The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 109: Moved to 10 counties to Pingyu (Part 2)

Pingyu was located on the north bank of Rushui, and Xia and Shang were the kingdoms of Zhi. (m starts without advertisements) (m starts without advertisements) In the Spring and Autumn Period, Shen was destroyed by Cai, and Chu took Cai again. Because Shen State was the land of Zhiguo in the past, and the monarch of Zhiguo was the ancestor of car-making, after Xi Zhong in the Xia Dynasty, the terrain was flat because of this, so the Chu people called the capital of Shen State as Pingyu, which is Pingyu County The reason for the name. At the end of the Warring States Period, the first emperor attacked the six kingdoms and attacked Chu. Li Xin and Wang Jian successively led troops here to capture this county, and Qin then set up Pingyu county. Because of this, the two Han Dynasty designated this place as the county seat of Runan County. There was a Zhiting Pavilion outside Pingyu County, which existed until the Han Dynasty, that is, the Zhiguo from ancient times.

Xun Zhen led his troops for half a month, and conquered more than ten counties to Pingyu. When they arrived outside Pingyu City, Fu Xie and others came out to greet them by order of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun. According to Huangfu Song's order, Xun Zhen left his followers in the military camp outside the city, took Xun You and Xi Zhicai alone, and entered the city with He Yi to visit Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun Under the latest chapter of the contract. Pingyu is the county seat of Runan. It is one of the largest cities in the two counties of Ying and Ru. From the outside, the city walls are towering and it covers a wide area. However, there are few pedestrians on the streets entering the city, and there are few cars and horses, and it is deserted.

Fu Xie and Xun Zhen rode their horses side by side, noticed Xun Zhen's gaze, sighed, and said, "Pingyu is a famous city in Runan, I have been here before. Thieves are in chaos, ten rooms and six empty rooms in the county are deserted and desolate." Xun Zhen recalled two poems written by Cao Cao many years later: "Bone bones are exposed in the wild, no roosters croak in a thousand miles", and also sighed and said: "There is something in the world. , there is chaos in the four directions, and the suffering is always the common people.”

Fu Xie is a native of Lingzhou in the north, and the frontiers of the north. The Qiang people often rebel. Whenever the Qiang people are in chaos, not only the Han people suffer from the war, but the Qiang people suffer as well. He heard and saw it since he was a child. . He took it seriously and said, "A soldier is a murder weapon. The yellow scarves are everywhere, poisoning the world, and the people are suffering. They are really big thieves of the country. Fortunately, people with lofty ideals rose up, and the brave and heroic men from the sea competed to join the army. General Zhu and General Lu led the troops to pacify the thieves, and now the thieves in Ying and Ru counties have basically been pacified, and I am sure that the thieves will be cleared away in a few days, and the peace of the people will be restored.”

In fact, all aspiring people, even if they regard war as an opportunity to gain fame and fortune, but from their heart, few like war, and they are very aware of the damage caused by war to society, such as Cao Cao , and had made a similar sigh in Yingchuan earlier because he saw the fields were barren. Xun Zhen nodded and said, "Yes, General Huangfu, General Zhu, and General Lu are all famous generals in the imperial court. Fu Jun and Brother Wentai are also wise men and heroes from various states. As long as we work together, we will be able to bring down the Yellow Turbans." Asked Fu Xie, he said, "Brother Wentai hasn't returned yet?"

After Huangfu Song captured Xihua, he divided his troops into several paths. Fu Xie replied, "Sun Sima pursued Gong Du and has not returned yet. The military report sent last night said that he had already reached Sishan County."

Xun Zhen said, "Si Shan?" Si Shan was in the east of Runan County, and was already approaching Pei country. (No ads for the first issue) Xun Zhen smiled and said, "This Peng Tuo escaped really fast. "First 〇L, Post"" asked with concern, "Did Brother Wentai say the enemy's situation in the military newspaper? Can he catch up with Peng? Are you going to escape?" Fu Xie said, "Sun Sima said in the military newspaper that he had bit Peng Tuo's tail, and he would definitely not let him escape to Pei." Xun Zhen calmed down and said, "That's good. "

The two chatted and chatted, and when they arrived at the place where Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Zhao Qian were stationed, it was the Runan Prefecture in Pingyu County--other book friends were reading: The Way of the God King. Xun Zhen, Fu Xie, and Xun You, Xi Zhicai, and He Yi, who were behind them, dismounted, and went inside to meet Huangfu Song and others.

