The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 177: Yuan Gong's measure is difficult to measure

When Cao Cao arrived in Ye County, he did not stop for a moment, and drove his horse straight to Yuan Shao's military mansion.

After entering the mansion and entering the hall, Yuan Shao first heard the report from the manor and was already waiting in the hall.

The two of them just greeted each other and sat down.

Yuan Shao said, "Meng De, you came here from Taiyuan all of a sudden, but what's the big deal?"

Cao Cao was tired from the journey, but he was in high spirits, and said, "In the beginning, there is an important matter to discuss with you."

Yuan Shao stroked his beard, called the servant to bring soup, candied fruit, and pastries, and said unhurriedly, "Let me take a guess."

"Guess, guess." Cao Cao originally wanted to tell his intentions directly, but Yuan Shao wanted to guess, not bad Qi Yaxing, so he said.

Yuan Shao picked up the tea bowl, took a sip, and said, "But Zhang Feiyan wants to invade the state?"

Cao Cao shook his head and said, "No."

Yuan Shao said again, "Then it should be the North Hu general who invaded Taiyuan?"

Cao Cao shook his head again and said, "No."

Yuan Shao put down the tea bowl, picked up a candied fruit, looked at Cao Cao, and said, "Neither of the two..., yes, then it can only be the remnants of the White Wave Yellow Turban thieves in Xihe County, and they gathered a crowd to rise up again?"

Cao Cao said, "No, at the beginning, it is..."

Yuan Shao interrupted him, threw the candied fruit back on the jade plate, wiped his fingers with the silk scarf, and said with a smile, "I don't expect the white wave yellow scarf thief from Xihe County to make trouble again! Meng De, you led the army in person before. I have long wanted to send a letter to the court to ask for your credit, but I have been delayed by miscellaneous matters. So far, this letter has not been sent to the court. However, you don't have to worry, I will definitely submit this letter to the court for your merits."

Cao Cao said: "In the beginning, I am from Taiyuan, and it is the court that a major event has happened, and I want to discuss it with you."

Yuan Shao didn't answer him, but continued to talk about the topic of Xihe County that he brought up, as if he had just remembered something, he stroked his beard and smiled: "Meng De, I received Yuan Shao the other day. In a letter from Cai, Yuan Cai said in the letter, you still have troops and horses left in Xihe County and haven’t withdrawn yet?”

Cao Cao held his temper and said, "That's what happened."

Yuan Shao asked, "Since the Baibo and Yellow Turban thieves have been killed, they have not gathered a crowd to rise again. Mengde, then I am a little puzzled. Why did your soldiers not return to Taiyuan?"

Cao Cao's expression remained unchanged, and he replied: "In the beginning, I was not willing to withdraw from the Xihe, but Han Xian, Hu Cai, Li Le and other thieves led me to capture or capture Yang Feng as well. Strike away, but Xihe County is the old nest of the Baibo Yellow Turbans. The Baibo Yellow Turban thieves have a great influence here. There are many remnants of them who have fled between the valleys. There are many powerful and powerful counties in the county. Therefore, for the sake of the stability of the county, I have not transferred Yuan to send my troops back to Taiyuan, and I am still stationed in Xihe, and what I have done is to deter wrongdoing."

Yuan Shao laughed and said: "Meng De, Yuancai, my nephew, I know his talent well. Although he is still young, he is talented in both literature and martial arts. You can safely recall Yuan Rang from Xihe, I believe Yuancai will not cause chaos in Xihe."

Cao Cao is the prefect of Taiyuan, and his soldiers and horses have been stationed in Xihe County for a long time. From a legal point of view, it is indeed unreasonable, and why did Yuan Shao talk about Xihe when he saw him today? Cao Cao's intention is also very clear, that is, he wants to help Gao Gan, or he wants to take control of Xihe County for himself, and take it from Cao Cao.

First, it is not good to confront Yuan Shao face to face; secondly, it is not the time to talk about this matter, Cao Cao replied: "The talent of Yuancai, Cao also knows. When King Qin saves the car, I will hand Xihe over to Yuancai, how about that?”

Yuan Shao's smile stopped and he was stunned.

Cao Cao said: "In the beginning, I wanted to tell you again and again, but you always interrupted me. King Qin's rescue is the important thing that I came to see you from Taiyuan this time and wanted to discuss with you!"

"This..., Meng De, what do you mean by Qing? What is King Qin's rescue? What's going on? Why did Qing suddenly ask King Qin to save him?"

Cao Cao told Yuan Shao what Ding Chong had written in his letter, and after he finished, he said, "In the beginning, Li Jue and Guo Si were in chaos in Chang'an, and the emperor was in deep danger. Besides, if two thieves fight against each other, both of them are bound to lose and hurt. If the timing is right, this is also a good opportunity for us to enter Chang'an!" Sitting on his knees, his eyes were bright, and he asked Yuan Shao, "I don't know what the original intention was?"

Yuan Shao stroked his beard, turned his face sideways, thought for a while, and said, "Meng De, this matter is very important..."

Cao Cao said: "In the beginning! The monarch is in danger. You and I, as ministers, can't just sit back and watch!"

