The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 198: The Hope of Shetaiqin's Famous Officials


Compared with the "five tiger generals" and "five good generals", Xun Zhen did not know much about the "Jiang Biao Twelve Tiger Officials" collectively called by later generations, because some of them were less famous, and only Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Zhou Tai, Gan Ning, Pan Zhang, etc., so although they knew that Jiang Qin was also one of the twelve, they didn't know much about their achievements, but when they heard the name of this person, they knew it was "" Jiang Biao was one of the Twelve Tiger Officials, but he was also very happy, and he lifted him up again, looking at him carefully, and seeing that he was dressed in plain clothes, clothed with leather belts, without decorations, and looked like someone who could not speak.

Xun Zhen turned around and said, "This is a strong and healthy gentleman."

We welcomed Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin into the mansion and took their seats in the hall.

Not long after, Yuan Zhongqing and Dian Wei arrived. Dian Wei bowed to Xun Zhen outside the hall and said, "Jun Hou, Wei is here."

Xun Zhen said, "Come in."

Dian Wei removed his shoes and entered the hall. Yuan Zhongqing, together with Uncle Zuo, were guards outside.

Zhou and Jiang were quite amazed when they saw that the person who came was burly and burly, with armor and clothing on his body, a pair of short halberds in his hand, and a long ring sword on his waist. Therefore, there is no need to place weapons outside the hall when entering the hall. When he arrived in the hall, Xun Zhen gave him a seat. Before he sat down, he put the short halberd on the side of the seat. It was a muffled sound, and both Zhou and Jiang were even more surprised: "Although I have seen that these two short halberds are heavy, I didn't expect it to be so heavy. How heavy should it be?"

Dian Wei's two short halberds were not only surprised by Zhou and Jiang, but those who saw Dian Wei for the first time were all surprised. You should know that the short weapons commonly used by people at that time, such as swordsmen, usually only weighed a pound. As heavy as a ring sword, the heaviest is only three or four catties. Therefore, Lu Su's saber weighed more than two catties. They each weighed 20 pounds. Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were pretty good. Because they were both warriors, they were just surprised. However, scholars like Zhao Yu and Wang Lang saw Dian Wei and the two halberds when they first saw them. At that time, even if you can cultivate your body and self-cultivation, you can't help but pay attention to it again and again, and you will be amazed.

Dian Wei had long been accustomed to Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin's surprised reaction, and he didn't take it seriously, so he didn't show any self-confidence. After sitting down, he looked at Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, and asked Xun Zhendao. : "Jun Hou, I don't know which of these two monarchs is Zhou Jun?"

When Yuan Zhongqing found Dian Wei, he would definitely tell him why Xun Zhen was summoned, so Dian Wei knew that it was Zhou Tai from Jiujiang.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "That's the majestic one."

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin are both majestic, but Zhou Tai is taller and stronger than Jiang Qin.

Xun Zhen introduced Dian Wei to Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, and said, "This is Fan Kuai, and Chen Liu Dianwei."

Fan Kuai was the chariot of Gaozu, who sat on the right side of the car and served as a guard. It is suitable to use Fan Kuai to compare Dian Wei.

Dian Wei got up, saluted Zhou Tai, and said, "Dian Wei, I have seen your step. Junhou often mentions the name of the step to me, and Wei has seen the step for a long time."

Zhou Tai hurriedly got up to return the salute, and said humbly, "Tai Wei's last disciple, how dare he often insult the general's mouth, and he does not dare to think for a long time."

Xun Zhen pointed to Jiang Qin and introduced Dian Wei: "Awei, this Zhou Jun's county resident, Jiang Jun's name is Qin, and he is also a virtuous gentleman."

Dian Wei saluted Jiang Qin again, and Jiang Qin also hurriedly got up to respond.

When meeting with Zhang Zhao, Xu Yi, Zhuge Jin, Lu Su, etc., because they were all Confucian scholars, Xun Zhen asked them about scriptures and texts, talked about politics and military affairs, and the topics were elegant and practical. Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were tigers. However, it is impossible to say these scriptures, military and political words. Xunzhen was in Xixiang in his early years, and for several years he was in contact with Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao and other chivalrous men, but he was also very close to Zhou and Jiang. Warriors' experience in communication.