Xun Zhen reported to Huangfu Song about He Yi's surrender in the military report. Now that he came to Pingyu, he had to bring He Yi to see Huangfu Song. How to deal with this person had to obey Huangfu Song. the meaning of. Huangfu Song has been famous for a long time. If it seems that his past achievements and fame have nothing to do with He Yi, now he has successively pacified Yingchuan and Runan counties, and killed tens of thousands of prisoners in Yingchuan Pit, which is closely related to He Yi. He was quite uneasy.

In the county house, there are three steps and one post, five steps and one post. The courtyard and the road are full of armored and halberd soldiers. These are the personal soldiers of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, the veterans selected from the whole army, with murderous aura. He Yi, the yellow turban general, walked in their eyes, and felt more and more guilty and frightened. He hadn't seen Huangfu Song, and his forehead was already dripping with sweat.

Xun Zhen was two steps behind, fell behind Fu Xie, walked alongside him, patted his arm, and said with a smile, "You don't have to worry, this time I will settle the northern Yichun counties, and you have contributed a lot, Ancheng, It was because of you that you persuaded the counties to surrender, which saved the city siege and the suffering of the local people. General Huangfu has strict rewards and punishments, and if you have merit, you will be forgiven for your past sins.”

He Yi replied, "Yes."

He Yi was a local tycoon in his early years, and later became a famous Qu Shuai in the Yellow Turban Army of Runan. His command was once ten thousand people. The blood on his hands was no less than that of Xun Zhen, even more than Xun Zhen, and he had to surrender. . He is also older than Xun Zhen. After he surrendered to Xun Zhen, he didn't have much respect for Xun Zhen. After the sharp tactics of the Yellow Turban guards who were willing to surrender, he had a little sincere awe for this young Han army Sima. People, especially bold and murderous people like He Yi, always fear the strong, and only those who are stronger than them can gain their loyalty. After listening to Xun Zhen's comfort at this time, He Yi, in addition to being in awe, felt a little grateful, and said in his heart, "He is brave and good at fighting, and considerate of people, no wonder he can be a six-hundred-stone Sima at a young age. To get the allegiance of so many wise men and warriors."

Passing through the front yard to the main hall, Huangfu Song and others were discussing matters in the hall. After the guards passed the report, Xun Zhen, Fu Xie and others took off their shoes outside the hall, went inside, and bowed down to the lower edge of the hall. This is Runan County, Zhao Qian is the county governor, he is the master, sitting in the main seat, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun are sitting in the guest seats. Zhao Qian said, "Please get up."

Xun Zhen stood up.

Probably because the whole county of Runan is in sight, and after returning from the army to Pingyu, Zhao Qian's mental state is good, completely different from the first time Xun Zhen saw him earlier, he is completely different. , his face was ruddy, and he no longer had the embarrassed and tired state of the previous time. He stroked his beard and smiled: "Zhenzhi, since you led the army out of West China and went south to attack the thieves in the southern counties of the county, there have been frequent reports of good news and great achievements. Xun It's a blessing to have a son like you." He had seen Xun You and Xi Zhicai, and he looked at He Yi and asked, "Who is this?"

Xun Zhen motioned for He Yi to come forward and said, "Return to Ming Mansion, ..." and saluted Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, "General Qi, he is He Yi."

Zhao Qian's face sank immediately. It was because of the chaos of Peng Tuo, Gong Du, and He Yi that the entire Runan County fell, and he, the prefect, fled east and west like a lost dog. Zhao Qian's many defeats are due to He Yi's credit. How could he have a face on He Yi. According to his opinion, such a thief should be pushed out and beheaded. But now Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun are the coaches of the Han army, but it is not his turn to call the shots. Because of this, he sat on his seat with a dark face, stopped talking, turned his face to one side, and didn't want to look at He Yi again.

Huangfu Song looked at He Yi a few times and asked, "You are He Yi?" He Yi panicked and replied: "Little man, He Yi, see the general." Huangfu turned to Zhu Jun: "General Zhu, how do you think we should deal with this situation? Humans?" Zhu Jun was arrogant, and without thinking about it, he simply said: "Such a person without a king and no father should be killed. After killing, take his head and pass it on to the whole county of Runan, as an example."

He Yi was startled, his legs softened, he knelt on the ground, kowtowed repeatedly, and said in a trembling voice: "General, spare your life! General, spare your life!"

Seeing his demeanor, Zhu Jun was even more disgusted, and said, "This kind of cowardly rat dares to raise an army and cause chaos!" If you are not afraid of dying, then Zhu Jun may look at him highly, but he is so unbearable, it is really contemptible.

Huangfu Song said: "General Zhu said very much, there is really no need to stay with such a cowardly rat with no respect for the king and father. If that is the case, let's go and behead it." "As he said that, he glanced at Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen knew the meaning of Huangfu Song's glance, and said in her heart, "This is the time for me to plead for He Yi." He knelt down in the hall and said, "The two generals calm down."