Yuan Shao said: "It's true, but you know the current situation in Jizhou, Mengde. Although the state is stable, but Gongsun Zan of Youzhou in the north, although I was defeated, Qu Yi still couldn't capture him. There are still tens of thousands of troops; although the black mountain group of thieves has been pacified for me, the first thief Zhang Feiyan is still entrenched in the Taihang Valley in the west of Changshan County, and its troops are also tens of thousands; let alone my Jizhou To the east, Xun Zhenzhi is staring at him! Also, in the territory of Yin, Henan, in southern Hebei, there are already Xun Zhenzhi's works. I sent Zhang Yang, Ziyou, and Zhang He to seek it, but the battle was not good and they returned. Meng De, I am Jizhou at the moment, and it is true that I am enemies on all sides! Although Li Jue and Guo Si are fighting infighting, they both have a lot of troops. However, if there are too many troops and horses, then... Meng De, I am afraid that there will be problems in Jizhou! Meng De, these need to be carefully considered."

Cao Cao said: "In the beginning, what you had in mind was really good. But now, when I go to King Qin of Chang'an, I would like to be your pioneer. You don't need to send too many troops, 20,000 horses are enough."

Yuan Shao said in surprise, "Meng De, with 20,000 horses, do you have the confidence to defeat Li Jue and Guo Si?"

Cao Cao said: "I have five thousand soldiers in my headquarters. On the way to see you in the beginning, I sent a letter to Wang Wendu of Hedong. Wang Wendu wrote back and promised that if I am diligent in Wang Chang'an, he will be willing to do so. With the help of the army, you can get 4,000 troops, and if you are willing to send 20,000 troops and have 30,000 cavalry, why should Li Jue and Guo Si be afraid? "

Yuan Shao knew that Cao Cao had the ability to know soldiers, but when he heard Cao Cao's words, Yuan Shao still felt that Cao Cao was a little bragging, suspected of bragging, smiled gently, stroked his beard, and said, "Meng De, this is The matter is really important, so don't make a decision in a hurry! Well, I will call all the monarchs of the supervisor tomorrow, and everyone will sit together and have a discussion on this. When the time comes, you will also come and join me. Listen to the supervisors and their opinions, and then let's make a decision, how about that?"

Cao Cao said: "In the beginning! The Son of Heaven may encounter something he can't bear to talk about at any time. King Chang'an of diligence is like putting out a fire. Don't delay!"

Yuan Shao still had a gentle smile on his face, and said, "Meng De, you have been in Ye County since Taiyuan, and it has been a long time since you were on the road, right?"

"In the beginning, this..."

Yuan Shao said with a smile: "Ding Youyang's book to Taiyuan can't be reached in an hour and a half, right? Besides, I will call the supervisor and others tomorrow to discuss this matter, but it's just another day? What's the matter! It can't be delayed. what."

"In the beginning, on this occasion, King Qin rescued the driver, which is both in line with righteousness and the timing is hard to come by. When it is decided in one word, why should the group of officials discuss it together?"

Yuan Shao Yanran knelt comfortably on the seat, looked Cao Cao up and down, and said with a smile, "Meng De, you see your hair is messy and your clothes are all dusty. You must have traveled in the starry night on this journey from Taiyuan. I'm very tired, I guess you, I'm afraid you haven't even slept for a whole night. You go to rest first, and you have enough energy, tomorrow I will send an official to invite you to come back, and I will discuss it together later." The official came in and ordered, "Arrange a place for Duke Cao." Then he ordered, "Send some venison and good wine from my house to Duke Cao."

Cao Cao said, "Original!"

Yuan Shao's face was slightly worried, and he sighed, "Meng De, you have been a father long ago, so you should know how difficult it is to be a father."

There was no reason for these words, Cao Cao was stunned, and said, "In the beginning, what do you mean by this?"

Yuan Shao said: "Meng De, my youngest son is a playful boy. He was out hunting the day before yesterday, sweating all over his body. When he came back, he was disobedient, so he had to take a cold bath and ate two boxes of ice cream, so he caught cold inside and out. , is sick in bed now, and has diarrhea. I want to see him at night, so I won't accompany you to drink, and after tomorrow, I will hold a banquet to wash the dust for you. "


After leaving the hall, Cao Chun and Hao Zhao, who were in the court, followed Cao Cao and followed him out of the palace.

Outside the Zhifu, Cao Chun followed two steps, asked Cao Cao, and said, "Brother, is Yuan fair?"

"In the beginning, I said that I would wait until tomorrow to convene the group and discuss it before giving me an answer."

Cao Chun was surprised and said: "King Qin's rescue of such an important matter, Yuan Gong should decide in one word, why should we recruit the group to discuss it."

"Primary, Primordial..." Cao Cao smiled vaguely, and said Primordial measurement, you and I can measure it. "

Cao Chun didn't understand, and was about to ask, when Cao Cao threw off his sleeves, took a big stride, and was already gone.

Cao Chun didn't ask any more questions, and hurried to catch up with Hao Zhao.

The next day, it was only in the afternoon that Yuan Shao sent his officials to find Cao Cao and invited him to discuss matters in the lobby of the military mansion.

When they arrived at the hall, Yuan Shao was already there, as were Ju Shou, Tian Feng, Xu You, Guo Tu, Chunyu Qiong and other officials in Yuan Shao's house.

After Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Ju Shou, etc. had seen the ceremony respectively, they sat down at the table.

Before Cao Cao arrived, Yuan Shao had already told Ju Shou and others what Cao Cao had said to him yesterday, and Ju Shou and others had also started a discussion. When Cao Cao sat down, everyone continued their discussion. Continue to express your opinions.

Guo Tu said: "Ming Gong, Tu thinks that what the superintendent said is wrong."


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