The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 148: Liu Yaoxi entered Danyang County

Mi Ying was pregnant. Since the brothers Mi Zhu and Mi Fang came to Tan County, the next day, Xun Zhen asked them to go to the Hou Zhai to meet Mi Ying. They arranged a family dinner that night, and took Xun Lu and several other Xun Lu from other places. The children of the family also called and served them drinks and dinner together.

In the next few days, most of the officials who came to celebrate the New Year went back one after another. Xun Zhen stayed Chen Deng and others for two more days, and met them alone during the day, explaining that after he left Tan, they must remain as before and not neglect government affairs. Wait. Chen Deng and the others all obeyed the order respectfully. Xun Zhen arranged a small-scale banquet in the evening and drank with them separately. A few days later, Chen Deng and others also returned to their own county and county.

After nearly two months of intense preparations, by the end of the first lunar month, the affairs of the relocation were basically completed.

The new shogunate has been completed, and the official residences for the officials of the shogunate have also been built; if the officials have family members, they have also found accommodation for their family members. Military camps and other camps for the family members of the army were also built. The shogunate's treasuries such as granaries, arsenals, and money and silk warehouses have not only been built, but a large part of the grain, ordnance, money and silk and other items have been shipped, and those that have not been shipped are continuing to be shipped. The buildings and facilities required by the military and government, or the remaining unfinished areas, are already minor problems, and they can be expanded and repaired later.

On the day at the end of the first month, an auspicious day was chosen, and Xunzhen led the officials who had decided to move with him to the new shogunate to leave Tanxian and go to Changyi. Following Zhang Zhao, the state, prefecture, and county officials in Tanxian all sent them off together. When the people heard about it, they also helped the old and the young, and went out of the city to say goodbye.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll see you a thousand miles away, but you have to say goodbye. Although the snow has melted, the road is still muddy. Please go back when you wait!" Xun Zhen stood by the car and laughed.

In the middle of the month, another snow fell, which stopped four or five days ago.

As Xun Zhen said, the snow on the road had melted away, but the road was still muddy.

Zhang Zhao, wearing the official uniform of six hundred stone officials, with a high crown and a black dress, with a black sash carrying his seal, bowed upright and bowed down, bowed his head, and said, "When Duke Ming arrives in Changyi, Zhao has the responsibility of guarding the land and governing the territory. I'm afraid that apart from Zhengdan and Duke Ming's meeting, I won't be able to see Duke Ming often and hear Duke Ming's teachings. Zhao's heart is broken when we say goodbye today!"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "My lord is a handsome man, so why is he a child? I'm going to Changyi today, and my lord will stay in Tan. Although we are separated for a while, what I do is a matter of state! State affairs are the most important thing, Duke Zhang. Until..." Xun Zhen raised her hand, nodded in the direction of Yin in Henan, and said, "The dust over there is settled, I will send a letter to the emperor and summon the prince from Xuzhou. As long as you and I work together, we will reunite. It's not too late."

"How dare you not be loyal and do your best to appease Xuzhou for Ming Gong, save Ming Gong's worries, and assist Ming Gong to accomplish this important event!"

"I will pay the Duke of Xuzhou, because I know the Duke, I will not disappoint me."

The prefects of the East China Sea, Handan Rong and Tan Ling Chen Jiao, brought the officials of the official temple, together with Zhang Zhao, and bowed down to the ground, waiting for Xunzhen to board the carriage.

Xun Zhen didn't have time to pull them, so she reacted and rushed forward, pulled Zhang Zhao up, and said reproachfully: "Mr. Zhang, I just told you that the road is full of mud, what are you doing! What is the relationship between you and me? Do you need such a modest ceremony?" Ling Handan Rong, Chen Jiao, etc. also got up, did not get into the car immediately, got in front of the car, saluted the people in the city who were sending him on all sides, and said loudly, "I have been in Xuzhou for many years, but Looking back on it now, I am really ashamed. Many things have not been done well, but Lai Gong has not given up, and today we send each other off. Zhencheng is frightened!"

There were more than thousands of people who sent Xunzhen. There were old and young, men and women, scholars, county residents, and farmers. They had different clothes and different ages. The fields on the official road and on both sides of the official road were densely packed. People are everywhere, covering the near and far.

Hearing Xun Zhen's words, these scholars and people all bowed down and replied.

