The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 115: Let's go and fight for 500 miles (below)

w Pull out the camp the next day and go to Changping. ()

Xun Zhen saw that the gates of Changping County were wide open, and a large number of refugees gathered in the field outside the city. Several county officials in black clothes and ribbons were directing people to cook porridge among the refugees. Luo Jun's order was to shelter and provide relief to the refugees. He came out of Huangfu Song's central army with more than 200 footsteps, pushed dozens of vehicles to the outside of the county, and handed them over to the county officials, but it was Huangfu Song who reciprocated to thank Chen Wang Liu Chong and Chen Xiang Luo Jun for donating crossbows , specially allocated some military rations from the army to Changping County to help it relieve the victims.

Looking at this scene, Xun Zhen was quite emotional, and said to the left and right: "General Huangfu is good at fighting, and is invincible. What is even more rare is to love the people, love the people like a son, and really I am the backbone of the Han family."

The nearly 200,000 Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan and Runan were all pacified within two months. This is partly due to Huangfu Song. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the pillar of the Han family. Quickly quelling the rebellion is one thing, loving the people like a son is another. Compared with peace, loving the people is even more rare. Xun Zhen said in his heart: "The imperial court divided its troops into two paths, one against Jizhou, and one against Yingchuan and Runan. Lu Zhi and Zhang Jiao fought fiercely in Jizhou, and they were invincible, and Zhu Jun's earlier battle with Yingchuan Bocai was also a big defeat. "Among these generals who went on expeditions and led troops, Huangfu Song deserved the most credit. It's also because the Yellow Turbans couldn't make it happen, and the Han Dynasty should not be destroyed, so there are such outstanding people as Huangfu Song!"

In the original history, Lu Zhi was invincible for a long time, Zhu Jun was first defeated by Yingchuan Bocai, and then he attacked Wancheng in Nanyang. Defeat Zhang Jiao brothers and pacify Jizhou. It can be said that 80% of the destruction of the Yellow Turbans was in the hands of Huangfu Song. If it weren't for Huangfu Song, this Yellow Turban Army would have been in chaos for many years!

It is not surprising that Xun Zhen respected Huangfu Song and at the same time deeply feared him.

After passing through Changping County, after traveling more than ten li, Huangfu Song sent someone to summon Xunzhen. Xun Zhen rushed to the army. Huangfu Song did not ride in a car, but rode on a horse. He was surrounded by his own soldiers, generals and cadres, and followed the army. Seeing Xun Zhen approaching, he motioned for him to come forward, and said with a smile, "How's the march for the past two days?" Xun Zhen trailed behind Huangfu Song. A horse head replied, "There are no Yellow Turban thieves in the Chen country, so the march is very easy these few days."

Huangfu Song Yao pointed to the road ahead and said: "If you go north for more than 30 li, you will leave the Chen State border and enter Chenliu County. You and I will divide our troops on the fork in the road ahead. I will go north and enter Chenliu via Fule, and you will turn to the northeast. Direction, go to Chenliu County via Yangxia."

This is the strategy set two days ago. Xun Zhen agreed.

Huangfu Song instructed to explain, saying: "Although there are no large groups of Yellow Turban thieves in Chenliu County, there are quite a few small groups of thieves. After you enter Chenliu, you must follow the rules and set up camp, and don't be careless. You stand in Yingchuan and Runan. You have made a lot of military exploits, and now you are also famous, but don't let the little bandits from Chen Liu steal your camp."

Xun Zhen replied, "Yes."

Huangfu Song asked, "Is there anything I need to add to you?"

Xun Zhen said, "I was overjoyed by the gift of the general's hundred crossbows last night, and I don't lack anything else." Huangfu Song nodded and said, "If that's the case, you can take your troops there." Yang Pointing before the whip, "You and I will meet in Dong County!"

Xun Zhen complied with the promise, saluted, turned horses back to the headquarters, passed down the generals of Huangfu Song, and led more than 3,000 people from the headquarters to break away from the main force, and went northeast along the fork in the road.