At the moment, when Dian Wei, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin had met each other, Xun Zhen smiled and said to Dian Wei: "Awei, Zhou Jun and Jiang Jun have arrived at the residence, from now on you are all colleagues, and the two gentlemen are very talented. Scholar, we need to communicate more in the future, and don’t make trouble because of trivial matters.”

Dian Wei and the three of them agreed.

Xun Zhen said to Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin: "The two monarchs have just arrived, and the merits have not been shown. It is not good to be granted an important position. I would like to condone the two monarchs for my shogunate. What is the intention of the two monarchs?"

Although Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were tiger officials, they did not take credit for their first arrival. If they were given important positions in the army, even if they did not mention the splendid generals under Xun Zhen's account, who had taken their names from the battlefield. They would also be unconvinced. Furthermore, although Xun Zhen knew the names of these two people and also knew a little about Zhou Tai’s deeds, but what the characters and abilities of these two people were, they still needed to see and be true before they could be taught. Therefore, to sum up these two points, it is impossible to give them the important tasks in the army at once, and if they are not given heavy tasks, they are only given minor tasks, such as being a colony chief, etc., and it will be inconsistent. Xun Zhen's desire to call out may hurt the hearts of warriors. Therefore, Xun Zhen thought about it before Zhou Tai came, and decided to appoint him as the shogun's servant. Yes.

Although the shogunate is an idle position, without real power, and the salary is not high, but the status is not humble, just as the prefectures, counties and counties are mostly used to support the scholars, the shogunate is also close to this. , or awarded to talented people, or awarded to close people, even ordinary people are not qualified even if they want to be.

Fan Kuai was the giver of Gaozu, Tian Ren, a brave general in the former Han Dynasty, and Ren An, who was a friend of Sima Qian, were also the giver of Wei Qing, and Ma Rong, a great scholar of the current dynasty, was also called as a giver by Deng Cao. The sons of Zhang Zhao and Xue Li were the benefactors of the shogunate, and now they have decided to take Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin as the benefactors. Zhang Xuan, the son of Zhang Hong, and Yuan Di, the son of Yuan Sui, have also been called by Xunzhen as the benefactors.

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin bowed down and thanked them.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Even though the two lords and strong men, because of their first arrival, I temporarily surrendered to them, but my intention is to drive the two monarchs into the army, and first assign each of the thirty senior soldiers and the two monarchs to try to rule them. , When you come to Rizhou County to do something, I will exhort the ability of the two kings, and I will show you the merits."

Xun Zhen's arrangement made Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin grateful, and they all said, "Little people, etc. The body of an ant is valued by Duke Ming, only loyal and wholehearted, will die for Duke Ming!"

Xun Zhen laughed loudly and called the two of them to get up.

After Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were seated, Xun Zhen said to Dian Wei, "You and the two gentlemen met for the first time and are not familiar with each other. You can tell the two gentlemen about your past in Suiyang." Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin said, "Second Jun Xiongjie, when you were in the county in the past, there must be a grand festival. After Awei has said it, the second gentleman might as well talk about it a little bit so that Awei listens, I am a good chivalrous man. Happy to hear it too.”

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin agreed.

Dian Wei immediately took revenge for his former life, entered Suiyang alone, killed Gu Fuchun Chang and his wife calmly, and escaped from the attack of hundreds of pursuers. I gave it to Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin.

When Zhou and Jiang heard this, they both admired Dian Wei's courage.

After Dianwei finished speaking, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin also successively told Xun Zhen and Dianwei some of the Ren Xia deeds they had done in the county.

Some of these chivalrous deeds are like Dian Wei’s story in Suiyang. They also seek revenge, but they don’t kill people. Others gather strong men from the villages to fight against thieves who have invaded, or rob the rich to help the poor, or punish the evil and promote the good. and so on.

Hearing the splendid part, Dian Wei applauded and Xun Zhen clasped his palms.

After listening to the two of them talking about a few things, Xun Zhen asked Dian Wei to talk about some other Ren Xia deeds he had done in the past.

