The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 212: Zhendong Wang's division into Chang'an (3)

Li Ru returned to Li Jue's army and reported Yang Biao's words to Li Jue.

Li Jue heard this, frowned unhappily, and said: "I fell asleep, just wake up! When the emperor is taken back, if Yang Feng and Cao Cao do not escape, this master will have to fight with them again before crossing the Wei River. , Xun thief is chasing troops, how can I have time to wait for him to wake up? You go and tell Yang Biao to wake up the sage, come out quickly, and I will take him to our army, make no mistake !"

Li Ru hesitated to leave.

Li Jue asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Ru thought deeply, and said to Li Jue: "Ming Gong, Confucian thinks this is Yang Gong's plan to delay the army again."

Li Jue asked, "What is the plan to delay troops?"

"Yang Gong has always been, always been to Ming Gong, this, this..., self-confidence, relying on the old to sell the old, not being polite, but why did he suddenly change his face, and his words seemed to have a sense of complacency? It's too strange. So Confucianism has this doubt."

Being reminded by Li Ru, Li Jue immediately felt that something was wrong, so he asked Li Ru and said, "Then what do you think?"

Li Ru said, "Duke Ming, Confucianism thinks that it is possible that Duke Yang wanted to delay Duke Ming with this remark in order to wait for the Xun bandit soldiers to arrive."

Li Jue is also not a fool. When he came to his senses, he couldn't help but get angry again, and said, "You are a good Yang Biao, you are fooling me like this! Well, since you won't send the emperor to me honestly, I will attack the camp. Take it!"

It was passed on to Guo Si and told him to send troops with him to attack Dong Cheng's camp.

Guo Si got Li Jue's order, although he was dissatisfied with his bossy and arrogant, but in Li Ru's words, "for the sake of the overall situation", he held back his tone, mobilized his troops and prepared to attack the camp with Li Jue.

Dong Cheng had 2,000 troops, and the battalion was not large, so Li Jue and Guo Si only dispatched 4,000 troops to besiege.

According to Li Jue's estimation, with only these 4,000 soldiers and horses, they should be able to capture Dong Cheng's camp without any need for replacement.

However, the war drums were just activated, and Li Jue heard the chaos ahead. He looked up and saw the soldiers who were attacking the battalion running back in a disorderly manner. Li Jue was dumbfounded and asked, "What happened?"

Li Ru hurriedly sent someone to investigate. After a while, the official who went to investigate the situation turned back and reported to Li Jue: "Ming Gong, it was the guard who shot a burst of arrows."

What does it have to do with shooting arrows and the soldiers fleeing?

Li Jue finally connected the two, and was so surprised that he couldn't believe it, and said, "The soldiers just fled after shooting arrows for a while?"

The military officer who went to investigate the situation couldn't believe it, but it was the truth.

Li Ruwei muttered something inaudible, Li Jue tipped his ears, heard the word morale, consultant Li Ru: "What did you say?"

Li Ru's face was pale, and he said tragically: "Ming Gong, I never expected that morale has dropped so far! Dong Chengying is no longer able to attack! At this moment, in the opinion of Confucianism, it is advisable to withdraw quickly."

Li Jue didn't say a word for a long time. He looked at the soldiers running down from the front of the formation. They were chaotic in front of him. They ran to the sides and back.

There is no need to mention Huang Baicheng, not to mention that the plan to coerce Liu Xie is obviously in vain, and the precondition for removing Huang Baicheng is no longer there, only that the morale has been low and scattered to such an extent that even Dong Cheng's camp is already in vain. It is impossible to fight, let alone fight against Yang Feng and Cao Cao's troops, and cross the Wei River through the ferry that they are guarding.

At this moment, Li Ru was helpless. After thinking about it for a long time, he answered Li Jue and said, "Duke Ming, it is not possible to go to Liangzhou in the west. There is only one way to retreat."

"Which one?"

Li Ru said: "Before the Xun thieves and horses arrive, turn to the southeast, pass Lantian, Shangluo, Shangxian, go out of Wuguan, and go to Nanyang County."

