The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 120: Yan Rou Xuan Wei Lu Hebei (13)

The top of Su Puyan's head was shaved, and a small braid hung down from the edge of the ring. Gold and silver ornaments were wrapped around the braid. He sat on the beard with his legs crossed, and stroked his beard. I heard that Gongsun Zan has sent out a lot of subordinates, troops and horses have been stationed in Shanggu, Guangyang, Yuyang, Youbeiping and other counties and counties. Now, his troops and horses are scattered, it is our attack time, I suggest that our army can First climb over the military capital mountain, attack Jixian, harass him, and then make plans according to the situation."

Sanggu County and Gwangyang County are bordered, Sanggu County is in the northwest of Gwangyang County, and Gwangyang County is in the southeast of Sanggu County. Jundu Mountain is at the junction of these two counties. The famous Juyongguan Pass is located on a pass of Jundu Mountain.

To the south of Jundu Mountain is a long water, and to the north of Jundu Mountain is a section of the Great Wall.

Now that section of the Great Wall has some soldiers and horses stationed by Gongsun Zan.

If you go directly to Guangyang County from Jundu Mountain, although Yan Rou and the Wuhuan and Xianbei cavalry are familiar with the terrain and can cross the mountain, according to Su Puyan's plan, Yan Rou speculates that the purpose is to find out. , but it was obvious that he planned to loot, not to fight Gongsun Zan head-on, so Yan Rou did not agree with Su Puyan's suggestion.

Yan Rou said: "Although your advice is good, our army can enter Ji County first and harass Guangyang County first, but if Gongsun Zan's troops insist on blocking it here in Jundu Mountain, it will not be very good, so In my humble opinion, the best strategy for our army is to go east along the Gushui River, enter Yuyang County first, capture Yuyang County, and then attack Ji County from Yuyang, which is the best strategy.”

Su Puyan said: "But I heard that Gongsun Zan sent Zou Dan to live in Yuyang. Zou Dan can be called a hero, and most of the minions Gongsun Zan assigned to him are elite soldiers. If our army goes to Yuyang, you will Is there a certainty of victory? If the troops are attacked at Yuyang and cannot advance, Gongsun Zan is now leading the main force in Zhuo County. Zhuo County is only one or two hundred miles away from Yuyang County. There is a fortified city, and Gongsun Zan's reinforcements have arrived, how can we fight this battle? I am afraid that our army will have to retreat."

Yan Rou stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Your Excellency is a little over-considered. I know Zou Dan very well, and what you said is not bad. He does have the reputation of being brave and good at fighting, but this man is rigid and short-witted. I have no foresight, if I fight Yuyang, I have full confidence that I can defeat him."

Su Puyan said, "What are you sure about? How are you going to beat him?"

Yan Rou said: "When Gongsun Zan and others discussed Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju before, your ministry was at a disadvantage for a while and lost to him, so if the army heard that we were going to attack Yuyang together, Zou Dan would definitely be very proud and despise me. Wait, nine out of ten, he will take the initiative to attack, and our army can just take this opportunity to take advantage of our army's large cavalry and defeat him in the field. As long as our army can quickly defeat Zou Dan, even if Gongsun Zan leads When the help arrives, what can he do? It's useless at all."

Su Puyan said, "Are you so sure of defeating Zou Dan?"

Yan Rou said: "Our army is mostly cavalry. Even if we can't defeat Zou Dan quickly, we can retreat calmly. If we really fail to annihilate Zou Dan's clan at that time, then according to the advice of adults, I will change and go. A little bit of the Guangyang counties is also possible, and if you enter Guangyang from Yuyang, you don’t have to pass Juyongguan, and you don’t have to go over the military capital, isn’t it faster?”

Yan Rou was really right, Su Puyan didn't really think about the real decisive battle with Gongsun Zan.

A few years ago, Gongsun Zan's ministry had beaten them all over the place. Because they didn't dare to fight Gongsun Zan, they wanted to vent their anger, and even made a portrait of Gongsun Zan hanging. As long as they could shoot an arrow on horseback, they would shout long live, which shows how much they feared Gongsun Zan. With such fear, how could he really fight against Gongsun Zan? The main purpose of his visit this time was to take the opportunity to plunder.

After hearing Yan Rou's words, Su Puyan thought for a while, and said in his heart, "Yan Rou is right. If you can't defeat Zou Dan, it is indeed more convenient to enter Guangyang County from Yuyang to the west. Our troops have more cavalry, in case Gongsun Zan leads his troops to attack us and other troops, we can also calmly move northward and leave after we have captured them."

Thinking of this, I no longer insist on my own opinion.

