The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 55: Public Taiwan's Desires 3 Choose the Lord

But he said that Xun Zhen was not leading his troops on the east bank of Sishui, fighting against the troops that Cao Cao had placed there to guard the ferry crossing, trying to cross the river to aid Kang's father? But how could it appear in Liang country?

It turned out that this was a plan used by Xun Zhen to attack the west.

Originally, according to Xun Zhen's original plan for the battle, it was exactly as Cao Cao expected.

But after learning that Sun Jian died in battle, Xun Zhen immediately realized that the deployment he had set before could no longer be used, because this deployment was not easy to win quickly, so after meeting with Xi Zhicai, Xun You and others After the discussion, he settled on another set of combat plans.

This battle plan is: tell Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun, and tell them to attack Dongjun, in order to confuse Cao Cao and make Cao Cao think that he wants to use Xuncheng and Zhao Yun to force Cao Cao to return to Dongjun, but in fact it is not, this is just Xun Zhen It was just a smoke bomb that was released; then, with Chen Dao as the general, he used Xunzhen's flag fraudulently, and with great fanfare, went to the east bank of Sishui to conduct a scramble operation to further confuse Cao Cao.

At the same time, Xun Zhen personally led the elite troops out of Hexiang to the southwest, through the Pei Kingdom, and went straight into the Liang Kingdom.

When Xun Zhen went to Liang, he did not come to support Sun Ce. The location of Liang State is to the north of Runan, east of Chenliu County, and south of Jiyin County and Shanyang County. His soldiers were not here to support Sun Ce, nor did he intend to attack Jiyin and Changyi from here. The purpose of his soldiers was to threaten Chenliu County. Dongjun was Cao Cao's old lair, and Chen Liu was Zhang Miao's lair. When Dongjun was attacked by Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun, Cao Cao, with his superb strategic vision, could still sit still, but Xunzhen predicted that when Dongjun was attacked by Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun After hearing that Liang Guo appeared next to Chen Liujun, Zhang Miao would definitely not be able to sit still.

In fact, just as Xun Zhen expected, Zhang Miao was shocked when he learned of this military report.

Although he didn't say anything at the time of receiving the report, he came out of Cao Cao's tent in despair and returned to his camp. Zhang Miao sat in the tent and sighed.

Chen Gong turned his back on Cao Cao and joined Zhang Miao. Although Zhang Miao and Cao Cao are now in the same army, in order to avoid embarrassment, whenever Zhang Miao and Cao Cao meet, Chen Gong usually does not follow Zhang Miao. around.

Hearing that Zhang Miao was returning to the camp, Chen Gong went to see him with Quan Wensheng, the chief bookkeeper under Zhang Miao's account, and Dong Fang, the counselor.

As soon as he entered the tent, Chen Gong saw Zhang Miao sighing worriedly.

The urgent report from Chen Liu just now was sent directly to Cao Cao because Zhang Miao was in Cao Cao's tent. Chen Gong still didn't know the urgent report, so he asked Zhang Miao and said, "Ming Gong, what's wrong with you? When I went to see Duke Cao and came back, I was already worried! Did Duke Cao say something? Or the battle against Father Kang is not progressing well, or..." Having said this, Chen Gong suddenly remembered something, his expression changed slightly, and he paused. , then said, "Or maybe Duke Cao was worried about Dongjun after seeing that he couldn't attack Kangfu for a long time, so he didn't plan to attack Kangfu again, but wanted to go back to Shidongjun?"

——Cao Cao did not let Zhang Miao reveal the matter of Xun Cheng and Zhao Yunnan attacking Dongjun, Zhang Miao did not tell the generals about it, but Chen Gong, Quan Wensheng, Dong Fang and others were celebrities. People, whom they have always been close to, do not hide from them.

Zhang Miao said: "No, Meng De is still very determined to defeat Kang's father."

Chen Gong said, "Then..., Duke Ming, why are you so sighing?"

Zhang Miao said: "I sighed, but there is another reason."

Chen Gong asked, "Why?"

Zhang Miao said, "I was in Meng De's tent just now and received an urgent report from Chen Liu."

Chen Gong asked, "What is the urgent report?"

Zhang Miao said, "It is said that the soldiers from Xuzhou led by Xun Zhen were discovered in Liang State."

Chen Gong, Quan Wensheng Dong Fang and others heard this and looked at each other.

There was silence in the tent for a moment.

Chen Gong said, "Xun Zhenzhi led his troops to Liang State."

Zhang Miao said, "That's not it!"

Chen Gong pinched his beard and murmured, "Why did he lead his troops to Liang State?"

