The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 139: Cao Cao's Benevolence and Righteousness Repeatedly (Part 2)

Hearing Shi Huan's question, Cao Cao did not answer immediately, but put down his chopsticks, glanced at Shi Huan, then Wang Bi, and said with a smile, "The two of you must have a brilliant opinion, I want to listen first. Just listen."

Shi Huan and Wang Bi are both old friends in Cao Cao's township, and they are Cao Cao's confidants. It can be said that Cao Cao's future is closely related to their future. After discussing the future of their small military and political group, after destroying the white wave and yellow turbans, these days, the two of them stayed up to sleep for several nights, and discussed all night. discuss.

The two looked at each other, and the representative of Shi Huan replied to Cao Cao, saying: "Earlier, Duke Ming and Duke Cheng made a plan to first destroy the white waves and yellow turbans, then divide the relationship between the various departments of Yanmen Xiutu and Zhang Feiyan, and finally enter into Yanmen and other countries. Destroy Zhang Feiyan's clan. Now, the White Wave and Yellow Turbans have been eliminated, so the subordinates wait for my humble opinion. After they settle down in Hedong and Xihe County, is the next step to start to win over the Xiutu clan?"

Cao Cao said, "Is this what the two of them thought?"

Wang Bi replied, "I thought the same thing when I returned to Duke Ming."

Cao Cao nodded and said, "The idea of ​​the two of you is not wrong."

Shi Huan heard a different meaning from Cao Cao's words, and asked tentatively, "Dare to ask Duke Ming, is it that Duke Ming doesn't have it anymore?"

Cao Cao said, "I just received a letter yesterday."

Shi Huan said, "Received a letter?"

Cao Cao got up and took a letter from the box in the corner. He asked Shi Huan and Wang Bi to come forward and hand the letter to them, saying, "This is the letter."

Shi Huan caught it and saw that the envelope was signed.

As mentioned above, Cao Cao and Ding Chong have a very good relationship. The relationship between the two is similar to that of Cao Cao, Shi Huan and Wang Bi. He also admired Cao Cao's talent and thought he could achieve great things.

When he was in Dongjun earlier, Cao Cao and Ding Chong exchanged letters from time to time, but at that time, because of the long roads, blocked by thieves, and poor traffic, the communication between the two sides was not frequent; after Cao Cao arrived in Taiyuan County, Taiyuan left Guanzhong, It was a lot closer to Chang'an, and there were only Hedong, Zuo Fengyi and other counties in the middle. The correspondence between the two became even more dense.

——The "servant", Ding Chong's current official in the court is the same as Zhong Yao, and he is also a servant of the Huangmen. Cao Cao kept writing letters with Ding Chong. Besides friendship, on the other hand, he also wanted to know more about the situation in the DPRK through Ding Chong.

This time, after defeating Li Le and other Baibo Yellow Turbans in Hedong in Jiangyi, on the south bank of the water, Cao Cao sent a letter to Ding Chong the next day, informing Ding Chong of the matter, and Tuo Dingchong helped him Pay attention to how Li Jue and other Liangzhou generals and the emperor reacted to this.

Ding Chong's reply came very quickly, he arrived at Cao Cao's camp yesterday.

Shi Huan opened the letter, and Wang Bi and Wang Bi put their heads together to read Ding Chong's letter.

Ding Chong wrote this reply: "Wen Gong defeated Li Le, captured Han Xian, and beheaded Hu Cai. The servant's heart is very fast! The east of the river has been established, and the thieves of the west river are lonely, and they will also be defeated for the public. This can be eliminated. With the talent and talent of the public, it is just around the corner to get the state. Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, and Ma Teng and Han Sui are at the stalemate in the west of Chang'an. If the two tigers fight each other, they will be injured. In order to determine the world, the Duke will have a strong army and strong horses at the right time! The servant knows that the Duke Suhuai assists the Son of Heaven and supports the grand ambition of the world. This is the time when the Duke achieves this ambition."

After reading the letter, Shi Huan folded it and returned it to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao asked the two of them and said, "What did the two of you see from this letter?"

Shi Huan, Wang Bi looked at each other again.

Wang Bi said: "In his letter, Ding Shilang congratulates Duke Ming for slaughtering Li Le's thieves, and believes that Duke Ming will be able to take Bingzhou for use in the near future, and be able to compile and train a Bingzhou comparable to that used by the ancestors to rule the world. Strong soldiers!"

