The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 176: Emperor Han's grievances and seeking perfection (Part 2)

The person who spoke was Yang Qi, the servant.

Liu Xie did not understand what he meant, but Yang Qi was a minister he trusted, and as long as the words came out of Yang Qi's mouth, there was a degree of credibility. He was surprised and delighted, and said: "After three or five days of public announcement, I may Can you get out of this trap?"


Liu Xie asked: "How do you say this? Please, please speak."

Yang Qi said: "Your Majesty, I asked Li Ying to meet him this morning and asked him about last night's situation. Li Ying told the minister that after Guo Si was in the camp last night, Li Jue summoned all the generals under the tent and gathered in the tent. , there are quite a few people who suggest that Li Jue assist the car to drive Huangbai City. Your Majesty, if Li Jue is willing to follow this advice, His Majesty can leave this wolf's lair! When you arrive at Huangbai City, there will be soldiers and horse camps from all over the city of Zuo Fengyi who will welcome them. Shi Ye, can't your Majesty get out of this trap?"

Li Ying is Li Jue's younger brother. Last night, he fought against Guo Si's army and attacked the camp. Li Ying was also among the most critical. Li Ying is a little different from Li Xian, Li Li, Hu Feng and other Li Jue's nephews and nephews. On the one hand, he is a little older and has his own judgment on the right and wrong of many things, whether it is feasible or not. Li Jue did not follow Li Jue blindly; for both, Li Ying was dismissed by Zhao Wen earlier, and he was a government official of Zhao Wen, so he had a relatively close relationship with some ministers in Zhao Wen’s court, so Yang Qi got it from him. Know about this.

"Yellow and White City" is the location of the Quliang Palace in the Qin Dynasty, and the palace city of the Qin Dynasty still exists.

This city is located on the north bank of the Wei River, within the territory of Zuo Fengyi. Yang Qi's news was good. The generals under Li Jue's account were indeed advised to leave Chang'an, go north to Zuo Feng Yi, and relocate to Huangbai City. The reason why he was stationed in Huangbai City was for two reasons. Li Jue originally had garrisoned troops in Chiyang County to the southeast of Huangbai City and Yangling County to the south. One of them was that Huangbai City was located in Chiyang. , Yangling, Gaoling, Wannian, Pingyang, Yunyang and other counties of Zuo Fengyi, and there are Weishui and Jingshui separated from Chang'an. Zuo Fengyi is in the strategic rear, while Chang'an is viewed from the south, not only the surrounding environment is relatively safe, but also the formation of a condescending state for Guo Si's troops in Chang'an, and it can also take the initiative in strategy.

It's just that Liu Xie was disappointed when he heard this. He thought he could get out of trouble, but it was different from what Yang Qi said. He said, "Should we move to Huangbai City? Duke Yang, even if you go north to Huangbai City, and even if you are greeted by Zuo Fengyi's troops, I'm afraid it will still be difficult to get out of the control of chariots and horses."

Yang Qi said: "Your Majesty, if you can leave Chang'an and go north to Huangbai City, it will always be better than now! Moreover, Li Jue, a remote person, is accustomed to the Yifeng, and Qi hears about it. The color. Your Majesty, now that he intends to use the auxiliary car to drive the city of Huangbai, this is finally a turning point, and I hope that Your Majesty will bear it, and the crime has not yet been revealed."

Liu Xie understood what Yang Qi meant, and after all he said, he was still trying to persuade him to be patient for the time being, and it would not be too late to clean up Li Jue when he had a chance in the future. Zhong Yao, Ding Chong and others also continued to persuade.

Although he knew that what they said was reasonable, Liu Xie's resentment was always hard to swallow. After being established as the emperor by Dong Zhuo, he suffered all kinds of persecution, and after being kidnapped by Li Jue and leaving the palace, he suffered all kinds of humiliation. , rolled up like a tide.

Liu Xie closed his eyes, clenched his sleeves tightly, and was speechless for a while.

According to the etiquette system, without permission, the servants could not look directly at the emperor's long face, but they did not hear Liu Xie's words after waiting for a long time, and everyone couldn't help but panic, Zhao Wen and others secretly raised their eyes to see Liu Xie. Everyone clearly saw that Liu Xie had tears streaming down his face.

It turned out that Liu Xie was crying silently.

