The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 88: Conquering Runan (Part 1)

Wang Yun had already arranged accommodation for the scholars from all over the world, and Xun Zhen first took Xun Qu, Chen Ji and others to the place. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*

Xun Shuang and Kong Rong had been waiting here for a long time.

Needless to say, Xun Shuang was old acquaintances with Chen Ji and Yingyin Liu's scholars. Especially Chen Ji, Xun and Chen had close contacts, and the two of them were close friends. Seeing each other, the two greet each other, and say goodbye for a long time. Chen Qun and Chen Zhong bowed to their sons and nephews, Xun Shuang called them up, smiled and said to Chen Ji, "When I left home, these two sons were still young children, but now they have grown up." Chen Qun, Chen The loyal will be the year of the crown, the former boy is now a handsome young man, and he is getting old, he sighed, "I have lived in seclusion on the shore of Hanshui these years, watching the chōu green of wild trees on my soul day, autumn When I looked at the green of Jianjia, the white cloud and the dog, the time flies, the hua opened and fell and the Han water was rushing endlessly, and the son on the river said: "The dead are like a gentleman! I know that life is like a white horse passing through a gap, and it's just a sudden."

Kong Rong is very familiar with Chen Ji and Chen Qun. There is an idiom in later generations called "the turn of Ji Qun", which tells the story of Kong Rong, Chen Ji and Chen Qun. Kong Rong originally became friends with Chen Ji, because Chen Qun was wise and smart, and he was surprised and respected, so he became friends with Chen Qun, and changed Chen Ji's rites to the younger generation. Kong Rong is talented. Although he is lenient and has little taboos, he is not careful about the details, but he is essentially a proud person. It is an elegant thing to change the salute to Chen Jixing's younger generation. He saw Xun Shuang sighed and said with a smile: "Xun Gong has lived in seclusion in Hanbin for more than ten years, and his writings are of equal importance in the world. Now he is out of Yuzhou Beijia. This is the time when Qianlong came out of the abyss. Contrary to sigh the change of soul autumn?"

Everyone smiled.

In addition to Xun Shuang, Kong Rong, Xun, Liu, Chen's relatives and friends in Yangzhai, such as Yangzhai Xin, and some other celebrities are also waiting here, and it is a lively meeting.

Xun Zhen, Xun You, Xun Yu, Chen Qun and other younger children stood at the gate of the courtyard, waiting for the elders to greet each other while whispering.

Xun Yu smiled and said to Xun Zhen: "My brother and I haven't seen each other for two months, and my brother has done a great job, breaking the yellow turban and arresting Zhang Zhi. Brother, do you know? The letters my father received from friends these days. It is more than last year, and the letters praise you, saying that you are a rising hero in our county." Xun Yu was not jealous of Xun Zhen's achievements. Shi Xiao's father, despite his young age, is calm and prudent.

Xun Zhen said: "It's okay for others to shame me. Wen Ruo, are you here to shame me too? Don't you know my ability?" Xiao said to everyone, "My brother's talent and my nephew's talent are a hundred times better than me. "The younger brother is Xun Yu, and the nephew is Xun You. Chen Qun looked at him with a smile, Xun Zhen saw his strange smile, and asked, "Ah Qun, what are you laughing at?" Chen Qun smiled and said, "I laugh at me that I have a good brother-in-law, and now I see my brother-in-law more and more handsome. In the past, I was in a good mood, so I laughed." Everyone laughed.

Chen Zhong was young, and many celebrities who were present did not know each other, so he quietly asked Chen Qun. Chen Qun didn't know any of them, so he asked Xun Zhen again. Xun Zhen had been in Yangzhai for some time, and he knew most of these local celebrities in Yangzhai, and gave them private pointers and introductions, which caused Chen Zhong to whisper from time to time, but he had heard the names of these people mentioned by the elders in the family before.

During the conversation, two young scholars in high-ranking Confucian clothing came in from outside the courtyard together.

