The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 213: Zhendong Wang's division into Chang'an (4)

In the second year of Xingping, on April 13, in the morning, Xun Zhen went to the east of Chang'an City.

Xu Rong and others were ordered to choose a place to build a camp, and Xun Zhen only brought Sun Ce and Xi Zhicai, accompanied by Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Yu Jin, and others, to go to Dong Cheng's camp to meet Liu Xie. Chen Ji, Huangfu Li, Jia Xu, and Duan Xun followed; Zhang Xiu and several other important prisoners were also escorted.

However, when he heard that Xun Zhen was about to arrive, Liu Xie once proposed that he wanted to return to the palace city and meet Xun Zhen in the palace, but the Weiyang Palace was burnt down by Li Jue's soldiers, and the only ones left were the remnants. The walls were broken, so it was impossible to meet Xunzhen here; Changle and other palaces were few inhabited for a long time, and they could not be used as a place to meet the vassals. Therefore, Liu Xie had to meet Xunzhen in Dong Chengying.

Dong Chengying was a little embarrassed, but some ministers suggested that Liu Xie might as well return to Li Jueying for the time being. There was a dock in Li Jueying, and there was a large enough hall in the dock where he could meet Xun Zhen, but Liu Xie categorically refused.

The reason why Liu Xie wanted to go back to Miyagi to meet Xun Zhen was to maintain the dignity of the royal family. Since Camp Li Jue was full of memories of his humiliation, how could he be willing to go back to Camp Li Jue to meet Xun Zhen there? The minister who made this proposal can only be said to be too puzzled.

However, because the meeting was held in Dong Chengying, Dong Chengying's place was limited, and if Liu Xie was able to meet Xun Zhen, it was only a large tent, so the ceremony of the audience could only be kept simple.

Outside Dong Chengying.

Zhong Yao, Ding Chong, Yang Qi and other close ministers around Liu Xie and some ministers in the court, mainly Jiuqing, as well as Dong Cheng, waited to welcome Xunzhen.

Xun Zhen got the reward, dismounted from a distance, and approached on foot.

See you twice.

Xun Zhen first looked at Zhong Yao with joy, and then bowed to the ministers and said, "How dare you wait for Duke Lao!"

Among the people who welcomed Xun Zhen, in addition to Zhong Yao, there was another old acquaintance of Xun Zhen, Yin Xiu.

Yin Xiu left the court a few years ago, returned to his hometown, and was summoned to Chang'an again. He was originally worshipped by Dr. Guanglu. Not long ago, Sun Rui, a senior farmer, passed away due to illness. In addition, he was the former chief official of Xun Zhen, and it was also out of the intention of showing goodwill to Xun Zhen.

Taichang was in charge of the rituals of the ancestral temple and ranked first among the nine ministers. The current Taichang was named Wang Wei, and he represented all the people and talked with Xun Zhen at the ceremony.

Wang Wei and Xun Zhen didn't know each other, so there was nothing to talk about. It was just a matter of etiquette.

After the ceremonies were completed and the ceremonial words were said, Xun Zhen introduced Sun Ce and Xi Zhicai to everyone.

Although Sun Ce was Xun Zhenbiao's governor of Yuzhou, and he was also a prince in the same place, his family was not a gentry, and he had no clan rank. His father, Sun Jian, had some reputation, but in the eyes of the scholars, he was just a warrior. The next crusade against Li Jue and Guo Si, and Sun Ce's entourage Xun Zhen, Wang Wei, Han Rong and others, because they were indifferent to him, they didn't talk much to him.

Xi Zhi was the mastermind of Xun Zhen, and he was a scholar from Yingchuan. Han Rong and Yin Xiu talked a lot to him.

Also, Chen Ji, Huangfu Li, Jia Xu, and Duan Xun did not need Xun Zhen to introduce them, everyone knew it.

