Zizhong's reply to see if he should or not. If he agrees, I'll accept his sister into the palace."

While the ink was being polished, Xun Zhen called Chen Yi, told him a few things that had been negotiated with Xun Yu just now, and ordered him to write down all the prefecture and shogunate letters that should be written. After all, they all felt that it was okay, so they sent the order down, ordering the two prefectures to pass down to the prefectures and counties respectively.

Since Mintun was set up, no one should be left in charge. After consultation with Xun Yu, it was decided that Zhang Hong would be in charge temporarily.

Zhang Hong is a famous person in the state, and he is also capable of government affairs. He came forward to coordinate with the county and county to resettle the people's colony. He just got his person. After the people's colony is settled, Yao Sheng can take charge of the specific operation and management.

Civil population, land rent, and taxation, these are the main things that are related to the future development of the state. The state general book, the state book of the counties, and the statistics on judicial matters. Xun Zhen took a brief look at it and only explained to Xun Yu. : "In troubled times, we should use heavy statutes, but we should not overdo it." Yingchuan scholars are known to be law-abiding, and there are many legal talents in Xunzhen's two governments. He is more assured of the control and supervision of judicial matters. .

Xun Yu agreed.

The two discussed political affairs while reading the books. Before they knew it, half a day had passed. Seeing that the twilight was approaching, Xun Zhen left Xun Yu and Chen Yi to eat together. After dinner, Xun Yu went back to his hospital office to deal with the government affairs that had not been completed today. Chen Yi had nothing to do, and stayed with Xun Zhen to talk for a while. The two played an elephant show, and then Chen Yi returned home, Xun Zhen Go home and sleep peacefully.

However, Xun Zhen's letter and gift of the knife were sent to Mi Zhu's case three days later.

After Mi Zhu looked at it, he hung the ring knife sent by Xun Zhen on the wall in a solemn and solemn manner, and then he immediately summoned his cronies and instructed: "Return to Qu County, and ask Zifang to go to the prefecture immediately and accept the appointment of the prefecture. , and dedicate my salt mill to the state capital."

The cronies were stunned and said, "Dedicate the salt mill to the state capital?"


The confidant was taken aback and asked, "Why is this?"

"This is something you can't ask This trusted confidant tried to persuade him and said to Mi Zhu: "Parent! Absolutely! Yanfang is one of the two shares of my family. If this share is broken, only Yefang will be left, and it will be difficult to do it on one leg, and the family will probably decline! "

"What do you know!"

Mi Zhu didn't want to say more about this cronie, but then he thought about it, although Mi Fang is not a mediocre person, but he has a little lack of vision and mind, don't ask him to not understand why he would do this, in case he refuses to obey his words, That was a major delay, because he said to this trusted confidant: "When you return to Quxian, tell Zifang, . Don’t presume to speak beforehand, let’s write to Zifang.”

He picked up a pen to write to Mi Fang, and wrote: "In the past, when Duke Tao called him, they all bowed their knees. The salt; Li Tong attached Ji, and established the foundation of several generations. I was fortunate to meet the master of Ming Dynasty. When the hero and martyr were killed, he knew the details and saw far. If the lord wants to practice salt, he will give his son the commander of salt, and if he receives the letter, Zi Ke will go to the prefecture to take up the post and present my salt workshop."

Dongguo Xianyang was a big salt merchant in Qi in the former Han Dynasty. He was used by Emperor Wu as a big farmer, and he was in charge of the world's salt and iron affairs together with Sang Hongyang. Li Tong was the founding hero of this dynasty. Colonized with a surname, from the Guangwu campaign, he was awarded the title of lord, and his descendants have been lords so far.

After writing the letter, take the seal and give it to Mi Zhu, who will give it to Mi Fang.

This cronie wanted to persuade him again, but was reprimanded by Mi Zhu, but had no choice but to accept the letter and withdraw, and hurried back to Quxian the same day to find Mi Fang to spread the word.

Mi Fang heard the message from this cronie, and if Mi Zhu was worried, she was extremely reluctant, but after reading Mi Zhu's letter, she didn't speak for a while, and set off the next day to go to the prefecture to offer salt and take the post.

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