Zhong Yao and others were all sympathetic and indignant.

The chief is worried about the humiliation of the minister, and the chief humiliation is the death of the minister. The Taiwei Yang Biao is not by Liu Xie's side now, and the Situ Zhao Wen is the head of the group of ministers. Zhao Wen has to do something. He bowed to the ground, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, Yang Qi's words are not bad, and the decree of reprimand is not suitable for Your Majesty for the time being. However, Li Jue deceives the monarch, but he cannot be condoned! The minister dares to ask Li Jue to scold him. to him!"

On the spot, a pen and paper was requested, Zhao Wen dipped the ink heavily, and wrote down on the paper: "The public asked to avenge Dong Gong, but he actually slaughtered the king's city and killed the ministers. It has become a thousand-feet feud, and the people and the people are ruined, and each of them can't live. Once he did not change his mind, he became a disaster. The court still issued a clear edict, and wanted to order reconciliation. More fortunately, this is what this old man cannot achieve. In the "Yi", the first is a fault, and then it is involved, and the third is not reformed, and its top is destroyed. How unfortunate is it to ride and go down to the whole people!" After writing, he put the pen aside, and when the ink on the paper was dry, Zhao Wen ordered him to come in from the clerk, took Situ's seal, stamped it on it, and ordered, "Take this old man's book and send it to the car quickly."


But that Yang Qi, who had served as a waiter as early as the time of Emperor Ling, asked him calmly and said, "How can I be like Emperor Huan?" Yang Qi replied: "Your Majesty is also like Emperor Huan, as Yu Shun is more than De Tang. Yao."

When Emperor Huan was in power, his foreign relative Liang Ji was in power in the early stage. Later, Emperor Huan executed Liang Ji by the hands of the eunuchs, which led to the dictatorship of the eunuchs and caused the disaster of the party. The evaluation of Emperor Huan by scholars and officials can be imagined; at the same time, Emperor Huan was reckless. There are as many as five or six thousand palace maids. The decline of the national power of the Han Dynasty was at the time of Emperor Huan. It can also be said that the chaos of Emperor Ling and the current situation of the Han Dynasty was directly caused by the administration of Emperor Huan. Emperor Huan's virtues and political achievements were like this, but Yang Qi compared them with "Tang Yao". Obviously, this is an irony.

Comparing "Yao" with Emperor Huan is an irony, and comparing "Shun" with Emperor Ling is naturally an irony.

What Yang Qi meant by this answer was actually to satirize Emperor Ling, saying that you and Emperor Huan are half a pound, the eldest brother, not to mention the second brother, are both ignorant monarchs.

Emperor Ling was not a fool, so he didn't understand what Yang Qi meant. He was displeased after hearing it, and said, "Your strength, the descendants of true Yang Zhen, will be a big bird after death."

——Big Bird Yunyun, tells a strange story after the death of Yang Qi's great-grandfather, Yang Zhen. As an official, Yang Zhen is not afraid of the powerful. He has repeatedly written letters and bluntly stated the disadvantages of governance. Because of the hatred of Fan Feng, the permanent servant of the Central Committee, he was impeached and removed and sent back to his hometown. Yan Zaigou was alive and committed suicide by drinking poison at the age of over seventy years old. More than ten days before his funeral, a large bird, more than ten feet tall, flew to Yang Zhen's funeral, bowed down and screamed, tears on the ground, and the bird did not fly away until he was buried.

Faced with the face-to-face inquiry of Emperor Ling, Yang Qi said frankly that although Liu Xie is young, and since he succeeded to the throne until now, he has been a puppet and has never really held power. At this time, when he was angry that he could not ask Li Jue for food and meat, Yang Qi was deeply moved even though he could not explain it.

Yang Qi was moved, and Zhao Wen knew the danger, but he still took the initiative to request to write this book on Li Jue's behalf on behalf of Liu Xie. Moved, but came forward, willing to do this.

In terms of Liu Xie, it can be called a benevolent ruler; in terms of the officials of Zhao Wen and Yang Qi, they can be called loyal and righteous.

Only benevolence, loyalty and righteousness, in front of the bright swords and guns, now, are not worth mentioning! It is also deplorable.