There is another way to retreat, which is to go south to Hanzhong, but Sanfu and Hanzhong are separated by Qinling Mountains. If you want to go to Hanzhong, you have to take the Ziwu waiting road. .

Li Jue said, "Going to Nanyang County,...will Yuan Gonggong let me into the county?"

Li Ru replied: "From the point of view of Confucianism, Yuan Shu will not prevent Duke Ming from entering the county. On the contrary, he will welcome Duke Ming."

Li Jue asked, "Why?"

Li Ru said: "Duke Ming has no grudges with Yuan Shu, and treats Yuan Shu very well, so he is appointed General of Zuo, and he is named Marquis of Yangzhai, while Yuan Shu and Sun Thief are enemies, and Liu Biao is also in the south of Yuan Shu. Enemy, because of Confucianism, if Duke Ming goes to Nanyang County, Yuan Shu will definitely welcome him."

Although the ability of the fierce ghost Yuan Gonggong on this road is not very good, but relying on his family voice and his family background, the road to officialdom is smooth.

In the early years, he served as Yin of Henan. After He Jin, no matter who controlled the court, he was rewarded. When He Jin was in power, he was the general of Hu Benzhong. After Li Jue, Guo Si and others invaded Chang'an, they wanted to invite him as a foreign aid, and they moved him as a general of the left. ——Although the front, left, right, and rear generals are in the same row, there is an order of rank among the four. Before the general's Yuan Shao.

As Li Ru said, Yuan Shu and Li Jue did not have any deep grudges, and more importantly, Sun Jian was killed by Lu Bu, who had taken refuge in Yuan Shu. He and Sun Ce had an indirect revenge for killing his father. Sun Ce and him have been fighting endlessly for a long time. He and Xun Zhen and Sun Ce are enemies. It is conceivable that after Xun Zhen defeated Li Jue and Guo Si, his power will definitely be further strengthened. Yuan Shu, who was Liu Biao's enemy, was sandwiched between the two stronger enemies, Xun Zhen, Sun Ce, and his old rival Liu Biao. He was alone in Nanyang and half of Jiangxia. It was extremely difficult to resist.

And although Li Jue and Guo Si were defeated by Xun Zhen, they were famous warriors after all. The Liangzhou soldiers under their two commanders were also famous soldiers in the sea. Therefore, if the two of them went to fight, Yuan Shu should be the only one. Will welcome, not hinder.

"But Lu Bu has already voted for Yuan Gonggong?"

Li Ru said: "Bu, a brave man without a plan, and if you deal with it for a while, he will be reconciled with Duke Ming as before, and it is nothing to worry about. Besides, the ruler of Nanyang is Yuan Shu, and even if Lu Bu is unwilling, what can he do now in Jiangxia? "

Li Jue made a decision and said, "Now it's only your decision!"

He ordered someone to summon Guo Si to see him, but Guo Si was also attacked by the army to attack Dong Cheng's camp, but he was stunned by being scattered by a shower of arrows. Busy to meet him.

Li Jue told Guo Si of Li Ru's suggestion and asked, "Why do you see it?"

Guo Si said: "This is the end of the matter, what else can I say? Go to Nanyang."

The two gathered troops and horses, marched into the city, plundered and looted a lot of goods and food, and then turned to the southeast and went to Nanyang.

In Guo Si's army, who fled in a hurry, one general drove his horse forward while reluctant to look back.

Hongnong was lost, and Chang'an could not survive. From then on, he didn't know where he was going to be displaced. It was just that, but his wife and son were either lost or captured by the enemy. He was the only one left alone, I really don't know how to describe this feeling! If I had known today, why would I have followed Dong Zhuo to leave the homeland of Liangzhou! It's too late to regret.

This will be Zhang Ji.

When Guo Si collapsed, because he and Zhang Xiu were in charge of the battle on Guo Si's orders, they could not escape in time, and were caught up by Sun Ce's cavalry. Although Zhang Ji was lucky enough to escape, Zhang Xiu was captured by Sun Ce because of the rear of the palace.

His wife and son were all lost, and all the parts were also lost. Zhang Jixian is really alone now and has become a loner, but he doesn't need to say much.


