The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 197: Zhou Youping is like a bear lifting a general (below)


The chariots, horses, and soldiers that Feng Gong and Lu Su encountered were exactly the team that went to Jiujiang to summon Zhou Tai on the order of Xun Zhen. When they arrived outside Tanxian, the soldiers who were protecting the servants returned to their own camp. Tai and others came to the city, entered the sub-city, entered the prefecture, and passed through the interior. Please search (product to see the most complete! fastest updated novel

Xun Zhen has been considering Zhang Zhao's suggestion for the past two days. Even if he sent an envoy to Chang'an to meet the emperor, after careful consideration, there is now a candidate. Because Xun Yu and others have also put forward this suggestion before, so after sending Lu Su away. , he summoned Xun Yu to discuss with him.

Although Xun Yu was officially a military officer, he was now a military division commander, but in fact he was mainly assisting Xun Zhen in decision-making and government affairs.

The prefects of the Han family were originally the chief officials of the prefecture and the prefecture. There are all Cao Cao, who manage all kinds of practical affairs separately, and only various colors are involved. "Cao" is only the Cao Cao who is responsible for the bookkeeping of the financial and grain books and the Cao Cao who is used to support the soldiers. In case of war, an additional Cao Cao can be set up. indivual.

Tao Qian was appointed as the prefect of Xuzhou and after the Yellow Turbans were taken away, he gradually grasped the real power of Xuzhou Donghai and Xiapi counties. Although he was not given a prestigious position, he was actually paid the power of Lizhou government. Cao Hong, who was killed by Xunzhen, was the head of this group of people. In other words, Tao Qian organized a group of cronies in addition to the original organizational structure of the state government, and set up a team of his own to take charge of the state government.

After Xun Zhen got Xuzhou, "Xiao Gui Cao Sui" did the same.

However, unlike Tao Qian, Xun Zhen did not plan to set up another team. Instead, he planned to keep the vassals who were used to manage the government still in the state government, and to add a working title, named "Overseer". More posts are set up so that they are in charge of various affairs in the state, such as the Cao Yuan of the county and county, and they are divided into various affairs. The only difference from other employees is that these "supervisors" who are in charge of various state affairs are in charge of various states. Governing the middle and not under the car, but not under the management of these two positions, firstly, directly responsible to Xun Zhen, and secondly, under the leadership of Xun Yu.

Therefore, although Xun Yu had a military post, he did not enter the prefecture, but in fact the power of the prefecture was taken over by him.

It is also for this reason that although Xun Yu was a military officer, he did not work in the shogunate, nor in the camp outside the city, but as a director of the state government.

The state government is the same as the county government and the county temple. The office of the governor's office, that is, there are wing rooms on both sides of the main hall. It is also called sitting on the toilet. Those who sit on the toilet, don't sit. The state officials were on duty here, and Xun Zhen allocated the left wing of the hall to the shogunate for use. Today, Yuan Sui, who was on duty in the shogunate, was on duty here, and Xun Zhen also met Lu Su and Xun here. Yu originally wanted to ask Xun Zhen to use the wing on the right side of the hall for him, but Xun Zhen did not agree, because he felt that the wing was too shabby and not enough to match Xun Yu's grace, so he changed it from the offices behind the hall. He chose the most extensive and excellent one for him to use.

When Xun Zhen was in Xixiang in the past, Xun Yu once gave him a winter plum to encourage him to be honest. Xun Zhen returned the peaches and plums. Not long ago, he ordered the state officials to transplant a lot of green bamboos and planted them in the courtyard. "Eating no meat, and living without it is customary." It was given to Xun Yu. Because of Xun Yu's elegant nature, good clothes and incense, Xun Zhen selected a lot of good agarwood from Tao Qian's inventory in the prefecture. All the ingredients and the incense, that is, the spices mixed with a variety of spices according to the incense prescription, are also given to Xun Yu, which can also be used to smoke clothes. , Therefore, the courtyard is always full of fragrance, and the spring breeze blows the leaves, the bamboo shadows move, and the government officials think it is elegant. - Xun Yu has not been a director of this hospital for a long time, and this hospital has become the most well-known one in the state government. famous everywhere.

This courtyard is not far from the front hall, but Xun Yu has government affairs that need to be dealt with immediately. Because there was such a delay in the middle, Xun Zhen just negotiated with him and decided to send Zhao Yu and Xun Chen to Xijing to face the Holy Spirit. An official came to report from outside the hall, saying that Zhou Tai's messenger would be summoned to Jiujiang to join Zhou Tai. came back.

Xun Zhen said to Xun Yu: "If you are not busy, you can meet this Zhou Youping with me."

"Since the messenger went to Jiujiang, I have heard the name of this person from my brother. It is not an exaggeration." Xun Yu said with a smile. Cases are piled up, there are too many affairs, but it is impossible to welcome men from the elder brother."