There were too many people, and the words were different. They were all mixed together, and they only heard the noise. Xun Zhen couldn't hear what they were talking about.

There are dozens of elders, holding wine and food, and serving them.

The old man who took the lead must have been over seventy years old, with cloudy eyes, white hair and beard, leaning on a dove stick, trembling, and he said to Xun Zhen: "The public has been in Xu for four or five years, and he has pacified the chaos and eliminated the thieves, and the people will live. Do not deceive others, the people will be at ease; promote farming and mulberry farming, the people will become rich, the civil and maritime turmoil will come, and the people will meet today, this is the blessing of the people in the state! Food, it is known that the public is there, and the people dare to talk about it."

Those who are "modern" only now know what "wanghua" is. This cannot be a higher evaluation of Xun Zhen's administration in Xuzhou. "Only drinking water from Bizhou, but not eating the food of the common people" is a euphemism. It praises Xun Zhen's integrity in Xuzhou without taking anything from the people.

Xun Zhen recognized the old man and knew that he was an old man among the scholars with the right surname in Tanxian County. After eating and drinking, Xun Zhen once again bowed to the old man and other people, said goodbye to Zhang Zhao and others, and got into the car.

Drums and music blared, Xin Ai led the cavalry to clear the way, Xu Chu and others led the soldiers and retinues, Zang Ba, Zhang Fei and others led the troops to follow; Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and other officials also returned to their cars, counting the number of chariots and multipliers. Hundreds, more than 5,000 cavalry and cavalry, the mighty team left Tan for Yan.

——Chen Zhi and other women, including the family members of Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, etc., were also in the team.

Zhang Zhao and the others watched Xun Zhen's car drive away, and they all returned to the city until they could not see it and disappeared in the distance on the straight official road.


We stayed in Xiangben County that night and Lanling County the next night.

Although Xuzhou is not as populous as Yan and Henan, Donghai County, where Tan County is located, is also a county with a large population, and there are many counties within the county. From Tanxian to the west, on the way to Yanzhou, there is a county every thirty or forty miles. This also saves Xun Zhen and others the trouble of staying overnight on the road, and there is no need to build a camp. ——Of course, those 5,000-odd cavalrymen still need to set up temporary camps.

On the fourth day, we arrived in Yinping County.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ The officials of Yinping County greeted you at the county boundary. Zang Ba's son, Zang Ai, is currently the Prime Minister of Yinping County, and he is also among the officials who are welcome. Xun Zhen told Zang Ba not to spend the night outside the city tonight, but to go to the city and stay overnight at his son Zang Ai's house. Xun Zhen was sympathetic to the minister's intentions, but he didn't need to say more. I just said that that night, I received a military report from Jiujiang.

When the army report arrived, Xun Zhen was about to go to sleep. After reading the army report, she put on her clothes and got up, and ordered the attendants to invite Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu to come over.

Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu lived next to Xun Zhen and came soon.

Xun Zhen showed them the military report.

The military newspaper said: A few days after Zhengdan, spies heard that Liu Yao had entered Danyang from Wu.


"Wu", Wu County; "Danyang", Danyang County.

There are seven counties in Yangzhou. According to the population and the level of economic development, the seven counties can be divided into two parts: north and south.

The area in the northern part is smaller; the area in the southern part is larger.

The northern part forms an arc from southwest to southeast, which is divided into the northern part of Lujiang County, Jiujiang County, Fuling County, Danyang County, Wu County and Kuaiji County. There are not so many counties in the southern part, only one and a half counties, Yuzhang County to the west, and the central and southern parts of Kuaiji County to the east.

The counties in the northern part can be divided into two parts.

One part is the three counties of Lujiang, Fuling and Jiujiang in the west of the Yangtze River; the other part is the three counties of Danyang, Wu and Kuaiji in the east of the Yangtze River.

Compared with the size of the region, the northern region is not as large as the southern region, but the population of the northern region is much larger than that of the southern region, and the economy is far more developed than that of the southern region. The difference between the north and south regions of Yangzhou is very large, and how big is the difference? For example, there are Kuaiji County, which is partly in the north and south regions, and its north is adjacent to Wu County to the west and east and south to the east and west three hundred miles to the sea. There are more than ten counties in a narrow area of ​​less than 300 li from north to south; while in the south, there are almost no counties in the vast area of ​​more than 1,000 li from north to south and 600 li from east to west.

