The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 116: 3 Battle of Fudong County (1)

w Changyuan is the northernmost county in Chenliu County. When you get here, it is not far from Dong County. After traveling for more than ten miles, there is a river in front of you, which is Pushui. (Pu Shui, also known as Pu Canal Shui, its watershed was the land of defending the country in the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the sound of Zheng Wei was extravagant and indulgent, so the "Book of Rites" said: "The sound of Pushang in the mulberry is also the sound of the subjugation of the country", This "Pu" means "Pu Shui".

After crossing the Pushui River, it is less than two miles away, and it is the border of Dongjun.

When they reached the south bank of Pushui, Xun Zhen did not immediately lead the army to cross the river, but ordered Xu Zhong, Liu Deng and He Yi to make preparations for crossing the river. And Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and other personal guards first lightly ride across the river from the bridge and go to the other side. Cross the river for two miles and enter the border of Dongjun County, and then walk for half a mile. There is a township in front of you. Before entering the township, you can see a large and strong Zhuangzi standing in the wilderness from a distance. This place is called Weixiang, which is the outermost stronghold of the Yellow Turbans in Dongjun.

Weixiang is a place with a long history. In ancient times, it was the country of the Weishi family. Its monarch was Zhuanxu, who was enfeoffed by Shaokang, the king of Xia. At the end of the summer, Chengtang attacked Xia. It is the ally of the Xia Dynasty, the state of Bo Wei. In "Book of Songs? Shang Song? Long Hair", it is said that "Wei Gu has already cut down, and Kunwu Xia Jie", "Wei" is Bo Wei, which is today's Wei Township. Shang Tang destroyed Bowei and Gu, first occupied the northern part of what is now Henan, then went south to destroy the kingdom of Kunwu near what is now Yingyin, and finally wiped out the Xia Dynasty.

Wei Township is now Baima County.

During the reign of the first emperor of this dynasty, Baima issued a famous county magistrate, namely Li Yun, the commander of Baima. The letter to the emperor is usually sealed, "Lubu" is not sealed, and everyone can read it along the way. The book has not reached Luoyang and the world is known, which aroused the anger of Emperor Huan, and took him to the Huangmen North Temple Prison, and Chen Fan and others rescued him. In the end, he died in prison.

Xun Zhen and others were stationed outside Ma Township and looked at Zhuangzi in the township. It is not so much a manor as it is a dock castle, surrounded by high walls and thick walls, surrounded by deep ditch, with a sentry shed in front. The walls of the village are very wide, guarded by armored soldiers with spears and halberds, and the corners of the walls are expected to look up. There is a towering tower in the village, which converges layer by layer from bottom to top. It is so high that there are warriors on every floor of the building, overlooking the outside of the village, and it is not clear from a distance, but you can vaguely see that they all seem to have something in their hands, which should be bows and crossbows.

Xun Zhen pointed at him with his whip, and said: "I have never heard of a powerful and powerful family in Wei Township. This dock wall occupies a large area, with deep trenches and high fortifications. There are many buildings and strong barriers. cut."

Xi Zhicai nodded in agreement and said, "Look at the ditch wall, the color is still light and fresh, it should be built not long ago." Looking at the size of the manor, he calculated for a moment, and then said, "Looking at the size of this manor, the manor is capable of If you can accommodate a thousand people, if you store grain, at least it will be enough to feed a thousand people for two years.”

Xun You hesitantly said: "A crowd of a thousand people, two years of food, so it seems that this thief of Wei Township wants to stay with our army for a long time."

"Let's take a closer look." Xun Zhen rode on a horse and galloped into the countryside.

The road in the village is incomparable with the official road. It is very narrow and bumpy. The horses are running on it, and the dust is flying and it is very bumpy. There are mulberry trees on both sides of the village road, which are sparse, and outside the trees are fields, and there is no one in the fields, only a piece of wheat that is lopsided. At this time of early summer, the wheat is not low enough, and it may be acceptable to ride a horse on it.

Xun Zhen drove on, looked around, and thought: "The road is narrow, there is wheat in the fields, and the manor is high and solid, with deep ditches outside, and strong barriers, this battle cannot be fought hard." The large army launched an attack, and there were deep ditches outside the village, the walls were high, and there were bowmen on the towers, which made the attack even more difficult. Xun You and Xi Zhicai also thought of this, and Xi Zhicai frowned and said, "The terrain outside the village is not good for our department." Back on the road, he caught up with Xun Zhen and said, "Mr. Xun, the thieves dug a lot of trenches in the fields, and I almost tripped over my horse just now."