After leaving the main force, due to the small number of troops and horses, the speed of travel accelerated, and it could not travel four or five miles. The first big canal blocked the way.

This canal is the famous chasm. It was the earliest canal connecting the Yellow River and the Huai River. It was built during the Warring States Period. When Chu and Han were fighting, this was the dividing line between the Chu army and the Han army. After crossing this canal, after less than twenty miles, we reached Yangxia before sunset. Xun Zhen, like Huangfu Song, did not lead his troops into the city, but camped outside the county, stayed one night, and continued the march the next day.

After walking only two miles, He Yi, who was in the vanguard, sent someone to report that he had found a group of thieves, with twenty or thirty people, probably because they saw the troops marching past, and they were rushing to the east. ?" Xun Zhen thought for a while, and then ordered: "After passing the vortex in front of you, you will be Chenliu County after a dozen miles. There are only twenty or thirty bandits, so you don't need to work hard to raise the public, you don't have to worry about them, just go ahead. ."

He Yi took the order and urged the troops to hurry up. When they arrived at the shore of the vortex, they divided their troops to cross the river first to guard, and prepared their ships to wait for Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen led the main force to arrive, and the whole army crossed the river. After passing the Eddy Water, and traveling for more than ten miles, it is the border of Chenliu County. There was a delay in crossing the river, and it was almost evening. Xun Zhen ordered the battalions to be stationed on the spot, summoned the generals, and convened a military meeting.

Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, He Yi, Dian Wei, Chen Dao, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao, Xun Cheng, and Xin Ai all arrived.

Before the tent was set up, everyone sat around Xun Zhen on the ground.

Xun Zhen looked around the crowd, smiled and said to Xin Ai, "Yu Lang, why are you so listless?"

The other generals were all sitting upright, and Xin Ai was sitting slouching. He leaned against the flagpole and played with his short sword in a bored manner, saying, "It's very boring to march for days, and I haven't encountered a single thief in the territory of Chen State. It's utterly boring."

Xun Zhen laughed and said: "Before the division with General Huangfu, our army had more than 20,000 people, and after the division, our army will also have more than 3,000 people, what kind of blind thief will take the initiative to run into it? Before crossing the vortex water. , He Yi has encountered dozens of bandits, but the number is too small to be worth killing. Yulang, you don't have to be listless, Chenliu County is ahead, although Chenliu County does not have a large number of yellow turbans, but there are a lot of small bandits. , when you use force!"

Xin Ai said, "It's better!"

After chatting for a while, Xun Zhen returned to the main story and said: "According to the military report, there are no large groups of thieves in Chenliu County, but there are quite a few small groups of thieves, or three to five hundred, or seven or eight hundred. General Huangfu ordered our troops. For others, go all the way alone,..."

He pointed to the map spread out on the ground and said to everyone: "Calculate the time, General Huangfu should be arriving at Fule at the moment. According to the plan set earlier, General Huangfu will lead the main force from Fule to enter Chenliu County tomorrow morning, and enter Chenliu County. After Chenliu County, he will divide his troops into the western counties of Chenliu County, such as Luefugou, Yuxian, Weishi, and Yongqiu. After exterminating the thieves in these places, he will enter Chenliu County. Yellow, cross the river (Yellow River) to the north and enter the western border of Dongjun."

Everyone attentively watched him draw Huangfu Song's marching route on the map, and listened to him talk about Huangfu Song's military division strategy.

Jiang Qin asked, "What is our army's marching route?"

Xun Zhen pointed at the map and said, "Our department left the border of Chen State from Yangxia. Now that our department has passed Yangxia and crossed the vortex water, it is not far from Chenliu County. After entering Chenliu, our department turned to Chenliu. Stay in the counties to the east, go to Jiwu first, ..." Having said that, Xun Zhen paused, smiled and said to Dian Wei, "Old Dian, according to the information, Jiwu does not have a large group of thieves, wait until we arrive. , you can go home and have a look."

Dian Wei is Chen Liuji's own, he replied, "Yes." He said, "I've been away from home for so many days, and I really miss my mother."