However, he said that Zhao Wen's letter was delivered to Li Jue, and Li Jue opened it and looked at it. The words in front of him were nothing. When he saw the sentence "Yi", Li Jue didn't understand what it meant. He asked Jia Xu, who was under the **** account, " Said: "Jia Gong, what do you mean by this?"

Jia Xu hesitated for a moment, and was determined not to tell the truth, but Zhao Wen's words were clearly written on the paper, and he knew that there was no way to fool him, so he had no choice but to explain truthfully, saying: "General, this sentence is from "The Book of Changes" "The Big Cross Gua", 'The Sixth: Crossing and Destroying the Top, Fierce, No Blame'."

"I asked the public what this means!"

Jia Xu said, "The meaning is, walking across the river and submerging your head in the water is dangerous." After a pause, he peeped at Li Jue's expression, and said in a more serious tone, "No blame, meaning there is nothing to blame."

"There's nothing to blame." Li Jue laughed and said, "This Zhao Wen is also inexplicable. What book bag did he drop for Nai Gong? Nai Gong didn't cross the river. He told Nai Gong that he was drowned when crossing the river. I really don't know him What do you want to do!"

A scholar next to him sneered and said, "General! Zhao Wen's words are not what Duke Jia said."


The scholar said: "What Jiagong said, the original text of "Yi", Zhao Wen's words, 'one is wrong, another is involved, three is not correct, destroy its top, fierce', which means the first calculation After the second time, I have to take risks, and if I don’t change it for the third time, there will be a disaster and a bad omen. And the "big cross hexagram" in this line, what does it mean to be big? It means too much. General , Zhao Wen is scolding the general for acting too much, and the curse will bring disaster to the general's head!"

The person who spoke was Li Ru.

When Li Jue heard this, he was furious and said, "The old thief Zhao Wen cursed Nai Gong?" He grabbed Zhao Wen's book and threw it on the ground.

Zhang Bao was betrayed, his military camp was almost destroyed by Guo Si, and he was even injured. He was so angry that he could not express his anger. Zhao Wen threw himself at the door. !"

Zhao Wen was the Situ, and Li Jue dared to kill him, but the military officers under his tent dared to accept the order given to him, so someone responded to the order and went to take Zhao Wen's head. At that time, Li Jue's younger brother Li Ying was also in the room. As mentioned above, Li Ying had been Zhao Wen's government official earlier. Where is Li Jue willing to listen? Li Ying looked at Jia Xu. At the moment when Li Jue was furious, Jia Xu kept his body safe and remained silent. Li Ru was beside him, adding fuel to the fire. Li Ying couldn't, so he had to get out of the tent, catch up with the person who led the order to kill Zhao Wen, and told him not to do anything. Li Ying was Li Jue's younger brother, and the military officials dared not ignore his words. Zhao Wen's life was temporarily protected that day.

For the next two or three days, Li Ying kept persuading him every day, and finally managed to persuade Li Jue to stop. The ghost gate was closed and walked for a while, all thanks to Li Yingzhi's strength, Zhao Wen was not killed by Li Jue's knife.

But that Guo Si wanted to kill the Grand Captain Yang Biao, and Li Jue wanted to kill Zhao Wen, the Situ, in a fit of rage. How honorable is the third prince, in Guo Si and Li Jue's point of view, they all killed when they wanted to, and then looked at Liu. Xie Xie's current situation, the dignity of the Han family, has really been trampled into the mud by Li Jue and Guo Si, and there is no need to say more.


It is only said that in Liu Xie's room that day, after Zhao Wen went to write to Li Jue, the ministers comforted Liu Xie for a long time and resigned. : "Your Majesty, I dare to have a stupid opinion, I don't know if I should give it or not."

As the servant of the Huangmen, Liu Xie knew him well, and the company of these days made Liu Xie value him even more.

Liu Xie said: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Zhong Yao said: "Your Majesty, my ministers have secretly heard about it, and the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. As Yang Qi said, Li Jue wants to help His Majesty to be fortunate to Huangbaicheng. Getting out of Li Jue's control is definitely not enough to be happy.

"But Your Majesty, General Zhendong's troops and horses will soon reach Chang'an! Waiting for Zhendong's troops to arrive, how can Your Majesty still be unable to solve this difficulty? Not only Your Majesty's difficulty, but it will inevitably be solved, Li Jue, Guo The head of all the thieves, His Majesty can also kill him!

