The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 87: Famous in the county and out of state in the news (below)

Sometimes, on the way to the camp outside the county, after getting off duty, he would meet Zhang Zhi's clansmen. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*

Sometimes Xun Zhen would visit Xun Shuang after random inspections of his officers. Xun You and Xun Cheng have already met Xun Shuang. In terms of distance and distance, Xun You is closer than Xun Zhen and Xun Shuang. Xun You's grandfather and Xun Shuang are brothers. After seeing Xun Shuang, he only had a vague memory of the famous elder in the clan. After seeing Xun Shuang, he admired Xun Shuang's demeanor and said to Xun Zhen in private: "See you now, from grandfather again. Only then will I know what is Bai Yu Mingrun, what is Spring Breeze and Bright Moon." He said with a sigh, "One day, if I can follow my grandfather's three-point style, I will be satisfied." He was more restrained in dealing with things, so he admired Xun Shuang's demeanor of "spring wind and rain, moistening things silently".

Xun Zhen admired Huangfu Song's military ability, and sometimes went to see Huangfu Song.

One time, Wang Yun, Xun Shuang and Kong Rong were accidentally discovered at Huangfu Song's residence. Several of them were talking in low voices with solemn expressions, and when they saw him coming, they stopped talking.

There were four or five open letters on the short lacquer case, and Wang Yun calmly put them away. Xun Zhen felt that the atmosphere in the room was not right, but it was not easy to ask questions. Later, she asked Xun Shuang: "The other day I saw the prince, the clan father and Kong Gong at General Huangfu's place, and they seemed to be talking about something, what were they talking about? ?" Xun Shuang didn't answer him, but with a worried look on his face, he said to him, "You can't hear what I'm talking about, so don't ask again." His answer made Xun Zhen even more suspicious, but he didn't. He also followed Xun Shuang's explanation and hid this suspicion in his heart, and did not mention it again. It was not until a few months later, after hearing an incident in the court, that he knew what Wang Yun and Huangfu Song were talking about at the time, and then did he know where the letters collected by Wang Yun came from.

Wang Yun was the prefect of Yuzhou. Although he could not go to the prefecture to take office because of the raging wars in Runan and other places, he could only stay in Yingchuan, but he soon entered the role of prefect and was busy every day.

After checking the capture of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, he ordered notices to be posted in the counties of Yingchuan, recruiting the leaders of Qian to join the army and planning to form a state army. State shepherds and governors did not have the right to command the army. In order to suppress the peasant uprisings in the new dynasty of Wang Mang, some state shepherds began to support troops. In this dynasty, with the continuous emergence of peasant uprisings and the frequent wars in border counties, Emperor Guangwu once issued an edict, Punish the state shepherds who cannot pacify the "thieves" of their own state. As a result, when there is a war, the state shepherd and the governor actually become the highest commanders of the joint defense zone of the county's counties, and can directly lead the county and state troops of the state to fight in a unified manner. At the same time, Each state has also successively established standing armies directly under it, called state soldiers, such as "Jingzhou soldiers", "Yizhou soldiers", etc. Therefore, the prefects are also called "state generals", just like the county governor is also called "the county generals". Same.

The source of state soldiers is mainly from recruitment. The king allowed a large reward, and recruited many landless peasants to join the army, forming a "Yuzhou soldier" of more than 3,000 people.

At the same time as the formation of the state army, in order to appease the local area, Wang Yun sent state officials to the counties in the county and invited the elders and children of the gentry to come to Yangzhai to gather.

Wang Yun is quite famous at home and has a good reputation, and the nobles in various counties received his invitation and came in an endless stream. Yingchuan was at the beginning of the war, and scholars gathered in Yangzhai, which was considered a grand event.

Yingyin Xun and Xuxian Chen were also invited. The older generation such as Xun Qian, Chen Yu, etc. were too old and did not come. Xun Qu, Xun Yue, Xun Chen, Xun Yu, Chen Ji, Chen Qun, Chen Zhong, etc. came. - Chen Zhong is Chen Qun's descendant. Brother, son of Chen Chen. Chen Yu has six sons, Chen Ji and Chen Chen are the most virtuous, and the father and son are all virtuous. They are well-known in the state and are called "Three Monarchs". Chen Chen's image is strict with customs", but Chen Chen died early because he was jealous of talents.

Xun Zhen put down her work and brought Xun You, Xun Cheng, Xi Zhicai, Shi Shi, Xuan Kang, Li Bo and others to meet him at the county boundary.

Chen Ji, Chen Qun, and Chen Zhong went to Yingyin first, and came with Xun Qu and others. There were also a few people from the Liu family in Yingyin, a total of more than 20 people. Xun Zhen rode on the horse and saw their convoy from a distance. There were more than 20 black carriages and tall crowns. Although it was not even a crown, it was like a cloud, but under the clouds in the distant sky, there were green fields beside the road. Among them, on the official road, it is also very attractive.

