The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 147: 1Jiangguanghanmeiyingxiang

It is not accurate to say that Quyi defeated Gongsun Zan, but to be precise, the Youzhou coalition of Quyi and Yan Rou, Xian Yufu and Su Puyan defeated Gongsun Zan. The battle to defeat Gongsun Zan took place on the bank of Baoqiu River in the east of Yi County.

Baoqiu Water is a river originating from the north of Youzhou. This river originates from the Saishang grassland in the north of Yuyang County, Youzhou. It flows through Yanshan Mountain and enters Yuyang County in the south. Two branches are made in the middle part of Yuyang County. , one goes southeast and flows into the Bohai Sea, the other goes south, out of the southern boundary of Youzhou, into the territory of Jizhou, and stops near the junction of Hejian and Bohai County, and merges into the adjacent river.

But I don't know who's plan was used, Qu Yi and others won this battle, the whole process, with Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai, when they saw Qu Yi and others besieging Yijing's military report, Xun Zhen. The strategy for defeating Gongsun Zan was exactly the same. It was the release of Gongsun Zan from Yijing and the pursuit of victory in field battles, and then this victory was achieved.

Qu Yi and others pretended that the attack was not easy, so they withdrew their troops, which made Gongsun Zan misjudgment, and lured him to use his main force to lead his troops to pursue. Cavalry of 100,000, more than half a month before the report of the Dao Army was sent to Tan County, in early December, on a sunny winter morning, they had a large-scale field battle with Gongsun Zan.

The morale of Gongsun Zan's troops was indeed low, and the number of soldiers and horses was less than that of Quyi's side. Moreover, the enemy's troops were well-prepared and waited for work. Therefore, when the war started, Gongsun Zan's troops were at a disadvantage. However, Gongsun Zan was worthy of being a good general, and all the generals under his tent were worthy of being veteran generals who had followed Gongsun Zan to the north and south for a long time.

Only this general, Kou Yi, is really brave.

Quyi is a native of Wuwei, Liangzhou. The elites under his account and those he trusts are mostly villagers who followed him from Wuwei and other counties in Liangzhou to Jizhou in his early years. These Liangzhou Rishis are really the foundation of Quyi's team.

After several onslaughts by the Jiyou coalition forces and failed to shake Gongsun Zan's position, Qu Yi repeated the majesty of the battle of Jieqiao three years ago, and personally led the Liangzhou warriors under his tent. During the crossbow, he brazenly launched a charge towards the southwest of Gongsun Zan's formation. The battle of Jieqiao was won by Yuan Shao, relying on Quyi and his Liangzhou elites. Quyi and these Liangzhou soldiers used to be in Liangzhou, and lived with the Qiang people all year round. They all knew how to fight the Qiang. Like the Qiang people, let out a shocking roar. Even those who were not the witnesses of the Battle of Jieqiao, the soldiers of Gongsun Zan's division, later heard the ferocity of those "Liangzhou people" and the terrifying cry of the battle. As soon as they heard the cries accompanied by dust, the soldiers in the southwest position of the Zan formation weakened by three points.

The strong arrows shot, and the soldiers in the southwest of Zanzhen fell to the ground like pieces of paper. Qu Yi and the others all held short blades, used their shields to smash through obstacles in the way, and jumped into the Zan army formation. Gongsun Zan saw him from a distance in the central army, and hurriedly dispatched his elite soldiers to rescue him. However, Qu Yi and the hundreds of Liangzhou Xiaorui he brought with him were advancing extremely fast. Zanzhi's southwest formation was in chaos, and within half an hour, Qu Yi was captured by the formation.

Yan Rou and Xian Yufu from the northwest and north directions saw this, and they each sent their main force to attack.

The enemy attacked from three sides, and the southwest formation had already fallen. Gongsun Zan led the Baima Yicong and other elite soldiers, and was exhausted to repel the enemy here.

——Su Puyan and other Hu chiefs hated Gongsun Zan to the bone, and saw Gongsun Zan's defeat, and they were extremely ecstatic. Some Hu generals, who were self-reliant and brave, led the tribal cavalry of their headquarters in an vain attempt to intercept Gongsun Zan and captured him. Gongsun Zan's defeat in this battle was due to the coalition's "strategies to lure the enemy", or was it due to the bravery of Qu Yi. How could they be his opponents? There is no need for Gongsun Zan to get out of the horse and separate the white horse from his righteousness. He is about to kill this kind of huqiu. I don’t know how many Hu’er who were chasing after him aggressively turned into a wolf, and one after another, they all shouted in Hu language, “You should avoid the white horse” . The scene of white horses chasing Hu'er, but against the overall background of tens of thousands of Zan's troops being defeated and retreating is not interesting. Gongsun Zan was angry and hated: "I hate Liu Yu for being cowardly, so I didn't kill Hu'er! How dare you chase me now!"

Hu Qi was not an opponent, but the situation was over. Although Gongsun Zan's elite and some soldiers and horses broke through the siege, they fled west and returned to Yijing, but Qu Yi and others chased and killed them for half a day. .

The Jiyou Allied Forces have captured more than 20,000 officers and men from Gongsun Zan's army and civilians who joined the army.

After this battle, Gongsun Zan's vitality was severely damaged.

After reading this military report, Xi Zhicai said: "Although he has won more than 20,000 yuan, Gongsun Bogui escaped! Gongsun Bogui escaped and returned to Yijing. If he thinks about it, he will not fight easily again. Listen. It is said that Yijing now has more than one million stone of grains, and Gongsun Bogui reclaimed the fields around Yijing as early as possible. With the solidity of Yijing managed by Yijing, supplemented by sufficient grain, Qu Yi and others will follow, I am afraid that the old way Repeat', before them, is still the predicament of 'incapable of overcoming the fortress'... Duke Ming, all in all, this battle Qu Yi and others fell short. After this battle, the situation in Yi Jing has not changed much. Gotta fight!"

One person said next to him, "Not only do we have to fight, but it will be disadvantageous to Qu Yi's side. As the supervisor said, Gongsun Bogui will not go out to fight easily, so there is only one option left for Qu Yi. , then there is only the fortification left; and if the fortification is attacked, as the superintendent of the army said, it is difficult!"

The person who spoke was Guo Jia.

Guo Jia was not in Tanxian before, but now he will be moved to Changyi. Xunzhen planned to send him to Luoyang after the relocation, so he was called back.

Guo Jia paused, shook his head slightly, and said, "I don't really want to understand."

Xi Zhicai asked with a smile, "Feng Xiao, Yiqing Zhizhi, is there anything else you don't understand? Why don't you understand?"


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