The ancestor is Liu Xiu. Liu Xiu's career in revitalizing the Han Dynasty began in Jizhou. He relied on Zhi to cut down the separatist regime and re-unite the troops and horses in the world. Except for the Jizhou soldiers, mainly the soldiers and cavalry, which was called "Bingzhou soldiers" in Ding Chong's letter. Riding, the ancestors used to determine the world."

Cao Cao asked, "Is that only the content?"

Shi Huan asked, "Could it be that Duke Ming thinks that there are other meanings?"

Cao Cao opened the folded letter again, held it in his left hand, and presented the side with the words in front of Shi Huan and Wang Bi. He looked at the letter without paying much attention to the image, looked at it from the side, and pointed at the end of the letter with his right hand, He said, "What does this sentence say?"

Shi Huan read this sentence again: "The servant knows that the Duke Suhuai assists the emperor and supports the great ambitions of the world. This is the time when this prince achieves this ambition."

Cao Cao said: "'Assist the emperor, help the world', what do these eight characters mean?"

Shi Huan said, "These eight characters, these eight characters..., Duke Ming, is Ding Shilang suggesting that Duke Ming should use the military?"

Cao Cao put the letter back on the table, pressed the table with one hand, leaned back slightly, and said, "You Yang doesn't mean exactly that!"

Chong, young also; "You Yang", is Ding Chong's word.

Shi Huan said, "But the thieves in Liangzhou..." His voice gradually lowered and he stopped. After thinking for a while, his eyes lit up, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Yes, Duke Ming! Just as Ding Shilang said in his letter As mentioned, if the thieves of Li Jue and Guo Si and the thieves of Ma Teng and Han Sui were both defeated, and as the Duke of Ming had expected, Li Juezhu would then compete with Xun Zhendong for Henan Yin. Strong, but after two fierce battles, it will inevitably weaken; but at that time, Duke Ming has been sitting on Bingzhou!

"If you can take advantage of the strong and powerful people of the combined state, the army will be strong and the horses will be strong.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^Zhuang, so take this opportunity to go out of the east of the river and enter the customs, Duke Ming really has the possibility to recover Chang'an in one fell swoop, sweep away the atmosphere of thieves in the court, and thus assist the emperor. With the power of Duke Ming, I will revive my Han family again! "

"Assist the Son of Heaven, help the world", so what does it mean?

To put it bluntly, it is to rely on the emperor to make the princes.

Earlier, Cheng Li also put forward this suggestion when he planned a blueprint for Cao Cao's future development. Ding Chong and Cheng Li, one is in the court, the other is in the locality, one has not seen Cao Cao for several years, and the other is with Cao Cao every day to give him advice. The two have different experiences, different ages, and different personalities. It was on this point that they coincided, and they thought of going together.

Cao Cao couldn't help but murmured, "A wise man often sees the same thing."

Shi Huan and Wang Bi thought that Cao Cao was complimenting them, so they quickly humbled themselves.

Cao Cao didn't explain, he sat up straight, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou, all the thieves who have the Son of Heaven in their hands, have no virtue and reputation, and they no longer practice the government of benevolence and righteousness. Therefore, if you look at the sea, all are enemies. "After the two wars, not only will the army of Liangzhou thieves weaken, but also the destruction of Huaili, the thieves of Li Jue have killed more famous officials and clansmen in the court. My son, this has caused even greater indignation and hostility in the DPRK and China! From April to now, there has been no rain in Chang'an, the people are eating each other, the thieves in Liangzhou have not tried their best to rescue the disaster, and the rebels have been looting and looting, and now they have aroused even greater public resentment.

"At this time, either after the battle between Li Jue's thieves and Zhen, or while the two armies are fighting in Luoyang, if I lead my troops to advance into Guanzhong, not only will the thieves and soldiers be declining, morality and justice will be with me, and the people's will and the people's will also be in harmony. Me too! It's not impossible to recover Chang'an in one fell swoop!"

Shi Huan said, "What does Duke Ming mean?"

Wang Bi said: "Ming Gong decides to change the strategy he made with Cheng Gong?"

With the change of the current situation, changing the established strategy and making corresponding changes, this is what a wise person can do.

Cao Cao said, "That's what I meant." Asking the two of them, he said, "What do you think the two of you are like?"

Shi Huan pondered for a long time, and said: "'Those who know the current affairs are the heroes, and those who change their skills are heroes.' Change in response to the times, and those who are not wise cannot do it. Ding Shilang's suggestion is very reasonable. It is even more important to solve the hanging of the Son of Heaven!"