Xun Zhen nodded, and continued on the topic just now: "After passing me, my department will go to Waihuang via Xiangyi, and then go to Jiyang. According to information, there are about hundreds of bandits in Waihuang and Jiyang, etc. Once these two bandits have been eliminated, our unit's combat mission in Chenliu County will be completed, and we will then cross the North River and enter Dong County via Changyuan."

Xin Ai asked, "What about after entering Dongjun?"

"It is reported that Qu Shuai Bu Ji, the Yellow Turban thief in Dong County, has shrunk the main force to the northeast of the County, but he also left a lot of bandit soldiers at the border between Dong County and Chenliu County to try to prevent our army from entering. , my department will first clean up the Yellow Turban thieves on the border with Chenliu, and then wait here for the main force of General Huangfu to arrive." He said, pointing his finger on the map, everyone looked, but it was Wei Xiang.

Xun Zhen's troops were few, more than 3,000 people, and their marching speed was definitely faster than Huangfu Song. Huangfu Song used him as his other department. First, it was to save time and quickly clear out the small band of bandits in Chenliu territory. Second, he wanted him to enter Dongjun first to clear the way for the entry of the army. Everyone sat down and pressed their swords, and agreed in unison. Xun Zhen asked, "Is everything clear?" The crowd replied, "I am clear."

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "We will rest here tonight. Tomorrow, we will cook dinner at the third watch, set up the camp at the fifth watch, and enter Chenliu County at dawn!"

They all agreed loudly.

Xun Zhen turned to He Yi and said to him, "After entering Chenliu County, you still use your Runan Zuoying as the vanguard of our troops."

He Yi replied, "Yes."

"Junqing, A Deng, you two brought Runan Youying as the Queen of our Ministry."

Xu Zhong, Liu Deng Yingnuo.

"I brought the Chinese army to your two battalions. Everyone, since the pacification of Runan, our troops have rested for a long time. After entering the territory of Chen State, there has not been a single battle. There are tens of thousands of Yellow Turban thieves. Although they are not comparable to the thieves in Yingchuan and Runan, there are still tens of thousands of them. Fighting against the thieves in Waihuang and Jiyang counties is even a warm-up for the battle of Dongjun!" Everyone agreed.

The next day, according to the orders of Xun Zhen's general, three shifts made meals, and five shifts set up camp. More than 3,000 people marched for several miles, leaving the territory of Chen State and entering Chenliu County.

When they arrived at Chenliu, they turned east and walked for nearly 20 li. It was Jiwu. Xunzhen still did not enter the city, and camped outside the county. After setting up the camp, he went home with Dian Wei. Dian Wei's home is not in Jiwu County, but in Jiwu Countryside.

According to Xunzhen's nature, he is a low-key person who is unassuming, and if he returns to Yingyin, he will definitely not bring any entourage, but this time to accompany Dian Wei home, he has brought a full two hundred soldiers. , and ordered Xin Ai's 200 knights with this song to follow each other, with great fanfare, clear banners, bright helmets and bright armor, and 400 cavalry to enter the countryside proudly.

It was night now, there were few people on the country road, and the night was quiet. The movement of the four-hundred-step ride was very loud, and it was heard far away in the night, causing bursts of barking, and soon the town was full of clamor. The villagers did not know what was going on. Some thought that the county temple came to collect the tax, some thought it was a thief, and some went out to visit and saw a military horse on the road in the country.

As early as in the daytime, when Xunzhen brought his troops, they knew that the "Master Wang" who had calmed the chaos had arrived, so when they saw that it was Han soldiers, they were a little less panicked, but more puzzled, not knowing why they came to their village. When you are suspicious, you can't help but think: Could it be that you are here to rob food, money, or women? The villagers with fast legs were busy looking for Qiangfu and elders in their hometown, the pavilion chief of the pavilion, and begging for robbers.

The cowardly closed the door and closed the door, and the daring lied on the wall and looked at it. In the dark of the night, he saw three people walking in the front of the hundreds of paces. Wearing a painted leather armor, a horizontal spear and a bow, his appearance is beautiful, and he looks like a picture, a burly face, wearing armor and carrying a halberd. The three of them were walking and laughing and talking, and they seemed very close.

