The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 54: East County Chenliu 2 emergency report

But he said that outside the city of Kangfu, Cao Cao's troops surrounded the city and formed a camp.

Changyi is to the west of Kangfu, Xuzhou is to the east of Kangfu, and Cao Cao led his troops from the west. First, there are many depressions and water ponds around Kangfu City. Comparing all sides, the east of Youyi City is the lowest. It is also the most humid, which is not conducive to camping. Second, therefore, Cao Cao's main business was built on the west side of Kangfu City, and two other small camps were built in the north and south of the city, and the east of Kangfu City, He didn't set up camp and left it empty.

The way of besieging a city, "three missing one besieged", is a common technique used by military strategists. It is only surrounded by three sides, and one side is empty, mainly for the guards in the city to see, so that they can see that there is still hope of escaping, so that they will not be forced to fight to the death because they have nowhere to go. These need not be said.

After conquering Changyi County, Cao Cao took advantage of his victory to advance directly, and now he has been besieging the city for seven or eight days outside Kangfu City.

As mentioned above, Xun Zhen and Cao Cao had fought a fierce battle at Father Kang's place before. Xun You and Le Jin in the city knew the terrain around Father Kang very well. Also quite understand.

That is to say, in terms of geographical advantages, the two sides can be said to be evenly matched.

Fighting pays attention to the right time, place and people, and in the "people and people" section, the two sides are now evenly matched.

As far as Cao Cao's side is concerned, he was re-attached by Wan Qian and others. Xun You and Le Jin gave up Changyi. When they came to Kangfu from the east, Wan Qian did not come with them. After being cast under Cao Cao's account, Wan Qian and others represented some of the scholars and tyrants in Yanzhou.

As for Xun You and Le Jin in the city, first of all, during the period of governing Yanzhou, Xun You punished the tyrannical, treated the people kindly, divided cattle, fields and people. The support of a large number of people, that is, Xun You also has the support of the people's hearts, but his people's hearts may be more on the side of the people, and less on the side of the tyrants; Most of them are Xuzhou soldiers. At present, it is still a short period of time for them to occupy Yanzhou. As members of the military group of Xuzhou soldiers, most of the soldiers have not regarded themselves as the masters of Yanzhou, but regarded themselves as guests. This side has now retreated from Changyi to Kangfu, and is surrounded by Cao Cao in the city. Then they are the guests, which means they want to be hostile to the master of Yanzhou. Therefore, the host and the guest are facing each other. in concert.

On the side of "time of day", it is more favorable for Xun You and Le Jin during this period of time.

A few days ago, there had been spring rains for several days in Yingchuan. Yanzhou was not far from Yingchuan, and the whole world was hot and cold. The spring rains in Yanzhou also continued for many days.

Rainy days are definitely not conducive to siege.

Not only was it unfavorable to siege the city, the surrounding area of ​​Kangfu was damp, and it was not easy for Cao Cao to live in the rain these days. Although the rain does not distinguish between each other, both inside and outside the city, the guards at least stay on the city wall. It is not so humid. Outside the city, Cao Cao's trilogy is different. Many soldiers were covered with lice in their armor and clothes, and there were those who were injured during the siege. Because of the constant rainy weather, the wounded places were not easy to heal, and there were pus and inflammation everywhere. .

But although the weather is favorable for the city, it does not affect Cao Cao's repeated confidence in his victory.

Cao Cao patrolled the camp every day, and at every turn he spoke eloquently to the generals who were patrolling the camp with him and the soldiers he saw. , listen to my command, you can break it in one go!"

Really confident.

Is this actually the case?

This is not the case, Cao Cao's heart is actually very anxious.

According to the information, he already knew that Xun Zhen led his troops to Hexiang, and he knew that Xun Zhen was stationed in Hexiang and did not advance.

Since the troops have arrived in Hexiang, why not stop? What is Xun Zhen trying to do?

Cao Cao was very clear.

Xun Zhen is clearly waiting for him to attack Kangfu for a long time, waiting for his teachers and veterans to get tired, and then waiting until then, he will use his recharged soldiers to attack the city inside and outside, Cao Cao will save it by himself, and wait until then. , he must not be Xun Zhen's opponent.