"You agree with my change?"

Shi Huan said, "But there is a problem."

"what is the problem?"

Shi Huan said, "Duke Ming is where the envoy Gao is. Would the envoy Gao agree with Duke Ming not to attack Zhang Feiyan first?"

Cao Cao said: "When I return to Taiyuan, I will discuss this matter with Duke Cheng first, and after negotiating a result, I will go to Gao Yuancai and talk to him."

Wang Bi said: "Ming Gong, there is another problem."

"you say."

Wang Bi said: "Although the thieves of the Xihe River are clearly and justly decided, as Duke Ming Shicai said, Lord Gao Shi is the prefect of Bingzhou that Duke Yuan has proposed. ... Duke Ming, will the Duke Gao fight with Duke Ming?" Competing for Xihe County? To achieve the goal of entering Guanzhong and recovering Chang'an, Ding Shilang also said in the letter, the premise is that Duke Ming must be able to 'get the best of the state' and 'strong troops and horses'!"

"Youyang is right, and you are right. If I don't fully control Bingzhou, at least Taiyuan, Xihe and other counties under my hands, I won't be able to recruit enough soldiers and horses, and I won't be able to get enough food supplies. When attacking Chang'an, I can't have a reliable enough rear, and if this is the case, even if there is a good opportunity and a huge opportunity in front of my eyes, I can only watch it, and nothing can be done! Therefore, Xihe County , Yuan Cai, he will definitely come to fight with me, and I will definitely not give it to him!"

Wang Bi said: "The high envoy comes to fight, but Duke Ming refuses to let you go.... Duke Ming, what if you turn against the high envoy?"

"In case Yuan Cai and I fight against each other, Yuan Cai and I fight infightingly, and the two of them fight in full swing, no matter how good or big the opportunity is, I can only miss it in vain."

Wang Bi said, "Yes, Duke Ming, I have this worry."

"Don't worry!"

Wang Bi said: "Ming Gong definitely has a countermeasure?"

"Let's talk about Yuancai competing with me for Xihe. I have three advantages that Yuancai does not have. One is that I have been helped by Wendu, the other is that Han Xian has surrendered to me, and the last one, I will leave enough in Xihe County. Soldiers."

Wang Bixin understood God and said: "With the help of the king's lord, and with his prestige in Lishi and Xihe in the past, Duke Ming can easily win the hearts of scholars and people in Xihe; with the surrender of Han Xian, Duke Ming can easily accept the surrender of Baibo and Yellow Turban as a soldier. Use it, and recruit the remaining thieves who surrendered Xihe Baibo and Yellow Turbans; leave enough soldiers and horses, if the high envoys and monarchs fight, they will not enter the border of Xihe County."

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "There is a saying that 'the first move is the strongest', I not only made the first move, but I made the third move first. If Yuan Cai still can't see the situation clearly, he still wants to fight for Hexi with me. What is he arguing with me for?"

"However, if you are at odds with Gao Shijun because of this, you will fight inwardly?"

Cao Cao said, "Besides, Yuan Cai may turn against me, I tell you two, you can't fight!"

"Why is Duke Ming sure?"

Cao Cao said: "I respect him, respect him, I let him, he must know how to praise him, right?"

"But if the high envoy doesn't know how to praise?"

Cao Cao Fuxu smiled and said: "I am benevolent and righteous to him, and everyone sees it, but if he insists on turning against me, then the public opinion will have its own justice!"

Wang Bi and Shi Huan suddenly resolved Cao Cao's intentions and said in unison, "How wonderful! How wonderful!"

Shi Huan said with a smile: "Duke Ming is extremely benevolent and righteous, but if the high envoys don't know how to lift them up, then the hearts of the people in Taiyuan are all in the Duke Ming!"


However, why did Cao Cao

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ If you choose Ding Chong's suggestion, you can only give up and destroy Zhang Feiyan?

The reason is very simple. Zhang Feiyan and his troops are hidden in the Taihang Valley. There are Hu Tu and Huhu outside to help each other, and there are tens of thousands of troops and horses inside. It is not easy to destroy him. He cannot be completely eliminated in one or two battles. Since Yuan Shao had already wiped out the strength of most of the rest of the Montenegrin Army, he finally had to withdraw after two battles with Zhang Feiyan. For the time being, he could tolerate the continued existence of Zhang Feiyan and his troops in the northern section of the Taihang Mountains. ? If you are caught in a hard battle and cannot advance or retreat, you will inevitably miss this opportunity.