It is not good to have wheat in the fields, and coupled with the trenches, it is even more difficult to launch a large-scale attack.

Xun Zhen looked at Zhuangzi in the distance, thoughtfully, and said, "The thieves are well prepared, Gongda, it seems that you are right, they just want to resist our army here for a long time."

Yuan Zhongqing asked, "What should we do then?"

Xun Zhen saw that he was not too far away from Zhuangzi, so he stopped his horse and looked at it from a distance. Now that he was close, he could see clearly. The guards on the wall were wearing armor and sharpening, and the warriors on the tower were indeed all holding bows and crossbows. . The guards in Zhuangzili had discovered Xun Zhen and his party long ago. The armored soldiers were like a big enemy, and the warriors were waiting. The drummers on the watchtower and the tower were beating drums in panic.

A leader, who might be Xiaoshuai, climbed up the wall of the village in armor, put up a pergola in his hands, and looked over here.

When Xun You looked at it so much, he said, "Just as Zhicai just said, this village is not small, it can accommodate a thousand people, and looking at the number of guards on its walls and towers, there are eight hundred thieves in the village, not a thousand people. But so many people have shrunk in the village, and no one has been released outside the village. The thief in this village, Qu Shuai, is too timid."

Yuan Zhongqing said: "Isn't it? Seeing us coming, they only beat drums to warn, but still no one came out. They are indeed timid as mice."

Xun Zhen and his entourage only had dozens of cavalry, and Xun Zhen was guarding Zhuangzhong. He had already sent warriors out to attack, but Zhuangzhong was still noisy, but no one came out. The guards were either overly cautious or timid.

Since no one came out of Zhuangzhong, Xun Zhen was not in a hurry to go back, so he rode on his horse and stood in the middle of the road. He took a closer look at Zhuangzhong's defensive measures. Leaders and the like, knowing that it was time to go back, asked Xun You and Xi with a smile, and said, "Zhicai and Gongda have been watching the thief's village for a long time, and already know a little about the defense of the thief. Is it legal?"

Xun You and Xi Zhicai glanced at each other, Xun You said: "The thieves are timid and cannot defend themselves. The road outside the village is narrow, and the fields are rugged. This village is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I am a teacher from afar, and the thieves are waiting for work. I'm afraid it won't be easy to fight, and I haven't made up my mind yet."

"Zhicai, how about you?"

Xi Zhicai pondered for a moment, glanced at the smile at the corner of Xun Zhen's mouth, and suddenly smiled, "Zhenzhi, although I don't have a good way yet, but you must have made up your mind. Don't be rude and listen."

Liu Deng was in a hurry and was overjoyed when he heard the words. He asked Xun Zhen, and said, "Master Xun, do you have the confidence to attack the village?"

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "A fool who has thousands of concerns will surely gain something. Although I am not as resourceful as Gongda and Zhicai, this time I have a 'foolish' first." He knew that he was far inferior to Xi Zhicai, Xun Youzhizhi, therefore, this time, although he thought of a way to attack the village first, he was not at all smiled, "Yes, I do have five or six points of confidence."

Dian Wei, Chen Dao, Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and the others asked in unison, "How does Jun Xun plan to attack the village?"

Xun Zhen laughed, but refused to speak, only said: "It won't work if you say it."

He rode his horse and changed his career, took the crowd away from Zhuangzi, and returned along the village road. After walking a short distance, he restrained the horse and looked back to the north again, but this time he did not look at Zhuangzi, but towards the north of Zhuangzi, Bei Tiancheng. Blue and white clouds.

He sighed and said: "During the Chu and Han times, Gaozu was defeated in Chenggao, crossed the Yellow River in the north, and the army cultivated martial arts. Liu Jia commanded 20,000 people, rode hundreds of people, crossed the Baimajin and went deep into the land of Chu, burned its accumulation, and entrusted the item. Wang Jun has no food. In the past, when I read history, I didn't realize that I took the case for Liu Jia, and I was amazed at his bravery. , because I have long wanted to see the white horse, and pay tribute to the ancient battlefield. Lords, after Wei Township is Baima County, my long-cherished wish will soon be fulfilled!"

Before Weixiang started the fight, he said that "the long-cherished wish will be fulfilled soon" and went to Baimajin for a look. From this sentence, we can see Xun Zhen's confidence in capturing Wei Township, and this also aroused the curiosity of the generals. Even Xun You and Xi Zhicai were eager to know what method he came up with to attack the village. m

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