Su Puyan stroked his beard again and said, "Your strategy is very good, so let's fight according to your method."

Yan Rou and Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, Qi Zhou, Wei Dun and others said: "Guangyang County is in the west of Zhuo County, and Yuyang County is in the west of Guangyang. If our army captures Yuyang, the army will The dangers of Dushan and Juyongguan no longer exist for our army. In this way, our army can not only advance westward from Guangyang to Jixian, but also attack Zhuo County from Jixian south.

"This means that after destroying Yuyang County, it is equivalent to breaking Gongsun Zan's arm. Besides, Zou Dan is a confidant of Gongsun Zan. If our army defeats him, he will also be able to hit Gongsun Zan heavily. The morale of the troops, and if our army can quickly defeat Zou Dan, then when Gongsun Zan's reinforcements arrive, our army can still turn the tables on the enemy, and then try to see if we can defeat him in the field. Wouldn't it be possible to recover just like this?"

The military strategy of Xian Yufu and others is not very strong. After listening to Yan Rou's analysis, everyone agrees.

Xian Yuyin stood up, pressed his sword and said, "This is Gongsun Zan, I am willing to be the vanguard!"

Xian Yuyin's official position is Cavalry Commander, Youzhou has many horses, he originally had a lot of cavalry, but after the two major defeats of Jixian and Juyong, his cavalry suffered a lot, or died in battle, or Captured or scattered, he actually has not many cavalry troops under his command. Instead, some of the Han soldiers and infantry who came to vote in succession have been transferred to his tent. Now there are many, two or three thousand people.

Yan Rou said with a smile: "Why should you come to play the vanguard. When the war is over, you can control the headquarters."

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ Unlike the troops of the Han Chinese, they do not need to prepare too much baggage. On the way to march on horseback, they even only use cold food, and they do not need to cook with fire. To drink some carry-on buttermilk, eat some carry-on biscuits when hungry, that's enough.

Therefore, in the aspect of baggage, Hu Qi does not need to spend time preparing, and although there are Han soldiers in the army, the number of Han soldiers is not particularly large. In just a few days, the entire army was ready for battle.

Yan Rou divided Han and Hu Buqi into four parts.

The infantry and cavalry of the Han people were led by Xianyuyin and Weidun; a group of Wuhuan and Xianbei Hu cavalry was succeeded by Su Puyan; he selected thousands of elite Han and Hu cavalry and led them by himself; The next one was handed over to the commander-in-chief of the troop sent by Tatton.

Tens of thousands of cavalry left the grasslands from the northern part of Shanggu County on this day and marched westward to Yuyang County.


When Su Puyan led his troops from Liaoxi County to Shangwu County, Zou Dan had already received the report.

From Liaoxi County to Shanggu, you must first pass through Youbeiping County, and secondly through Yuyang County.

At that time, Zou Dan actually wanted to intercept Su Puyan halfway, but Su Puyan didn't go to the hinterland of Yuyang County. He went westward from the northern boundary of Yuyang County, that is, the southern foothills of Yanshan Mountain. In the end, he arrived at Shanggu County, where he walked on the grasslands and was separated by mountains, so Zou Dan did not send troops to intercept, but at the same time he also sent scouts to Shanggu County, constantly inquiring about the situation of Yan Rou and others, so Yan Rou As soon as the Ministry came out of the grassland, the scouts on Zou Dan's side flew back to report to Zou Dan.

Before Yan Rou's troops entered Yuyang County, Zou Dan had already heard about it.

The county seat of Yuyang County is in Yuyang County.

Yuyang County is located in the north of Yuyang County, only 70 to 80 miles away from the border of Shanggu County.

After Zou Dan heard the report, he summoned the generals under the tent. On the tiger's seat, he looked eagerly and said to the generals, "Yan Rou, Su Puyan and others dare to lead troops to invade our territory. I really don't know whether to live or die! I am determined to send troops to meet them."

One of the generals said: "Duke Ming, it is reported that there are tens of thousands of troops under Yan Rou and Su Puyan, and our army is only ten thousand. Do the attack again? Our army is inside, and the monarch and marquis reinforcements are outside, and the attack from inside and outside is enough to break it with one blow."

"Your Excellency, this policy is the policy of common sense."

"What does Duke Ming mean?"

Zou Dan said: "I expect Yan Rou will not directly attack my Yuyang County after arriving in Yuyang. If our army is trapped in the city, it will sit and watch Yan Rou and his peers kidnap our county and Yu County, and harm me. Live the people, so our army can't just sit in the city."

This will ask: "Why did Duke Ming say that Yan Rou would not come to attack my Yuyang County?"

Zou Dan frowned and said, "Don't you know the terrain around my Yuyang?"