Therefore, if you choose one of the two, you can only temporarily give up the established strategy of eliminating Zhang Feiyan.

He also said that although Han Xian had surrendered, the White Wave and Yellow Turbans had rebelled for a long time. They could be described as "old thieves". Among them, there were many brave, reckless people, and even ambitious people. They still have their old days in Chang'an. The famous Qu Shuai Yang Feng is waiting, then their captured soldiers and the rest of the troops who fled to Xihe and Hedong, although Cao Cao intends to recruit them, will they be willing to join Cao Cao?

Cao Cao is still very confident about this.

First, when he was in Yanzhou, he had already released rumors that his family also learned Taiping Dao, which could alleviate the resistance of those who believe in Taiping Dao in the white wave yellow scarf; second, as for the local tyrants in the white wave yellow scarf The composition, Cao Cao himself is the representative of the big nobles and big landlords. He is very familiar with the mentality of the powerful landlords. Through the influence of his own identity, and through his personality, he also has the attitude of being arrogant and unscrupulous. Attracted by them, and through various means of appointing officials, rewards, expressing trust, etc., he is more confident to take this piece of white and yellow scarves for his own use.


In fact, when Shi Huan and Wang Bi mentioned high officials, there was another reason why Cao Cao accepted Ding Chong's suggestion.

Yuan Shao has already started a war with Gongsun Zan. According to Cao Cao's judgment, it will not be a year or a half, or even longer. The strength of the corps was damaged, etc. It was a godsend opportunity for Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao's inability to intervene during this period was also a rare opportunity.

Even if Yuan Shao has the will, he is unable to intervene on a large scale, and only relying on high-ranking officials may hinder him?

To be honest, Cao Cao didn't take high officials in his eyes at all.


After Cao Cao completed the collection of Baibo and Yellow Turbans, got the high-ranking officials, the troops were strong, the horses were strong, and the rear was stable, and he waited for the opportunity to successfully enter Chang'an and rescue the emperor from the coercion of Liangzhou generals, - you know, Since Dong Zhuo's disaster in Luoyang, the imperial court and the emperor have been in the hands of thieves for many years. This is a real contribution that no one can match. The imperial court will definitely give Cao Cao a great reward, and wait until then?

Looking back at that time, Cao Cao was famous all over the world, and he made a lot of contributions. He was "holding the emperor" in his hands, and the emperor knew that Yuan Shao did not support him. Not only could he rely on the authority of the emperor to deal with Yuan Shao first, and completely control Bingzhou in his hands. , completely excluded high-ranking officials, and further, recruited Zhang Feiyan in the name of the imperial court, confining Yuan Shao to Ji and You; then, even if Henan Yin had been occupied by Xun Zhen at that time, Xun Zhen's forces had already penetrated into the Sili School's department. However, due to the authority of the emperor, Cao Cao believed that Xun Zhen would not dare to directly disobey the imperial decree, that is, he could also take flexible political and military means to restrain Xun Zhen.

Yuan Shao and Xun Zhen are the two largest feudal lords in the sea today, and they are restricted. Zhang Feiyan and Bingzhou are used to protect the northwest of Guanzhong, and Hongnong County is used to shield the front of Guanzhong. , or to suppress or summon Ma Teng, Han Sui and many other warlords in Guanzhong and Liangzhou to expand their own strength, and at the same time, try to find a way to see if they can provoke a battle between Yuan Shao and Xunzhen. Given time, the process will be It's tough, but why can't you make a big difference?

When the army was defeated from Yanzhou to Jizhou and asked to go to Taiyuan, Cao Cao's soldiers were left behind, and the remnants were defeated. , Finally, at this time, with the change of the times, a new page appeared in front of his eyes.

It is really a misfortune, where blessings depend; blessings are where misfortunes lie. Of course, the change of fortune and misfortune also depends on whether the person in the middle has enough intelligence and whether it can be caught in a timely, bold and decisive manner. Cao Cao obviously has this ability.

The new light, the new future, beckoned to Cao Cao from the front.

Although Cao Cao's ambition has never been extinguished, it can't help but grow even higher at this time.

Looking back on the recent changes, looking forward to the enterprising Chang'an that may appear in the near future, at this moment, Xun Zhen was in Cao Cao's mind. He stroked his beard with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said to himself, "For all this, I have to thank you, Zhenzhi!"