——It should be said that there are no counties and few counties, which does not mean that there is no local population. It is just that there are fewer Han people who work on farming and more barbarians living in the mountains and forests. Therefore, there are fewer “counties” with administrative management as the mainstay, but There are "departments" with military management as the mainstay.

The "Liu Yao" mentioned in the Jiujiang Military News is Liu Yao, the younger brother of Liu Dai, the former governor of Yanzhou, who was assassinated by the Yellow Turban Army. Therefore, after Chen Wen, the prefect of Yangzhou, died of illness, the imperial court ordered Liu Yao to succeed him as the prefect of Yangzhou. Because the road was far away, and a group of thieves blocked the road, the imperial edict did not arrive in Yangzhou until the autumn and winter of last year. But why did the imperial court appoint Liu Yao to succeed Yangzhou prefect? After hearing this decree at that time, Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others made speculations. Based on their judgment, there are three reasons.

Liu Yao belonged to the imperial clan of the Han family. His uncle, Liu Chong, was a former lieutenant of the imperial court. His home was in Donglai County, Qingzhou. , this is one reason; Liu Yao is located in the southeast, and it is easy to take office after receiving the decree; this is the other reason; Liu Yao is not a man of talk, he is capable, he saved his father from a thief in his early years. Lian, who was an official in the local area, also refused to be entrusted by the dignitaries and gave up his post. Later, it was used by the state government. He also impeached and dismissed the son of the eunuch, Jinan, the prime minister. His people are courageous and knowledgeable. ——Rescue his slave father Yunyun, when Liu Yao was nineteen years old, his slave father Liu Wei was taken hostage by the bandits, Liu Yao then gathered more than ten people to mix with the bandits, killed the bandit's head and rescued Liu Wei.

In addition to the three reasons, there may be one more reason.

It was Yanzhou, which was led by his brother Liu Dai. After his brother died, Cao Cao lost the fight and now falls into the hands of Xun Zhen. Although Xun Zhen had already earned it and Liu Dai had died, Liu Dai may still have some influence in Yanzhou. Then, after Liu Yao became the prefect of Yangzhou, could he use Liu Dai's influence in Yanzhou to cause some trouble for Xun Zhen? Xuzhou is connected to Yangzhou in the south and Yanzhou in the west. Yangzhou and Yanzhou just happen to enclose Xuzhou in the middle.

According to Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, etc., who inherited from Dong Zhuo, they have always used the method of invoking the relationship between the feudal lords in the Kanto region and using the political means of checking and balancing. There should still be a great possibility for this fourth reason. sexual.

Liu Yao's earliest avoidance of war was in Xuzhou. Xun Zhen had recruited him, but he refused to do so. After Liu Dai's death, he went south to Yangzhou and joined Chen Wen, the former governor of Yangzhou. After Chen Wen's death, he went back and forth in three counties in the north of Yangzhou and east of the Yangtze River. He stayed in Danyang County, Wu County and Kuaiji County. With his family rank and his personal name, no matter where he went, he was warmly received by the local county governor.

But at this moment, he went to Danyang County not too long after he got the decree of the imperial court to appoint him as Yangzhou prefect?

The three Yangzhou counties east of the Yangtze River, Kuaiji County or Wu County, didn't matter, but Danyang County was the one that Xun Zhen cared about the most. There are two reasons for concern. One is the hometown of Tao Qian in Danyang County. After Tao Qian's death, all his sons returned to Danyang. To put it bluntly, the one who ignored Xun Zhen the most. As mentioned above, this Zhou Xin belongs to Yuan Shao's party, and has a good relationship with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. Cao Cao raised troops to ask Dong Dong in his early years, and he came to Danyang to recruit troops. Zhou Xin gave Cao Cao more than ten thousand soldiers; his two The younger brother is now at Yuan Shao's place, and has been used by Yuan Shao.


"I heard the edict and worshipped Liu Zhengli as the governor of Yangzhou. I went to Shufuling and asked Zang Hong to welcome him into Liyang. He politely declined; but at this moment, he appeared in Danyang County, Zhicai, Wenruo, What do you two think about this?"

——Liyang County, which belongs to Fuling County, is the seat of Yangzhou's state governance.

Xun Yu said: "Liu Zhengli refused to go to Liyang before, but now it's time for my brother to move to Yan, and he has already left Tan, and suddenly he went to Danyang again. Several things fit together... Brother, the purpose of his going to Danyang. , worth pondering.”

