The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 138: Cao Cao's Benevolence and Righteousness Repeatedly (Part 1)

Indeed, as Xu Huang expected, the main force of Cao Cao's troops has not yet returned to Hedong County, but Cao Cao's genius lies in that he knew that Yang Feng might lead troops to help, so Cao Cao was outside the western boundary of Hedong County. There are many scouts and meticulous works scattered outside the county.

Not long after Yang Fengbu passed Hongnong, Cao Cao received a report from the scouts. Also as Cao Cao had expected, from the scout's report, Cao Cao learned that there were only three or four thousand troops under Yang Feng's army. Obviously, he did not receive reinforcements from Li Jue. There were only a few hundred Qiang cavalry, so Cao Cao was not afraid, so he went to the prefecture in person to discuss strategies with Wang Yi.

Wang Yi obeyed Cao Cao's suggestion, reduced his troops, gave up the defense in the west of Hedong County, and concentrated his forces in the county of Zhi'an. If they come to attack, they will defend the fortified city inside, and wait for an opportunity to attack it outside.

In this way, when the main force of Xiahou Dun and other ministries arrives, the danger will naturally be resolved.

——As for what the scouts of Yang Fengbu found "more than 30 miles ahead, there were traces of Cao's troops and soldiers from Hedong County." This was actually Cao Cao's plan of suspicious soldiers. The "enemy" detected by the scouts was not Cao Cao, The regular troops under Wangyi's account are mostly "suspected soldiers" composed of local tyrants, such as the clan soldiers of Weigu and other clans. Hedong has been suffering from war for a long time, and the nobles in the counties all own Wubao and have soldiers. The leaders of this "suspected soldiers" were Wei Gu and Jia Kui. Although Cao Cao had already sent Xiahou Dun to chat with him and ordered him to come to Anyi quickly to support him, he needed time on the road.

I just didn't expect that Yang Feng actually retreated after hearing that the Baibo Yellow Turbans in Xihe County had been defeated.

If the infantry was in the city, it would be too late to chase out of the city, so Cao Cao urgently ordered Xiahou Yuan to lead his cavalry to pursue him.


Xiahou Yuan returned to Anyi, went to see Cao Cao, and reported to Cao Cao that he had not succeeded in chasing Yang Feng's troops, but was ambush and defeated by Xu Huang.

After listening to Cao Cao, he said, "Miaocai, you say that you will call yourself Hedong Xu Gongming?"

Xiahou Yuan said, "That's what he calls himself."

Cao Cao turned to look at Wang Yi, who was sitting next to him, and asked him with a smile, "Wendu, do you know this man?"

Wang Yi served as the county magistrate of Lishi County before any Dong County Governor. Lishi County is the seat of the county seat of Xihe County. Therefore, Wang Yi has been an official in Hedong County and Xihe County for a long time, and the situation in these two counties is very different. Familiar with the internal situation of the Baibo Army.

Therefore, although Xu Huang had already been cast into Yang Feng's camp before any of his East County guards, he still knew about this person.

Wang Yi replied to Cao Cao and said, "Since he is from Hedong and his name is Gongming, then this person should be Xu Huang from Yangxian County."

Cao Cao said, "Xu Huang in Yangxian County?"

Wang Yi said: "This person is originally a county official of my Hedong Prefecture. He is quite brave and has a wise reputation."

Cao Cao asked, "Since you are a county official, why did you follow the bandit?"

Wang Yi sighed and said: "When the thieves of Baibo and Yellow Turbans were at their strongest, they had a crowd of more than 100,000 people. How many people are there in the two counties of Hedong and Xihe? It can be said that they overthrew the two counties. All the people in the county have been poisoned, not to mention the county officials, even the county officials may be forced to follow the bandits, and Xu Huang is one of them.”

Cao Cao nodded and said, "So it is."

Wang Yi asked, "Meng De, why did you ask this person?"

Cao Cao said: "Yang Fengcai entered my Hedong County and retreated in a hurry. It can be seen from this that his officers and soldiers must have heard the news that the thieves of Xihe Baibo were defeated for me, and they were panicked. , first used the army to lure the clever to pursue, then set up an ambush, and then he was defeated. ... His man is indeed as Gong Shicai said, with both wisdom and courage, and he is a talent."

Wang Yi stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I see, Meng De, you have a love for talent."

Cao Cao laughed.

Wang Yi said: "Xu Gongming is indeed not a mediocre person. He has been an official in my Hedong Prefecture before, Meng De, why don't I write a letter and try to recruit him?"

Cao Cao shook his head and said, "If he moves at this time, I'm afraid he won't come."

Wang Yi asked in surprise, "Why?"

Cao Cao said: "Although Yang Feng was a thief in the past, but now he has joined Li Jue's account and has received the imperial edict, he is no longer a thief! Not only is he no longer a thief, but in terms of strength, our army is not as good as Li Jueyuan now. What's more; and even though the emperor is being held by Li Jue's generation, after all, the emperor is still the emperor, so if I recruit him at this time, I don't expect him to come."

Wang Yi didn't take it seriously, and said, "Meng De's words are reasonable. If that's the case, then it's not a problem."

Although Cao Cao said, "If you move at this time," Xu Huang was afraid that he would not come, but in his heart, he had already written down this person.

Thinking that after Cao Cao was defeated in Yanzhou and entered Ji, most of the scholars he had recruited in Yanzhou, including some strong men, did not go with him, but stayed in Yanzhou, and the available people around him became quite scarce. .

Since he arrived in Taiyuan County, Taiyuan has quite a famous family. Although he is also polite and corporal, he has recruited some scholars, and through the recruitment of volunteer soldiers, he has also recruited some warriors, but Gao Gan is in the same city as him, and Gao Gan is the prefect of Bingzhou, behind Gao Gan. There is also Yuan Shao, but he has no way to compete with high-ranking officials for talents, so he still lacks generals and resources, and he is sincere and eager for talents.

These, and needless to say.

After a while, Cao Cao suddenly smiled.

Wang Yi asked, "Meng De, why are you laughing?"

Cao Cao said: "Just now

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^

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