The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 121: Yan Rou Xuan Wei Lu Hebei (14)

Yan Rou and others led the troops to the north of Luxian County, and they also began to build a fort more than ten miles north of the camp where Zou Dan was assigned.

While building the fort, Yan Rou asked Xian Yuyin and Su Puyan to lead the headquarters to guard the surrounding area, in case Zou Dan took the opportunity to send troops to attack.

Of course, Zou Dan would not launch an attack rashly at this time, because he knew that Yan Rou would definitely send troops and horses to guard, so he just led the generals under the tent, under the protection of some cavalry, to a high place, watching Yan from a distance. The military appearance of the soft department.

But looking at it from a high place, I can see that on the broad plain, east of the sparkling Baoqiu Water, it is simply dusty.

Hu Qi has a habit of fighting, that is, they will whistle and make all kinds of strange noises, only to see the riverside in the grass, among the dust and flags, thousands of horses galloping, - more than tens of thousands of war horses, plus one after another The sound of the whistle was very astonishing.

Zou Dan is around the generals, and there are many people who have lost their color.

Then there was a general who couldn't help but persuaded Zou Dan again, saying: "General, Yan Rou's department is not small, our army is small, and if we fight hard, it may not be easy to win.


"Otherwise, our army should return to Luxian temporarily and wait for the reinforcements from Junhou to arrive before attacking? Zhuojun is not far from Luxian, and it must be possible for Duke Ming's reinforcements to arrive in ten days at most. Only in these ten days. How many people outside the county can Yan Rou capture? And now that he is camped here, he won’t necessarily go to capture other counties, so why does our department have to fight him at this time?”

Zou Dan said angrily: "Our army has already arrived, if we retreat without fighting, we will return to Lu County, but go to defend the city. Have you ever thought about how much damage this will cause to our army's morale? Since Hou's expedition, I have never been cowardly, and when I meet an enemy, I only know what to do, but I don't know how the word "temporary retreat" is written."

That will summon up his courage and continue to remonstrate, saying: "But General, Yan Rou's department is really powerful, and Su Puyan and other Wuhuan Hu chiefs also have the reputation of being brave and good at fighting. If this battle is defeated, what should we do? I am afraid that Lu County and even Yuyang County will suffer."

Although Yan Rou's department was indeed very powerful, Zou Dan, who was standing at a high place, showed no fear at this time, and even a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said: "Liu Youzhou's 100,000 people were all wiped out, unable to withstand a single blow. What's the use of Yan Rou who brought all these hooligans here and made up for it? Although his troops and horses are numerous, they are not as good as our army, and victory is easy! "

Seeing that some of the generals on the left and right still wanted to speak, Zou Dan lowered his face and said, "At the moment of the battle, you should never shake the heart of the army. Don't you hear about the disaster of the three armies and be born with suspicion? If there is anyone who dares to discourage our army, act according to the military law. , behead!"

The generals were stunned, and dared not speak again.

Two days later, Yan Rou's camp was built.

The two sides exchanged messengers, and it was decided that three days later, a decisive battle would take place in this open space between the enemy and our battalions.

But it is said that the battle between the two armies is not all about tactics or something. More often, when the two armies confront each other, it is still like Yan Rou and Zou Dan's current style of play. , each other at the appointed time, bring out the troops, form a relative array, and finally fight each other. Of course, if one side doesn't want to fight and has to retreat to the city to defend or stick to the fort, it is also possible. For example, in the original history, in the few battles between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi, Sima Yi often retreated from the camp, waiting for Zhuge Liang's troops to run out of food and grass, or other opportunities that were beneficial to the Wei army, and then go to war. However, at the moment, Zou Dan and Yan Rou are obviously not in such a mood.

Yan Rou was eager for a decisive battle and wanted to defeat Zou Dan before Gongsun Zan's reinforcements arrived.

On the other hand, Zou Dan looked down on Yan Rou's troops, and felt that they were a mob and wanted to take them down in one fell swoop without waiting for Gongsun Zan's reinforcements.

Speaking of which, Zou Dan's judgment is not wrong, and Yan Rou's department is indeed like a mob no matter how you look at it.