Xun Zhen looked at them and recognized them all. One was a child of the Fan clan in this county, named Fan Qin, and the other was a child of the Zao clan in this county, named Zao Zhi. Therefore, when the prefect Yin Xiu took office at the beginning of the previous year, he took the sons and daughters of the nobles from various counties to the soul. Later, he served as the postal supervisor in the north, expelling the corrupt and tyranny in the north of the county, arresting the unscrupulous tyrants, making the north of the county clear and famous, and Zao Zhi and Fan Qin came to visit him successively. However, after the visit, the two had different evaluations of Xun Zhen. Fan Qin said to others in private: "I heard one of her short songs, I thought it was brilliant, but I didn't know much about the conversation." Fan Qin was a famous talent in the county. He became famous as a young man and was known for his literary talent and eloquence, but Xun Zhen's "Dan Ge Xing" was written by Cao, not by him. After talking about it, he found that he was not very talented, and felt that he was not worthy of his name. Zao Zhi praised Xun Zhen very much. After chatting with Xun Zhen for a day and a night, after returning home, his father asked him where he was last night, and he replied: "Go to see the later leader of our county." The four characters of "later leader" are the same as Kong Rong's evaluation of Xun Zhen's "later leader", but Zao Zhi said that Xun Zhen was the leader of Yingchuan County, while Kong Rong praised Xun Zhen for being a leader. The rising leader of the states in China. The so-called making friends is made of people who are in the same way. Fan Qin thinks that Xun Zhen is nothing more than that. Zao Zhi highly respects Xun Zhen, so after that, Fan Qin and Xun Zhen rarely meet each other, but Zao Zhi often has a relationship with him. contact.

When Xun Zhen saw the two of them coming together, she thought, "It should be heard that my brother Zhong is coming, so the two of them came to pay homage." He greeted him with a smile, bowed, and said with a smile, "Brother Xiaoyou, brother Hu Bo , you are in a hurry, why are you here?" Xiaoyou is the character of Zaozhi, and Huber is the character of Fanqin.

Zaozhi and Fanqin returned their gifts. Zao Zhi smiled and said, "I came here to pay homage to the Dukes of Yingyin and Xuxian." Looking into the courtyard, I saw Xun Yu, Xun Chen, Chen Qun and others at the door. They were with Yin Xiu back then. After walking through the soul of c, know each other, and now come forward to greet each other. The elders were in the courtyard, and after seeing the ceremony, Fan Qin and Zao Zhi went to the courtyard to visit Xun Shuang, Kong Rong, Xun Qu, Chen Ji and others.

Nowadays, the Qing Dynasty is very popular, and the fame of scholars is promoted by each other. Wang Yun invited celebrities from various counties to gather in Yangzhai, which is really a good opportunity for young scholars to make their names. It is foreseeable that Xun Qu, Chen Ji and others will be busy these few days, and there will definitely be many young scholars who come to pay homage.

Xun Cheng smiled at Xun Zhen and said: "Zhenzhi, the famous people in my county are gathering in Yangzhai, it can be said that the stars of virtue gather together. This is a rare event in my county in recent years. It is foreseeable that young scholars in various counties will also meet. Gathered here, but it’s just a pity…”

Xun Zhen asked, "What a pity?"

Xun Cheng pointed at Fanqin and Zaozhi who were talking to Xun Shuang and others respectfully, and said with a chuckle, "It's a pity that they..." Then he pointed around Xun Chen, Xun Yu, Chen Qun, Xun You, Chen Zhong, himself and others, "And we, together, I'm afraid it won't be as popular as you." The implication is that the young scholars in the whole county are not as good as Xun Zhen. This is the truth, Xun Zhen is in the limelight right now, and none of the younger generation of scholars can compare to him.

Xunzhen's palace was deep, and he knew the way of modesty and retreat, and said with a serious face: "Zhongren, it's nonsense!"

Not only the children of the Xun family and the Chen family were present, but also a few children of the Liu family. Xun Cheng's words were good, but hearing them in the ears of others would not necessarily make them think. Xun Zhen glanced at the children of the Liu family, and said apologetically, "Zhongren is talking nonsense, you brothers are fortunate not to take it!" These children of Liu family all smiled and said nothing.

Xun Qu and the others came out of Yingyin in the morning and drove for dozens of miles. It was almost evening outside Yangzhai County. Wang Yun sent two prefectures to do the work, and Prefect Wen sent Wang Lan and Zhong Yao, all four of them, and invited them to the prefect's mansion for a banquet. Xun Zhen, Xun Yu, Chen Qun and others were able to accompany the table. Xi Zhicai, Fashion, Zao Zhi, Fan Qin and other outsiders said goodbye and left.

After leaving the courtyard, Xun Shuang, Xun Qu, Chen Ji, Kong Rong and others were invited to get into the car. Xun Zhen summoned Yuan Zhongqing and said, "The governor, the lord of the government has invited you to a banquet, you go to the house and tell my wife, just say we I don't want to go back to the house to eat, my uncle misses the pickles she made so much, you go get some and send them to the prefect's mansion." Yuan Zhongqing complied and left.

Xun Zhen waited for the entourage to go to the prefect's mansion.