Dian Wei, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, you say one thing, I say one thing, you say one thing, I say one thing, Xun Zhen listened with laughter in the audience, and sometimes stunned with admiration. The atmosphere in the hall became more and more lively and harmonious. Dian Wei and the three were from Qingxia backgrounds, and they had similar interests. unfamiliar.

Before you know it, the twilight is deep.

The state officials entered the hall and lit candles, and then Dian, Zhou, and Jiang stopped talking.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Listen to the chatting of Qing and others, and the waywardness of the chivalrous man, I am actually like when I was in Xixiang on the return of the bag." He said, "It's a pity for Junqing, Zhongren, Wen Qian, Bo Qin, A Deng, A Bao, Shuzhi and Zixiu are divided into prefectures and counties, and none of them are in Tan, if it is not the case, I should invite the ministers and others to have a drink tonight!" Thinking back to the past at Yingyin's house, and having a banquet with Xu Zhong, Liu Deng and others in the courtyard, Burning fire to reflect, drinking and fencing at night, singing and dancing, joyful and hearty, not knowing that the sky will be clear, and sighing on his knees, "Although it is precious today, it is far less worrying than it is in a small time."

Xun Zhen was always worried when he was in Xixiang, but at that time he was more worried about his own body and wanted to save his life in a chaotic world. It's just his own body, and there are many vassals who follow him, as well as the world.

The self and the world are naturally the most important thing in the world. With the thought of taking the world as one's responsibility, it will certainly generate a lot of motivation, but the pressure will also be great, so he feels that he is not as comfortable as before.

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin didn't know this, but seeing Xun Zhen's heartfelt emotion, they all thought in their hearts: "Ming Gong is close to people, there is no falsehood in the conversation, and I don't care about my humble origins, and I send envoys to the front, and I love them. To be close to one's duties, and to value old love, is really my Lord!"

Dian Wei said, "Isn't Yulang in the camp outside the city? Since the lord and prince miss the past in Xixiang, why didn't you call Yulang?"

The cavalry is a more important fighting force than the infantry, and the East China Sea is located in the middle of Xuzhou. UUkanshu borders Langya, Guangling, Xiapi, and Pengcheng. Once there is war in these four counties, the East China Sea can quickly help, so Xin Ai now commands the main force of the cavalry and is stationed outside the city of Tanxian.

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Last night Yulang gave me a deer, originally wanted to invite Zi Jing to taste it tonight, but Zi Jing decided to go to Fuling today, I thought the deer would not be able to eat at night. , Gong Yi, but just when Er Qing came, just in time, the deer will be drunk tonight, and they will not return when they are drunk."

Xun Zhen usually eats a simple meal, but he is very generous when he treats his vassals and distinguished guests. After Lu Su left today, he wanted to share a share of the deer that Xin Ai gave him, and leave some for the back house. The rest of the girls were sent to Zhang Hong, Zhang Zhao, Zhao Yu, Wang Lang and others, but now that Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin are here, they are still used to entertain the "newcomers".

Xun then asked Yuan Zhongqing, who was waiting outside the hall, to go outside the city and call Xin Ai to come to the house, and have a drink tonight.

Xin Ai came very quickly, and the utensils for roasting the meat were set up. The deer was just taken out by the government officials, and the butcher of the state kitchen was dividing, and he arrived.

Xin Ai's nickname is "Yu Lang". He is beautiful and suave. He is the crown of the generals in Xun Zhen's army. Although he is not decorated with algae, he is romantic and natural, which makes people forget the vulgarity. Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin saw him. , immediately consciously filthy. Xin Ai is proficient in music. When the meat is cooked, everyone throws pots or dances and drinks until half full. The spring evening is warm and the moon is as soft as water. Xun Zhen asked him to play the qin. Seeing Xin Ai's free and easy attitude, even though it was late at night, Xuan Rui was like a morning glow, but his respectful words became more and more restrained, and they all admired him.

It's a night drink.

The next day, Xun Zhen allocated 30 soldiers to Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin each, and ordered them to practice. When they came and went, they often asked them to accompany Dian Wei together. .

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