Xun Zhen and the others dismounted and went up on foot.

The first one was Xun Qu's car. Xun Zhen bowed down and greeted her on the side of the road, saluting and respectful. The car stopped, Xun Qu pulled the curtain of the car, and saw him wearing a high crown and black clothes, with a straight waist, full of air, completely different from the previous unrestrained / bohemian, he smiled and said: "Zhenzhi, your name is Zhenzhou County today. , I can't bear this kind of gift from you."

Knowing that he was joking, Xun Zhen got up and said, "The reason why Zhen has achieved today's achievements is entirely due to the teachings of Brother Zhong in the past. Although Brother Zhong is my brother, in my heart he is really a teacher." Seeing that Xun Qu kept coughing, he asked, "Brother Zhong, are you still sick?" Xun Qu covered his mouth and coughed a few times, then said, "It was fine, but I got cold air for some reason a few days ago. It's okay, it's just a minor illness." , pointed to the second carriage behind him, and said with a smile, "Why don't you go see your uncle soon." The uncle, the wife's uncle. Xun Qu was talking about Chen Ji.

Leaving Xun You, Xun Cheng, Xi Zhicai and others to talk to Xun Qu, Xun Zhen went forward and came to the outside of the second carriage, bowed down and said loudly, "Zhen, see your uncle."

The curtain was drawn, and an old man with white hair and beard showed his face. This was Chen Ji.

Although Chen Ji is not too young, he is in his fifties this year, but he is not so old. Xun Zhen guessed and thought: "I heard from Azhi that because of the party's restraint, Chen Ji has been writing books at home. , wrote tens of thousands of words, titled "Chen Zi", perhaps because he put all his energy into the book, so he looks old?"

Chen Ji and Xun Zhen didn't see each other very often. When Chen Qun first suggested that Chen Yu should marry Chen Zhi to Xun Zhen, he was ordered by Chen Yu to inquire about Xun Zhen's deeds and actions. The re-arrest of Zhang Zhi not only showed his strategy, but also showed his steadfastness and steadfastness. Among the younger generation of scholars in this county, he was already the most well-deserved person, just as Kong Rong treated him. Comments: "Incomparable in martial arts, Yingchuan is the leader of the future."

Xun Zhen has not been out of Yangzhai these days, and he is not clear about the opinions of scholars from all over the world. Not only the scribes in the county were talking about him, but there were also scholars in the neighboring counties who knew that there was a young scholar in Yingchuan County who was not only knowledgeable about military affairs, but also had a virtuous personality and was not afraid of force, and they all praised him. His fame has now gone out of Yingchuan and has been heard in the state.

Chen Ji has the style of his father, and he has a wide range of contacts. He usually writes letters to scholars from all over the world. Because Xun Zhen is his niece-in-law, in the letters he has received in the past two days, almost every letter will mention Xun Zhen. The Chen family had a vision and chose a good son-in-law. Some even praised Xun Zhen for taking over the classes of the older generation of Yingchuan party members such as Li Ying, Du Mi, and Xun Yu. .

Thinking about it carefully, Xun Zhen can also be called a good son-in-law. He is both heroic and military, and he knows the propriety, and has both civil and military skills. Therefore, although Xun Zhen sometimes kills too much, he has some opinions on Xun Zhen's arrest of Zhang Zhi. They had different opinions, but when Xun Zhen bowed down in front of him, Chen Ji did not scold him with a straight face, but smiled kindly: "Get up quickly."

Xun Zhen got up, stood respectfully beside the car, and said, "Azhi heard that her uncle is I'm so happy, I'm cooking in the house right now."

"I haven't seen Azhi since she married you. How is she now?"

Xun Zhen replied: "Everything is fine, I just miss my ancestors, my uncles and brothers and sisters like A Qun and A Zhong."

Chen Ji smiled and said, "When Azhi was at home before leaving the pavilion, she managed and made all the pickles at home. Now that she married you, I haven't eaten the pickles she made for several years." Chen Ji, Chen Chen, etc. have never been officials, and there is no surplus in the family. The daily food is all done by the family.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "When Azhi came to Yangzhai, he brought a jar of pickles with him. If the uncle wanted to eat it, it would not be difficult."

Chen Jiche was the elder of the Liu family in Yingyin. When Xun Zhen fought against the Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan, the Liu family in Yingyin gave him some help, and now there are more children and guests of the Liu family in his ministries. He went to see the ceremony and thanked him. Behind them were the cars of Xun Chen, Xun Yu, Chen Qun, Chen Zhong, and others. Before Xun Zhen passed by, they got out of the car and came to meet Xun Zhen. Because there were elders, they only said goodbye. Affection.

Xun Zhen, Xun You, Xun Cheng and others led the way and led the crowd to the city.

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