Zhong Yao took a step behind, pulled Xun Zhen aside, and complained, "Zhenzhi, why didn't you tell me when you went to meet the princes today?" , especially He Chen, who was recommended by Zhong Yao's great-grandfather Zhong Hao as the county's meritorious officer. ——Speaking of this, I have to say that although Chen Hao was born in a poor family, this person is really talented, well-mannered, and has a wide range of contacts. Xun Qu's deceased father, Xun Yu, is called "The world is good for Xun Bo Xiu", but compared with Chen Yu, it seems to be still inferior.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "I know that you are busy these days, and you are so busy that you hit the back of your head, so I didn't bother you."

Zhong Yao was not happy and said, "The elders are in the county, and the younger generation should welcome them. How can this be 'disturbing'?" After speaking, he added, "And the last time you arrested Zhang Zhi, went to meet Guo Jun, Du You didn't come to me after discussing it, it's really outrageous!" Zhong Yao had complained several times about this matter, and since Zhang Zhi was arrested, every time he saw Xun Zhen, he would complain.

Xun Zhen said sincerely: "Brother Yuanchang, I really don't want to look for you. Zhang Rang has a lot of power. Arresting Zhang Zhi will definitely make him angry. I don't want to put you in danger."

Zhong Yao said, "Am I a person who is greedy for life and fears death? The place of righteousness is there, even though thousands of people will go to me!"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "I know my brother Qingjie Zhidao, I did something wrong."

Zhong Yao mumbled and complained a few more words, that's all, he paused, turned around, saw Xun Yu, Chen Qun, and others all walking to the front, and there was no one around, so he lowered his voice and said, "Zhenzhi, I'm just now. I came with Wang Zhuzhu, and listened to him on the road. According to the people in the court, Zhang Rang was very angry that you and Du You arrested Zhang Zhi and Guo Jun for not having a personal relationship, and sentenced Zhang Zhi to abandon the city, but because of your military achievements The Xun family, the Du family and the Guo family are all famous in the world, so although they want to find you and other troubles, they can’t do anything.” Wang Lanneng was set up as the main book by the prefect of Wen, and she also came from a famous family, and some of her clan members served as officials in the court. Yes, there are usually correspondence, and they are well-informed about the affairs of the DPRK and China.

Xun Zhen knew that Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong had not had the prestige for a few years. Although he was worried that the arrest of Zhang Zhi would provoke Zhang Rang, he was only worried, not afraid. What he cared about most was not his own life. He learned the most from his predecessors, such as Zhang Jian and He Yong, who were desperate in the rivers and lakes, hiding for a few years. What he was most concerned about was whether the position of the military Sima would be ruined because of this. Yao Zhiyan let go of his heart and said, "Brother Yuanchang has to worry about the matter below."

Zhong Yao said unhappily: "You and I are related, so you need to see outsiders?"

The two smiled at each other. The relationship between Xun Zhen and Zhong Yao was originally very close, but after arresting Zhang Zhi, Xun Zhen clearly felt that Zhong Yao seemed to be closer to him, he thought: "I was forced to arrest Zhang Zhi. This move has earned Wang Yun, Kong Rong, Yuan Chang and others a different opinion before and after, which can be regarded as an additional gain!" He felt quite ashamed about this.

When they arrived at the prefecture, Wang Yun and Prefect Wen led the state and prefectural officials to greet him at the gate of the mansion.

Candles were lit in the mansion, the lights were bright, and everyone entered the hall.

Singers played music, dancers danced, and maids served delicious food. There were dozens of people in the hall. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun also came one after another. When the host and guests raised their glasses, and the banquet was laughing, officials outside the hall came to report, saying that someone asked to see Xun Zhen, and Xun Zhen came out of the hall to plead guilty, but Yuan Zhongqing brought a box of pickles made by Chen Zhi himself. He took it, hid it in his sleeve, and returned to the hall.

The box was hidden in the sleeves, and the sleeves were bulging. Many people in the hall saw it. However, due to etiquette, no one asked. Only Kong Rong was three-point drunk. Time and space hands, but sometimes the sleeves are puffed up, what is hidden in the sleeves? Is it wine?"

Xun Zhen wanted to give the pickles to Chen Ji, Xun Shuang, and Xun Qu quietly, but was called by Kong Rong. The uncles of the servants missed this taste, so the servants sent people to pick up some pickles, and wanted to present them to the uncles, fathers, and brothers.”

Kong Rong was stunned for a moment, then sighed, "Xun Xun's filial piety is commendable."