"Because it is my minister's stupid opinion, Yang Qi advised Your Majesty, please be patient with your Majesty, but this is a good word. Your Majesty, I think that from today until the arrival of Zhendong soldiers, if Li Jue has an audience with Your Majesty again. At that time, it is best for Your Majesty to treat him with a little perfunctory, in order to stabilize him first, so as to avoid any troubles before Zhendong arrives. If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan!

These eloquent and eloquent remarks are reasonable and have entered the heart of Liu Xie.

Liu Xie helped Zhong Yao up and said, "Okay, okay, I know that Qing is for my own good. I have listened to Qing's advice!"

The stench entered his nose, and he caught a glimpse of the stinky beef bone. Liu Xie really took Zhong Yao's words down. This time, he didn't get angry any more, he held it back, he just waved his hand and ordered the **** to take the stinky beef bone out of the tent. . Zhong Yao was very pleased to see Liu Xie being so obedient and kind.

A few days later, due to Li Ying's advice, Li Jue no longer insisted on killing Zhao Wen, and after tidying up the post-war camp, he really came to meet Liu Xie. After seeing Liu Xie, Li Jue told Liu Xiebei that Guo Sizhi had no status.

Liu Xie kept Zhong Yao's suggestion in mind, put away his indifferent attitude towards Li Jue in the past, and responded to it at will.

Li Jue said that Guo Si was rebellious, and Liu Xie nodded yes; Li Jue said that Guo Si was born as a horse thief and was a lowly villain, and Liu Xie also nodded yes. How did Li Jue know about Zhong Yao's comments to Liu Xie? However, because of Liu Xie's change of attitude, he actually thought that he had won Liu Xie's favor, thinking that Liu Xie might have been frightened when Guo Si attacked the camp, so he was indeed extremely dissatisfied with Guo Si.

After seeing Liu Xie and returning to his residence, Li Jue was still overjoyed, and said to Zuo Zuo, "I used to treat the emperor as a child, but now he seems to be sensible." Liu Xie had already called Liu Xie "Your Majesty Ming".

The word "Your Majesty" is really nondescript. The so-called "Ming Gong" and the so-called "Ming General" are all honorary titles given to elders by subordinate officials or those with low status. How many people would add the word "Ming" to the front of "Your Majesty" as a respectful title? No need to say more.

A few days later, Zhao Wen gave Liu Xiejin another strategy, saying: "Your Majesty, the former Duke Yang Jin said to Your Majesty that he could make the servants of the audience shoot Huangfu Li to talk to Li Jue and Guo Si, but it was not possible at that time, and the minister thought, Now, can I try to ask Huangfu Li to make peace again?"

Liu Xie said: "The reason why Duke Yang did not implement this policy before is because the princes thought that Huangfu Li was inferior to officials. I remember that Duke Zhao also opposed it at the time. But why did the Duke propose this proposal now?"

Zhao Wen said: "This time, that time. Your Majesty, although Li is an inferior official, he is also a native of Guo Si and Li Jue. After hearing that Guo Si was unable to attack Li Jue's camp, he returned to the camp and was at a loss. As a native of the village, if we go back to talk about peace, the minister expects Guo Si to agree to it. If Guo Si agrees, when Li Jue is attacked, Li Jue will be caught in danger, and Li Jue should also be arrogant and frustrated, then Li Jue probably would agree."

After hearing this, Liu Xie felt that Zhao Wen's words were also reasonable, so he agreed to Zhao Wen's request.

Huangfu Li received the decree, and immediately set off, on behalf of Liu Xie, once again went to talk to Li Jue and Guo Si.

Going to Guo Si's camp first, as Zhao Wen expected, Guo Siguo actually obeyed his order and was willing to reconcile with Li Jue. Huangfu Li's banner was victorious, and he was victorious in the first battle. He returned to Li Jue's camp and asked to see Li Jue again. However, Zhao Wen was wrong this time, but Li Jue still refused.

Li Jue refused, for two reasons.

One is because Guo Siye attacked his battalion and wounded his ears. Li Jue must report this shame.

Another reason is that Zhong Yao should be blamed. It is precisely because of Zhong Yao's suggestion to Liu Xie to "perfunctorily persuade Li Jue" that Li Jue now thinks that the emperor is interested in him, and that he is favored by the emperor.