First of all, his troops and horses could not be attacked for a long time, and his morale was frustrated. Second, his elite soldiers had lost a lot in the previous defeat. Many of his current troops are new soldiers, while Xun Zhenna Bian Duo is an old soldier who is good at fighting. The morale is low, and the combat effectiveness of the soldiers is not as good as that of the other side. How can they be defeated?

Therefore, Cao Cao is actually very anxious in his heart, but who is Cao Cao, he will not reveal his anxiety to his soldiers, so his attitude is full of confidence.

After the rain stopped, Cao Cao commanded his troops and tried to attack Kangfu twice, but he couldn't attack him. When his anxiety grew, Cao Cao received a military report that day.

The content of the military newspaper was: Xun Zhen led the troops from Hexiang and came to Kang's father.

After watching the military report, Cao Cao thought to himself: "Zhenzhi finally wants to take advantage of my numerous attacks against Kangfu, and the spring rains have been raining day and night, and the weather is not good for me. Have soldiers sent to attack me?"

It is necessary to cross Sishui from Hexiang to Kangfu. Before that, Cao Cao had sent troops and horses to guard the Sishui ferry. After receiving this military report, Cao Cao passed the military order, dispatched troops, and rushed to the ferry to reinforce and give the guards. The soldiers and horses of the ferry issued an order, requesting that the ferry must be guarded, and Xunzhen's soldiers and horses must not be allowed to cross the water to Kangfu; at the same time, he summoned the generals, conveyed the general order, and ordered to attack Kangfu again.

Conveniently this afternoon, the generals under his command all led the troops out of the camp, and once again launched an attack on Kangfu City.

Cao Cao did not leave the camp. He climbed the watchtower and watched the siege battle.

Standing beside Cao Cao, there was a person with a very kind-hearted face. He looked like a sincere elder. This person was none other than Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu.

——How could Zhang Miao be in Cao Cao's army? Originally, Zhang Miao stayed in Chenliu and did not come out, but after learning that Sun Jian led his troops to Yingchuan and fought with Lu Bu in Yanxian County, he felt that he had nothing to worry about in Runan. Cao Cao just captured Changyi, and Yanzhou's victory seemed to be within reach. Therefore, in order to prevent Cao Cao from monopolizing this victory, he followed Chen Gong's advice and hurriedly led his troops out of Chenliu County, rushed to Changyi, and joined forces with Cao Cao. soldier. After conquering Changyi, they all went to Kangfu.

Cao Cao and Zhang Miao watched the battle at Fulan.

Kang's father was at the head of the city, and several flags were fluttered. The main flag in the west of the city is the flag of Xun You and Le Jin, in the north of the city is the flag of Pan Zhang who followed Xun You and Le Jin and retreated to Kang Fu, and in the south of the city is the flag of Liu Fu, the prime minister of Jiyin who followed Xun You and Le Jin and retreated here. On both sides of the three tall main flags, and between the crenels of the city wall, there are also smaller flags of various colors, a total of more than ten. These are the flags of the main generals of each battalion in the garrison army.

Xun You, Le

Under the personal command of Jin and others, the guards faced the attack from three sides and cheered up to resist.

Arrows shot out from the city head like locusts, and small catapults cast stones from the city head.

Under the city were arrows like locusts, and the catapults kept throwing stones at the city head and the city walls.

Cao Cao and Zhang Miao's combined forces mainly attacked the west of the city, and the two of them focused on the west of the city, but they saw that the infantry lined up facing arrows and gravel, using half-cut boats and other objects as a block, and struggling to move forward. Under the urging of the generals of the various ministries, after fighting for a long time, it was still impossible to get close to the city. The attack lasted for more than an hour, and the attacking troops changed for three rounds, causing many casualties.

Zhang Miao frowned and said, "Meng De, I really didn't expect that the defeated generals of Xun Gongda and Le Wenqian, who are now trapped in the city of Kangfu, would not only be able to defend until now, but also see their morale still high. "

Cao Cao said: "Xun Gong is a wise man, Le Wenqian, a man who dares to fight, and this city of Kang's father is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although the two of them lost Changyi and were defeated here, our army wants to quickly defeat Kang. Even if my father is defeated, it is also a small difficulty. But it is okay, if I cannot defeat him today, I will fight again tomorrow. I am still very confident in defeating my father Kang, but it will take a few more days at most."