First of all, the Han soldiers in his group were not only the defeated army after Liu Yu's defeat, but their morale should be relatively low, and most of these soldiers were ordinary people who migrated from other places to avoid the war, and basically had no training.

Secondly, the cavalry of the Hu people occupying the main positions, firstly, they had been beaten to death by Gongsun Zan before, and secondly, they came from Shanggu, Yuyang, Youbeiping, Liaoxi, Liaodong and other counties, or in other words, It's a hybrid journey.

Truly like a mob.

But Zou Dan was wrong about one thing. If we were talking about the rabble, it could be said to be a rabble. However, in terms of morale, the morale of the Han soldiers and Wuhuan cavalry was not low.

After all, Liu Yu's prestige in Youzhou was very high. He was poisoned by Gongsun Zan now. These Han soldiers, especially immigrants from outside, who received his kindness at ordinary times wanted to avenge him; as for the Hu people's cavalry, some were also grateful Some of Liu Yu's kindness was because of the benefits that Yan Rou had promised them, so they all had high fighting spirit. And needless to say.


It only mentioned the time for the decisive battle between the two sides, that is, three days later.

Early in the morning, Yan Rou, Zou Dan, and two troops, the enemy and the enemy, came out of their respective camps.

Yan Rou's clan is in the north, Zou Dan's clan is in the south, separated by a few miles, and they are lined up opposite each other.

Zou Dan's troops had more infantry and less cavalry.

Yan Rou's part is just the opposite, with fewer infantry and more cavalry.

Yan Rou's infantry was mainly composed of Han soldiers, less than 4,000, and the rest were all Wuhuan, Xianbei, etc. Hu cavalry, which numbered nearly 20,000.

The soldiers of Zou Dan's army were about five or six thousand foot soldiers, and the cavalry was about three or four thousand.

My dear, this chapter is not over, and there is still a next page ^0^, but in terms of armament, it is better than those of the Wuhuan and Xianbei cavalry under Yan Rou.

The numbers of infantry and cavalry on both sides of the enemy were different, but the formation was the same on both sides, with the infantry in the middle and the cavalry on the two flanks.

When Zou Dan was in command of his troops, he closely observed the formation of Yan Rou's troops.

When he saw that Yan Rou had placed more than 3,000 Han infantrymen in the middle and formed a central formation, he laughed and said, "I just said that I have never heard of Yan Rou's reputation for fighting wars. , it's not bad, I expected it? Look at the formation he listed, there are only three or four thousand infantry, but he listed the infantry among them, and the cavalry on the two wings. How dare he form such a formation, Then as long as our army overwhelms his infantry and his cavalry on both sides is cut off from the middle by our army, naturally even if there are many cavalry, there is no need to worry, our army can attack them separately!"

The generals on the left and right watched Yan Rou's formation and agreed with Zou Dan's judgment.

Yan Rou is in the array.

Xian Yufu asked Yan Rou and said, "Yan Gong, there are few infantry in our army, but why do you place the infantry in the center and set up your flag behind the infantry? If Zou Dan uses his elite to attack my infantry formation, once my infantry formation is overwhelmed by it, my two-winged cavalry will be cut off from communication and will be slaughtered by others, unable to launch an effective offensive against them. Is it?"

Yan Rou smiled and said, "I just want him to attack my main infantry formation."

Xian Yufu asked, "Why is this?"

Yan Rou said: "Although our army has more soldiers and horses than those under Zou Dan, the main force of our army is the Hu cavalry of the Wuhuan and Xianbei divisions. When these Hu cavalry comes, they can only fight against the wind , once there is a headwind, they are unreliable, and they are likely to break up and flee; secondly, it is precisely because they can only fight against the wind, and the infantry under Zou Dan's army is very strong, so if our army takes the initiative to launch Attack, if you drive these Hu cavalry to attack the infantry formation under Zou Dan, it is likely that they will not be able to attack for a long time, and in this case, the Hu cavalry of our army may not want to fight, and this battle can only be over. ; And once our army retreats, Zou Dan is likely to use his cavalry to pursue our army, and maybe even lose the battle because of this... Therefore, if we want to win this battle, we can only provoke Zou Dan to take the initiative to fight. Our army launched an attack, and our army searched for fighters when it attacked and won."