I don't want to go to Liyang, obviously I don't want to go to Xunzhen's territory, I don't want to suffer

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Xunzhen's control, which is understandable.

But Danyang was the county in Yangzhou that Xunzhen did not deal with the most. Then, when Xunzhen moved to rule Li Xu, Liu Yao suddenly left Wu County and went to Danyang for what? Or, does he have any ideas? It's really worth considering.

Xun Zhen thought farther, he thought of Yuan Shao from Zhou Xin, and said: "So after Chen Wen, the prefect of Yangzhou, died of illness, Yuan Gonggong expressed Huiqu as the prefect of Yangzhou, and heard Yuan Benchu ​​also expressed Yuan Yi as the prefect of Yangzhou; , I heard that Yuan Benchu ​​took Yuan's posthumous watch into another position. ... Wen Ruo, Zhicai, put these two things together, do you think Liu Zhengli's entry into Danyang will have something to do with Yuan Benchu?"

Xun Yu immediately understood what Xun Zhen meant, and said, "Brother, you mean, Yuan Benchu ​​put Yuan's posthumous watch as his post, but the actual purpose was to win over Liu Yao? And Liu Yao... and Liu Yao joined at this moment. Danyang, meeting with Zhou Xin, maybe Yuan Benchu's push is behind him?" As he spoke, Xun Yu's brows furrowed slightly.

"Is this possible?"

Xun Yu thought for a while, and said, "Brother said so, it is really possible! Jizhou and Yangzhou are separated by Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Xuzhou. Anyway, it is impossible for Yuan Yi to take office. If that is the case, just pass it. Zhou Xin and Liu Yao got on the line and pulled Liu Yao to his side. First, it could combat Yuan Gonggong's attempt to invade Yangzhou; secondly, it might also cause some trouble for me in Xuzhou, so that my brother could not go west with all his strength. Henan Yin, and reducing the pressure of our army on Jizhou in Yan and Qing, ... also kill two birds with one stone."

"Zhicai, what do you think?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Ming Gong's concern is justified."

Xun Zhen said: "Yangzhou sends out elite troops, one is Danyang, the other is Lujiang. Danyang's soldiers are as sharp as Lujiang; and Danyang borders Fuling. Zhicai and Wenruo, if you think my guess is justified, then Liu Zheng bows to this. Ji ran to Danyang, you two said, will he cause some trouble?"

"It's a must, but it's not worth worrying about." Xi Zhicai thought for a while and replied.

Xun Zhen said "Oh" and asked, "How do you say this?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Although Liu Zhengli is not a mediocre man, I have not heard that he has the ability to know soldiers; Danyang is the prefect of Zhou Taiming, so he is also a disciple of the prefect Chen Gong. He has read a lot of books and has a certain reputation. Disasters are not people who know the military; as for the sons of Tao Gongzu, they are mediocre and insignificant, so why bother! Therefore, with loyalty and ignorance, even if they get mixed up together, they are considered to be the elite soldiers of Danyang, and as long as the rest of Yangzhou counties If they do not respond, if Liu Zhengli and Zhou Taiming dare to commit crimes against me in Fuling and Jiujiang, they will be defeated.

"...And if the other counties in Yangzhou would respond? Sheng Xian, the governor of Wu County, is friendly with Duke Ming, the governor of Lujiang Lu Kang is loyal to Wang Shi, the governor of Kuaiji Tang Mao, and Duke Ming has been attached for a long time, these three counties will definitely not To help Liu Zhengli; only Zhou Shu, the prefect of Yuzhang, is of the same clan as Zhou Xin. Danyang and Yuzhang counties are bordering north and south, and they may help each other. However, my assistance from Guangling can be reached at any time. Therefore, Zhong believes that it must not be ignored. Not worth worrying about."

"So Taiwei Chen Gong" refers to Chen Fan. The Zhou clan in Kuaiji is a famous noble clan in Yangzhou. Zhou Xin not only studied under Chen Fan, a native of Runan, but when he was young, like Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, he also learned from his father and ancestor who served as officials in the dynasty. He has lived in Luoyang for a long time, so he and Yuan Shao and Cao Cao intimate.