Quan Wensheng's expression changed greatly, and he said, "Is this still a guess? When he came to Liang country, he must be going to fight our Chenliu County!" After saying this, Quan Wensheng said to Zhang Miao, "Ming Gong, let's stay in Chenliu County. There are not many soldiers and horses left! I really did not expect that Xun Zhenzhi was so cunning, and the battles that his troops scrambled to cross Sishui recently were actually fake! He himself led his troops to Liang State. Duke Ming, Xun Zhen’s sea Famous general, his soldiers and soldiers followed him in the south and north, and they were all brave soldiers. Now they have reached the Liang state. If they attack my Chenliu, they will rely on my guards in Chenliu. It will be extremely difficult to defend. Duke Ming, The most urgent task now is to immediately lead the troops to retreat from Father Kang and return to support Chen Liu!"

Zhang Miao is worthy of being a "loyal and honest elder". He scratched his beard and said in embarrassment, "I heard the news just now, and I thought about it, but did you forget it? Just a few days ago, I heard that Xun Cheng , When Zhao Yun seemed to want to attack Dongjun, I was worried that Meng De would give up his father Kang and withdraw his troops to Dongjun, but Mengde did not go back. Now that we are in danger, if I immediately withdraw my troops and leave , what will Mende think of me?"

Quan Wensheng said: "Ming Gong, do you still care what Cao Gonghui thinks of him at this time? If Chen Liu doesn't guarantee it, dare to ask Ming Gong, where else can he stand?"

Zhang Miao remained silent.

Quan Wensheng said again: "Ming Gong, in fact, if our army returned to the division to rescue Chen Liu, it would be a good excuse to tell Cao Gong."

Zhang Miao's expression moved slightly and asked, "What excuses can you say?"

"Kong Keyan and Duke Cao, return to Chen Liu

, not only to save Chen Liu, but also to ensure that Duke Cao can attack Father Kang. "

Zhang Miao asked, "How do you say this?"

Quan Wensheng said: "Duke Ming, Chenliu my county is located in the southwest of the two counties of Jiyin and Shanyang. If Chenliu is the possession of Xunzhen, then he will definitely attack Jiyin and Changyi from the direction of Chenliu. In other words, Xun Zhenzhi will cut off Cao Gong's back path. In the past, Kang's father did not come down, and Xun Zhenzhi led his troops to kill him from behind. At that time, let alone defeating father Kang, Duke Cao just wants to return to Dongjun, but it is absolutely impossible. Therefore, Duke Ming is now leading his troops to assist Chen Liu. It seems to be to keep Chen Liu, but it is actually more In order to understand Duke Cao's worries and help Duke Cao defeat Kang's father! Moreover, since Xun Zhenzhi has personally led his troops to Liang State, it can be concluded that on the east bank of Sishui, he will not have many troops left, and there are not many troops and horses. , it is not a cause for concern! Under such circumstances, Cao Gong concentrated his strength to attack Kangfu and take over the city, wouldn’t it be easy?”

Quan Wensheng's eloquent talk sounded somewhat reasonable.

Zhang Miao listened, stroked his beard, and said, "Qing's words are not bad." Seeing that Chen Gong had not spoken, he asked Chen Gong and said, "Gongtai, what do you think?"

Chen Gong is a resourceful and insightful person, but his reaction is slow, his mind is slow, Xun Zhen suddenly led his troops to appear in Liang Guo, this is something he did not expect at all, unexpected thing, Therefore, he didn't react for a while, and he didn't speak just now. While Quan Wensheng was chatting, he turned his head and analyzed the matter. After Quan Wensheng finished speaking, he was almost thinking about it. He heard Zhang Miao ask him, He replied, "Ming Gong, Chen Liu, we must not go back now."

Zhang Miao asked, "Why?"

Chen Gong said, "There are two reasons."

Zhang Miao said, "Let me listen to you."

Chen Gong said: "One, if Xun Zhenzhi really brought troops to Liang State, then Liang State is between Chen Liu and Kang's father, and our army withdraws from Kang's father to Chenliu, or it may be on the top halfway. Encountering Xun Zhenzhi's ambush, if he is not careful, not only will he not be able to save Chen Liu, but our army will be in danger of being wiped out; secondly, Xun Zhenzhi has always been cunning in his use of soldiers, and he has won the essence of the art of war. Although Liu made an urgent report, saying that the army he personally led was found in Liang State, how can you be sure that the general who led the army was Xun Zhenzhi?"

Zhang Miao said, "Gongtai, what do you mean?"

Chen Gong said: "It cannot be ruled out that the commander of the Xuzhou army that appeared in Liang State was not Xun Zhenzhi, but he did not know who he used to impersonate him. You can't cross the water because of the battle, that's why you use this strategy to deceive me."

Zhang Miao listened and felt that what Chen Gong said also made sense.