Xian Yufu said: "Yan Gong, do you mean to induce Zou Dan's troops to attack my infantry formation, and then our army will attack it with cavalry?"

Yan Rou said, "Yes, that's what I mean."

Xian Yufu looked at the neat formation of Zou Dan's clan on the opposite side, and said worriedly: "Yan Gong, although this strategy is good, there is one worry."

"What are you worried about?"

"Our army's infantry may not be able to withstand the impact of Zou Dan's army. Our army's infantry has few armored soldiers, and many lack training, I am afraid that the combat power is not as good as Dan's."

Yan Rou pointed to his flag and said, "That's why I set up my flag behind the infantry formation. My flag is here, and the thieves are strong enough to secure the heart of the army." He added, " Also because of your worries, I want to invite your relatives to supervise the battle in the infantry formation, what is your intention?"

Xian Yufu responded sullenly: "Yan Gong still holds the flag here, and will never take a half step back, let alone me? In order to avenge Liu Youzhou, I can give up my life, not to mention just supervising the battle in front! May I obey Yan Gong's order. ."

Yan Rou said with great joy: "Okay, in this case, the battle will be won."


Nearly noon, the two sides are ready.

The soldiers on both sides ate some dry food.

If you can't eat enough, you can eat half full. If you are full, you will feel sleepy, and you may not have enough energy during the battle.

The soldiers of each other had eaten dry food and rested for a while, but Yan Rou did not wait for the opposite Zou Dan to attack him.

Zou Dan is in formation.

The first general asked, "Ming Gong, didn't you already decide to first overwhelm the infantry formation led by Yan Rou, and then trample on the cavalry to overcome the victory? Why is the formation of our army and Yan Rou's army formed now? , the general did not send troops to attack?"

Zou Dan said: "Although our soldiers are more daring and brave than Yan Rou's troops, but Yan Rou's cavalry is more than our army, and his overall strength is two or three times that of our army. If our army takes the lead Attacking, there may be insufficient stamina, so I am waiting for Yan Rou to attack first. After he attacks our army for a while, our army will counterattack. "

That will understand Zou Dan's meaning, suddenly realized, and said: "Ming Gong must first defend, exhaust his energy, and then counterattack."

Zou Dan smiled and said, "That's right! Although Yan Rou's troops are numerous, but there are many Wuhuan and Xianbei Hu'er, how could Hu'er be willing to fight to the death for him? As long as our army consumes his strength first, they will attack for a long time. If they don't go down, the spirit of these Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes will be frustrated. At that time, our army will launch a counterattack. I expect that it will be able to easily break through their formations, and then they will attack the Huers on both sides. Riding the division, we will win this battle! They can only be slaughtered by our army."

All the generals on the left and right were in admiration and said, "Ming Gong's strategy is brilliant."

Yan Rou waited for a long time in the formation, and it was past noon, and Zou Dan still didn't see Zou Dan taking the initiative to attack.

Yan Rou guessed Zou Dan's thoughts, and said to Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, Qi Zhou, Su Puyan, Wei Dun, and others: "Zou Dan can be called a soldier, but he doesn't move, he wants to wait for our army to attack, first Deplete the strength of our army, and then make a counterattack."

Xian Yufu said: "If he refuses to attack, won't the public strategy fail? How should our army respond now?"

Yan Rou thought for a while and said, "He is unwilling to attack first. Since he is waiting for our army to attack first, then that will satisfy him."

Xian Yufu said, "What is Duke Yan saying?

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^? "

Yan Rou smiled and said, "What I mean by this is what I mean on the surface."

Xian Yufu said: "Yan Gong means that we will take the initiative to attack first?"

Yan Rou said, "Exactly!"

Xian Yufu said: "But if you do this, will you be caught in Zou Dan's plan instead? Yan Gong, didn't you just say that Zou Dan is waiting for our army to attack?"

Yan Rou said with a smile: "Our army can attack first, but our army's attack is not a real attack, but to lure him to attack me."

"Send troops to feign attack and lure them to attack?"

"Of course."

After everyone agreed, Yan Rou sounded the drum and trumpet, and sent two or three thousand Wuhuan cavalry to attack the Zou Dan formation.