Zhang Miao said worriedly: "Didn't the military newspaper say that Xun Zhen has already led his troops out of Hexiang? Meng De, if Xun Zhenzhi led his troops to the city of Kangfu to help the city, I don't think this battle will be good. beated."

Cao Cao's mood was relaxed, he stroked his beard and said with a smile: "If Zhenzhi wants to think of Father Kang's coming, he must first cross Sishui, the ferry crossing of Sishui, I have already guarded it tightly, how could he be so easy to come to the city of Father Kang? Meng Zhuo, you don't have to worry, and watch me take down Father Kang sooner or later!"

While he was talking, a military officer came running down the tower.

This man went up to the watchtower and came to Cao Cao and Zhang Miao. They saw that it was Cao Cao's official Zhutai.

Zhu Tai held an arraignment in his hand and presented it to Cao Cao, reporting, "Duke Ming, Dongjun is here to arraign."

Cao Cao caught the letter and began to read it. After a short while, he finished reading the letter. He calmly re-folded the letter and handed it to Zhu Tai, saying, "I see. Go and put this letter in my account. "

Zhu Tai complied with his promise, took the **** and left.

Cao Cao held onto the railing and continued to watch the battle.

Zhang Miao glanced at him and then looked at him again. Seeing that he didn't seem to tell himself what the content of the letter meant, he couldn't help himself, and asked, "Meng De, is this from Dongjun?"


"Is that conversation just now from Dongjun?"

"Oh, yes... Didn't Zhu Tai already say it?"

"I don't think you will come to Dongjun for no reason, right? What is the content of the letter?"

Cao Cao said lightly: "The letter said that Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun led their troops south from Licheng to my East County, and it seemed that they were going to invade East County."

When Zhang Miao heard the words, his expression suddenly changed and he said, "What?"

Cao Cao turned his head, and his eyes fell on Zhang Miao's face.

"Meng De, this, how can this be good!"

Cao Cao glanced at Zhang Miao, then smiled suddenly, and said, "Meng Zhuo, Dongjun is not the Dongjun of the Qing, what are you doing so nervous?... Yes, are you worried that I will withdraw Kang's father and return to help? East County?"

Zhang Miao was really worried.

Dongjun is Cao Cao's old lair. If something happens to Dongjun, he saves others by himself. He thinks that Cao Cao may give up attacking Kang's father and immediately return to Dongjun. In this case, once Cao Cao withdraws, only With his Chen Liubing, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Kang Fu. That is to say, the prospect of a great victory by capturing Kang Fu and thus recovering the entire territory of Yanzhou may be lost because of this.

Zhang Miao sneered and said, "If Father Kang is as follows, then the recovery of the whole of Yanzhou is in sight. Which one is more important, Meng De must know in his heart, why should I be worried?"

When Cao Cao heard Zhang Miao's words, he stroked his beard, raised his head, and laughed loudly towards the sky.

Zhang Miao was puzzled and asked him, "Meng De, what are you laughing at?"

Cao Cao said: "Meng Zhuo, didn't you see it? This is Zhenzhi's trick, he is coaxing me!"

"Coax you?"

Cao Cao said, "Meng Zhuo, why did you tell Zhenzhi that he didn't call Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun to attack my Eastern Commandery, but at this moment, Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun attacked my Eastern Commandery?"

Zhang Miao thoughtfully said, "Meng De, what do you mean?"

Cao Cao said: "This shows that Zhen is in a hurry!"


"Exactly! This shows that Zhenzhi is not sure about rescuing Kang's father now, so Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun will attack my Dongjun at this time."

Zhang Miao said, "Why is he not sure now?"

Cao Cao said, "Didn't we get a piece of news a few days ago that Sun Wentai was ambushed and killed by Lu Fengxian?"

Zhang Miao said: "There is such a thing, but Meng De, after we heard the news, you didn't say that Sun Wentai was a good warrior, and you were the prefect of Yuzhou, so how could you be easily subdued? Suspect that this news may not be obvious. Is it true, maybe a rumour?"

Cao Cao said: "I was really suspicious that it was a rumor at the time, but now it seems that it is not a rumor, it must be true."