Chen Ji, Huangfu Li and Han Rong had a lot to say about each other when they met. As for Jia Xu and Duan Xun, they both came from a gang of thieves, but Han Rong was waiting for them to be distant. Jia Xu had rescued ministers many times before, but this time he betrayed Li Jue early again. Duan Xun was the younger brother of the former Taiwei Duan Jong. .

Xun Zhen respectfully bowed to Yin Xiu and Han Rong.

Yin Xiu Fuxu smiled and said, "Zhenzhi, what are you doing? You just saw the ceremony, why did you do the ceremony again?"

"In Yingchuan in the past, if it wasn't for the lord not being virtuous and ignorant, and being gracious, he would be a husband from a village in the countryside. Since I parted ways with my lord, I haven't seen each other for many years. Face-to-face teaching. The love of Duke Zhen Si is like a surging river, and it cannot be stopped. Today, I can see the public face again, and Zhen is ecstatic."

Yin Xiu was over sixty years old, and after being summoned to Chang'an again, he followed Liu Xie all day in fear and fear. Hearing Xun Zhen's words, he was very happy, but he seemed to be a lot younger, he smiled happily: "Zhenzhi! When I first met Qing, I knew that Qing would be a great weapon, and sure enough, As I expected! The former one is to beg Dong, and Qing's merit is the most outstanding; now, the one who mentions a righteous teacher, travels thousands of miles to rescue him, defeats Li Guo, relieves the country's worries, and turns the tide of the tide, you can be said to be the one! I see goodbye to you, It is also infinite joy!"

"The reason why the thieves Li Jue and Guo Si have been defeated today is because of the mighty spirit of the sage, and the command of the soldiers. How dare Zhen take credit?"

Han Rong smiled and said, "Don't be humble, the general. This is the King of Diligence. No one can compare the merits of a general."

Xun Zhen hurriedly turned to Han Rong, and said respectfully, "Famous in the township, Zhen had admired the Duke's decree when he was young, but now he has been praised by the Duke, and sincere and frightened, I dare not act."

Han Rong said with a smile: "The sage is very happy. He is already waiting for you. Don't let the sage wait for a long time. You will wait with me to enter the camp and see the sage."

Xun Zhen replied, "No."

Leaving Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Yu Jin and others outside the camp, Xun Zhen, Sun Ce, Xi Zhicai, Chen Ji, Jia Xu and others who accompanied Han Rong entered the camp.


Entering the camp, Dong Cheng led the way and walked along the main road in the camp for hundreds of paces. After passing a lot of gray tents standing opposite each other, the front was suddenly bright, where Dong Cheng's agenda was.

Liu Xie is now in the account.

Hundreds of armored guards were lined up on all sides outside the tent. Some of these hundreds of guards were Hu Ben, Yu Lin and other battalion soldiers who had been following Liu Xie's left and right, and most of them were soldiers under Dong Cheng's department, who were sent to give Liu Xie a face.

Everyone stopped, Xun Zhen, Sun Ce, Xi Zhicai, Chen Ji, and Jia Xu took off their swords and handed them over to the officer in front of the tent.

The **** informed the inside.

Soon, Liu Xie's oral order came down: "Call the Zhendong general Xun Zhen, Yuzhou governor Sun Ce, and the supervisor Zhonglang Xi Zhicai, etc. for an audience."

Having said that, I might as well say one more thing, regardless of whether Sun Ce's prefect of Yuzhou or Xi Zhicai's superintendent of the army, whether or not the imperial court has issued an edict to worship him, now that Liu Xie's words come out, the official positions of the two of them. It is to sit firmly, this is the mouth of heaven, and the words of gold.

Han Rong and others entered first, Xun Zhen and others followed, and entered the tent one by one.

Xun Zhen walked slowly and entered the tent.

I didn't see who was in the tent before entering the tent door. Xun Zhen bowed to the ground and bowed three times and nine times. Lang Lang said, "Chen Xunzhen pays homage to Your Majesty."