Zou Dan is in formation.

He heard the sound of drum horns coming from Yan Rou's formation, and immediately saw Yan Rou send out thousands of horses to attack his formation. Attack my formation. In this battle, my odds of winning are seventy or eighty percent."

The order was passed, and the infantry position in the middle was called to hold the formation, and the cavalry on both flanks were prepared for battle.

The Danbu infantry formation formed a vehicle formation with WISCO vehicles at the front, followed by a shield formation formed by shield players, followed by a spear formation formed by spearmen, and then a formation formed by archers. This is a fairly standard infantry formation against cavalry.


The cavalry charge was very fast, and the distance between the enemy and the enemy was only a few miles. After a while, the Wuhuan Hu cavalry who rushed to the Dan formation was close.

The cavalry on the two flanks of the Dan Bing did not move, and the archers in the center of the infantry, under the orders and command of officers at all levels, opened their bows and shot arrows.

The arrows were raining like rain, and the Wuhuan cavalry, who was rushing from the opposite side, charged a certain distance against the rain of arrows, and there were quite a few people who were hit by arrows and fell off their horses.

These Hu cavalrymen also pulled their bows and shot arrows. They shot at the infantry formation under Zou Dan for a while, and then retreated.

Attacking for a while is equivalent to saying that it is useless.


Seeing the Hu cavalry withdrew, Zou Dan's commander said: "Ming Gong, Hu cavalry is defeated and fled, why don't our army chase after the victory?"

Zou Dan watched Yan Rou's formation from a distance, waved his whip and pointed at it, and said with a smile: "The bandit formation is not in chaos, this soft trick to lure me is not to be pursued."


After a while, thousands of cavalrymen from Yan Rou's formation came to attack.

Just like the last time, it was just a rain of arrows fired from the Dan soldiers. They attacked for a while and then retreated.

This was repeated three times, and four times the Hu cavalry came to attack, but they all retreated without success.


Zou Dan's line of sight sometimes overlooked the enemy's formation, and sometimes observed the attacking Hu cavalry team. Seeing the fourth group of Hu cavalry retreat, he took care of his left and right, and said, "It's time for our army to attack!"

The person who suggested the pursuit earlier would be puzzled and asked, "Didn't Duke Ming say that this is Yan Rou's trick to lure me? Why do you want to attack at this time?"

Zou Dan said: "Hu'er, who came to attack just now, did not even rush to the place that was a stone's throw away from me, so they all returned, which shows that Hu'er's morale has declined. When their morale is weakened, our army will fight back. Time!"


Yan Rou is in the array.

Yan Rou frowned slightly, looked at Zou Dan's formation, and thought in her heart: "Zou Dan is quite able to hold his breath, I have sent four waves of cavalry to attack, and ordered them to shorten the distance of each attack. , pretending to be more and more afraid, but why haven't you lured him out?"

While thinking about it, I heard the sound of drum horns coming from Zou Dan's formation several miles away. Immediately, I saw that the infantry of Zou Dan's main formation began to advance. Yan Rou was overjoyed, stroked her beard and said with a smile: "Zou Dan has a plan for me!"

Immediately ordered, the infantry of the central army were not allowed to retreat half a step, and the cavalry on the left and right were prepared for battle.

He himself led the elite Hu cavalry and Han soldiers he had selected, and also made preparations for battle.

At this time, Xian Yufu was already supervising the battle in the infantry formation of the Han soldiers together with Xian Yuyin and Wei Dun.


With the offensive of the Dan soldiers, they shouted in all directions, shaking the far and near.

I saw thousands of infantry soldiers in the center of Zou Dan's army, lined up in a neat formation, bypassing Wu Gang's chariot, like a tide, rushing towards the face.

The shield is like a solid black wall; the spears and swords shine under the sunlight, dazzling people.

In this room of the soft soldiers, Xian Yu was wearing armor and commanded in front of the battle.

Xian Yufu is also wearing armor, but he has also stood in the position of supervising the battle.