——As mentioned above, the prefects of Kuaiji, Tang Mao and Xun Zhen, are from the village, and the Xun and Tang clans are related by marriage. , located in this remote southeast Yangzhou border, what is terrible is that the chief officials of the surrounding counties are mostly Yangzhou natives, Sheng Xian, Zhou Xin, Zhou Shu are from Kuaiji, Lu Kang is from Wu County, as a Yuzhou Ying A native of Sichuan, Tang Mao had to borrow the power of Xun Zhen and Xun Chen in order to protect himself, so he had long since established a relationship with Xun Zhen. In fact, it was precisely because of Xun Zhen's power that Tang Mao was able to serve as the prefect of Kuaiji until now, and he has not been forced to resign. Xian, Zhou Xin, and Zhou Shu's clan power in Kuaiji, Tang Mao could not afford to offend.

"Wen Ruo, Zhicai said this, what do you think?"

Xun Yu said, "Zhicai's opinion is very true."

"In that case, you agree that it is imperative, but it's not worth worrying about."

Xun Yu nodded and said: "Ming Gong can pass on Jiujiang and Fuling, and order Liu Zhengli, Zhou Taiming, and Tao Gongzu's movements to be closely monitored; at the same time, order Jiujiang and Fuling to contact Wu County and Kuaiji County more and communicate with each other. , to deter Liu Zhengli."

Xi Zhicai agreed with Xun Yu's suggestion and said, "Especially in Kuaiji County. The reason why Shengxian of Wu County and Duke Ming were good friends was to protect himself. If a war really broke out, he would not necessarily try his best to help; Tang Mao definitely couldn't stay in Kuaiji. If there was a war, he would definitely try his best to help me in Fuling and Jiujiang. Kuaiji is in the east of Danyang. Duke Ming might as well order Tang Mao to make some preparations. , lost his head, and dared to attack my Fuling, Tang Mao could lead his troops to attack him from the east."

"Just as the two of them agreed!"

That night, Xun Zhen personally wrote a letter to Xun Chen and Zang Hong, and another letter to Tang Mao.

In the letter to Xun Chen, he told him about the conclusions and countermeasures he had negotiated with Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu about his military newspaper, and asked him to communicate more with Sheng Xian and Tang Mao, and explain to Xun Chen. "If Liu Zhengli doesn't violate the border, his brother doesn't have to attack him, and Zang Hong can guard Fuling and Jiujiang. If there is no war in Jingzhou when Chunnuan, brother and Zang Hong can join forces to attack the Chaohu water thieves, either to suppress or to fend for them. Strive to be able to completely calm the summer before the water rises. In this way, no matter how dangerous there is, there will be no internal trouble."

Because of Zhou Xin and Zhou Shu, Xun Zhen thought of one person.

The person I remembered was none other than Zhou Yu.

Last autumn, Xun Zhen sent a book to Xun Chen and told him to send someone to Shu County, Lujiang, to find a young man named Zhou Yu to see if he could.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ to recruit him and send it to Tan County; in that letter, Xun Zhen wrote: "There is a visitor from Jiangdong, who is called Zhou Yu from Shu County, so Taiwei Zhou Jing Cong's grandson, so Taiwei Zhou Zhong followed his son, so Luoyang ordered Zhou Yizi, a young hero, my brother can find him and send him to Tan, and I will pay tribute."

Xun Chen has not replied until now.

So when she wrote this book to Xun Chen, Xun Zhen asked Xun Chen again if she had found this person?

Three Taoist books and arraignments were sent In addition, Xunzhen sent a letter to Zhang Zhao, telling about the matter; she sent a daoist order to the garrison in Guangling County, ordering to do a good job in the South. Prepare.

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop!" Xun Zhen couldn't help but sigh.

This change occurred in Yangzhou just a few days away from Tanxian. Fortunately, Xuzhou has been governed for a long time, and Xuzhou counties are already stable, but there is no need to worry about whether there will be chaos in Xuzhou after leaving Xuzhou. And as long as there is no chaos in Xuzhou, everything else can be solved.


A few days later, he left the border of Xuzhou and entered Lu State in Yuzhou. He did not stay in Lu State. He left the country on the same day, and then entered Pei State in Yuzhou. He did not stay and left the country on the same day. This distance is only about forty miles in total. At night, we arrived at Renchengguo in Yanzhou.

Among the officials who welcomed Xun Zhen, the first one stood out.

This man was in his thirties or forties, wearing a crown of travel on his head, wearing a royal robe, and matching a red sash, but he was a prince of princes.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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