Zhang Miao said, "Meng De, why do you say that?"

Cao Cao said: "There are two reasons. The spring rains lasted for many days, and stopped only two days ago. Because of the spring rains in Sishui for the past few days, the river was full, which is not conducive to crossing. Even if I don't send troops to station at the ferry, it is not easy for him to cross the water. What's more, I still have elite troops on my side, and he is even more difficult to cross, but Zhenzhi, who has been stationed in Hexiang for so long, actually chose the time when it was the most difficult to cross the water, and led his troops to Hehe. I came out of the township and headed towards Father Kang, why is this?... Meng Zhuo, when I heard the news that Zhenzhi led his troops out of the township, I still had this doubt in my heart, and now, I have solved this doubt. !"

"Meng De, don't betray you, but why did Xun Zhenzhi leave Hexiang at this time? Why do you think it is?"

Cao Cao said, "It's because he can't wait in Hexiang anymore, because it's time for him to attack his father!"


"Listen to me first, the second one is about Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun attacking my East County, Meng Zhuo, I still asked the same question just now, why did Zhen Zhi not call Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun to attack my East County, and At this moment, let them attack my East County?"

Zhang Miao replied: "He didn't transfer Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun to Qingdong County before, the reason is that there was Qingzhou Chen Mai in Jinan County to fight against Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun. If he sent Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun from If Li Cheng was transferred and attacked Dongjun, then Li Cheng might be taken away by Chen Mai, so he did not transfer Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun to attack before.

East County. "

Cao Cao laughed and said, "That's the reason, but now he is attacking Dongjun with Xun Cheng and Cheng Zhao Yun, plus he went down to my father Kang under such unfavorable conditions for crossing the water, these two are combined, I will It can be judged that it must be true that Sun Wentai was ambushed and killed by Lu Fengxian."

After listening to Cao Cao's analysis, Zhang Miao pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Meng De, listening to you, this is really the case."

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said, "So Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun invaded our Eastern Commandery. This is obviously Zhenzhi's plan to surround Wei and save Zhao! He wants to coax me! I won't be fooled by him."

"So, you don't plan to go back to East County?"

Cao Cao said, "That's right." He squinted at Zhang Miao and asked him with a smile, "Meng Zhuo, I saw that you looked worried just now, tell the truth, are you really worried that I will fall for this trick and abandon Kang. Father returning to help Dongjun?"

Zhang Miao laughed dryly and said, "I really don't think so!"

Cao Cao smiled and said: "Meng Zhuo, whether you thought so or not just now, in a word, it seems that Sun Wentai is indeed dead, and Yuzhou will be in chaos. The current situation is extremely favorable for our army, and I definitely want to arrest him. To live in this situation, not only will I have to recapture Father Kang, but I will also defeat Zhenzhi head-on under the city of Father Kang, so that I can keep Yanzhou and there will be no foreign troubles from Xuzhou.”

Zhang Miao was overjoyed and said, "This is the best!"

"Meng Zhuo, this matter of Dongjun's arraignment, only you know about me, not a third person!"

Cao Cao's old troops lost a lot in the previous defeat of Yanzhou, and many of the soldiers under his command are locals from Dongjun. The soldiers of the county would definitely worry about the safety of their family members and clansmen, so they would definitely have no intention of fighting with Father Kang.

Zhang Miao nodded and said, "Of course I know what He Xuqing asked."

When the two looked at the siege again, the battle situation did not change much, and it was still difficult to attack the city.

Cao Cao thought for a while, and then said: "Today's attack on the city, but this is the end!"

Zhang Miao was stunned, and said: "Meng De, you are just a dialect, and you need to attack Kangfu. Why did you have to withdraw your troops in less than two hours after attacking the city today?"

Cao Cao showed a thoughtful expression and said: "Since it is concluded that Sun Wentai is dead, then I will immediately inform the entire army of this news to boost morale. Once morale is boosted, and then attack again, it will be twice the result with half the effort!"

Zhang Miao suddenly realized, nodded and said, "Yes, that's how it should be."

So Cao Cao immediately ordered to call Jin to withdraw his troops.