"Alright. It used to be a county's task, but now it's a state's task, and it's a newly-decorated state. It's inevitable that there will be a lot of government affairs. Wen Ruo, don't be too tired. Those who have already arrived, such as Zhang Zibu, Xu Jicai, and Lu Zijing, all have real talents. Let me try them a little bit. When I know their strengths, I will send all those who can manage the government to your courtyard. Xie Qinglao."

Xun Yu should be.

Xun Zhen said again: "The envoy sent to Jiujiang has returned, and I don't know when the envoy to Yingchuan will return!"

Compared with Zhang Zhao, Xu Yi, Lu Su, etc., those Yingchuan scholars who were summoned by Xun Zhen were all known to Xun Zhen and Xun Yu for a long time. What are their talents, what are their personalities, and what are their advantages and disadvantages? Xun Zhen and Xun Yu knew exactly what they were all about. If these people were willing to come here, they could ignore the "testing their talents", and they could be hired immediately so that they could be directly involved in various types of work. It can immediately reduce Xun Yu's workload.

Xun Yu said: "Calculate the distance, if the road is smooth and the ceremony is smooth, then it should be on the way to Guixu by now."

Xun Zhen nodded.

Xun Yu looked at the sky, it was almost evening, and on his case, there were still many official documents sent from below that had not been approved, some of which were more important. Xun Zhen, - a small government affairs, Xun Yu can make a reply by himself, and more importantly, he needs to ask Xun Zhen for his opinion, so he no longer talks to Xun Zhen, and when he leaves the hall, he bends over and dresses up. Shoes, hurriedly hurried back to the office.

Seeing that he came and went in a hurry, Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Although I tried my best to collect them all these years, I had no choice but to have few soldiers before, and I didn't get many political talents who could be independent, but it was hard for Wen Ruo. Fortunately. Now that I have obtained Xu, even though I am not in Shangzhou, I am also a feudal lord in the same place. So far, all the heroes who have been recruited this time should be recruited. Even if the envoys to Yingchuan could not summon all the people I want to use, I should be able to summon at least 80% to 90% of them, and when they are all there, my state capital will be roughly scaled, so Wen Ruo can save some effort."

Xun Zhen had recruited many generals and talents to fight on the battlefield, conquer cities and lands, and win decisive battles with the enemy. But I can't blame him for this. He wants to recruit more talents in internal affairs, but those who can manage politics are mostly scholars, and most scholars are from the right surname of the prefecture and county. Among them, it is not uncommon to have several 2,000 stones at the same time. Such a person has a very high vision. He was only a prefect of a distant county before, how could he easily recruit him?

Therefore, until now, only Xun Yu can be in charge of political affairs in Xunzhen's mansion.

As far as Handan Rong, Yao Sheng, Pu Hu, Luan Gu, Huo Heng, Cen Rong, Lu Guang, Huo Zhan, Xuan Kang, Li Bo, Qin Qian, Li Ru, Fashion, Wang Cheng, etc. The people who were obtained from Ji and Henan, despite having experienced so many years and limited their talents, could at most only be able to go to guard one county, or even be a county magistrate, or be responsible for unilateral affairs. That's all, in the past there was only one county in Guangling, and it was enough to use them to assist Xun Yu, but now there were five counties, and it seemed that there was a shortage of manpower.

Xun Zhen thought about the matter of conquering the scholars from Yingchuan and other places. She kept her feet on the ground. Following Xun Yu, she also went out of the hall and instructed the state official who sent the letter: "Take me to meet Zhou Jun." He also instructed the servants to stand. Yuan Zhongqing outside the hall, "Go find Awei."

Xun Zhen's bodyguards, ever since he served as Lieutenant of Zhao State, have always been led by Dian Wei, with Yuan Zhongqing and Zuo Bohou as assistants. This morning, Xun Zhen asked Dian Wei to show Brother Zhuge Jin the layout of the courtyard in the back house. By the way, he didn’t need to serve as a servant today, so let’s take a day off, but he didn’t expect Zhou Tai to come today. Zhou Tai is a general and so is Dian Wei. As a tiger general, there should be a common language between the tiger general and the tiger general, so Xun Zhen asked Yuan Zhongqing to find Dian Wei.

Yuan Zhongqing had been with Xun Zhen for more than ten years. At first, he had passed by with Xun Zhen, and now he is forty-five or sixty-nine years old. Although his teeth were getting older, he was still in good health and agile because of his years of martial arts practice and strength. He was ordered to leave by Xun Zhen.

Dian Wei is not here today, so Uncle Zuo is also there. He lives outside the guard hall with Yuan Zhongqing. He is one year younger than Yuan Zhongqing, and he is almost fifty. When Xun Zhen first met him in the early years, his beard was thick and black, but now he is gray, but his body is erect and still slender.

Seeing Xun Zhen leave the hall and go outside the mansion, he hurriedly took the guards on duty to follow him.

While walking, Xun Zhen looked at Uncle Zuo and said with a smile, "When your son comes, what position do you want me to give him?"