Without Xun Zhen's troops entering Henan Yin, the three generals of Liangzhou in Hongnong County had different thoughts, and it would be difficult for Cao Cao to pacify Hedong so smoothly; and without Xunzhen's occupation of Luoyang, Li Jue would inevitably be attracted Therefore, it will further weaken the military strength of the Liangzhou Army, and it is difficult for Cao Cao to have the opportunity to enter the customs.

These need not be said.


The next day, Cao Cao met Wang Yi.

Cao Cao said: "Yang Feng entered the bandit this time, but Li Jue did not help him, which shows that I had expected it well before, and Li Jue did not have much spare energy to help him. Now that Yang Feng has been beaten away, ... Wen All, then Hedong County should be safe for now. As a guest army, it is inconvenient for me to stay in Gui County. I plan to return to Taiyuan in a few days.”

Wang Yi was surprised and happy when he heard this.

This time, he was able to pacify Hedong and defeat Li Le and other Baibo Huangjin, all relying on the power of Cao Cao, including later

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ It is also Cao Cao's power to kill Yang Feng.

Although Wang Yi and Cao Cao knew each other, the two had an ordinary friendship, and they didn't really have a deep friendship. He had someone under his command. In the past two days, he told him privately that he was worried that Cao Cao would stay in Hedong instead of leaving and occupy Hedong?

Wang Yi was also worried about this, but he did not expect that Cao Cao offered to leave so happily.

Whether it be an accident or a joy, there is still a need to save face, so Wang Yi did so.

Cao Cao smiled and said: "Hedong has been victimized by thieves for a long time, Wendu, I don't think you have a lot of grain in your treasury. Although I have few troops and horses, I am riding a lot of people. I have been in your Hedong for a long time. I am afraid that you will also Can't afford it!"

This is a joke, but also true. If Cao Cao's troops had been in Hedong for too long, Wang Yi would not be able to support so many soldiers and horses.

It's just that Cao Cao doesn't have the heart to occupy the east of the river, which is naturally good, but he said that he would leave, and he was so straightforward, but it also caused some trouble.

Wang Yi hesitated for a moment, then said: "Although the thieves of Li Le have now been defeated by us, and Yang Feng has also been expelled by us, there are still many remnants of the thieves in Hedong County, and Hedong has been in chaos for a long time. In addition to this, there are quite a few other thieves who are running rampant,... Duke Cao, our county has insufficient soldiers and it is not easy to maintain the security in the territory, can you leave some soldiers and horses to help me?"

As Cao Cao expected, he waved his hand and said, "What's so difficult about this! Wendu, I'll leave Miao Cai to you."

"I don't know how much the public wants to keep troops and horses?"

Cao Cao deliberately said less, and said, "Is it okay to have five hundred infantry?"

Wang Yi was in trouble and said, "Miao Cai is good at fighting, so stay here to help me solidify, but five hundred foot soldiers may not be enough."

"Then add 500?" Cao Cao held his forehead, as if he just remembered, and added, "Most of the Hu cavalry from the southern Xiongnu to the Beibu escaped, I think you have not many cavalry under your account, only infantry, which is not easy to deal with. These horses, in addition to giving you three hundred light cavalry?"

Wang Yi was overjoyed, and was deeply grateful for Cao Cao's thoughtfulness.

Cao Cao said with a smile: "Wendu, you and I are old friends, and we agree to make peace. It's a trivial matter to talk about!"

Wang Yi expressed his heartfelt admiration from the bottom of his and said, "The public is truly benevolent and righteous!"

Cao Cao issued a general order, ordering Xiahou Yuan to lead 1,500 cavalry and cavalry, and to stay in Henei, with Wang Bi as his deputy. Shi Huan was his deputy, and he selected more than a dozen shrewd and capable literati and military officials to help Xiahou Dun win the hearts of the scholars and the people, and recruit the rest of the Baibo Yellow Turbans from Xihe.

After finishing these two things, Cao Cao said that he would do it. Two days later, he led his troops to return to Taiyuan with thousands of prisoners.

It is still along the Fen River, but this time it is not going south, but going north.

Wang Yi was grateful for Cao Cao's kindness and sent him off in person, sending him 30 miles away before returning to the prefecture.


When Cao Cao's army returned to Taiyuan, almost before and after, Xuzhou, Tanxian, many civil and military officials under the tent of Xun Zhen gathered in the state hall.

Xun Zhen wanted to discuss an important political decision with the officials.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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