The troops of each battalion attacking the city withdrew from the battlefield one by one, and the soldiers returned to the battalion one after another, pushing various siege equipment, or carrying or supporting their dead or wounded comrades.

Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and others led their troops back to the camp, and after settling down their headquarters, they came to see Cao Cao.

At this time, Cao Cao and Zhang Miao had already descended from the watchtower and arrived at the tent.

When the generals arrived, they asked Cao Cao why he had withdrawn his troops.

Cao Cao was in high spirits, standing in the tent, standing in front of the generals, not too tall, but full of arrogance at the moment, he put on his hips, and said to the generals: "I have a new military report, Sun Wentai is indeed killed in battle. In Yan County! Lv Fengxian and Yuan Gonggong have already marched into Runan and Yingchuan in a big way. Sun Wentai's troops are now in a group of snakes without heads. Seeing that Pingyu will be difficult to protect, if Pingyu is lost, then Ru and Ying will be all Yuan Benchu ​​and Lu Fengxian have gained. Come on! Sun Wentai is Zhenzhi's best friend. Yuzhou is very important to Zhenzhi. Now Zhenzhi is in a hurry. The whole army rests, and tomorrow, all battalions will be deployed to attack the city!

The news that Xun Cheng and Zhao Yun were going to attack Dongjun was naturally concealed by Cao Cao, and he did not tell the generals.

As for what he said about the "Xin De Jun Bao", he was obviously trying to deceive the generals.

Sun Jian was dead in battle, but this was the conclusion he inferred through clues and clues. Where did the military report come from? ——However, in order to determine whether the news of Sun Jian's death in battle is true or false, Cao Cao did indeed send someone to Yuzhou to inquire about it after he learned of this gossip a few days ago. Those who inquired in two days would be able to come back.

Not to mention more, just say that after the generals were boosted by Cao Cao, the emotions of each group were excited, and all of them complied with their promises.

The generals left their tents and returned to their respective camps.

Zhang Miao also left.

Cao Cao sat alone in the tent for a while, picked up a pen and wrote a letter, called Zhutai in, and ordered: "Go to Jinan immediately and give this book to Chen Mai."

Zhu Tai responded, "No!" He was about to go out holding the book.

Cao Cao stopped him again and said: "Remember, you must go in secret, and you must not let the soldiers in the army know. If you are seen and asked where you are going, you can say that you are going to Changyi under my order. Go, urge Changyi to send us rations."

Zhu Taixin understood and replied, "Yes!"

What was written in Cao Cao's book to Zhu Tai? However, Cao Cao was still worried about Dongjun, so he bought this document for Chen, suggesting that Chen Mai could take advantage of the great opportunity when Xuncheng and Zhao Yun left Licheng to attack Licheng.

Cao Cao's letter was sent to Jinan a few days later from Kang's father to Jinan. After Chen Mai received the book, he sent a scout to Licheng to inquire. After leaving Licheng, I went to fight Dongjun. Chen Maisuiguo, according to Cao Cao's book, sent troops to attack Licheng, not to mention this.

Cao Cao's entire army rested for a day, and then, since his morale was boosted, he continued to attack Kangfu day after day.

However, Xun You and Le Jin in Kangfu City, a wise man and a general, cooperated properly, but the city of Kangfu was under the fierce attack of Cao Cao's army for several days. .

While Cao Cao attacked Kang's father, he paid close attention to Xun Zhen's reinforcements.

Three days later, the troops from Sishui Ferry Station sent people to the camp to report that Xun Zhen's reinforcements had appeared on the other side of the river. Not long after, the military reports from the ferry port came one after another, and Xun Zhen's troops began to fight for the crossing. The two sides fought back and forth on both sides of the Sishui River. Xun Zhen's troops attacked again and again, but each time they attacked, they were repelled. For four or five consecutive days, they could not cross the water.

Although it was difficult to conquer the city quickly, it was also difficult for Xun Zhen's troops to cross the water quickly. To a certain extent, it was a temporary draw.

Cao Cao relaxed a little.

On this day, Cao Cao and Zhang Miao suddenly received another urgent report.

This urgent report came from Chen Liu. When I opened it, the urgent report said: Xun Zhen's troops appeared in the territory of Liang State.

The urgent report came from Chen Liu, and of course it was delivered to Zhang Miao.

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