When they approached, some villagers recognized them: Isn't this man in armor and halberd Dian Wei from his hometown?

Someone greeted Dian Wei from the wall. When Dian Wei heard the sound, he turned to look, and when he saw that he was an acquaintance, he stopped his horse.

Xun Zhen waved his hand, and the four hundred troopers stopped in unison. He also stopped his horse, smiling and waiting for Dian Wei to speak to the villagers. The villager glanced at Xun Zhen in fear. He didn't know who Xun Zhen was, but he knew Xun Zhen's seal, and he knew that this was a nobleman of six hundred stones. He asked Dian Wei and said, "Awei, the former A few days ago, I heard that a noble person from the Xun clan in Yingchuan was looking for you and summoned you to Yingchuan, why did you come back?"

Dian Wei pointed at Xun Zhen respectfully, and said proudly: "This is the noble man who called me to Yingchuan, and he is now the Sima of General Huangfu. Begging for thieves, passing by Jiwu, so I will go home and have a look."

The villager let out an "ah", and stayed for a while. After thinking about it, he said enviously, "We heard a few days ago that General Huangfu led 100,000 heavenly soldiers to pacify the Runan pirates, so you were in the army at that time. In the middle!" Xun Zhen said with a smile, "Not only in the army! In the battle of Runan, Qu Shuai and Xiao Shuai among the Yellow Turban thieves in Runan were beheaded by the Lao Dian formation. In the Xihua battle, Lao Dian was established. Great work!"

The villagers are even more jealous. Dian Wei said: "I'll go home first, I won't tell you more, if there is a chance in the future, please have a drink."

The villager kept saying goodbye and watched them leave. He saw Dian Wei being so majestic, accompanied by a nobleman of six hundred shi, and surrounded by hundreds of cavalry riders behind him. Although he did not know the allusion of "a man should be like this", he was also envious. To the extreme, he thought to himself, "Dian Wei murdered and desperately tried to hide in Tibet in the past, but today he is so beautiful! Oh, when will I be able to do this?" Lying on the wall, thinking about these thoughts, even the wife's cry in the room was heard. did not hear.

When Dian Wei returned home, his mother had already fallen asleep. Hearing the movement outside the door, he put on his clothes and got up to open the door. When he saw that Dian Wei was back, he couldn't believe it at first. down. Speaking of which, Dian Wei has always let his mother worry about him since he was a child. The murder, and hiding for it, made his mother worry about him even more. When Xun Zhen sent someone to look for Dian Wei, his mother was very reluctant to Dian Wei go to Yingyin at first, but only later because the people sent by Xun Zhen were too polite and polite, and there was no way to refuse, so she agreed to go. , but unexpectedly, it has been less than two months since he went to Yingyin, but Dian Wei has returned home in fine clothes!

After listening to Dian Wei's introduction to Xun Zhen, Dian's mother knew that this was the "noble person" who had summoned Dian Wei to Yingyin. She was immediately grateful and wanted to bow down tremblingly. Xun Zhen hurriedly hugged her and said with a smile, "Old man, you are an elder, and I am a junior. How can an elder salute a junior? You are going to break my life. Don't be like this, don't be like this." Wei's old mother said: "I have always been a troublemaker since I was a child. I murdered him earlier. I thought he would end up either being arrested or imprisoned, or being killed on the street, but today he is on the right track. This achievement is all because of you. I represent the ancestors of my family in all dynasties, thank you for your great kindness!"

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Dian Wei is brave and righteous. In the past, he caused troubles only a little but not more. Since he joined the army, he has made many military exploits, and now it is a long song, and he has two hundred warriors under his command. Wait for me to pacify Dongjun. After the Yellow Turban thief, maybe he can make even more contributions! Mom, from now on, you don't have to worry about him anymore, just wait for him to shine on the lintel of your Dian family!"