Hearing this, he stopped talking.

However, there are big rivers in the west and east of Yuyang County, and Yuyang is located between these two rivers, next to the river in the west. These two rivers basically flow in parallel, and the distance between them is only thirty or forty miles. In other words, that is to say, the area in between is quite narrow, not to mention unfavorable for cavalry to gallop vertically and horizontally, even for infantry, and it is also not conducive to large-scale battles between the enemy and ourselves.

Most of Yan Rou's troops were cavalry soldiers. How could he lead his troops into the narrow area between these two rivers to attack Yuyang County? If he did, he would be leading his own troops to a dead end.

So Zou Dan has this judgment.

——Zou Dan's judgment is quite right, Yan Rou really has no plan to fight Yuyang County directly.

However, among the generals under his command, there were still people who persuaded Zou Dan, saying: "Even if Yan Rou can't wait to fight Yuyang County, ... Duke Ming, he is going to loot the rest of our county, so let him loot for the time being, and there are others. It doesn't matter? When the reinforcements from Junhou arrive, let's combine them and attack them, wouldn't it be more secure?"

Zou Dan said angrily: "I have the responsibility of defending the land. Junhou handed over Yuyang County to me to guard it. How can I watch Yan Rou and Hulu invade all counties in Yuyang County and ignore it? Isn't this helping them? Are you arrogant! Besides, who is Su Puyan? He is a defeated general of our army. Although Yan Rou has a small reputation, she is only a rude man. If you don't hear his reputation for being good at fighting, how can he be an opponent of our army? They may be the defeated troops of Liu Yu’s clan, or they may be Hu’er, a mob, if our army goes to attack them, they will be victorious!”

Zou Dan has a stern character, and when the generals heard his words and saw that he had made up his mind, they did not dare to dissuade him.

One general asked, "Then dare to ask the general, where do you plan to set up the battlefield?"

Zou Dan said: "Yuyang and Hu Nu cannot fight here. I decided to find an opportunity to fight the thieves between Lu County and Pinggu County."

The terrain of Yuyang County is relatively narrow. It is about 300 miles long from north to south, and the narrowest part from east to west is only 112 miles wide. Among the 112 miles wide from east to west, there are several large rivers. However, these rivers are all located in the west of Yuyang County, that is, on this side of Yuyang County. There is still a relatively broad plain area in the east of Yuyang County.

Lu County is located on this plain area, and the county seat is on the east bank of Baoqiu Water.

Pinggu County is located more than 100 miles northeast of Lu County. From Pinggu to the east for about tens of miles, it is the boundary of Youbeiping County.

In terms of the overall terrain, this place between Luxian and Pinggu is indeed the best combat location. It is far away from the dense river network in the west, and not very close to the grassland in the north, and it is far from the direction of Zhuo County. It's not too far, only over a hundred miles away from Zhuo County. If you win, you don't need to say much; if you lose, Zou Dan can also lead his troops to retreat to Pinggu or Luxian, waiting for Gongsun Zan's reinforcements.

The generals listened to Zou Dan

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is a next page ^0^ This battlefield choice, I think the choice is very good, everything is in accordance with the order.

Zou Dan always pays attention to the movements of Yan Rou's department.


However, it is said that Yan Rou, Su Puyan, Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, Qi Zhou, Wei Dun and others led their troops into Yuyang County on this and passed through Gushui and Baoqiu. The water went straight to Pinggu and other counties, and while advancing, plundered the local people.

When the news reached Yuyang County, Zou Dan ordered troops that day, went out of the city and headed south, first to Hunu, crossing the Baoqiu River, all the way eastward, and in a few days, he reached Luxian and Pinggu, about two years away from Luxian. Thirty miles away, they chose a wide plain area to camp on the spot.

On the day of the camp, Zou Dan sent an envoy to find Yan Rou's army and invited Yan Rou to fight here.

——The messenger who reported the enemy's situation to Gongsun Zan and asked for help, Zou Dan had already sent to Zhuo County a few days ago.

Yan Rou’s looting is fake. Yan Rou’s real purpose is to fight Zou Dan quickly, so he is also always paying attention to the movements of Zou Dan and his subordinates in Yuyang County. Yangxian, after crossing the Baoqiu River, came to the north of Luxian and the south of Pinggu, Yan Rouxiao and Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, Su Puyan, Qi Zhou, Wei Dun and others said: "It really is like me. As expected, Zou Dan came out of the city and chose Lu County North to fight with me. Our army has already won this battle."

Zou Dan's messenger found Yan Rou's department, saw Yan Rou, and presented Zou Dan's letter, expressing his intention to invite war, Yan Rou immediately agreed.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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