Wang Yun smiled and said: "Wen Ju thought it was fine wine, but it turned out to be delicious food. If it was fine wine, I would also like to taste one or two. Since it is delicious food, it is the filial piety of Zhenzhi, but I can't take food from Duke Chen and Duke Xun. That's it." After speaking, he laughed and said to Xun Zhen, "Zhenzhi, quickly dedicate it to your uncle and your clan father and clan brother."

Xun Zhen complied with the promise and dedicated it to Xun Shuang, Chen Ji and Xun Qu. Chen Ji did not expect that he would miss the pickles made by Chen Zhi casually, but Xun Zhen kept it firmly in his heart, and he specially asked someone to take a box from them. But he abides by etiquette and is extremely filial.”

Everyone at the table was happy. When the banquet was over, Wang Yun said: "All the princes gathered in Yangzhai, which can be said to be a gathering of sages. After the war and chaos, it is time to reorganize the literary affairs. I intend to hold a scripture lecture three days later. How about it?" As the name suggests, the Lectures Conference is a conference for debating Confucian scriptures. Everyone at the table is a master of this way, and there is no objection, so it is agreed.

After leaving the prefect's residence, Xun Zhen, Xun You, Xun Cheng sent Xun Qu, Chen Ji and the others back to their residence, and they stayed to speak with them.

Xun Qu saw that Xun Zhen was thinking, and asked, "Zhenzhi, what are you thinking about?"

Xun Zhen replied, "Brother Zhong, I'm thinking about what the prince said at the banquet tonight."

Xun Qu asked, "Which sentence?"

"The prince said: 'After the war and chaos today, it is time to reorganize the literary affairs', and this is the sentence."

Xun Qu asked, "What do you think about this sentence?"

Xun Zhen replied, "It seems that a sutra meeting is not enough to 'reorganize literary affairs'. I was thinking, can we set up a private school in Yingyin?"

"Run a private school?"

"Yes, what does Brother Zhong think?"

The popularity of study tours between the Han and Han Dynasties was extremely popular, and many scholars from all over the world set up schools to teach. At present, the most famous private school is probably the school run by Zheng Xuan in Beihai. There are often thousands of disciples, including many famous people from all over the world, such as Cui Cui. Yan, Guoyuan, Xi Rui, Sun Qian, etc. Xun Zhen's old acquaintance, Qin Gan, who is now the master of Yingyin, is also a disciple of Zheng Xuan. As far as Yingchuan is concerned, Yangzhai Guo and Xuxian Chen also run private schools. The three elders of Xixiang, Xuan Bo, studied law in Guo's private school when they were young. Although Xuan Bo was only a village elder, he also set up a school, and fashion and Xuan Kang were his disciples in the school. The Xun family also had a private school. When Xun Shu was alive, Li Gu, Li Ying and other famous scholars studied with him. After Xun Shu died, when he met the party, the Xun family shrunk the scale of private school. Now it is mainly for the children of his own family. There are not many foreign surnames, and the civil service is one, and there are not many others.

For these master scholars, the biggest advantage of running a private school is that they can pass on the way they have learned. , expand the scale of Xun's private school, and recruit more disciples with foreign surnames, then this private school is equivalent to a talent pool.

There are two main points in running a private One is the faculty and the other is the teaching venue. There are many famous Confucian scholars in the Xun clan, so the strength of teachers is not a problem, nor is the venue. Zheng Xuan's family was poor, and Chen Hao's family was not rich. With the "tuition fees" of his disciples, they could start private schools, not to mention that Xun Zhen had hundreds of millions of dollars in her hands?

Xun Qu thought for a while, and said, "Now that the party's straitjacket has been resolved, this matter is feasible. The reason for the chaos in the Yellow Turbans is that, firstly, the eunuchs are in power, and the officials of the prefectures and prefectures are greedy and dirty. It is not obvious, it should be guided by 'propriety'. Zhenzhi, you can think of setting up a school to teach, and it is very good to be honest! I will go to see my father tomorrow and report this to him. I think, He should readily agree. After I return home, I will ask the parents for instructions, and the parents should not object. As long as I get the permission of the parents, this private school can be started. "

"From the father again" said Xun Shuang. As he spoke, he coughed again.

Xun Zhen looked out the window, it was late at night, and said, "This matter is entirely up to Brother Zhong's plan. Brother Zhong has not recovered from his illness, so I won't wait any longer. Brother Zhong, take care of your health and rest early." Farewell Xun Qu , Chen Ji, walking home in the dark. At this moment, the gates of the city were closed, and Xun You and Xun Cheng could not go back to the camp outside the city, so they stayed in Xun Zhen's house for the night.

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