While talking, Xun Zhen ordered Xin Ai and others to bring the goods and other gifts into the courtyard, but Dian Wei's mother refused.

Xun Zhen said: "Dian Wei left home to fight, and he couldn't do his filial piety at home. He was very uneasy. He often said to me in the army, "I miss my mother, and I am worried that you will not be taken care of at home. My mother will keep these mere treasures, and I will go tomorrow." Buy some slaves and maids in the county, and with them serving, Dian Wei can feel at ease in the army." Dian Wei's mother accepted it.

Xun Zhen looked at the night, smiled and said to Dian Wei, "You don't have to go back to the camp tonight, just stay with your mother at home and return to the camp tomorrow morning." Dian Wei Yingnuo. Xun Zhen didn't bother much, so she bowed her hands, and took Xin Ai and the others to leave.

Qingxia is still qi, this anger is face, Xun Zhen gave Dian Wei face like this, Dian Wei was really moved. That night, he stayed home with his mother without mentioning it. Early the next morning, Xun Zhen was in the camp until he returned. Unexpectedly, he did not come back alone. There were dozens of villagers with him, all with swords and knives. After his introduction, these people came back. They are all light chivalrous warriors in the countryside, but they are envious of him because of his fame and beauty, so they also want to join the army and gain fame and fortune.

Xun Zhen had no reason to reject them, so he allocated them all to Dian Wei and placed them in the trapping song.


After settling down the people brought by Dian Wei, Xun Zhen pulled out the camp and went to Xiangyi, Waihuang, and Jiyang.

A day later, when they arrived at Xiangyi, there were no thieves and bandits in this place, and they stayed overnight.

Re-travel for two days, until the outer yellow. The county seat of Waihuang County was not lost, but there were more than 300 bandits entrenched in the countryside.

Huang Ling's name was Gao Biao, and he had an indirect connection with Xun Zhen. In the past, when Gao Biao was not an official, Prefect Wen of Yingchuan had served as prefect in the county where his family was located, and raised him as a filial piety, that is to say, Prefect Wen was his "raiser". Although Prefect Wen and Xun Zhen didn't get along very well, Gao Biao didn't know that Xun Zhen wasn't someone who abolished the public for personal reasons. With this relationship, the two worked well together. Gao Biao sent people as guides, and Xun Zhen directed He Yi, Xu Zhong, and Liu Deng to lead the left and right battalions to the countryside to suppress the thieves. The two battalions had a total of 2,000 troops, 2,000 against more than 300. It was like a lion and a tiger fighting a rabbit. It only took half a day to exterminate this group of thieves.

This group of thieves of more than 300 people has troubled Gao Biao for more than two Many times, the county soldiers and the warriors in the county were attacked, but they were unable to win, but in front of Xun Zhen's team, this was the case. Vulnerable to a single blow, Gao Biao was stunned and praised. Xun Zhen smiled.

Stay for one night and travel another fifty miles to Jiyang. There are not many thieves in Jiyang County, there are two or three hundred people, but this group of thieves has captured the county seat and entrenched in the city. Xun Zhen ordered He Yi to attack first, bringing her own main force to help out. After the **** battle of Xihua, it was easy to fight such a county and hundreds of enemies, and it was defeated in one battle.

After slaying the bandits in these two counties, making some rectifications, they crossed the Yellow River and went up to Changyuan. There were no bandits in Changyuan, so the magistrate greeted him outside the city and built a camp here on the same day.

From Pingyu, we traveled to this place, passing through two counties and states, traveling nearly 500 miles, and more than ten miles ahead is Dong County.


1. Gao Biao.

According to the record in "Gao Biao Stele of the Outer Huang Ling", in the seventh year of Guanghe, that is, the first year of Zhongping, the prefect Wen was recruited to the court, and Gao Biao abandoned the official to follow: Gao Biao) raised the general Yingchuan prefect Nanyang Wenfu Jun Zheng visited Tingwei, ..., (Gao Biao) donated officials to go to justice, officials and people climbed cars, ... in the seventh year of Guanghe ..., in June Bingshen, died." m

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