Quan Wensheng disagreed and said, "Gongtai, I think you think a little more."

Chen Gong asked, "Why am I thinking too much?"

Quan Wensheng said: "You said that Xun Zhen is cunning and cunning, which is good, but because he is cunning and cunning, he is not stupid!"

Chen Gong asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Quan Wensheng said: "I personally lead troops to Liang State to attack Chenliu, in order to transfer our army to help Chenliu, so as to separate my army from attacking Kang's father and reduce the pressure of Kang's father, which is more beneficial to his side in Xuzhou. , or send a fake army to Liang State, while he is still on the east bank of Sishui, this is more beneficial to Xuzhou, it is self-evident! It must be that he personally went to Liang State and threatened me with Chen Liu, which is more beneficial to Xuzhou. , Therefore, I think that this army that appeared in Liang State must be led by him personally, there is no doubt about this.

"As for what you said about the possibility of being ambushed by him on the way, as long as we are careful on the road, can he still succeed in Taoism? How could our army be caught in his ambush?"

Chen Gong said: "But now that Sun Wentai was killed in Yan County, Jiyin and Shanyang have already been acquired by our army. As long as the Kangfu is defeated again, the recovery of the whole of Yanzhou is just around the corner. The current situation is really good for our army. , If Chen Liu is withdrawn at this time, I am afraid that all previous efforts will be forfeited and fall short."

Quan Wensheng said: "Gongtai, as you said, Jiyin and Shanyang are now under our army, only one Kangfu is left, and Xun Zhenzhi is now in Liang State, as long as we can go back to If Chen Liushou holds, then it will not be difficult to defeat Kangfu successfully, so why should our army stay in Kangfu, sit back and watch Chen Liu's danger and still not leave?"

In short, Chen Gong did not agree with Zhang Miao's withdrawal of Chen Liu, but after all, Quan Wensheng always had something to say to him.

They argued in the tent until midnight, and finally, everyone asked Zhang Miao for his opinion.

Zhang Miao stroked his beard, closed his eyes, pondered for a while, opened his eyes, and said slowly: "Gongtai, what you said is reasonable, but Chen Liu, it is true that there is no room for failure, and Jiyin, Shanyang Now, I think that with Meng De's ability, he will definitely be able to conquer Kang Fu alone. I think we should go back to the teacher and help Chen Liu quickly!"

Zhang Miao no longer hesitated and made a decision, which was regarded as a final decision.

Everyone resigned and returned to the account to pack up and prepare to return to Chenliu.

Chen Gong returned to his tent and looked up at the moon, full of depression.

In the past, when he followed Cao Cao, Cao Cao was unwilling to fight to the death for Yanzhou, because he betrayed Cao Cao and switched to Zhang Miao, but he did not think that Zhang Miao was inferior to Cao Cao, but he was like a servant who guarded the house, only looking at Chen Liu's one. One-third of an acre, without the whole big picture!

Chen Gong thought: "Ming Gong, don't you see that as long as I can take down Father Kang, and the whole territory of Yanzhou belongs to me, then even if Chen Liu is lost, what's the harm? I can take it back again! Only Chen Liu?

Full panther! "

However, he had already said these words when he was arguing in the tent just now. Zhang Miao just didn't listen to him, and Chen Gong had no choice.

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Cao Cao is not the master of the Ming Dynasty in his mind, and Zhang Miao is not the one who sees it now. Cao Cao has already betrayed, can't he betray Zhang Miao again? It’s okay to betray, but the question is, after betrayal, who else can you vote for? There are only so many people who can defect, so why not go to Xunzhen?

Under the bright moon, Chen Gong thought about it, and suddenly one person jumped into his mind.

His eyes lit up, he pondered in his heart, and thought, "This person, I seem to be able to give him a try."

Who is Chen Gong thinking of? It was none other than Lu Bu.

Chen Gong suddenly remembered that he could try a shot at Lu Bu. On the surface, it seemed incomprehensible. He didn't know what his brain circuit was thinking.

First of all, Lü Bu is now in Runan, which is not far from Chenliu and next to Yanzhou. He knows Lü Bu relatively well.

Secondly, Lu Bu was good at fighting, and in terms of his record alone, he was indeed a person who could rely on him.

Thirdly, Lü Bu is different from Cao Cao and Zhang Miao. Lü Bu lacks literati, especially those from Yuzhou and Yanzhou. If Chen Gong really votes for him, he can be expected that Lv Bu will definitely treat him like this. Very welcome, very respected.

In the end, compared to Cao Cao and Zhang Miao, Lü Bu was a warrior, and Chen Gong felt that he could convince Lü Bu to obey his own opinions.