Li Jue and Guo Si were unable to attack Dong Cheng's camp, and the military report that the two led their troops to flee to the southeast was sent to Xun Zhen's army that night.

Xun Zhenxiao and Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Xuan Kang, Cheng Jia and others said, "Li and Guo Er thieves are trying to escape and join Yuan Road."

Guo Jiajin said: "Duke Ming, although most of Li Guo's two bandits have been wiped out by our army, but according to the report of this army, there are still more than ten thousand people who fled to Nanyang with the two of them. The thief has a chance to breathe, we should pursue it, and strive to annihilate it before escaping into Nanyang!"

Xun Zhen nodded and ordered: "Let Yulang and Yide lead their cavalry to reroute their cavalry to chase them south, and then Lao Bofu will also send his elite cavalry to chase after him."

Sun Ce and Zhang Fei were in front of Xun Zhen's position, and Xin Ai and his men followed Xun Zhen's side.

The subordinates took orders and split up to give orders to Sun Ce, Zhang Fei, Xin Ai and others. Once ordered, each department will go ahead.

The next morning, Xun Zhen waited to the east bank of Bashui.

Xun Zhen rode his horse, and when he reached the bank, the river was rushing, and the wind and water were blowing toward him.

Nearby, an endless stream of soldiers drove along the temporary pontoon bridge to the opposite bank, a vivid scene of the army crossing the river.

Xun Zhen raised his eyes and looked into the distance, raised his whip, pointed to the southwest, and said, "Is that Chang'an there?"

Jia Xu replied, "Yes, Duke Ming, there is Chang'an."

Xun Zhen was silent for a long time.

Jia Xu deliberately asked him what he was thinking, since he was a new investor, it was not easy to ask.

Another new recruit, but without Jia Xu's concerns, asked with a laugh, "What is the general thinking? After thinking about Chang'an, did you have an audience with the emperor? Although the general has already made a big impact in the sea, but this battle, With few enemies, Yu Hongmenting defeated Li and Guo, swept away the thieves atmosphere for many years, and helped the Han Dynasty to the generals. , for the literati and the people; when the general arrives in Chang'an, the emperor will surely reward the general's unworldly deeds with rewards!"

The person who spoke was Huangfu Li.

Xun Zhen shook her head and said, "Although I'm not as elegant as Yulang, how can I be someone who seeks fame and fortune? What I'm thinking about is not this."

Huangfu Li asked: "So, if you dare to ask the general, what are you thinking?"

"Since entering Henan Yin, along the way for more than a thousand miles, all I have seen are the people suffering from military disasters, ten rooms and nine empty spaces, what I think is this."

Huangfu Li sighed and said, "The world has been in chaos for a long time since the turmoil of the Yellow Turbans! That's why since the general's troops entered Hongnong, the gentry have eaten pot pulp. It is the common people's hope that the general's righteous teacher is like a great drought. Yunni is also true. It's been a long time!"

"I feel something in my heart, and I have a few poems."

Huangfu Li said: "The chapter of General's 'Qingqing Zijin' in the old years has already been spread all over the world. There is a poem today, and it must be a masterpiece. Li dare to hear it."

Xun Zhen's tone was sad, and his feelings were gloomy. He looked towards the direction of Chang'an, and looked at the distance of Ba Shui, and said: "What I saw along the way, ten thousand surnames have died. The bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles. Broken intestines."

"Dare to ask the general, what is the name of this poem?"

""Haoli Xing" also."

Huangfu Li, Jia Xu, Xi Zhicai and others savoured the meaning of this poem, and they all deeply felt the pain of Xunzhen's pity for the people who suffered from the great chaos. Rao also couldn't help but be deeply moved by Jia Xu's long-standing principle of being a man. When he was about to speak, Xuan Kang came over on horseback.

"Ming Gong, you can cross the water."

Xun Zhen did not rush to go, and ordered, "Raise the flag and go first!"

Yu Jin and several other tiger soldiers jointly raised a newly-made banner with the words "Han and thieves stand apart".

The flag was drawn in front, Xun Zhen crossed Ba Shui, more than ten miles away, and joined the waiting Sun Ce, and led tens of thousands of tigers and wolves to Chang'an.

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