Therefore, no matter what Huangfu Li said, Li Jue refused to agree to reconcile with Guo Si.

Li Jue and Huangfu Li said: "Guo Duo stole Ma Luer, An dare to be on an equal footing with me? I promise to kill him! You try my strategy and the scholars, can Guo Duo be my opponent? Guo Duo kidnapped the ministers, What a nonsense, but now you are here to make peace with me for him! What? Is it possible, you still want to follow his left and right, and his minions will not work?"

Huangfu Li said, "The strength of Duke Dong is known to the general. Lü Bu received the favor and turned to him. Between the two, the heads are different, this is courageous but not resourceful. The general is the general of the Netherlands. Chongrong, Guo Si pledged the minister, while the general held the emperor hostage. Compared with this, who is more guilty? Zhang Ji and Guo Si are accomplices, and may soon lead troops from Hongnong to help Guo Si; Looking at the general's trilogy, Yang Feng, the white wave thief is handsome, and now I still know what the general is doing. Although the general is very fond of him, if the general does not change his past and insists on his own way, I am afraid that even Yang Feng will not be able to do it again. Follow the general! Not to mention the rest! Li Pi is worried about the general!"

Li Jue was furious, scolded Huangfu Li a few words, and kicked him out.

Huangfu Li came out, went to Liu Xie's room, and said loudly: "Jue refuses to obey the edict, and the words are not smooth."

Liu Xie in the room suddenly changed color when he heard this. If this sentence was to accuse Li Jue, if Li Jue heard it, it would inevitably be another trouble, so he hurriedly ordered Huangfu Li to leave quickly.

But these words have been passed into Li Jue's ears.

Li Jue said angrily: "I wanted to kill him just now, but he spared his life because of his father Huangfu's old reputation and his relationship with the people in our state, but he falsely accused me in front of Emperor Ming! "I sent orders to Hu Ben Wang Chang, the palace envoy in charge of guarding Liu Xie, to call Huangfu Li to come and kill him.

Although Wang Chang was an **** and Li Jue's party, he knew that Li Jue's actions were becoming more and more outrageous, but he refused to follow his order. He hurriedly ran for his life; seeing Li Jue again, he replied, "Li has already run away, and he can't catch up."

Zhao Wen's suggestions were unsuccessful, and Huangfu Li was almost killed, but Liu Xie didn't blame Zhao Wen for this, after all, Zhao Wen also had good intentions.

After Zhong Yao found out about the matter, he said to the left and right: "Li Jue and Guo Si have fought so fiercely that the former ministers have made peace. Since they have not been able to resolve it, it is impossible for them to make reconciliation! Now that the troops of King Dongqin of Zhenzhen are approaching, how can they reconcile?"

In order not to cause Li Jue's disrespect to Liu Xie again due to Huangfu Li's reconciliation, it is also to further appease and confuse Li Jue, so that Liu Xie can safely wait until Xun Zhen's troops arrive. Going to Zhong Yao spoke to Liu Xie again in private and said, "Your Majesty, it's better to give Li Jue an rank and a rank to show trust."

Liu Xie agreed with Zhong Yao's comments, and issued an edict, with Li Jue as the chief Sima, on the right of the three princes.

Previously, Li Jue and Guo Si were the superiors of the third prince, but now Li Jue has been appointed as the Grand Sima, and he is on the right of the third prince. His status is even higher than that of the third prince. .

——Da Sima is an ancient official, which existed in the pre-Qin period. In the early days of this dynasty, the Great Sima was the head of the Three Dukes, in charge of the military, and later changed to Taiwei. The Yellow Turbans came into chaos, the prefectures and counties were divided, and the post of Grand Sima was taken up by the court again. So far, including Li Jue, there are only two people who have held this post, one is the former Youzhou Mu Liu Yu, the other One is Li Jue.

It is enough to let Liu Yu be the chief Sima, Li Jue is a chaotic thief, Liu Xie wants to eat his flesh and sleep his skin, and the dignified emperor has to tolerate and seek perfection in every possible way, which can be called a grievance.

Liu Xie waited day and night for the arrival of Xun Zhen and Cao Cao's diligent kings.

Jizhou, Wei County.

On this day, Cao Cao arrived in Ye County in a hurry.

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