But thinking of this, Chen Gong's mind was already alive, and he wanted to vote for Lu Bu, but now he is still in Zhang Miao's army, of course, it is impossible to say that you can vote for Lu Bu, so this idea, he is also now. Just think about it, whether to vote or not will have to wait until later to see if there is a chance.

Besides, Zhang Miao listened to the opinions of Quan Wensheng and others, and decided to withdraw his troops to Chenliu immediately, so he went to Cao Cao the next day and told Cao Cao about it.

When Cao Cao heard this, he was very surprised, and said to Zhang Miao, "Meng Zhuo, when you heard that Xuncheng and Zhao Yun had invaded my Dongjun County, you looked suspicious, afraid that I would go back to your teacher to save Dongjun, and you told me at the time that you only need to shoot down the Dongjun. Father Kang, Yanzhou will be able to recover. At this critical moment, you persuaded me not to return to Dongjun. I listened to your advice. I did not return to Dongjun, but now Chenliu heard that it appeared. As soon as you see Zhenzhi's figure, you are going back to help Chen Liu? What's going on? Meng Zhuo, if you don't talk about Father Kang now, as long as you kill him, Yanzhou will be recovered for you and me?"

Zhang Miao was a little embarrassed and said with a smirk: "Meng De, Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun attacked Dongjun, and Xun Zhenzhi threatened me with Chen Liu! How can the two be compared? Xun Zhenzhi is not comparable to Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun! Even if Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun really went to fight Dongjun, they would definitely not be able to beat Dongjun, but Xun Zhenzhi beat Chen Liu, if I didn't come back in time, Chen Liu would be defeated by him.

"Mengde, if Chen Liu is as follows, then Xun Zhenzhi can attack Jiyin first, then Shanyang, and then attack me from behind to attack Kangfu's army. If you and I ignore them, until then, I'm afraid not only will Kang If my father can’t fight, our army will be cut off by him, and the situation will turn sharply, which is a great danger to our army! Meng De, I am returning to help Chen Liu, not for myself, but also for our army and Meng De. Germany, you can successfully lay down Kang's father!

"Meng De, when you received the emergency report from Dongjun, you said, Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun attacked Dongjun, and Xun Zhenzhi must be coaxing you and tricking you to return to Dongjun. In my opinion, Qing Guo is brilliant, and the guess is true. Yes, that was indeed Xun Zhenzhi's trick to coax!

"Meng De, Qing Zixin is here to besiege Kang's father, and I will take care of you on the way after Qing! How about it?"

Zhang Miao's remarks made Cao Cao speechless.

Cao Cao knew Zhang Miao's character and knew that he couldn't persuade him no matter how much he tried to persuade him, so he said to Zhang Miao, "Meng Zhuo, you can withdraw your troops and return to Chen I have one request. I hope you can agree."

"Although you say it, whatever I can do, I will obey the order!"

Cao Cao said: "I hope you can leave me some soldiers and horses before you leave. Xuzhou soldiers are on the east bank of Sishui, and they have been rushing to cross the river for several days. As soon as you lead the troops away, I will only rely on my troops and horses. I am afraid that it will be difficult to attack the city while preparing for their reinforcements. If you can leave me some troops and horses, if you return to Chenliu, I will not stop you.”

In order to be able to return to Chenliu quickly, Zhang Miao readily agreed to Cao Cao's request, and divided 2,000 troops and horses to Cao Cao.

On the same day, Zhang Miao returned to the camp and ordered the three armies to prepare. The next day, they pulled out the camp and hurriedly retreated in the direction of Chen Liu.

Cao Cao sent Zhang Miao for a ride. When he sent Zhang Miao, he smiled calmly, and there was nothing unusual. When Zhang Miao was sent away, Cao Cao's expression suddenly changed, and he patted the saddle angrily. Gu Yu left and right said: " Zhang Mengzhuo is someone who cannot work with you."

Xiahou Dun and other generals asked Cao Cao: "Ming Gong, Zhang Gong is now withdrawing his troops and returning to Chenliu, what should our army do?"

Cao Cao said: "Since Xun Zhenzhi led his troops to Liang State, let's take this opportunity to take down Father Kang as soon as possible! As long as Father Kang is captured and guarded against this danger, at that time, not to mention that Xun Zhenzhi is in Liang State. , even if Chen Liu was beaten by Xun Zhenzhi, there is nothing to worry about."

The generals listened and agreed.

So, Cao Cao returned to the camp, and he was ordered to continue attacking Kangfu City.

But just two days after Zhang Miao's withdrawal, Cao Cao was going all out, and when the governor stormed Kangfu City, another military report came.

When this military report came, it was not only Zhang Miao's shock two days ago, but also Cao Cao's shock!

The military report said: Xun Zhen defeated Zhang Miao and sent troops to Changyi.

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