Sun Ce, Xi Zhicai, Chen Ji, Jia Xu and others bowed down with him and reported their names respectively.

A hoarse voice who was in the stage of youth changing voice sounded, his tone was full of joy, and Xun Zhen listened to it and said, "General, please get up, all the ministers, please get up."

Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai stood up.

Although she had stood up, Xun Zhen still lowered her head and held her chest in her hands in a very respectful manner.

"General, please raise your face."

Xun Zhen replied, "If you go back to Your Majesty, this minister will not dare."

The owner of the voice who made Xun Zhen flat and raised his face was Liu Xie.

Hearing Xun Zhen's answer, Liu Xie smiled and said, "I forgive the general, please raise your face and let me take a look."

Xun Zhen slowly raised her face.

In front of him, a dozen or twenty paces away, sat a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, wearing a black crown of twelve, wearing a robe with upper and lower vermilion, painted with badges, a leather belt around his waist, and a saber. With double jade seals, hanging yellow red ribbon, with red scoops on the feet.

Although there was a string of shields, Xun Zhen could still see the appearance of this young man because it was not far away. Seeing the beard on his lips, or because of the lack of sunlight, it could also be due to lack of exercise, and his face was a little pale. His figure was also very thin, and although he was smiling at this time, his eyes showed melancholy—this melancholy was not a reaction to his current mood, but a trace of long-term unhappiness left on him.

Xun Zhen didn't look much, then turned his eyes away and glanced at the ministers sitting on both sides of the line.

Apart from Han Rong and others, there were more than ten ministers sitting on both sides of the tent, and Xun Zhen didn't recognize any of them. However, from their crowns and robes and their sitting positions, Xun Zhen could infer that the head was on the right, and the demeanor was high. The majestic old man must be Taiwei Yang Biao, and the two people who sat side by side with him, one described as stable, should be Situ Zhao Wen, and the other is Sikong Zhang Xi.

Liu Xie's voice sounded again, and he said with admiration: "The general defeated Li Jue and Guo Si in the first battle, and the news of the victory has come. I am very happy. I originally thought that the general was a strong man, but now I see the general, but I don't think he is so refined! "

Xun Zhen retracted her attention, bowed her head respectfully, answered Liu Xie, and said, "Returning to Your Majesty's words, the minister's family has cultivated and studied for generations, and it is not the ambition of the minister to lead the army."

Liu Xie asked, "What is Qing Benzhi?"

Xun Zhen replied: "Returning to Your Majesty's words, farming in spring and autumn, reading the books of sages in summer and winter, if the court does not regard ministers as contemptible, and even drives them to use them, then they will go out to be a county and educate for His Majesty. This is also the original intention of the minister."

Liu Xie laughed happily and said, "It's just a county, isn't it that the country has lost its talents! Today, the traitor is in chaos, and the state and county are in turmoil. When this general uses force, I look forward to the general very much!"

Xun Zhen replied: "If you return to Your Majesty, I will serve you faithfully and live up to His Majesty's expectations, but..."

Liu Xie asked, "How is Wei?" After a pause, he said with a gentle smile, "General, although I and Qing met for the first time, when we saw the general, we felt cordial. If you have anything to say, the general will say, Don't be cautious."

Xun Zhen answered yes, and said, "On the words of Your Majesty, only the minister also has hope."

Liu Xie asked, "Who is the general?"

Xun Zhen replied: "Returning to Your Majesty's words, I wish the world a good morning to those who are looking forward to it, and I will let the Ma Nanshan Mountain, leisurely to the east, manage the scriptures and teach children, and pass on the work of the minister's family to cultivate and study from generation to generation, so as not to fail Your Majesty, but also worthy of the ancestors."

Xun Zhen's words were heard, Liu Xie's heart was up and down, he looked at Yang Biao and other officials in the tent, and praised again, saying: "I now know what a loyal minister is? What is a good minister!" Yu Xunzhen said, "These years, the general has Every year, I send officials to the court and make contributions to the country, I know all this, and keep it in my heart.