Before Xun Zhen's campaign was uncertain, so most of the civil and military officials under his account were singles. Even if he had his wife and son by his side, when he was begging Dong Zhi, because he didn't know the success or failure, they all sent their wives and sons back to their hometowns. This time, when Xuzhou was conquered, Xun Zhen sent envoys to Yingchuan to welcome Xian, and all the officials in Yingchuan, including Xi Zhicai, wrote letters to their families, asking their wives and sons to come to Xu. Among them is the Zuo Bohou.

Uncle Zuo smiled and said, "That wicked son of the villain's family, because the villain sees him little and doesn't discipline him enough, so he can't succeed in reading, riding or shooting, or anything. Every time he receives a letter from the family, he will always say that the wicked son is not good enough. Even though it was not a big offense in the county, it was really annoying. This time, he and the villain's wife were picked up. The villain thought about disciplining him for a few years. If he succeeded, he would be asked to serve the prince. "

Zuo Bohou and Yuan Zhongqing were originally natives of Xixiang. After following Xun Zhen over the years, they had some money in their hands, and they sent them back to their families one after another. Abandon. The Xun clan was originally the crown clan of Yingchuan, and Xun Zhen was very powerful at home and abroad, so Ying Yin Ling Yin also gave three points to the family members of these Xixiang people who followed Xun Zhen to fight abroad, such as the son of Zuo Bohou, even if he often They fought and made troubles in the county, but because they did not commit any serious crimes, Ying Yin Ling also opened one eye and closed one eye, and ignored it. Therefore, the son of Zuo Bohou has become Ying Yin. Some of the leaders of the "light chivalrous and evil young men" in the county are in the alley.

Xun Zhen heard this, and said to herself, "I don't listen to the uncle today, but I don't know that his son is always in Douqi County. There are many Yingyin people under my account. If you kiss me again, you will definitely make Yingyin order to treat the relatives of the generals more leniently. If you think that the relatives of the generals will be rampant in the county and even the county, there will be not only the sons of the princes, but even many more. Do it, but if the relatives of the generals act like this, it will also damage my reputation. I should teach Junqing and Zhongren to tell the generals that they will not allow their family members to violate the law."

Zuo Bohou's son was about to come to Xuzhou, but there was no need to tell him these words.

When they arrived at the gate of the house, the state envoy and Zhou Tai had already gotten off the bus, and Xun Zhen stepped forward to greet them.

The state envoy and the state officials returned to their orders: "The Duke of Ming is at the top, and the lower officials are fortunately not humiliated, and have invited Zhou Jun to come."

The state envoy introduced the strong man beside him: "This is Zhou Jun."

Zhou Tai paid his respects.

Xun Zhen hurriedly stepped forward to help him up and looked up and down, seeing that he was strong and healthy like a but with a submissive expression, she smiled and said, "I have heard your name for a long time, and we will meet at last. scholar!"

Zhou Tai said respectfully: "I don't think Duke Ming knows Tai's name! It's indescribable how grateful I am to be summoned by the Duke. I set off on the same day, but the road is far away, day and night, and I am here today. Duke Laoming has been waiting for a long time, and it is Tai's sin."

Zhou Taifei is a son of a noble family, but a son of the Han family. He has no high name, and he is like Xunzhen. He knows his strengths, but he is not knowledgeable. Xun Zhen attacked Dong Kesheng, shook the reputation of "Marquis Xun" in China, captured one prefecture and took charge of the "prefecture animal husbandry" capital of five counties, but sent envoys to Pi. When he saw the prefecture envoy sent by Xun Zhen, at that time, Zhou. Tai's surprise is far greater than that of Zhuge Jin.

Therefore, as he said himself: he set off on the same day, non-stop day and night, galloping for several days, now to Tan County.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "If you want to say that you are guilty, you are indeed guilty."

Zhou Tai didn't understand Xun Zhen's intentions, so he bowed down and said, "Please make it public, and Tai Gan will be punished."

"The king is guilty of being too modest." Xun Zhen laughed, possessed himself and lifted Zhou Tai up again, and looked at the man behind Zhou Tai.

This person was the one Lu Su and Feng Gong saw sitting in the third state car on the side of the road. Xun Zhen saw him when he came out of the mansion. When Zhou Tai bowed and bowed, this person also bowed down. Just now, when Zhou Tai bowed again, this person also bowed again.

Xun Zhen went to help him up too, turned to Zhou Tai, and asked, "Who is this gentleman?"

Zhou Tai turned around, turned to Xun Zhen, stood with his hands down, and replied, "Jiang Qin, a native of Tai County, has been with Tai for a long time, Tai Su knows him, a brave man, Tai Zi thinks he may be a minion of Duke Ming. , because I didn't get the kindness of Duke Ming, I invited him to come with me, and dared to ask Duke Ming to punish him."

Jiang Qin took two steps back, bowed down again, and said in his mouth: "Qin pays respects to Duke Ming. There is no summons, please punish Duke Ming."

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