The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 87: Raiders retreat to Xiahou???)

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In Rencheng County, Liu Bei and Chen Bao were on the top of the city, and they were looking at it from afar.

Of course, what they were looking at was not the direction of Dongping Kingdom, but the camp of Cao Jun and the barriers of Xu Xian and Xun Chang outside the city.

To the east of Rencheng County is Sishui River, and the river wetland is not a place for troops. Therefore, neither Cao's troops nor Xu Xian and Xun Chang's troops camped in the east of the city. Cao's army's camp is in the south of the city, backed by Shanyang County, Xu Xian's fortress is in the north of the city, far away from the Ningyang River in Dongping Country, and Cao's army is also stationed in the west of the city, but it is not the main force, just a partial division, and there are a few open areas in the east of the city. Soldiers guard the crossing.

Liu and Chen Yuan watched for a long time, and saw that the enemy and our camps in the south and north were very large.

In the sunshine of February, it is full of killing energy.

In order to facilitate the defense, the trees outside the city and the houses in the suburbs have been cleaned up by Liu Bei and Chen Bao, and they can be seen from more than ten miles away. The two watched for a long time, and Liu Bei Gu said to Chen Bao, "To be fair, the Yanzhou soldiers have been quiet for the past two or three days. They have not come to attack my city, nor have they seen General Xu and Captain Xun fighting, but I don't know why?"

A few days ago, Xiahou Dun was very fierce outside the city. Often in the early morning, before dawn, the sound of drums playing in Cao's camp could be heard in the city. Xiahou Dun either tried to lead his troops to attack the city in person, or sent tiger soldiers. The challenge outside the camps of Xu Xian and Xun Chang was almost non-stop, but from the day before yesterday until today, Cao's army has not left the camp for more than two days.

Chen Bao didn't seem to care about the enemy troops outside the city, he caressed his beard leisurely, looked very relaxed, and replied with a smile: "What else could be the reason? It was reported that Cao Dongjun came in person, and they must have racked their brains for the past two days. I'm thinking of ways to attack my city."

There is a saying that guarding the city first guards the wilderness.

If there are soldiers in the city, and camps outside the city, a situation of horns can be formed, and the inside and outside can respond.

If the enemy army is attacking the city, the outer camp can harass it. If the enemy army attacks the outer camp, the city can be rescued. This kind of defensive deployment is most beneficial to the defending side, but it is the most troublesome for the attacking side. , especially when the force is not absolutely dominant.

Today, the defense of Rencheng County is such a deployment.

After Xu Xian crossed the river and before Cao Cao arrived at Cao's camp, although Xiahou Dun went out with troops every day and looked aggressive, he did not dare to attack the city with all his strength due to the presence of Xu Xian and Xun Chang. Because Liu Bei and Chen Bao had enough troops in the city, he did not dare to attack Xian and open the camp with all his strength, because he was in a dilemma.

Chen Bao's prediction was good. Inside Cao's camp, Cao Cao was indeed discussing with Xiahou Dun and others about a way to siege the city to break the deadlock.

Cao Cao asked Xiahou Dun and said, "How is the heart of the people in the county, can you find out?"

Xiahou Dun had been fighting from Cao Cao for a long time, and he had studied the military books written by Cao Cao seriously, and understood the principle of "knowing yourself and the enemy", but the situation was stronger than the reason, he was helpless, and replied: "Liu and Chen are heavily guarded, and there is no hole to enter. Even though the crossbowmen were ordered to shoot the arraignment into the city, there was no reply from the city, so I don't know how the people's hearts are in the county now."

Xiahou Dun asked people to write a lot of letters, recounting Xunzhen's faults, and called on the officers, officials, tyrants, and people in the county to "righteousness and return to justice", that is, calling them to be Cao's army's inner responders, but Chen Bao and Liu Bei People who are all cautious are very strict in the defense of the city. According to the custom of defending the city, they strictly order the soldiers at the head of the city and the strong men who are assisting the defense. Anyone who picks up the letter of the Cao army outside the city, even if it is a piece of paper, must immediately turn it in. Those who dare to violate will not only beheaded, but even the soldiers and civilians who sit in their "team" and the entire "team" will be killed. In the county, all were intercepted and removed by officers.

Liu Bei and Chen Bao were mainly defended by civilians. Their soldiers were all soldiers from Xuzhou, and they had nothing to do with Rencheng County and Yanzhou. At least when the city was not in danger of falling, no one would think of surrendering to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao pondered for a long time, and said: "Xuzhou's army echoes from home and abroad, and it is not easy to attack Chengxian County." He asked the people, "What are your best strategies?"

Xiahou Dun had tried the usual methods of siege, but all of them were useless.

Not to mention storming, since the arrival of Xu Xian and Xun Chang, Xiahou Dun never dared to attack again, only talking about fighting and using tactics.

Previously, Xiahou Dun had attacked Xu Xian and Xunchang camp outside the city in an attempt to lure Liu Bei and Chen Bao out and defeat them in the field. They attacked Rencheng County fiercely, and set up an ambush in Dao, hoping to defeat Xu Xian and Xun Chang who came to aid, but unexpectedly Xu Xian, Xun Chang and Liu and Chen reacted and ignored them.

Liu and Chen refused to leave the city for half a step, and Xu Xian and Xun Chang refused to fight.

Xiahou Dun still did not understand the temperaments of Liu Bei, Chen Bao, Xu Xian, and Xun Chang. These four were not as brave as Xiahou Dun, nor were they as resourceful as Cao Cao, but the four of them had one thing in common: stability.

Liu Bei and Chen Bao were not rash people, and Xu Xian and Xun Chang were not reckless. Besides, they had followed Xun Zhen through the battlefield for a long time. Xiahou Dun had used this strategy before, so how could they not see it? Of course not.

Cheng Li looked into the tent and waited for a while, seeing that no one spoke, Chen Gong and the others were all thinking, and because of this, he said, "There is a strategy."

Cao Cao said: "Cheng Gong's policy must be wise, please tell me quickly, I am all ears."

"The Sishui Ferry was seized by Xun's soldiers, and Xun's soldiers could have reinforcements at any time, and let the city fight this battle. From my humble opinion, it should not be delayed for a long time, because it may cause changes. In light cases, the city will not be able to be pulled down, and the soldiers can only retreat. If you fail, your father Kang will not be guaranteed."

"What the public said is exactly what I worry about."

"So, I immediately thought that since it is difficult to attack by force now, we can use the strategy of luring the enemy out and annihilating it in the field."

When Xiahou Dun heard, he couldn't help but say, "I have also used the trick to lure the enemy, and neither the Xun soldiers in the city nor outside the city will fall for it."

Cheng Li smiled and said, "The reason why Xun Bing didn't fall for the trick is not because the strategy of 'baiting the enemy' is not good, but because the commander's usage is wrong."

Xiahou Dun asked, "How do you say this?"

"The captain led the elite soldiers, and when they first arrived at the city, the Xun soldiers in the city and outside the city knew that the captain was sharp, and of course they avoided it. That's why the captain tried to fight and lure the enemy, but none of them came out. The captain's plan, because it is not feasible."

"How can that be done?"

Cheng Li turned to look at Cao Cao and said, "If you want this plan to work, you must first have a house."

Cao Cao asked, "What are you giving up?"

"State soldiers."

Cao Cao's brows moved, and he immediately understood what Cheng Li meant. He hesitated in his heart, and thought, "Mr. Cheng's trick is a little spicy, should I use it or not?" Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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