Xun Zhenxun was very grateful.

He leads the army all the year round, and is very sensitive in perception. Not long after he started the dialogue with Liu Xie, he felt that someone was watching him constantly. At this moment, this person's eyes fell on him again. He turned his face away calmly.

However, the person who had his eyes on him stood beside Liu Xie and stood beside Zhong Yao. This person, I had already met outside the camp just now, it was Ding Chong, the servant. Xun Zhen didn't know that Ding Chong and Cao Cao were from the same hometown, and their friendship was irresistible, but she didn't know why he kept his eyes on her.

Suspicious, Liu Xie noticed Xun Zhen's gaze, thought he was looking at Zhong Yao, and asked with a smile, "I heard from Zhong Qing that Qing and Zhong Qingqing are from the village, in their early years."

Xun Zhen replied: "In reply to your Majesty's words, the minister and Zhong Yao are indeed old times. Zhong Yao is far more knowledgeable than the minister. When he was in the prefecture, the minister often sighed that he was inferior. Today, Zhong Yao is serving His Majesty and often has an audience with the heavens. Yan, Chen is even more envious of Zhong Yao."

Don't mention Zhong Yao's private letter to him.

Liu Xie laughed again and said, "Zhong Qing is indeed talented, but the general is not worse than Zhong Qing, the general is too humble."

After saying a few more words, Xun Zhen bowed down and said: "I have an audience with Your Majesty today, and I have not prepared to contribute. I only have a small gift for Your Majesty."

Liu Xie was interested and said, "What is the ceremony? I present it to me."

Sun Ce pleaded guilty, withdrew outside the tent, brought them with him, and handed over the two boxes to Langguan outside the tent together with the saber just now to be returned - Langguan opened it and checked it, full of surprise, but there was a Liu Xie gave the order to Sun Ce. Sun Ce returned to the tent and placed the two boxes on the ground. Xun Zhen and he alone opened a box.

Xun Zhen said, "Your Majesty, this is the gift of your Majesty."

Zhong Yao and Ding rushed down to take the box, but when they got to the box, they both frowned when they saw what was in the box, but they didn't say anything. They took the box to Liu Xie's seat and presented it to him.

Liu Xie looked around and saw two **** heads in the box.

Xun Zhen saw that the moment he saw the head, Liu Xie's face didn't show much horror, so he said: "Your Majesty, there are two heads in this box, one is Li Juezhi's nephew Hu Feng, and the other is Guo Si's concubine. Guo Hong, Li Jue, Guo Si two thieves, the ministers have not yet been able to capture them, and the right to use the heads of these two people to present to Your Majesty."

The upper right person frowned and said, "How can I present this to Your Majesty!"

The person who spoke was the person Xun Zhen guessed as Yang Biao, and this person was Yang Biao.

Yang Biao scolded Xun Zhen and said, "The general is disrespectful and disrespectful!" Calling the courtiers under the tent, "Quickly take out these two things!"

Xun Zhen bowed down and said, "Yes, the minister's negligence is the crime of the minister. Please forgive me."

The person Xun Zhen guessed to be Zhao Wen was indeed Zhao Wen, and said with a smile, "Why does Duke Yang need to be angry? Zhendong also wanted to make a contribution to His Majesty, but he didn't think carefully, so he doesn't need to take responsibility."

Han Rong, Yin Xiu and others also helped Xun Zhen speak.

Liu Xie waved his sleeves and said with a smile: "Yang Gong treats me as a child. It's just two heads, can you still scare me?" He Yan Yuese and Xun Zhen said, "General please come up. Jue and Guo Si, you have made great contributions! They should be rewarded. The court officials have already discussed it, and I will issue an edict today to honor the generals of the chariots and cavalry, and to reward them for their merits."

Xun Zhen bowed down again and said, "I dare not bear it."


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