——But they are the scholars of the moment. As mentioned above, they are not like the Confucian scholars of later generations. They can also be said to be martial arts. Moreover, it is like Youzhou is next to the fortress, but it is a place where people live together with Hu people. The scholars here naturally He is even more martial, like that Gongsun Zan, he was originally a son of a great family, but he himself is brave and difficult to handle.

Therefore, although Xian Yufu was a civilian official, he was not inferior in bravery.

The morale of the Han soldiers was not low. They wanted to avenge Liu Yu. Now Xian Yufu and Xianyu Yinqin are in the front line. Yan Rou is behind the flag, and the morale is even higher. The overall number of men and horses is more than that of the opposing men and horses, because they are also very strong in terms of courage, so although they face the attack of the enemy's superior number of infantry, they are not afraid.

The danbing infantry is about to be killed, two arrows can't shoot three shots, the warriors in the front line of the danbing have already clashed and collided with the soft soldiers and infantry.

At the beginning, the soft soldiers were not at a disadvantage, but when the two armies fought, it was absolutely impossible to win by simply relying on morale. In the end, the soft soldiers were few and their combat power was not as good as the Dan soldiers, but it was not long after the battle, and the front was unable to resist. The center line is also open

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is still another page ^0^ It starts to shake, and it is about to fail.


Yan Rou closely observed the situation on the battlefield, and the generals on the left and right had already asked him repeatedly, and hurriedly sent the cavalry on both flanks to help the formation. Yan Rou has always refused to agree.

Zou Dan is in formation.

As the main general, Zou Dan, of course, did not go to charge with the infantry.

Yan Rou closely observes the situation on the battlefield, and he is also paying close attention to the situation on the battlefield.

Not only did he pay attention to the battle of the infantry, he also paid more attention to the cavalry on the two flanks of the soft soldiers. Like Yan Rou, he only sent the infantry to fight now, and his cavalry hadn't moved.

At this moment, he was waiting for the roubing infantry formation to be disrupted, or the cavalry on the roubing flanks to move first, and then he would move himself into battle.

But after waiting for a long time, he unknowingly praised the left and right, and said: "Yan Rou is very brave, his center formation is about to be broken, but he saw that our cavalry did not move, and he was able to persist until now, but Don't send left and right Hu'er to help out."

The left and right generals said: "Yan Rou Ruo has not sent Hu Qi to help, what should I do?"

Zou Dan snorted and said, "Does he dare to send Hu'er to help? If he dares not to send Hu'er to help, then the battle will surely be broken by our army. At that time, he will still be defeated! I'm sure, He should send the two-winged moustache soon."

After saying this, Zou Dan ordered the cavalry on the left and right to prepare for battle.

The cavalry on the left and right flanks mounted their horses one after another, preparing to attack.


Zou Dan's expectations were correct, but shortly after he ordered the left and right cavalry to prepare for the battle, the left and right Hu cavalry of the soft soldiers moved.

The Rou soldiers had two or three thousand cavalry on both sides, and they approached the infantry formation in the middle from the left and right sides. Judging from the posture, they were planning to join the battle group of the enemy's infantry and try to support the infantry formation under Yan Rou.

Zou Dan was overjoyed and made a decisive decision, "Attack!"

The left and right cavalry received the order and swarmed forward.

Zou Dan's cavalry divisions rushed towards the infantry's battle group from the east and west.

As Zou Dan had expected, when his two cavalry dashed from behind, the two-winged Hu cavalry who went to help the soft infantry infantry formation, with their backs facing Zou Dan's cavalry, fell into a trap. Passive, immediately chaotic.


The two sides fought, and the two-winged Hu cavalry retreated steadily.

Yan Rou's flag was waved, and following his military orders, the remaining Hu cavalry on both flanks, except for the remaining guards, all joined the battle group in batches.

These changes in the enemy's situation, Zou Dan clearly saw in his eyes.

Averting his gaze from the roughly three or four thousand Hu cavalry remaining on the two flanks of the soft soldiers, Zou Dan stared at the rear of the soft soldiers.

There, now is Yan Rou's own place, there are about 2,000 horses up and down.

Zou Dan looked up at the sky, it was past noon, he said to the generals on the left and right: "Almost all the soldiers that Yan Rou can use have been dispatched, and there are not many left, and today's battle will be over before nightfall. already."