Huangfu Song said, "Oh? Zhenzhi, do you have anything to say?"

Xun Zhen said: "He Yi's crime of rebelling with his troops is a great crime, although he deserves to be executed, but after he surrendered, he served as a forerunner of our troops, persuaded many counties to surrender along the way, and saved the people the suffering of soldiers, which can be considered a small credit. If the general kills him, it's like killing a husband, it's easy, but although the thieves in Ying and Ru are equal now, the thieves in Nanyang, Dongjun, Jizhou and other places are still hot, and I am afraid that I will not be able to attract thieves in the future."

Huangfu Song pretended to ponder for a moment, then nodded and said, "Qing's words also make sense." He Yi, who was shivering and kneeling on the ground, glanced at him, and said, "Well then, let him die first and be yours. After the Yellow Turban thieves in other places have been pacified, we will judge the merits of the thieves according to their merits." Xun Zhen turned to Gu He Yi and said, "Why don't you thank the general for your kindness?" Thank you General for your kindness, thank you General for your kindness, the villain will definitely change his past, and he will never dare to have two ambitions before serving in the army."


After leaving the Prefect's Mansion, the cold sweat on He Yi's back had not yet subsided. Xun Zhen said to him: "General Huangfu doesn't punish you now, it's your destiny. In the future, in our department, remember to obey our military orders and don't have second thoughts. As long as you make enough credit, don't say that you will be spared the death penalty. , even after the war, it is not impossible to get a military officer and Sima's reward. You should go to the camp outside the city first." He Yinuonuo.

After He Yi left, Xun Zhen smiled and said to Xun You and Xi Zhicai, "When you come to Pingyu, everyone can see you, but two people cannot see you." Xun You smiled and said, "You must be talking about the brothers Xu Jing and Xu Shao. Xun Zhen said, "Of course. The Xu brothers are both famous, and the scholars all over the world are well-known for them. Since we have come to Pingyu, the two of them must not be seen." In front of Xun You and Xi Zhicai, Xun Zhen did not hide his inner thoughts and bluntly stated that he wanted to see the Xu brothers just to get a compliment from them.

Xi Zhicai and Xun You smiled at each other and said, "Then let's go visit these two Xu brothers?" Like Xun Zhen, who is looking forward to it -- other book lovers are watching: Floating Flowers.

On the way to the Prefect's Mansion, Xun Zhen had already inquired about the residence of Fu Xie and Xu's brothers, and immediately turned the horses and the three of them walked along the street. Xu Shao and Xu Jing were brothers and did not live together. The three went to Xu Shao first. Xu Shao and his co-brother Xu Qian were also famous in the state and were called "Erlong", so the place where he lived was called "Erlongli" by the people of Pingyu. The three walked along the street, turned a few blocks, and asked a few passers-by. When they reached a "li", they saw a large locust tree inside and outside. The branches and leaves were dense and the top was like a canopy. Dozens of steps from the shade, thick and The two cannot hug each other.

Xun Zhen stood on the horse and watched, and said, "What an ancient tree!" He said to Xun You and Xi Zhicai, "This place must be Erlongli."

Xun You said, "Fu Sima said on the road just now that there is an ancient locust tree inside and outside Erlong. It is said that it was planted by Mozi during the Warring States Period. It has been hundreds of years ago, and it should be this tree."

There is also a story about this ancient tree outside Erlong. It is said that Mozi went to the state of Chu to persuade the king of Chu not to attack the state of Song. He passed by this place and saw a 100-year-old man who was drawing water and planting a tree by the well, so he asked for some water to drink. After drinking, he asked the old man: "The old man is so old, why do you want to plant trees?" Mozi was deeply moved by this, so he helped the old man dig a hole, water it, and plant the tree.

Xi Zhicai said: "When I was young, I once heard about Dong Yong's encounter with a fairy, and I heard from the old people that Dong Yong was a goddess who met under a centuries-old ancient tree in Pingyu County. Could it be this? tree?"

Xun Zhen said, "Yes or no, you can tell by asking the two children." There were two children playing with the wooden horse under the ancient locust tree.


1. Dong Yong.

The story of Dong Yongyuxian was first seen in the "Ganoderma lucidum" by Cao Zhi of the Three Kingdoms: "Dong Yong's family is poor, his father and the old are rich, and he takes leave to support him, and his servants make fat. The most virtuous, the goddess is the master." The Qing Dynasty "Running House Records": "Dong Yong, Qiancheng people. He lost his mother less. At the end of the Han Dynasty, he took his father to avoid soldiers and lived in Runan." This locust tree outside Erlongli The tree still exists to this day. It is said that Dong Yong was the fairy who met under the tree.

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