The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 108: Moved to Guipingyu in 10 counties (middle)

w(Little Xiucai**)

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Hundreds of people came from the direction of Langling, and Xun Zhen ordered the soldiers to stand up and wait in formation.

When these people approached, they found that they were not thieves, but the people of Langling County, some old people, some young and strong, leading cattle and carrying wine jars. The leader was about thirty years old, wearing leather armor, a knife on his waist, and a beard under his chin. He stopped in front of the Han soldiers and said, "Xiaomin Zhou Zhi, I have heard that the master of the king is coming from the north, especially the elders in the county. , the people welcome it."

Hearing his words, Xun Zhen, Xun You, Xi Zhicai, etc. looked at each other and asked Chen Dao in a low voice, "Uncle Zhi, who is this person? Can you recognize him?" Chen Dao replied, "This person is my husband. The big family in the mausoleum has 10,000 mu of fertile land and thousands of guests, and is known for being heroic." Xun Zhen said "oh" and said, "Is it a big family in your Langling?" Chen Dao replied, "Yes." Xun Zhen asked. : "Do you have anything to do with the Yellow Turban thief?" Chen Dao said: "When the Yellow Turban thief attacked my Langling a month ago, he also brought people to the city to defend."

While he was talking, the scouts Xun Zhen had sent out galloped back, bypassed Zhou Zhi and waited for the people of Langling, went straight into the battle, found Xun Zhen, got off their horses and knelt down and said, "Lord Xun, Langling City has been taken over by the people of the county. It's taken back!" Xun Zhen immediately understood, and said with a smile, "I was wondering why there were still people from the county to greet him, but it turned out that this person took back Langling County." Commanding Xu Zhong, Liu Deng and other generals, " Tell the soldiers to put away their weapons, and you follow me to see this Langling hero Zhou Zhi."

Everyone got the order and passed the order down. The soldiers put away their weapons and dispersed. Xun Zhen led people out to meet Zhou Zhi. ——It was only after getting the scout’s return that he retreated to meet. This was Xun Zhen’s prudence, and he couldn’t be prudent and “pretend to be a commoner or an allied army” to use this trick to win. This kind of thing himself Did it several times. When he was in Yingyin, he used this strategy to capture Xiangcheng, and Xin Ai and others also used a similar strategy to conquer Jiaxian.

Xun Zhen led the crowd and met Zhou Zhi. As Chen Dao said, Zhou Zhi is indeed a hero of Langling. There are thousands of guests in the family, raising the flag and calling, at least one or two thousand people can gather, and he has a great influence in Langling. Seeing Xun Zhen coming over, Zhou Zhi was a little surprised, and said to himself, "I heard from the spies that there are thousands of Han soldiers coming, but I didn't expect that the generals who lead the soldiers are so young!" His eyes swept across Xun Zhen's waist and saw With his black ribbon and seal bag, he knew that the person in front of him was an official of six hundred stone, and he immediately made a gesture to bow down.

Xun Zhen caught up with the first two steps, supported it, and said with a smile, "No need to be too polite." Looking at the hundreds of people behind him, he asked with a smile, "I heard that Langling City was recaptured by the county residents, But what did you do with your steps?" Zhou Zhi said with a sullen face, "All thanks to the general, King Lai conquered Xihua and captured the power of the thieves Peng and Liu Pi. The night before, the common man led the warriors to sneak into the county and took advantage of the thieves. The soldiers had no intention of defending the city, and luckily recaptured the county." Xun Zhen smiled, "You are a hero." He waved to Chen Dao and asked, "Can you recognize this person?" Chen Dao was also famous in Langling. Yes, he is also a famous ranger, of course Zhou Zhi recognized it, and said in surprise: "Hey, isn't this Uncle Zhi? You, you, how are you?" , and was put under the command of Xun Jun. Zhou Jun, this is Xun Jun, who is now the Sima of General Huangfu's army." After a pause, he added, "Xun Jun is from the Xun clan in Yingyin, and his clan ancestor was in the past. He used to be the prime minister in our county."

Zhou Zhi thought to himself: "What do I say! How can you be able to command thousands of troops at such a young age, wear a black sash and wear a bronze seal, and be an official of the six hundred stone, but he turned out to be the descendant of Xun Shu, a son of the Xun clan in Yingyin." Su Rong Lianyi bowed down and said, "Xiaomin Zhou Zhi has seen Xun Jun."

"Don't be too polite, don't be too polite."

"I heard that Master Wang was approaching, and the county residents were overjoyed. The elders prepared a special serving of ox wine, and ordered the common people to bring it to Sima, so as to comfort Master Wang from the expedition." Zhou Zhi stood up and called back. Beckoning, the people carrying the bull and the wine will bring the bull and wine. Xun Zhen smiled and said, "You are too polite." She thought to herself, "Did you send cattle wine all the way, are you afraid that I will disturb the people when I enter the city?" When the wine was delivered, there was no reason for them to bring it back, because even if Xun Cheng led someone to take the wine, he thought again, "Since they were afraid that I would disturb the people after I entered the city, they sent the wine so wisely. , I don't have to lead troops to irritate people anymore!"

The thousands of people he is taking now have his headquarters and Huangfu Song allocated them to him. His headquarters is good, and the military discipline is strict. Even if he enters Langling County, there will be no disturbance to the people, but the military discipline that Huangfu Song allocated to him is much worse. His "grandfather", Xun Shu, was the prime minister in Langling, and he had a good reputation in the local area. Xiao Xiao said to Zhou Zhi, "Since Lang Ling has already been recaptured by one step, I don't have to go any further. I will show the merits of one step to General Huangfu." He looked up at the sky and said, "Shi Chen It’s still early, and we can still march for another twenty miles at night. The military affairs are urgent, so I won’t stay any longer.  …, farewell.”

Zhou Zhi spared no effort to come out of the county all the way to bring wine to Xunzhen. As Xunzhen guessed, he was really afraid that the Han soldiers would disturb the people after entering the city. Now that Xunzhen is so knowledgeable, he offered to not go I was overjoyed when I was in the county, and when I saw Xun Zhen again, I felt that he was much more pleasing to the eye, and I said to myself, "I really deserve to be a child of the Xun family in Yingyin! Although he is he is very experienced in his work." He said, " In order to solve the difficulties of the people in Runan, Sima fought hard, and there is still a little wealth here, I would like to dedicate it to Sima to express the gratitude of the people in our county."

Cow wine can be collected, but wealth cannot be collected. Xun Zhen sternly refused. Under the admiration and admiration of Zhou Zhi and the hundreds of people in Langling, he led his troops away from here and turned to Beiyi Chun, Shenyang, Ancheng and other places.

Just like Langling, the capture of Xihua and the capture and execution of the Yellow Turban commanders such as Peng and Liu Pi made the morale of the Yellow Turbans in the counties in Runan drop, and they had no intention of fighting again. Persuaded to surrender, Xun Zhen's journey was very easy. There is a tomb of the three kings in Beiyi c-hun, which is the tomb of the king of Chu, the son of General Gan, and the assassin. Shenyang has the former residence of celebrities Huang Xian and Dai Liang, and so on. Wherever he goes, Xun Zhen must go. With one or two condolences.

In half a month, he took more than ten cities in a row, made a big circle in the south of the county of Runan, and finally headed north, returning to Pingyu. m

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