A general said: "Ming Gong, not to mention that there are thousands of Hu cavalry on the two flanks of the soft soldiers, but the two thousand cavalry behind the soft soldiers are led by Yan Rou personally, and this must be the Hu who dares to fight... Ming Lord, if he personally brings him into the war, our army will not have many soldiers, so how can we deal with it?"

Zou Dan looked behind him, and behind him, there were hundreds of elite knights, dozens of them, and they were armored knights wearing horse armor. Zou Dan said proudly: "Yan Rou's 2,000 beards, no matter how many they are, can they be compared with the strong men of our army? If he doesn't escape, it's fine. If he dares to participate in the war, I will take his head personally!"

At the end of the afternoon of Shen Shi, the Dan soldiers had the upper hand, but the number of Hu cavalry was more than them. Xian Yufu and Xian Yuyin were both supervising the battle in the soft army formation, and Su Puyan, Wei Dun and others all fought hard. , Dan Bing is also difficult to win.

The two sides are in a stalemate.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the drums beating loudly, Zou Dan looked around and saw that it was Yan Rou who personally led the two thousand Hu galloping horses into battle.

Yan Rou's Hu cavalry was a fresh force, and it was inserted obliquely from the flank of Zou Dan's cavalry. Once they entered the battle, Zou Dan's advantage suddenly ceased.

Instead of being surprised, Zou Dan was overjoyed, holding the spear in his hand, shouting to the left and right: "The thief is right in front of you!"

As a pioneer horse, kill the two thousand horsemen led by Yan Rou and his relatives.

Around the pro-generals, fine riding, clamor to follow.

As soon as they got close to the Rou Cavalry, several cavalry galloped out of the Rou Army, and the leader shouted, "My Yan Rou Ye, where is Zou Dan?"

Zou Dan sent his horse forward, waiting to be challenged.

Yan Rou hit the horse and carried the spear, but she was extremely brave, and once she crossed the horse, she was about to dismount Zou Dan from the horse.

——This is something Zou Dan did not expect before the war.

Zou Dan fell from his horse, and the personal soldiers on the left and right hurriedly rescued him. However, Zou Dan was stabbed to death by Yan Rou.

After taking Zou Dan's body, Yan Rou personally chopped off his head, ordered the general to hang it with a high pole, and called the soldiers to shout in unison, "Zou Dan is dead."

Zou Dan's soldiers were in chaos.

Yan Rou's Han soldiers and Hu Qi launched a counterattack.

Encircling, chasing, and intercepting, a fierce battle only killed more than 10,000 cavalry soldiers and soldiers. The Rou Bing's Hu cavalry chased for dozens of miles, until they reached the Baoqiu water's edge. Some of the Dan soldiers fell into the river, some crossed the water and fled, and the river was dyed red with blood.

After a battle, and checking the results, Yan Rou's department beheaded more than 4,000 levels.

Xian Yuyin, Su Puyan, etc. were all in awe, came to congratulate, and said: "Yan Gong's soldiers are like gods, this battle is a great victory, I can be congratulated."


In this battle, Zou Dan and Yan Rou can be described as a battle of wits and courage This chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^.

First, Zou Dan chose such a battlefield that was favorable to him in the situation. Later, the two sides were quite patient when they lined up and fought with each other, and Zou Dan finally seemed to have surpassed Yan Rou in terms of patience. Rou took the initiative to send the cavalry and attacked his position first; but Yan Rou's early attack was a trick, and Zou Dan was finally fooled, switched from defense to offense, and began to attack Yan Rou's troops; Although Zou Dan still had part of the reserve team, he was beheaded by Yan Rou who led his elite cavalry out, thus laying the foundation for Yan Rou's victory in this battle and defeating Zou Dan's troops.

Yan Rou took advantage of the victory and marched outside Lu County.

There are not many guards in Lu County, and the rest have also fled, and it has long been an empty city.

The soft soldiers successfully occupied the county seat.

Yan Rou then dispatched various ministries to capture Pinggu and other counties.

A few days later, Pegasus, a scout scattered to the south, reported that Gongsun Zan and his troops had reached the southwest border of Yuyang County.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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